Thursday, July 25, 2024

Herbs That Kill Lyme Disease

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Post Lyme Disease Syndrome

Study: Essential Oils From Garlic, Other Herbs And Spices Kill Lyme Disease Bacteria

It is important to note that when Lyme disease remains persistent after early antibiotic intervention, it often indicates an underlying issue, including: weakened immunity, a wide-spread bacterial infection, mold exposure, or parasites. Post Lyme Disease Syndrome is when the initial Borrelia burgdorferi infection becomes chronic and causes continuing symptoms for many months or even years. These are the instances where antibiotic treatment has failed or the infection was left untreated. When this happens, it leads to a significantly lower quality of life for the patient. Ideally, prevention is key. But if you have developed Lyme disease and the antibiotic protocol was unsuccessful, several medicinal herbs are available that can help you to heal.

How To Ensure The Best Herbs For Lyme Disease Do Their Job

Half of a successful natural Lyme disease treatment is to effectively prevent immune reactions. In order to keep the immune system from firing in an excess manner with cytokine reactions, mast cell activation syndrome reactions and histamine reactions, we need to get the immune system to quiet down and keep it quiet.

In order to prevent immune reactions, we need to prevent pathogenic excitement. One important aspect of a natural Lyme disease treatment that prevents immune reactions , is to adhere to the Lyme disease diet. Lyme disease pathogens are like a fire in the body. When we spritz a campfire with the slightest spritz of alcohol, the fire flares. The same thing goes for infections. When we eat the slightest amount of the wrong thing, the infections get excited. When the bugs get excited, the immune system senses this and then turns on in a hyperactive manner. When the immune system becomes hyperactive, symptoms occur. When symptoms occur, treatment results are limited at best. That said, we want to prevent pathogenic excitement. Adhering to the Lyme disease diet helps prevent and lessen symptoms and better assures the effectiveness of the Lyme disease treatment.

Five Herbal Medicines Potent Against Babesia Duncani In Test Tube

Five herbal medicines had potent activity compared to commonly-used antibiotics in test tubes against Babesia duncani.

B. duncani is a malaria-like parasite carried by ticks which causes the disease babesiosis.

Published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, the laboratory study was funded in part by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation.

Collaborating researchers were from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, California Center for Functional Medicine, and FOCUS Health Group, Naturopathic.

This research is particularly important because babesiosis is a significant emerging health risk, according to co-author Sunjya K. Schweig, MD.

Due to limited therapeutics and a rise in treatment resistance, current treatment options for this disease are inadequate. Many patients rely on herbal therapies for which there is only anecdotal evidence of efficacy, Schweig said.

We hope this data offers inspiration to other researchers to further explore similar options for people living with persistent tick-borne diseases that do not respond to current treatments.

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How Do You Get Rid Of Lyme Disease Naturally

There is no real way to get rid of Lyme disease naturally, but there are natural therapies that can be used alongside antibiotics to further protect the body and remove the Lyme bacteria from its hiding places. One study found that the use of essential oils such as cinnamon bark, clove bud, and oregano could help kill the bacteria that caused Lyme disease however, this was done in a laboratory setting, and does not prove that it could work in humans.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has also been cited as useful in the treatment of Lyme disease, though this has yet to be confirmed outside of the 2014 Taiwan case study in which it was used. Chelation therapy, or the removal of heavy metal buildup within the body, has also been used to help treat Lyme disease symptoms.

Other natural treatments that have been proposed as effective against Lyme disease and its symptoms include:

  • Bee venom
  • Ultraviolet light
  • Urine ingestion

Its important to note that the efficacy of these alternative and natural treatments for Lyme disease has not been confirmed, and there is inadequate research available to back up the claim that they work.

Image by on What antibiotics are effective against Lyme disease? A recent study has found that maple syrup extract may be helpful in boosting the efficacy of antibiotics, thus helping treatment of Lyme disease.

Additional Steps You Can Take To Kill Lyme

Essential Oils From Garlic and Other Herbs Kill Lyme ...

Aside from utilizing the herbs mentioned above, Lyme disease requires a little work on your part in helping strengthen the immune system.

Take a look at your diet and start eliminating all inflammatory-causing foods like wheat, eggs, dairy, soy, refined sugar, deli meats and other processed junk foods. Replace these foods with real foods like fresh, whole fruit and vegetables . Start getting used to morning smoothies, afternoon juices and dinner-time vegetable salads and side dishes.

Focus on healing the gut and taking a high-quality probiotic. You can also feast on probiotic-rich foods like coconut yogurt, water kefir, kombucha and fermented vegetables . These probiotics will help heal the gut and will result in a huge positive impact for your overall immunity.

Learn how to naturally de-stress and also manage stress in a healthy way. Focus on getting plenty of rest and dedicate time in the day to focus on yourself. If you can

Other things you should consider are as follows:

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Phase 2 Stay Clean And Populate With Good Guys:

If youve been dealing with chronic illness for a long time, for phase two, I recommend reading and following Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections.

If youre not very poor health, I recommend spending the following 5-6 months taking the following every day as directed:

Lyme Disease: Johns Hopkins Study Shows Select Herbal Medicines Are Highly Active Against Borrelia Burgdorferi

Bay Area Lyme Foundation, a leading sponsor of Lyme disease research in the U.S., today announced the publication of new data finding that seven herbal medicines are highly active in test tubes against B.burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, compared to the control antibiotics, doxycycline and cefuroxime. Published in the journal Frontiers inMedicine, the laboratory study was primarily funded by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation and supported in part by the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation. The study was a collaboration between researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, California Center for Functional Medicine and FOCUS Health Group, Naturopathic.

Since traditional antibiotic approaches fail to resolve symptoms in up to 25% of patients treated for Lyme disease and many suffer disabling effects of the disease, there is a need for novel treatment proven effective against B. burgdorferi, said the papers co-author Sunjya K. Schweig, MD, CEO and co-director, California Center for Functional Medicine and Scientific Advisory Board Member, Bay Area Lyme Foundation. Because patients are currently turning to herbal remedies to fill the treatment gaps left by antibiotics, this research is a critical step in helping clinicians, as well as patients, understand which ones may offer the most potential benefit.

  • Cryptolepis sanguinolenta
  • Uncaria tomentosa
  • Cistus incanus
  • Scutellaria baicalensis

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Subculture Studies To Evaluate The Activity Of Natural Product Extracts Against Stationary Phase B Burgdorferi

To confirm the activity of the natural product extracts in eradicating the stationary phase B. burgdorferi cells, we performed subculture studies as previously described . We further tested the top active natural product extracts to ascertain if they could eradicate stationary phase B. burgdorferi cells at 1 or 0.5% by subculture after the treatment . Treatment with 1% Cryptolepis sanguinolenta extract caused no regrowth in the subculture study . However, the other natural product extracts including Polygonum cuspidatum, Artemisia annua, Juglans nigra, and Uncaria tomentosa could not eradicate B. burgdorferi stationary phase cells as many spirochetes were still visible after 21-day subculture . At 0.5%, all the natural product extracts treated samples grew back after 21-day subculture , however, only one of the three Cryptolepis sanguinolenta extract treated samples grew back. This indicates that 0.5% Cryptolepis sanguinolenta extract still has strong activity and could almost eradicate the stationary phase B. burgdorferi cells. By contrast, the clinically used antibiotics doxycycline and cefuroxime at clinically relevant concentration could not sterilize the B. burgdorferi stationary phase culture, since spirochetes were visible after 21-day subculture .

Laboratory Study Hints That Plant Compounds May Be Better Than Current Antibiotics At Treating Persistent Lyme Bacteria And Associated Symptoms

Study: Essential Oils From Garlic, Other Herbs And Spices Kill Lyme Disease Bacteria

Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. These oils may be especially useful in alleviating Lyme symptoms that persist despite standard antibiotic treatment, the study also suggests.

The study, published October 16 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oilsoils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plants main fragrance, or essence. The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrrh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing persister forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.

We found that these essential oils were even better at killing the persister forms of Lyme bacteria than standard Lyme antibiotics, says study senior author Ying Zhang, MD, PhD, professor in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Bloomberg School.

Oils from thyme leaves, cumin seeds and amyris wood also performed well, as did cinnamaldehyde, the fragrant main ingredient of cinnamon bark oil.

At this stage these essential oils look very promising as candidate treatments for persistent Lyme infection, but ultimately we need properly designed clinical trials, he says.

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Of Action For Pain And Herxheimer Die

According to Aggarwal et al.

Numerous lines of evidence suggest that curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. First, curcumin suppresses the activation of the transcription factor NFkB, which regulates the expression of pro-inflammatory gene products. Second, curcumin downregulates the expression of COX-2, an enzyme linked with most types of inflammations. Third, curcumin inhibits the expression of another pro-inflammatory enzyme: 5-LOX. Additionally, curcumin has been shown to bind to the active site of 5-LOX and inhibit its activity. Fourth, curcumin downregulates the expression of various cell surface adhesion molecules that have been linked with inflammation. Fifth, curcumin downregulates the expression of various inflammatory cytokines, including TNF, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, and chemokines. Sixth, curcumin has been shown to inhibit the action of TNF, one of the most pro-inflammatory of the cytokines. Seventh, curcumin is a potent antioxidant, which might contribute to its anti-inflammatory action.< >

Five Herbal Medicines Potent Against Tick

Research supported by Bay Area Lyme Foundation points to need for more effective treatments compared to currently utilized treatments for tick-borne infections

TellMed Strategies

PORTOLA VALLEY, CA, March 9, 2021 — Bay Area Lyme Foundation, a leading sponsor of Lyme disease research in the U.S., today announced the publication of new data finding that five herbal medicines had potent activity compared to commonly-used antibiotics in test tubes against Babesia duncani, a malaria-like parasite found on the West Coast of the U.S. that causes the disease babesiosis. Published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, the laboratory study was funded in part by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation. Collaborating researchers were from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, California Center for Functional Medicine, and FOCUS Health Group, Naturopathic.

“This research is particularly important as babesiosis is a significant emerging health risk. Due to limited therapeutics and a rise in treatment resistance, current treatment options for this disease are inadequate and many patients rely on herbal therapies for which there is only anecdotal evidence of efficacy,” said co-author Sunjya K. Schweig, MD, Founder and Director, California Center for Functional Medicine and Scientific Advisory Board Member, Bay Area Lyme Foundation, who has also studied herbal treatments for Lyme disease.

About the Study

About Lyme Disease


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Other Natural Treatments For Lyme Disease

The treatments discussed above are only some of the natural treatments that claim to treat Lyme disease. According to a 2015 study looking at the alternative treatments found during an Internet search, other natural treatments people use for Lyme disease include:

  • saunas and steam rooms
  • enemas
  • bee venom

The investigators noted that theres no research backing up these treatments, any many dont have a logical rationale behind them.

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How Stevia and Other Herbs Kill Lyme Disease More ...

May 2, 2018 by Michael EdwardsLast updated on: March 14, 2019

Lyme disease is grossly under-reported in the United States. Lyme cases have more than doubled since the 1990s. The number of counties that are now deemed high-risk for Lyme has increased by more than 320 percent. About 329,000 cases of Lyme disease occur every year according to the latest researcher from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Lyme disease is the fastest growing infectious diseases in the US and in Western Europe. Public funding for this disease is still far below that of less common illnesses, receiving less than 2% of public funding for West Nile and 0.2% of funding for HIV/AIDS even though Lyme effects for more people, but fortunately, awareness is rapidly evolving.

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Seven Herbal Medicines Can Kill Lyme Disease Bacteria In Test Tube

Researchers have determined that seven herbal medicines are highly active in test tubes against B. burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, compared to the control antibiotics, doxycycline and cefuroxime.

Published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine, the laboratory study was funded by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation and supported in part by The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and colleagues at the California Center for Functional Medicine and FOCUS Health Group, Naturopathic collaborated on the study.

Since traditional antibiotic approaches fail to resolve symptoms in up to 25% of patients treated for Lyme disease and many suffer disabling effects of the disease, there is a need for novel treatment proven effective against B. burgdorferi, said the papers co-author Sunjya K. Schweig, MD, CEO and co-director, California Center for Functional Medicine and Scientific Advisory Board Member, Bay Area Lyme Foundation.

The Real Cause Of Lyme Disease

While Lyme disease is triggered by an infection caused by a tick bite, there is more to it than just that. The probability that youâre affected by the bacteria and co-infections depends on so much more .

If someone is dealing with chronic Lyme disease, theyâre also probably dealing with one or more of the following:

1. Weakened immunity2. Exposure to mycotoxins, mold or parasites3. Systemic bacterial infections like MRSA and E.coli4. Underlying yeast overgrowth caused by Candida albicans5. Exposure to heavy metals 6. Exposure to high levels of electromagnetic radiation 7. Underlying viral infections like Epstein-Barr Virus and Cytomegalovirus

Chronic Lyme disease could be the result of all 7 of these issues, or only one. Some people are able to recover at a faster rate than others, and patients who do not respond to conventional treatments often feel at a loss as to where to go next.

The most important thing with Lyme disease, however, is that you need to start treating your body like a temple. Start feeding your body the foods it needs, take herbs to help detox the viruses, bacteria and heavy metals out of your body, and start healing your gut to improve immunity and increase the chance that youâll get to live a normal life again.

First, we need to start with the herbs that help kill off the co-infections of Lyme disease, as well as the Lyme disease itself .

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Extraordinary Herbs For Lyme Disease

In my journey with Lyme disease, Ive discovered a ton of natural ways to treat Lyme, including by using herbs for Lyme disease!

Herbs are a fantastic tool for wellness and recovery. They support the bodys natural processes instead of covering over symptoms, as many over-the-counter drugs do. Theyre also gentle and generally can be used by anyone, even us sensitive Lymies!

Its easy to incorporate herbs into your Lyme disease protocol since you dont need a prescription and there are very few side effects from adding herbs to your Lyme diet.

At the bottom of this page, youll also find my recipe for an herbal tea for Lyme disease, which is the tea I use almost every day to help with support and Lyme symptoms as Im healing.

Please note that Im not a doctor. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website contains affiliate links- meaning that if you follow a link to something I recommend, I might receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. More info here.

Other Herbs That Kill Lyme Disease

Essential oils from garlic and other herbs kill ‘persister’ Lyme disease bacteria

Stevia isnât the only natural supplement used to kill Lyme disease and its co-infections. The remedies mentioned below should also be considered .

Japanese Knotweed

Japanese knotweed is high in resveratrol, and acts as an all-natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and interrupts cytokine cascades that can make you feel lethargic and down-right unmotivated in life. This herb also enhances blood flow, especially to the eyes, heart, skin and joints. This makes it useful in treating Lyme and its co-infections, as it pushes blood into areas that are difficult to reach to kill the organisms .

Catâs Claw

Catâs claw is not only great for Lyme disease and co-infections, but it helps battle viruses like Epstein-Barr Virus, which essentially everyone is infected with . A six month pilot study was performed on 28 patients suffering from advanced chronic Lyme disease . The group was split into two â a control group of 14 patients given conventional antibiotic treatment and the test group of 14 patients treated with TOA-free catâs claw. At the end of the study, only 3 patients from the control group got better, and 3 of them got worse . The group treated with catâs claw saw an 85% improvement rate, with 85% of the patients testing negative for Borreliosis.



Andrographis is an antiviral, antibacterial and anti-parasitic herb. It is widely used in the treatment of Lyme disease and has been shown to reduce the length and severity of common viral illnesses .

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