Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Books On Lyme Disease

Must read

What Is Lyme Disease

Bryan Rosner’s New Lyme Book: “Freedom From Lyme Disease”

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by a spiral shaped bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. It is transmitted via black legged ticks .

Lyme Disease can cause many different symptoms including fever, headache, body aches, chills, fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, skin rashes, numbness, tingling, cognitive dysfunction, and heart symptoms. Because it can cause such a variety of symptoms and infect a number of areas of the body, it is often referred to as a great imitator, and can be very difficult to diagnose. If left untreated, Lyme can cause significant disability and dysfunction.

The CDC estimates that there are over 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease in the United States each year. View a full list of symptoms below as well as our FAQ.

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Dr. Rawls has spoken on his approach to Lyme disease for the past several years his comprehensive approach and lifestyle guidance has helped many of our members. We heartily endorse his approach to helping deal with the symptoms of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses.

JOHN DORNEYPresident of the N.C. Lyme Disease Foundation

Dr. Rawls has spoken on his approach to Lyme disease for the past several years his comprehensive approach and lifestyle guidance has helped many of our members. We heartily endorse his approach to helping deal with the symptoms of Lyme disease.

JOHN DORNEYPresident of N.C. Lyme Disease Foundation

Lyme Disease: The Ecology Of A Complex Systemby Richard Ostfeld

For those of you who love a good ecological narrative, this book offers a detailed look at how Lyme disease and the ticks that carry it emerged as such a powerful force of nature during the last half century. Ostfeld explores factors such as deer and mice populations and human interactions, global warming, and decreasing biodiversity. He also discusses the potential for biological tick controla vitally important field of study that could be the key to halting the spread of Lyme and comorbid diseases.

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These Are My Top 12 Recommended Books On Lyme Disease

When someone close to me had a major Lyme flare late this spring. I realized it was time to ramp up my education on the disease quickly. I logged onto a large online bookstore and purchased a big stack of books on Lyme and chronic illness.

I know that many people who are diagnosed with Lyme, or have a loved one who was just diagnosed, are in a new world that is foreign to them, overwhelming and difficult to grasp.

Since I read over 30 books on Lyme and related topics this summer, Id like to suggest 12 you may want to get.

I put them into three categories: Lyme and Healing Overview, Personal Stories, and Self-Care.

  • The Lyme and Healing books provide a history of the disease and related co-infections, why and how it happens, the effects of the disease and, most importantly, ways to treat. Most of these were written by Lyme literate medical professionals.
  • There are a few memoirs of peoples discovery and battle with Lyme out there. A couple of celebrities have documented their history of having Lyme. One notable book was written by Yolanda Hadid of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fame.
  • And there are some excellent tomes that cover how to treat depression, anxiety, and other related results of having Lyme disease.

The books below are widely available. I cannot vouch for the efficacy of what each author suggests, but the information is compelling.

Lyme Related Books And Films

Book Cover The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments: Defeat Lyme Disease with ...

There are many books related to Lyme disease, and even a few DVDs and downloads available.

Most of these resources arent from the UK and as such the advice shared is often ignored by our healthcare system. However, these resources do provide help and guidance for patients and can aid you on your journey to recovery.

The below links are affiliate links which means Lyme Disease UK will receive a referral fee if you purchase via our website but it wont cost you any extra.

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Specialist Advice On Healing From Lyme Disease

Nature’s Dirty Needle describes Chronic Lyme Disease, the different co-infections, what the symptoms are, how to recognize them, and, finally, how best to get help.

With over 30 years as a health care provider, Mara Williams has been helping people to achieve a greater level of health and well-being.

In this cutting-edge book, Naturopathic Doctor Nicola McFadzean Ducharme opens up her vault of experience, wisdom, and practical tools, to bring you the most comprehensive protocol for Lyme brain that’s ever been written.

In this book, Dr. McFadzean takes you on a journey through dozens of supplements, treatments, and strategies to reclaim your smarts and leave Lyme brain behind.

A useful and comprehensive resource for anyone who has fallen through the medical cracks.

Katina Makris, veteran natural health-care practitioner and former sufferer of CFS, fibromyalgia, and Lyme, carefully explains the mechanisms at play with autoimmune illness.

Personal Stories And Lyme Politics

This Is How I Save My Life: From California to India, a True Story Of Finding Everything When You Are Willing To Try Anythingby Amy B. Scher

When Amy B. Scher was struck with undiagnosed late-stage, chronic Lyme disease, the best physicians in America labeled her condition incurable and potentially terminal. Deteriorating rapidly, she went on a search to save her own life–from the top experts in Los Angeles and the world-renowned Mayo Clinic in Minneapolis to a state-of-the-art hospital in Chicago.

After exhausting all of her options in the US, she discovered a possible cure–but it was a highly experimental stem cell treatment, only available in India, and had as much of a probability of killing her as it did of curing her.

Knowing the risks and armed with her self-created motto “when life kicks your ass, kick back,” Amy convinced her loving but neurotic Jewish parents, packed her bags, and flew across the world anyway.

Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change by Mary Beth Pfeiffer

Lyme disease is spreading rapidly around the globe as ticks move into places they could not survive before. The first epidemic to emerge in the era of climate change, the disease infects half a million people in the US and Europe each year, and untold multitudes in Canada, China, Russia, and Australia.

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Top Lyme Disease Memoirs

Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisible Disability of Lyme Disease By Yolanda Hadid, 2018

The star of the popular reality TV show, Yolanda Hadid, shares her experience of dealing with Lyme disease and how it affected her life. It showcases the problems that come with diagnosing this disease properly and how conflicted the medical community still is on the subject. The book is an interesting and gripping tale of the effects of Lyme disease and how to beat it.

Dancing In The Narrows: A Mother-Daughter Odyssey Through Chronic Illness by Anna Penenberg, 2020

Dancing in the Narrows is a riveting tale of a mother-daughter healing. It addresses the trauma associated with Lyme disease, as well as unexpected humor and adventure. This is an inspirational and motivational story for anyone close to someone struggling with the terror of Lyme disease. It is a beautiful story and instills hope and courage in the reader.

Sick: A Memoir By Porochista Khakpour, 2018

Khakpour gives the reader on a personal glance into how she suffered with Lyme disease and what she did to overcome it. An inspiring tale of hope and uncertainty, Sick showcases the effects that Lyme disease can have on ones life. It is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the emotional trauma that comes with this chronic illness.

This is How I Save My Life: A True Story Of Finding Everything When You Are Willing to Try Anything By Amy B. Scher, 2018

The Opposite Of Fateby Amy Tan

Lyme Disease & Co-Infections Lifting The Veil I Dr Judy Mikovits part 1 AONM Conference

The beloved author of The Joy Luck Clubhas suffered from late stage Lyme disease since 1999 and, like so many other Lyme patients, was told that such a diagnoses was impossible because of a false negative test result. In her memoir, she shares the early years of her Lyme journey and how she struggled with horrifying symptoms and skeptical doctors.

Don’t Miss: Stages Of Lyme Disease In Dogs

What To Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kids Guide To Overcoming Anxiety

Did you know that worries are like tomatoes? No, you cant eat them, but you can make them grow, simply by paying attention to them. If your worries have grown so big that they bother you almost every day, this book is for you.

More Details

What to Do When You Worry Too Much guides children and parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of anxiety. Lively metaphors and humorous illustrations make the concepts and strategies easy to understand, while clear how-to steps and prompts to draw and write help children to master new skills related to reducing anxiety. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering kids to overcoming their overgrown worries.

Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, this book educates, motivates, and empowers children to work towards change. Includes a note to parents by psychologist and author Dawn Huebner, PhD.

From the Note to Parents:

But it doesnt work. The anxiety remains in control. As you have undoubtedly discovered, simply telling an anxious child to stop worrying doesnt help at all. Nor does applying adult logic, or allowing your child to avoid feared situations, or offering reassurance every time the fears are expressed.

Learn About Lyme Disease

  • The IDSA Case Study Course is an interactive learning tool that consists of a series of case studies based on the IDSA Guidelines , The Clinical Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Lyme Disease, Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis, and Babesiosis. The case studies are designed to educate physicians and clinicians on the proper diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, as well as provide an opportunity to better understand the IDSA guidelines. Additional references are included to enhance the learning experience. CME credit is available.

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Lyme Disease Training Modules

This four-part series will enable front-line healthcare providers to recognize, diagnose, and treat Lyme disease, an increasingly common tickborne illness. The free online curriculum serves as a valuable resource for primary care clinicians, public health professionals, pharmacists, and health educators who encounter patients with Lyme disease. Free Continuing Education credits are available.

This module highlights the following topics

  • Lyme disease transmission

This module highlights the following topics

  • Early localized and disseminated manifestations
  • Differentiating erythema migrans from other similar skin conditions
  • Recognizing clinical presentations that might suggest tickborne disease co-infections

This module highlights the following topics

  • How to select validated tests
  • Why there is currently no test of cure
  • How pretest probability and disease stage inform whether to test for Lyme disease
  • The significance of the seroconversion window period
  • Why testing for Lyme disease may not be clinically helpful for patients with erythema migrans

This module highlights the following topics

  • Treatment options for erythema migrans
  • Clinical management of Lyme carditis
  • Clinical management of Lyme arthritis
  • Clinical management of neurologic Lyme disease
  • Care of patients with persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease

What You Will Learn:

Lyme Disease Book Pair Natural Holistic Healing Treatments Stephen ...

An overview of common misconceptions about what Lyme disease is

How to obtain a diagnosis, despite current limitations in diagnostic testing for Lyme

The limitations of long-term antibiotic use, plus learn about natural therapies for healing symptoms

How to strengthen your immune system and embrace a healthier lifestyle so you can stay well

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Suffering The Silenceby Allie Cashel

Cashel explores the political controversy surrounding Lyme disease in great depth, highlighting the medical communitys bias against Lyme-literate doctors, its marginalization of Lyme patients, and its refusal to acknowledge the massive flaws in the current testing and treatment guidelines. The book also includes a number of patient accounts.

Specialist Advice On Treating Lyme Disease

Since its release in the fall of 2013, Dr. Horowitz’s groundbreaking text on Lyme and chronic disease Why Can’t I Get Better? Has been an extraordinary success, with more than 20,000 copies sold across formats to date and a media platform that is increasing every day. Now, in this new handbook, Dr. Horowitz takes the incredible research and patient stories behind his comprehensive first text and focuses it into a direct, actionable step-by-step plan for implementing his 16 MSIDS Diagnostic Map in the treatment of Lyme and Multiple Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome.

Stephen Buhner examines the complex synergy between the co-infections and reveals how all three can go undiagnosed or resurface after antibiotic treatment.

Detailing effective natural holistic methods centered on herbs and supplements, such as the systemic antibacterial herb Sida acuta, Buhner reveals how to treat specific symptoms, and bring the immune system back into balance as well as complement ongoing Lyme disease treatments.

Also Check: Should I Get Tested For Lyme Disease

Videos About Lyme Disease

In 2016, the Government of Canada held a federally-mandated conference in Ottawa Canada in order to develop strategies to help prevent and reduce Lyme disease-related health risks. Brian Fallon, MD from Columbia University presented a clinical overview of the history of Lyme disease and a review of the U.S. Clinical Trials. Dr.Raymond Dattwyler from NY Medical College presented on diagnostic testing. Dr. Ying Zhang from Johns Hopkins presented a lecture on Persister Borrelia. See below for these presentations.

Best Lyme Disease Books For Survivors And Allies

The Best Approach to Recover From Acute and Chronic Lyme Disease or a Bartonella Infection

Navigating the maze of Lyme Disease can make anybodys head spin. Its overwhelming emotionally if you have it. Not only are there a plethora of medical decisions that have to be made but there are emotional and mental health challenges that each survivor needs to overcome to live the best life possible in the duration of the illness. This list of best books about Lyme disease can help you through your healing journey.

The titles listed below are all informative and not ranked in any specific order. These Lyme disease books are not only useful for people struggling with Lyme Disease, but also for people who know someone with the illness.

Read Also: Cutter Lyme Disease Tick Test

Supplements For Lyme Disease

The top supplements that support Lyme disease recovery help your body in several key ways:

  • Reduce inflammation: Lyme disease elicits a significant inflammatory response inside the body. In fact, the out-of-control inflammatory response contributes to many symptoms of chronic Lyme, including joint pain, neck stiffness, fatigue, and brain fog.
  • Support the immune system: To recover from Lyme disease, you need a strong and balanced immune system. Several of the supplements I discuss below help regulate the immune system to target harmful Lyme bacteria while reducing the risk of an autoimmune response, a destructive immune-mediated attack on the bodys tissues.
  • Enhance detoxification: Killing off Lyme bacteria creates waste that must be eliminated from the body for successful healing. The bodys detoxification pathways can quickly become overburdened by the toxic detritus caused by antibiotics and antibiotic herbs. Supplements that support the bodys internal detoxification pathways can alleviate die-off symptoms related to compromised detoxification pathways.
  • The following list of supplements for Lyme disease is not exhaustive many more nutritional supplements can be helpful during the Lyme recovery process, depending on ones unique health challenges. However, this list of ten foundational supplements provides a solid place for most Lyme patients to start when it comes to selecting helpful supplements.

    Nick The No Good Icky Tick

    Abby and her favorite four-footed friend Chowser discover all kinds of creatures while walking in the wild, wild woods one day. What they dont expect to find is Nick, a no good, icky, black-legged tick. Find out what happens when Nick the icky tick finds themand the lessons they learn about how to stay safe on future outdoor adventures!

    More Details

    Also Check: Chances Of Lyme Disease After Tick Bite

    Lyme Disease Is Reaching Endemic Proportions Yet Remains A Mystery

    How can we know what to do when even top experts cannot come to a consensus on key questions: Do reoccurring symptoms indicate Chronic Lyme or Post Lyme? Is Herxing a good thing? Can the infection be completely eradicated with antibiotics? How about herbs? Diet? The conflicting advice often leaves patients afflicted by multiple symptoms years into treatment.

    This book will explain how a healthy metabolism can strengthen your constitution, helping you get to and stay in remission.

    Check out the reviews on Amazon! Sit down for an hour or two and soak up the entirety of this small powerful book. Buy it now and if you like it, please kindly share and review so that other Lymies can discover Its Not Just Lyme!

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