Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can Lyme Disease Be Fatal

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Untreated Lyme Disease Frequency

Tickborne Illnesses in New York

Its difficult to get exact numbers when it comes to Lyme disease, in part because theres only limited accounting of the conditions frequency overall, and its often misdiagnosed or mistaken for other conditions.

Currently, its estimated that 476,000 people develop it in the United States every year, with 81% of the cases clustered in the Northeast, upper Midwest, and mid-Atlantic regions.

A significantbut shrinkingproportion of those with the disease end up progressing without treatment. Current estimates are hard to come by. In 2012, researchers estimated that about 16% of Lyme disease cases present without rashincreasing the chance that the case is missed, overall. From 1.6% to 7% of all infections have no symptoms.

Knowledge and awareness of this disease have grown over the past couple of decades, greatly improving outcomes. This improving prognosis is associated with better care and detection, leading to timelier intervention.

If you live in a hot spot area for black-legged ticks, never hesitate to reach out to your healthcare professional if youre feeling sick or have a rash.

Does Lyme Disease Go Away On Its Own

Its certainly possible for people to get Lyme disease and to clear the infection on their own, without treatment, says Dr. Kuritzkes. But its better to be treated, because some of the complicationslike arthritis and myocarditis and damage to the central nervous systemcan be very serious.

The type of bacteria that causes Lyme disease is in the same general family as the type that causes syphilis, Dr. Kuritzkes explains. That doesnt mean anything similar in terms of transmission, but syphilis has several different phases, with primary and secondary and tertiary symptoms, he says. The infection can hide out in the body for a long time and can cause problems down the road if its not treated.

RELATED: 11 Ways to Protect Yourself From Ticks

Is Lyme Disease Curable

The tick-borne illness can be treated with antibiotics, and most people make a full recovery within weeks or months. So why is there so much confusion?

In much of the country, spring and summer mean warmer weather and spending more time outdoors. Unfortunately, it also means that the ticks that carry Lyme disease bacteria may be out in full force, especially in wooded or grassy areas.

About 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported each year to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, although experts estimate that 10 times that amount may actually be infected. Thats concerning, because if left untreated, Lyme disease can cause nerve damage, memory loss, dangerous inflammation around the heart, and other permanent health problems.

But the good news is that Lyme disease is also very treatableespecially when its diagnosed soon after symptoms begin. Lyme disease is always curable, Daniel Kuritzkes, MD, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, tells Health. The medications we have are very effective at getting rid of the infection. Heres what else you need to know.

RELATED: How Do You Get Lyme Disease?

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How Do I Remove A Tick

You should know how to remove a tick just in case one lands on you or a friend. To be safe, remove the tick as soon as possible.

If you find a tick:

  • Use tweezers to grasp the tick firmly at its head or mouth, next to your skin.
  • Pull firmly and steadily on the tick until it lets go of the skin. If part of the tick stays in your skin, don’t worry. It will eventually come out. But call your doctor if you notice any irritation in the area or symptoms of Lyme disease.
  • Swab the bite site with alcohol.

Note: Don’t use petroleum jelly or a lit match to kill a tick. They won’t get the tick off your skin quickly enough, and may just cause it to burrow deeper into your skin.

What Is Lyme Carditis

Can Lyme disease be fatal?

Lyme carditis occurs when Lyme disease bacteria enter the tissues of the heart. This can interfere with the normal movement of electrical signals from the hearts upper to lower chambers, a process that coordinates the beating of the heart. The result is something physicians call heart block, which can vary in degree and change rapidly. Lyme carditis occurs in approximately one out of every hundred Lyme disease cases reported to CDC.

Recommended Reading: What Do Ticks That Carry Lyme Disease Look Like

Antibiotic Treatment Of Lyme Carditis

Table 1. Mild

Table 1. Mild

Age Category
100 mg, twice per day orally N/A
500 mg, three times per day orally N/A
500 mg, twice per day orally N/A
4.4 mg/kg per day orally, divided into 2 doses 100 mg per dose
50 mg/kg per day orally, divided into 3 doses 500 mg per dose
30 mg/kg per day orally, divided into 2 doses 500 mg per dose 14-21 3

Table 2. Severe *

Table 2. Severe

Age Category
2 grams intravenously, once a day* N/A
5075 mg/kg intravenously, once a day* 2 grams per day 1421 3 5 12

*After resolution of symptoms and high-grade AV block, consider transitioning to oral antibiotics to complete treatment course .

Tissue sample from a patient who died of Lyme carditis. Image taken using Warthin-Starry stain at 158X.

The heart on the top shows how an electrical signal flows from the atrioventricular node to the chambers in the lower half of the heart, called the ventricles.

The heart on the bottom shows a case of third degree heart block. In this illustration, the electrical signal from the AV node to the ventricle is completely blocked. When this happens, the electrical signal of the atria does not transmit to the ventricles , which causes the ventricles to beat at their own, slower rate.

What Are The Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

Dr Diana Gall from Doctor4U told Yahoo Style UK that one of the main symptoms of early Lyme disease is a circular red skin rash around a tick bite.

The infection is often characterised by a circular red rash that usually forms the shape of a bullseye on a dartboard, which appears within one to four weeks of the bite, she said.

However, not everyone who is infected with Lyme disease will develop a rash.

She added: Sometimes, the only telling factors of Lyme disease are flu-like symptoms such as a high temperature, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and fatigue.

According to LloydsPharmacys Matt Courtney Smith, because tick bites are not usually painful some people may be unaware that they have even been bitten.

He said: But they can cause swelling, itchiness and bruising and appear as a small red lump on the skin.

Ticks often remain attached to the skin and should be removed carefully with a pair of fine-tipped tweezers. Grip the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull steadily away from the skin.

The area should then be washed with soap and water and an antiseptic cream applied to the skin around the bite to reduce itching.

If the infection is untreated, it can progress into a more severe form of Lyme disease, where symptoms such as swollen joints, nerve issues, heart problems and difficulties with memory and concentration have been reported.

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How To Live With Lyme Disease

People who are treated in the early stages of Lyme disease with antibiotics typically recover quickly and completely. However, treatment is sometimes delivered by IV to people in a hospital who can’t take the oral medications, or for people who are very sick with neurological Lyme disease. To live with Lyme disease, you need to keep the following things in mind:

1. Sun Sensitivity

People who are taking antibiotic doxycycline and who are strongly affected by the sun are advised against using sunscreen, as it’s ineffective with doxyclicine and can quickly lead to painful sunburns. The most important thing you can do is stay indoors during the middle of the day or wear long sleeve shirts and long pants, as well as a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses.

2. Probiotics

When taking antibiotics to treat Lyme disease, it’s important that you take a good probiotic at least 2 hours after your antibiotics and continue the probiotics for up to a month after your antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics kill off the good and bad bacteria in your gut, which means that you are susceptible to a Clostridium difficile infection , and in some cases, C. diff infection can lead to a hole in the intestines, which can be fatal.

3. Blood Tests

4. Immune System

5. Diet

6. Support

How Can You Prevent Lyme Disease

Life Under Quarantine: Living with Lyme disease

Now you know the answer to “Can you die from Lyme disease?” is yes, so preventing it in the first place is significantly essential. The two types of ticks that spread Lyme disease live in wooded and high grass areas, so extra precaution should be taken in those places. Other recommendations include:

  • Learn which tick borne diseases are common in your area.
  • Avoid areas with leaf litter, thick vegetation, and high grass.
  • When hiking, walk in the center of trails.
  • Use repellent that contains 30 percent DEET on exposed skin.
  • Treat clothing and gear with products containing permethrin.
  • Regularly treat pets with products that kill and/or repel ticks.
  • Look for crawling ticks before they bite you, and bathe or shower after coming indoors.
  • Remove all attached ticks immediately with tweezers.

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Chronic Lyme Disease Patients Profoundly Debilitated

Many patients with chronic Lyme disease are profoundly debilitated. Investigators of the four NIH-sponsored retreatment trials documented that the patients quality of life was consistently worse than that of control populations and equivalent to that of patients with congestive heart failure. Pain levels were similar to those of post-surgical patients, and fatigue was on par with that seen in multiple sclerosis.

An LDo published survey of over 3,000 patients with chronic Lyme disease found that patients suffer a worse quality of life than most other chronic illnesses, including congestive heart failure, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and arthritis. Over 70% of patients with chronic Lyme disease reported fair or poor health. Similar results have been found in other studies. Many of the symptoms associated with Lyme disease are common in other diseases. The CDC surveillance criteria for confirmed cases specifically exclude most of the symptoms that patients report, including fatigue, sleep impairment, joint pain, muscle aches, other pain, depression, cognitive impairment, neuropathy, and headaches. However, these common symptoms can be severe and may seriously affect quality of life.

Fatal Lyme Carditis Presenting As Fluctuating High


  • Clinicians should be aware of the risk of Lyme carditis in patients presenting with atrioventricular block, especially those with a history of outdoor exposure in Lyme endemic areas, even if they do not endorse tick exposure or history of erythema migrans.
  • Urgent electrocardiography shoud be obtained and antibiotics started early if there is suspicion of Lyme carditis, without waiting for serologic confirmation.
  • In patients with suspected Lyme carditis, monitoring with telemetry for at least 2448 hours should be considered and availability of transcutaneous pacing ensured in case of deterioration.
  • Clinicians should recognize the potential for rapid progression of AV nodal block and symptomatic bradycardia, as well as sudden cardiac death in patients with Lyme carditis.

Lyme disease was suspected owing to the presence of atrioventricular block and prior symptoms. Lyme serology was ordered, and ceftriaxone was started empirically. Echocardiography was planned for the following day.

An autopsy showed hemorrhage into cardiac tissues and interstitial lymphocytic infiltration consistent with Lyme myocarditis. Polymerase chain reaction testing on cardiac tissue was positive for Borrelia burgdorferi.

Recommended Reading: How Long Can A Person Live With Lyme Disease

When Should I Call The Doctor

If a tick bites you, call your doctor. Other conditions can cause similar symptoms, so it’s always a good idea to discuss them with your doctor. That way you can get checked and treated, if needed. Call right away if you get a red-ringed rash, lasting flu-like symptoms, joint pain or a swollen joint, or facial paralysis.

What You Need To Know About Lyme Disease

Beyond Lyme Disease: A Tick Can Transmit These Potentially Fatal ...
  • Lyme disease is an infection caused by the spiral-shaped bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which is most commonly transmitted by a tick bite.

  • There are over 300,000 estimated new cases of Lyme disease in the United States each year.

  • The symptoms of Lyme disease depend on the how long the infection has been present in the body. The first sign of Lyme disease is often an expanding round or oval red “bullseye” rash.

  • If left untreated, people may develop neurological symptoms and heart problems, and have an approximately 60 percent chance of developing Lyme arthritis.

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Lyme Disease: Questions & Answers

What is Lyme Disease?Lyme disease is caused by bacteria spread by infected deer ticks. Both people and animals can be infected with Lyme disease. Lyme disease can be serious if untreated, but it is not fatal. If you have possibly been exposed to ticks between May and early autumn, and you develop Lyme disease symptoms, especially a bullseye or doughnut-shaped rash, see a doctor right away. Early treatment can prevent later problems.

What are the symptoms of Lyme Disease? Early stage: An early symptom of Lyme disease is usually, but not always, a rash where the tick was attached. Often the tick isn’t even noticed, and it drops off before the rash appears. The rash first appears anywhere from three days to a month after the bite. It starts as a small red area then spreads, often clearing in the center to look like a doughnut or ring. Other skin signs can include burning or itching, hives, redness of the cheeks and under the eyes,and swollen eyelids with bloodshot eyes. Flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, muscles aches, fatigue and swollen glands are also common. The symptoms often go away by themselves after a few weeks, but the person remains infected. Without medical treatment, the rash returns in about half of infected people, appearing in other places on their bodies, followed by more serious problems later. Treatment with antibiotics clears up the rash within days and often prevents later problems.

For More Information

How To Know If Your Dog Has Lyme Disease

The most prevalent symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs are lameness, enlarged lymph nodes, joint swelling, tiredness, and weight loss when it comes to canine Lyme disease symptoms. In addition, severe problems with the kidneys have also been linked to canine Lyme disease.

Signs of Lyme disease in dogs are joint swelling and inflammation, leading to limping. This is the most telling symptom of the illness since the others are so frequent and may be due to other reasons.

When your pet is licking or displaying indications of lameness, it is a warning sign that should not be ignored. You can witness your dog hobbling on one side for a few days before the discomfort moves to the other leg. Your veterinarian should be aware of this changing lameness as an indication of Lyme illness.

If your dog is limping and his joints are swollen, you should take him to the clinic and get him checked for Lyme disease.

A lack of desire to consume food may also be an indication. Your dogs abruptly diminishing appetite is typically an indication of illness, particularly if you have a dog that is ordinarily extremely eager to eat. Many things may cause this symptom, but its more likely that Lyme disease is to blame if its present with other symptoms.

Your pet may also be sluggish. It is also a warning sign, so keep an eye out for that. Moodiness and a lack of appetite are telltale signs that something is wrong.

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What Is The Prognosis Of Lyme Disease

The prognosis for patients with Lyme disease is generally excellent when they are treated early with appropriate antibiotic regimens. However, recurrent infection is possible if the patient is again bitten by an infected tick these infections are usually due to a different strain of the local Borrelia.

Patients, especially adults, who receive late treatment or initial treatment with antibiotics other than doxycycline or amoxicillin may develop chronic musculoskeletal symptoms and difficulties with memory, concentration, and fatigue. These symptoms can be debilitating and hard to eradicate.

Some patients develop chronic arthritis that is driven by immunopathogenic mechanisms and not active infection. This condition is more prevalent among individuals with HLA-DR2, HLA-DR3, or HLA-DR4 allotypes. The arthritis is resistant to antibiotic treatment but typically responds to symptomatic treatment and shows eventual resolution.

Cardiac involvement in Lyme disease is rarely chronic. However, patients with third-degree heart block often require a temporary pacemaker insertion and, on rare occasions, a permanent pacemaker insertion.

Extremely rare cases of neonatal death or stillbirth have been reported after pregnancies complicated by untreated or inadequately treated symptomatic maternal Lyme borreliosis. Subsequent findings from CDC studies suggest that congenital infection with B burgdorferi is unlikely and that it is not directly responsible for adverse fetal outcomes.

Tick Prevention Is Key

Lyme disease – Explained Simple Borrelioses

Because some of the most dangerous tick-borne diseases can be transmitted quickly and/or are not treatable by antibiotics, tick prevention is crucial. Always check for ticks, know how to properly remove attached ticks, and save any ticks you find for testing by local authorities.

Its also imperative that you have access to the latest diagnostic testing at a reputable center, ideally under the guidance of a physician who has experience with tick-borne diseases.

Also Check: Can You Prevent Lyme Disease After A Tick Bite

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