Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lyme Disease And Muscle Cramps

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Risk Factors For Acquiring Lyme Disease

Muscle spasm or twitch? Left eye droop. Lyme?

Where you vacation or live, as well as what outdoor activities you participate in, affects your likelihood of being exposed to Lyme disease. Common factors that put you at risk of contracting Lyme disease include:

  • Spending time in grassy or wooded areas. Deer ticks are very prevalent in the Central PA area due to its heavily wooded countryside. Deer ticks thrive in these types of places. Children here are particularly at risk as well as adults who work outdoors.
  • Having exposed skin. Ticks find it easy to attach themselves to exposed skin, so if youre in an area thats known for ticks, always wear long sleeves and long pants and never allow your pets to run through long grasses.
  • Removing ticks incorrectly or not quickly enough. As you already know, bacteria from a tick bite has the potential to enter your bloodstream if the tick has been attached to you for between 36 to 48 hours or longer. If you spot and correctly remove the tick within 48 hours, your risk of acquiring Lyme disease is low, so always check your skin after being outdoors.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that older adults and children are most susceptible to the disease, along with others, like park rangers and firefighters, who spend time outside. Its estimated that 300,000 people nationwide are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year.

Recommended Reading: What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Lyme Disease

Cant Get Better 4 Signs Your Aches & Pains Could Be Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is the number one vector-borne epidemic in the world and mimics many common diseases and autoimmune illnesses. If youve been told that you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, an autoimmune disease like MS, or are just getting old, it is possible that you suffer from the number one infectious cause of these symptoms.

The Center for Disease Control released data showing a tenfold increase in the number of cases of Lyme disease, with approximately one million Americans reported having been exposed to it in 2012. So if you go to a doctor complaining of fatigue with joint and muscle pain, and have a negative blood test, its possible you may have contracted Lyme disease. How can you know whether you have a tick-borne illness causing your symptoms, though? Here are four signs to watch for:

Mitochondria Dysfunction And Chronic Pain

Mitochondria are the energy factories found in every cell. By some estimates there are 300 to 400 mitochondria in a cell. Chronic infection can damage the mitochondria. There is a growing body of science showing damaged mitochondria leads to chronic pain.

Lyme Disease Pain Strategy

It is possible to repair mitochondria. See How to Fix Mitochondria & Get Energy in Lyme Disease for steps to repair the injured mitochondria.

One other strategy is to eat low inflammatory foods which support mitochondria. See The Best Brain, Inflammation, Pain, Energy, and Detox Diet Ever for more information about an effective paleo diet.

Read Also: Dark Field Microscopy Lyme Disease

How Is It Treated

An initial episode of Lyme arthritis should be treated with a 4-week course of oral antibiotics. Patients with persistent joint inflammation and pain after the first course of antibiotics may require a second course . In some cases, joint swelling and pain can persist or recur after two courses of antibiotics. The cause of persistent arthritis is unknown but is thought to be driven by immunologic factors. Additional antibiotics have not been shown to improve these symptoms, and patient referral to a rheumatologist should be considered.

Early Symptoms And Signs Of Lyme Disease

Muscle Twitching Lyme Disease

You can expect a small, red bump on the site of your bite, or where you removed the tick from, and this will resolve within a day or two. This is to be expected after being bitten by any insect, and it in itself is not an indicator that you have Lyme disease.

However, if you have been infected, you can expect the following within a month or so:

  • Flu-like symptoms. Early-stage Lyme disease can present as chills, fever, fatigue body aches, stiff neck, headache and other flu-like symptoms.
  • Rash development. Between three and 30 days after an infected tick bites you, you may see a rash that looks like a bulls eye. This will expand over days, and it can grow to as many as 11 to 12 inches across. It is usually not painful or itchy.

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How Is Lyme Disease Diagnosed

As the symptoms and signs of Lyme disease are similar to those found in other conditions and are nonspecific, diagnosis is not easy. In addition to this, the ticks that spread the disease can also transmit other diseases at the same time.

Diagnosis is easier when your doctor can see that you have the characteristic bulls eye rash. However, if you dont, your doctor will ask you about your medical history, whether youve been outdoors in summertime, where you have been outdoors and will give you a medical examination.

Lab tests enable bacteria antibodies to be detected in order to confirm a diagnosis. They are most reliable when youve had the infection for a few weeks, as your body will then have had the time to develop the antibodies.

Tests for Lyme disease include:

  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. This is the test most commonly used to diagnose Lyme disease, and it detects antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. Sometimes the test brings up a false-positive so its not typically used as the sole test for diagnosis.

Although the test may not show as a positive result during the first stage of Lyme disease, often the accompanying rash is distinctive enough to make the diagnosis, especially if youve been in an area where Lyme disease-transmitting ticks are common.

  • Western blot test. If the initial ELISA test comes back positive, the Western blot test will confirm your diagnosis.

Key Sleep Nutrient Deficiencies

There are three other sleep nutrient deficiencies common in people who lose sleep to nocturnal leg cramps.

These three safe, proven supplements can be administered prior to bed to combat nocturnal leg cramps.

1. Vitamin B6 is involved in over 100 biological processes in the body. Commonly known for its role in food metabolism and Serotonin production, B6 can be found in meats, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds and is a common added ingredient to fortified cereals and grains.

Studies have shown that poor sleepers have lower intake levels of Vitamin B6.12

Because B6 is a water soluble vitamin and is metabolized quickly, it should be taken immediately prior to bed for nocturnal leg cramps.

2. GABA and 5-HTP are two amino acids that support relaxation and healthy sleep habits. Though these two amino acids are popular and proven supplements alone, a study published in Behavioral Brain Research demonstrated they have a synergistic effect on sleep quality and sleep cycle architecture when combined.15

Researchers from the study concluded:

“Our available evidence suggests that the GABA/5-HTP mixture modulates both GABAergic and serotonergic signaling. Moreover, the sleep architecture can be controlled by the regulation of GABA receptor and GABA content with 5-HTP. 15

3. Melatonin is a naturally occurring compound secreted by the pineal gland in the human body, commonly used in supplement form to reduce symptoms of Jet Lag and fall asleep faster.

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Later Symptoms And Signs Of Lyme Disease

If you dont seek treatment, other symptoms and signs of infection may appear over the following weeks and months, including:

  • The bulls eye rash. It is also called erythema migrans, and it may appear on other areas of your body.
  • Neurological problems. At any time after the initial Lyme disease infection, even years later, you could develop meningitis, Bells palsy , weakness or numbness in your limbs and impaired muscle movement.

You may also suffer from:

Many weeks after infection, some people develop:

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Vision Auditory And Other Sensory Symptoms

Alternative treatments for Lyme disease symptoms brings new hope to those suffering

In addition to aches and pains, many tick-borne diseases can cause vision and auditory issues such as those listed below:

  • Light sensitivity has been linked to Bartonellosis .
  • Retinal inflammation, which can cause blurred or distorted vision, has also been linked to Bartonellosis.
  • Red eyes, clinically referred to as conjunctival injection, can be a sign of Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis , both of which can be hard to detect because of the variation in symptoms across patients.
  • Sound sensitivity can be associated with Bartonellosis.
  • Ringing in the ears can be a symptom of Babesiosis.
  • Burning sensation on the skin and numb skin patches can both be signs of Bartonellosis.

Also Check: Pcr Blood Test For Lyme Disease

Your Symptoms Improve When You’re Taking Medication For Other Ailments

Patients taking antibiotics for an unrelated problem , will often report that their symptoms are much better while taking the antibiotic, and worsen when the antibiotic is stopped. Conversely, some individuals feel much worse on antibiotics, where all of their symptoms are intensified. This is called a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction,4 where the Lyme bacteria are being killed off, and temporarily worsen the underlying symptoms.

Some Chronic Lyme Disease Symptoms

As mentioned, chronic Lyme disease consists of a broad cluster of physical, cognitive, and psychiatric symptoms. Some of these symptoms are much more common, while others almost never occur, but can be deadly. But even the less severe symptoms, such as chronic fatigue and pain, can lead to drastic changes in quality of life for chronic Lyme patients.

Chronic Lyme survivors have reported experiencing the following symptoms for months to years after infection:

  • Intermittent fevers, chills, and sweats
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Numbness and tingling in the limbs
  • Dizziness and shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat
  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Multiple-chemical sensitivities

Chronic Lyme disease can be linked to deadly symptoms, such as Lyme carditis .

According to, studies consistently show that chronic Lyme disease patients have poorer quality of life than those with other chronic diseases. One of their own studies showed that 75% of surveyed patients reported at least one symptom as severe or very severe.

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Chronic Lyme: What Happens When Lyme Goes Untreated

The Lyme community typically uses the term chronic Lyme disease to describe a range of physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that crop up after getting Lyme disease and persist for months to years after infection.

The risk of chronic Lyme increases the longer a Lyme infection goes untreated or undertreated. In other words, patients are more likely to recover fully if their Lyme infection is detected and treated as early as possible after the discovery of a tick bite. This stage is usually marked by symptoms such as fevers, chills, muscle aches, and sometimes rashes.

When left untreated or undertreated, however, Lyme disease can spread throughout the body and affect:

  • The central nervous system
  • Muscles and joints

As points out, these symptoms can evolve, disappear, and reappear at different times.

Facts About Lyme Disease In Pa

Pin by Betsy Covey on LymeAwareistSpreadingAwareness

Ticks thrive in the countryside of Pennsylvania in particular, and according to a study published in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , Lyme has a greater likelihood of occurring where suburban developments encroach on existing forest. This is thought to be because the white-footed mouse that is the most important animal in the Lyme disease transmission cycle can live without too many predators under these circumstances.

Notable statistics of Lyme disease in PA include:

  • Swollen lymph nodes

For some people, a telltale sign of the disease is the red bulls eye-shaped skin rash that presents in some, but not all sufferers, within three to 30 days after being bitten by a tick.

Often, these first signs are missed when youre infected with Lyme disease and are dismissed as the flu or some other virus. This is very worrying because if antibiotic treatment isnt begun when the first signs of the disease present, your condition can become more serious.

Joint pain is another issue that can occur with Lyme disease. In the worst cases, over several weeks, nervous system and heart issues can develop. If left untreated, you may suffer from arthritis and neurological issues. In fact, according to the Arthritis Foundation, when Lyme disease is untreated, more than half of all sufferers will develop sporadic arthritis bouts.

Don’t Miss: Do You Have A Fever With Lyme Disease

Cognitive Psychological And Neurological Symptoms

Several other Tick Talk articles have covered the range of cognitive, psychological, and neurological symptoms of tick-borne diseases in humans particularly in the case of late-stage and chronic Lyme disease or Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever . Many people may be familiar with the sleep disturbances, brain fog, anxiety and depression, and even rage that can be experienced in some cases of untreated or undertreated Lyme disease and TBRF.

However, many may not know the extent of these symptoms and all the diseases that may cause them. For example, some cases of Babesiosis have been linked to the occurrence of vivid dreams. Also, anxiety and rage are classic signs of Bartonella- even more so than Lyme according to some Lyme Literate Medical Doctors.

Why Water Cures Leg Cramps

A more in-depth look will be considered on the causes of leg cramps in the future. When the cause is considered idiopathic, literature will say that the cause is unknown. At Water Cures, we disagree as we have ended the cramps of thousands of people. As a hospital nurse, I personally helped over a thousand through the years on the floors of numerous hospitals. We have found that muscle spasms or cramps in almost all cases are caused by chronic and unintentional dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

The water cures leg cramps treatment and our conclusions are based on the commonalities and the differences in cramps caused by diseases, drugs or simply fluid and electrolyte imbalance.

More importantly, when you ask any of our visitors who have managed and even eliminated their leg cramps with the The Water Cures Protocol

Why it works? When the cells of our body do not have enough water, they either try to self protect or start to self destruct. When muscles, which are very dependent on fluid balance, do not have the right balance of electrolytes too, they are at greater risk of cramping.

Drinking a glass of water and dissolving a pinch of salt in our mouth will eliminate the pain for most. Often relief happens within 45 seconds. At night, drinking a glass of water before bed and then putting the salt in the mouth will prevent the cramps all night long (and as a bonus, prevent you from having to get up to go to the bathroom.

We can cut the rates by up to 70%. Ask us how.

Also Check: Can Lyme Disease Cause Low Platelet Count

Contact Premier Health And Holistic Medicine For Help

Aching muscles can affect your life and reduce the joy of living, but there is help and hope for your suffering. If you need medical help with the symptoms of Lyme disease that include aching muscles, please contact Premier Health and get a consultation with Dr. Ridinger today. She works with Lyme patients, offering treatment that works best for them. This may include diet changes, supplements, sleep pattern changes, exercise, antioxidant therapies, hormones, and more.

With more than 25 years of experience as a holistic doctor and specializing in difficult illnesses that includes Lyme disease, you can count on her expertise and compassion in finding the right treatment for you or a loved one.

Find relief for your aching muscles here.

Lyme Disease As An Underlying Cause Of Supraspinatus Tendinopathy In An Overhead Athlete

Lyme Disease, Incredible Leg Pain!

Both authors provided concept/idea/project design, writing, data analysis, project management, institutional liaisons, clerical support, and consultation . Mr Coulon provided data collection, fund procurement, patient, and facilities/equipment. The authors acknowledge the Department of Rehabilitation Services, Baton Rouge General Medical Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for providing the facilities for this case report.

Physical Therapy

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Overview Of Lyme Disease Pain Control

Most people with Lyme have pain. In this article I review the causes of Lyme pain and the steps a person can take to control and eliminate pain. I provide a strategy for controlling Lyme disease pain which uses:

  • Anti-cytokine herbs and supplements to lower inflammation,
  • Supplements that support repair of mitochondria cell energy factories,
  • Low dose naltrexone ,
  • Medical marijuana and/or CBD oil,
  • Magnesium to relax muscles,

Lyme Disease: Heel Pain

Some people with Lyme disease and/or a Bartonella coinfection report severe pain on the base of the heels. In some cases the heel pain was compared to tendonitis and was noted to be worse when lying in bed with the back of the heels resting on a mattress.

Common causes of heel pain with or without a Lyme diagnosis include plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, bursitis, stress fracture and more. Never ignore heel pain or wait for it to go away on its own. Make an appointment with an experienced, caring podiatrist today for an expert diagnosis and effective treatment plan for your heel pain. Back to top

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Uncommon Symptoms That May Indicate A Tick

Many tick-borne diseases are notoriously challenging to diagnose, partly because of the wide range of symptoms they can present. Even a single type of infection, such as Lyme disease, can look vastly different from one patient to another. Symptoms can also change over time if diseases are left untreated or undertreated.

When it comes to symptoms of tick-borne diseases in humans, most people think of fevers, chills, rashes, joint pain, and headaches. While these symptoms can and do show up in many cases of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, they are not always present. Whats more, there are many lesser-known symptoms associated with a range of tick-borne diseases that may go unnoticed by doctors.

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