Its Not Only For Lyme Disease
Medically induced hyperthermia treatments have been used in treating cancer and is now being investigated for use with those who suffer from Rheumatic diseases.
In treating cancer this procedure may also be called thermotherapy or thermal therapy. The process is the same.
According to the National Cancer Institute, hyperthermia may weaken some cancer cells so that chemotherapy or radiation can kill them. It can also enhance the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs.
Some studies have proven hyperthermia reduced the size of tumors when combined with other treatments. And not just in one type of cancer, but in many.
The Crucial Component Post
I am presenting you with this information in hopes that it can help you navigate your own healing journey. From my personal recovery and the clients that I have worked with, I am consistently seeing that the people who are focusing on extensive detoxification treatments when they get back are the ones seeing the most sustainable improvements. Not only does this include getting these toxins from the dead pathogens out, but you also need to look into possible issues with methylation pathways, mold mycotoxins, and heavy metal issues. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Detoxification can take months. Be persistent and be patient. Your body has been in chronic crisis, and it is important to take the time to do things in the appropriate stages.
After hyperthermia, upon returning home, many times patients continue to try to immediately kill the pathogens that remain. Lets seriously think about this. Your body just went through a major ordeal with two extreme whole-body hyperthermia treatments and is now dealing with a die-off reaction from all these pathogens being killed. If you are a doctor or a patient reading this, please consider thoroughly detoxing the body before continuing aggressive antimicrobial/parasitic treatment.
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Treatment ‘of last resort’
Just over a month ago, McKeon learned about a clinic in Germany that performs special hyperthermia procedures which cannot be found in the U.S. “This is what people do as their last resort,” she said. The cost of transportation, treatment, and post-treatment adds up to roughly $25,000. Buttery and LaForge decided to create a website, sharing Michelle’s account of her symptoms in the hopes of raising funds as well as awareness. “It’s been an outpouring,” said Cheryl McKeon. “With the battles and insurance companies, they have paid for things, you try not to be bitterThis kind of restores your faith.”
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How Hyperthermia Works In Lyme Disease Treatment
The heat can kill germs directly. Antibiotics may work better too. If a person is on antibiotics while getting hyperthermia treatments, the heat helps dilate open blood vessels so they get more deeply into tissues where Lyme lives. The heat can also help a person detox. Some toxins come out in the sweat, while others go to the liver where they are removed.
Different Drugs For Different Bacterial Shapes
Humans apparently arent the only species to show our worst selves when we are under stress. B. burgdorferi, the major bacterial species responsible for Lyme disease, can change its shape when stressed, morphing from its spiral shape into round bodies or into a sticky layer of bacteria called a biofilm. In mice at least, these variants caused more-severe arthritis than the usual unstressed bacteria. They were also more resistant to antibiotics, requiring a cocktail of three antibiotics for eradication. Jie Feng, PhD, and colleagues at Johns Hopkins hypothesize that the success of antibiotic treatment in humans may depend on the variants that a tick injects into you .
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Whole Body Hyperthermia Creates Deadly Heat To Kill Borrelia
Hyperthermia as a health treatment goes back a long time possibly to Egyptian times when they found inducing a high fever cured many ills. Its now been rediscovered and its use over the past 20 years at St George Hospital in Germany has shown Borrelia cannot withstand prolonged periods where the body temperature is raised to 41.6 °C or 106.88 °F. The same temperatures have been shown to trigger the destruction of cancer cells. So now, Whole Body Hyperthemia is a therapy which is being used more and more around the world.
At St George Hospital in Bad Aibling, Germany, the doctors induce a temperature of of 41.6 degrees Celsius and they hold the patient at this temperature for two hours, which kills an extremely high percentage of the Borrelia bacteria they have.
The healing effects of fever
Weve known about the healing effects of fever for a long time virtually since antiquity. Why else would the human body induce a fever in order to get better? The improvement of many chronic diseases has often been observed following high fevers caused by infections. In the past, many patients were sent to malarial areas in order to contract an infection that would cause a high fever.
Mode of action of extreme whole-body hyperthermia
At the same time, the elevated temperature activates macrophages within the body, which can eliminate the bacteria.
To request a free consultation to talk with us about this treatment for Lyme Disease,
Whole-body hyperthermia in Lyme disease:
If You Do Not See Immediate Results After Hyperthermia Treatment Please Be Patient With Your Body
During hyperthermia treatment, when pathogens die, they expel toxins. Toxins produce inflammation, and if not removed, can also contribute to symptoms and create cell membrane damage. The clinics that we work with offer a two to three-week detox protocol. However, for someone dealing with MSIDS, two to three weeks of detoxing may not cut it. Often, if patients dealing with MSIDS do not feel substantially better after two to three weeks, they start doubting the effectiveness of hyperthermia. I was right there with them when I got back from treatment. Initially coming home, I only saw little improvements. To only see minor improvements after this, was honestly my biggest fear.
Right before leaving for treatment, I remember sitting on my kitchen floor, having a conversation with my best friend about if hyperthermia did not work for me, I could not live like this any longer. I am a fighter, but I am also a realist, and the reality was that I wasnt myself anymore, and I didnt have any quality of life. For those that are reading this and do not know my story, at that point I was completed debilitated by this disease. I did not have function over my neck, I had vertigo and balance issues 24/7, I was dealing with derealization and depersonalization, head pressure, ear pain, light, heat, and noise sensitivity, I looked like a skeleton, I could not process information, and I could not recognize my friends, family, or myself.
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The Integrative Lyme Disease Program
The Integrative Lyme Program is a 12-month program. It is made up of a 2-week period at one of the Infusio treatment centers, a 4-month home program, followed by a 4 day follow up treatment at the center. After which you receive an optimized home care support for another 8 months. Each part of the treatment is designed to support the different stages of development experienced during the program.
The Integrative Lyme Support Program includes a specific number of diagnostics, therapies and treatments.
However, there may be modifications to the type of therapy, number of treatments and their duration. Each patient receives an individualized treatment program. This will depend upon your individual health assessment as indicated by our medical team. The 10-day regimen is intensive and lasts approximately six hours each day.
Additional treatments may be added to the therapy. These treatments are not part of the program and will be at an additional cost, quoted prior to the application of the treatment.
Dr Bill Rawls Treatment Guide
Want to see more Lyme disease treatment ratings? See What Dr. Rawls has to say about popular treatments and therapies in his Lyme Disease Treatment Guide.
Dr. Rawls is a physician who overcame Lyme disease through natural herbal therapy. You can learn more about Lyme disease in Dr. Rawls new best selling book, Unlocking Lyme. You can also learn about Dr. Rawls personal journey in overcoming Lyme disease and fibromyalgia in his popular blog post, My Chronic Lyme Journey.
Recommended Reading: Bee Sting Therapy For Lyme Disease
Unproven Treatment: Canadian Foundation
A website for the German clinic says it has successfully treated more than 800 patients with this alternative therapy.
Judy Mitchell said she has read reviews online where people “have gone there and they’ve gotten their life back.”
Know ahead of time, going into it, that there’s certainly a chance of failure.- Jim Wilson, Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
However, the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation says the treatment is unproven.
Jim Wilson, the founder of the foundation, said there has not been sufficient scientific study of the treatment.
“We’ve been around a long time, and so have a lot of these therapies. And there’s a lot of people who have tried these and have not had much success,” he told the Central Morning Show. “Other people claim success.”
Lyme Websites Books And Organizations
Private and governmental organizations provide help for people with Lyme disease and PTLDS, their caregivers, and medical professionals, including referrals to support groups and doctors, summaries of the latest research, and practical tips for Lyme prevention.
The American Lyme Disease Foundation is a private foundation providing science-based educational resources for patients and physicians.
The Bay Area Lyme Foundation funds research on Lyme disease and offers information about symptoms, prevention tips, and how to remove a tick properly.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a government agency responsible for health security in the US. It carries out research focusing on disease prevention and tick control, and it also provides recent and historical data on Lyme occurrence.
Conquering Lyme Disease: Science Bridges the Great Divide, a book by Jennifer Sotsky, MD, and Brian Fallon, MD, MPH, the director of the Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center at Columbia University Medical Center, is an invaluable resource for Lyme patients and practitioners.
The Global Lyme Alliance is a nonprofit dedicated to fighting tick-borne diseases by supporting education, research, and awareness. It provides referrals to Lyme-literate health care providers, to support groups, and to peer mentors. provides general advice from the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Recommended Reading: How To Detect Lyme Disease
Talk To Us About How Hyperthermia Can Help You
I just wish I could thank Michelle in person for her kindness, her friendship, and her knowledge. Michelle is absolutely not pedaling snake oil I thank her from the bottom of my heart. I am well, and it feels like a miracle. I did not even remember what wellness felt like phew all I can say is that it is better than you think.
Kirstin Bokor
Lyme and Cancer Services gave me hope and eventually a path to wellness. Today I am symptom free, off all my meds, and I have my life back. I am back to work as a nurse. I am grateful.
S. Zimmerman
Since returning, Lyme and Cancer Services has continued to follow up with my treatments and recovery, with excellent advice. I unreservedly recommend consultation with LCS before traveling abroad for Lyme treatment.
Molly Mason
The two hyperthermia treatments have worked their miracle and I feel like I have my life back. Im so grateful for the support from Michelle and Dr Herzog and cant recommend their service highly enough.
Stuart Kinnear
Find Michelle Mckeon And Lyme And Cancer Services:
Michelles Lyme Story and Journey To Recovery
Mimi: Michelle, thank you so much for coming on today. I cant wait to hear about your story, your Lyme journey, and what youre doing in the Lyme community as well.
Michelle: Thank you for having me. I love the content on your podcast, so Im excited to be here.
Mimi: Thank you so much. You have had Lyme yourself, and so Id love to hear about your story.
Mimi: No, I dont. This is the first time Im hearing about it.
Michelle: Okay. So I really love her protocol. This is something that I recommend to a lot of my clients. It is four different IV infusions. So its phosphatidylcholine, phenylbutyrate, leucovorin, and glutathione.
Mimi: Wait, I think Ive actually been doing that this past week with Dr. Gedroic. It sounds very familiar anyway, at least some of it, some of the stuff that you mentioned.
Michelle: Yeah, she does do the PK protocol. So Im a big fan of this protocol because not only does it help you get these Lyme toxins out, but also helps get mold mycotoxins out and heavy metals out in a less aggressive way with fewer side effects. But yeah, its great for detoxing and then also cell membrane repair. So for me, hyperthermia was amazing in really lowering that pathogenic load and the Patricia Kane protocol was really good in mopping up the toxins and helping with the neurological system on brain repairs.
Mimi: And then, how many of those treatments did you have to do of the IV-
Staying One Step Ahead By Detoxing
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Azlocillin An Amazing Compound
The study team first tested to see whether different doses of the drugs could kill drug-tolerant borrelia bacteria grown on laboratory plates better than a standard Lyme disease antibiotic .
They carried out each experiment three times in triplicate . The team tested the drugs on different ages of bacteria, colonies that were 3 days old and growing rapidly, and colonies that were 710 days old and had reached a growth plateau.
At high concentrations, both drugs could kill all the drug-resistant borrelia cells and outperformed the standard Lyme disease antibiotic. When the study team tested the drugs at lower doses, azlocillin outperformed the standard antibiotic and cefotaxime, which left 20% of the drug-resistant cells alive.
The researchers tested the drugs in a small number of laboratory-bred mice that they infected with the bacteria. They treated the mice at different stages of the disease at 7, 14, and 21 days after infection.
They gave each mouse a daily dose of either azlocillin, cefotaxime, or the standard treatment for Lyme disease for 5 days. They cultured the mouse organs and checked for live bacteria using microscopy and genetic testing 2 days after the last dose.
The researchers found that both the standard treatment and azlocillin completely cleared the infection in the early stages of the disease, while cefotaxime did not.
We have been screening potential drugs for 6 years, Venkata Raveendra Pothineni, Ph.D., the lead study author says.
Therapy Against Lyme With Laser Blood Irradiation
The laser blood irradiation is a minimal-invasive kind of therapy. With this technic a laser light will be let directly into the bloodstream with the help of a small vein catheter. It causes positive changes of the immune system. Nearly all patients show a general stabilizing and more energy. The laser blood irradiation in Lyme patients is a further development of the photodynamic laser therapy, which was used earlier as an antibacterial photodynamic therapy mainly in dental medicine to destroy bacteria.
Using laser blood irradiation will be, in opposite to the photodynamic laser therapy, no light sensible substances will be given into the blood stream. The laser light will be given directly into the blood stream and causing photochemical reactions an increased sensibility to light be produced in parasites, bacteria and viruses, that they can be destroyed or killed.
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Traditional Medicine Herbalists And Holisitic Healers To Support The Immune System
Holistic approaches often require dedication, guidance, and working closely with an experienced practitioner. Functional, holistic-minded practitioners may use herbs, nutrition, mindfulness training and meditation, and exercise to support the entire body and its ability to heal itself.
Traditional Chinese medicine degrees include LAc , OMD , or DipCH . Traditional Ayurvedic medicine from India is accredited in the United States by the American Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America and the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. There are several certifications that designate an herbalist. The American Herbalists Guild provides a listing of registered herbalists, whose certification is designated RH .
Why Hyperthermias Three
- Increasing body temperature kills Lyme microbes. This increases the effectiveness of antibiotics, decreases microbes resistance to antibiotics, and enables antibiotics to get inside the cells more easily.2
- Disrupting the structural integrity of biofilms. When a person has chronic Lyme disease, biofilms form around the spirochete, preventing antibiotics from reaching the pathogen. Increased heat breaks down these biofilms, allowing antibiotics to penetrate them.3
- Stimulating the immune system. This induced fever increases blood flow to organs and tissues, improving the oxygen supply to the body. Also, the immune system responds with a strong production of natural killer and helper cells.4 This process gives your body the best fighting chance of becoming stronger.
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Dna And Culture Tests
Although antibody tests are flawed and it is tempting to use additional diagnostic tests such as PCR or culture tests, these tests have not been validated, and they can give incorrect or misleading results. PCR is a very sensitive way to detect DNA however, in early stages of infection, PCR tests for B. burgdorferi DNA on skin samples detect only around 60 percent of infections. PCR tests on blood samples are very insensitive. In late-stage infection, PCR testing of synovial fluid and cerebrospinal fluid is more useful, and it can accurately identify Lyme cases . If symptoms suggest infection of the central nervous system, then a spinal tap should be done and both DNA and antibodies should be measured and compared to levels in the blood drawn on the same day . Scientists are developing different kinds of PCR tests that may be more accurate, like T2 magnetic resonance .
Culture tests are not a great optionon skin and blood samples, they detect only about half of early-stage Lyme infections and no late-stage infections .