Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment For Lyme Disease

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So What Makes Hbot Effective

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Lyme Disease

HBOT can be used to treat Lyme disease and is most specifically effective against neurological Lyme. The reason it is so effective was discovered in a 1998 study by William Fife at Texas A& M who found that by exposing spirochetes to oxygen they are weakened and can die off. After further research it was found that exposing it to above normal levels of oxygen, Borrelia bacteria are unable to survive. By doing dives of two atmospheres below sea level for 2-3 hours, 5 days a week for 12 weeks, the oxygen levels inside your body are risen by 10-15 above normal levels. The pressurized oxygen penetrates Borrelia bacteria, even those that have developed biofilms and antibiotic resistance, reducing inflammation in the brain and stimulating new stem cells that strengthen the immune system. Dependent on how advanced the Borrelia bacteria it may require slightly deeper dives, but this is determined through advanced monitoring.

The main side effects of HBOT are barometric problems that can cause ear pain, but Dr. Alvarez stated that if you can handle going up in an airplane then it shouldnt be an issue. Another side effect that may be irritating in the short term but is a sign that treatment is working is a Jarisch Herxheimer reaction. According to the study by Dr. Fife, all but one of the patients treated had this reaction. Dr. Alvarez agrees that herxing is a critical step on the road to recovery.

Hbot For Lyme Disease Can It Improve Symptoms

Before getting started, its important to note that HBOT is not an FDA-approved therapy for the treatment of Lyme disease. This is due to a lack of studies and evidence for or against its utility.

That being said, a number of promising clinical studies and case reports have shown that HBOT is effective in treating Lyme disease throughout the USA.

In a clinical trial conducted at Texas A& M University, 91 Lyme disease patients were given HBOT treatment . The HBOT protocol included a 60-minute session for up to 3 months.

After the 3-month period, each patient was evaluated using a Lyme disease questionnaire developed by Lyme disease specialists. Surprisingly, 84% of the patients displayed either significant improvement in symptoms due to Lyme disease, or a complete elimination of their symptoms, indicating HBOT was markedly efficacious. The authors attributed the reduction in symptoms to the higher pressurized atmosphere of the HBOT chambers, which produces oxygen levels that kill off the bacterium responsible for the disease3.

Essentially, the study suggests HBOT removes bacteria and toxins from the body as the elevated oxygen in the blood delivered via HBOT kills bacteria/viruses. The increased blood oxygen may also aid in the removal of heavy metals and toxins which are often present in Lyme disease as well.

The patient was characterized/diagnosed with CLD prior to HBOT treatment.

However, some other ways HBOT works to treat Lyme disease were discussed as well, such as:

Treatment For Lyme Disease

Here at Poseidonia Healthcare, we offer a full range of treatments for Lyme disease, here are a few benefits of the more popular treatments:

Stem Cell Therapy

The injection of Pluripotent Stem Cells has the immediate effect of strengthening the immune system. The first benefit from Stem Cell Treatment is the increased capacity of the body to defend itself from the pathogen invasion.

The second level of benefit is usually observed after a minimum of 3 injections when the different organs that have been damaged by the disease start to show signs of repair. PSC is especially efficient at reversing brain neurological problems. Patients on anti-depressants were able to cease taking them when entering the 4th week after the treatment. Some showed improvements a little later but most patients show a remarkable improvement in all neurological related symptoms.A major improvement is also observed in the joint inflammation within 4 weeks of the treatment.

Many Lyme patients, unfortunately, will suffer for a long time before they receive a correct diagnosis. Many times they are misdiagnosed and prescribed incorrect medications and very often are medically mistreated. Even when a correct diagnosis is reached, few are fortunate enough to find an effective treatment for this debilitating disease along with all of the coinfections and other symptoms.


One of the pros of this multi-therapeutic approach is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy .

Ozone Therapy

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is generally an acute bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdoferi, causing short term symptoms such an a circular or target shaped rash, flu like symptoms, lethargy and muscle and joint pain. Approximately 30,000 cases are reported each year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Typically, the symptoms are short lived, however, If left untreated, it can easily turn into a chronic condition called late disseminated Lyme.

Although early cases of Lyme disease can be cured with antibiotics, late stage Lyme can lead to far more complications and are not so easily treated with antibiotics, with many sufferers reporting symptoms being only temporarily relieved by antibiotics at this stage. It is at this stage where Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be of use in treatment for Lyme. How HBOT for Lyme disease works is that in Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the patient is placed into a hyperbaric chamber and within this chamber, they are given 100% oxygen to breathe. The air outside is said to be approximately 21% oxygen, with the majority of the atmosphere being made of nitrogen which passes harmlessly in and out of our lungs.

Texas A& m Case Reports

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used for?

Patient 1: 40 year old female with chronic Fatigue, limited Walking, constant joint pain, and cognitive difficulties.

Had symptoms for 5 years despite 5 rounds of antibiotic treatment for Lyme.

Patient initially had a severe herxheimer reaction.

Improved walking distance and cognitive function at 2-months after finishing Hyperbaric Treatment.

Many activities of daily living resumed at normal levels 5 months after finishing HBOT

Patients 2: 39 year old female, partial vision loss, left sided sensation alteration, chronic fatigue, joint stiffness, muscle pain and left leg weakness.

Had symptoms for 6 years prior to treatment.

More energy, decreased pain in left foot, and leg weakness resolved after sixth Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment.Improved with only periodic down days 5 months after stopping treatment.

Patient 3: 16 year old female, with fatigue, muscle and joint pain, mood swings, insomnia, memory loss and headaches. Patient was removed from high school.

Had symptoms for 3 years prior.

Long term antibiotic treatments only gave temporary relief.

After 45 treatments, concentration time increased from 30 min to 3 hours and continued to improve to point where she did well in college.

All patients were positive for Lyme disease with Serological Testing.

Taiwan Case Report

This case report on Hyperbaric Oxygen and Lyme was published in 2014 by Huang et al. In April 2003, the then 31-year-old healthy man began suffering from intermittent low- and high-grade fever.

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When Lyme Leads To Serious Symptoms Hbot Can Help Restore Health

If Lyme disease gets properly diagnosed early on, sometimes all it takes to recover is a short course of antibiotics. But researchers now believe that Lyme bacteria can become resistant to antibiotic treatments. Many people who have Lyme continually struggle with symptoms, even after numerous rounds of medicine to treat it. Sometimes herbal therapies like Japanese Knotweed and Cats Claw can bring Lyme sufferers relief when they take these for six months to a year or more. But when Lyme disease goes undiagnosed or is improperly treated, its effects can be very severe. Heres how hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps:

During HBOT, pure oxygen floods the body at varying sea-level pressures. This O2 burst delivers vital nutrients to cells, and helps to promote healing. Patients Lyme-related pain subsides, their energy improves, and many of their compromised bodily functions get fully restored. Here at the National Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center, in addition to these benefits, we routinely see glands and organs resume normal functioning over the course of treatment. And thats a very fine thing.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatments can significantly improve chronic Lyme disease symptoms. Wed be happy to provide a personalized assessment with neurologist, Dr. Allan Spiegel to determine if you would benefit from HBOT. In cases where HBOT is not covered by insurance, we will go over ways to make treatments more affordable. To schedule your appointment online, simply or call 727-787-7077.

Contact Us Today To Find Out How We Can Help You With Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Treatment Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Lyme: While there are only an estimated 150,000 people afflicted with Lyme Disease in the United States, the incidence rate continues to soar at an alarming rate each year. The CDC speculates that because the condition mimics so many other illnesses, the actual number of people with Lyme disease may be 5 to 10 times higher than the estimated 150,000 of reported cases coping with the disease.

Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans by infected deer ticks. While short term sufferers of Lyme report symptoms including bulls-eye rash, fever, flu-like symptoms, migraines, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, a large number of cases are misdiagnosed and quickly develop into a more serious condition known as late disseminated Lyme.

Late disseminated Lyme comprises many debilitating symptoms and has been considered difficult to treat in the medical community. Symptoms include fever, flu-like symptoms, migraines, fatigue, muscle and joint aches seen in early stage Lyme, but are also accompanied by immune system dysfunction, nervous system dysfunction, or cognitive disorders, sleep disturbance, personality changes, and cardiac problems.

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I have relied on the experts that are opening Hyperbaric Centers of Florida to provide treatment for my Lyme Disease for the past five years.

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Lyme Disease And Hyperbarics: Turning The Corner On Treatment

The Stram Center is the only free standing medical clinic offering high pressure steel chamber hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the greater New York State. Read how concentrated oxygen can help fight Lyme.

Lyme Disease and Hyperbarics: Turning the Corner on Treatment

Why it works

The tick-borne bacterium or spirochete protects itself by creating a biofilm to hide from its hosts immune system. Nestling in tissues further protected by creating inflammation, and evading blood flow, Borelia can often lie dormant for years. Often antibiotic therapies fall short of providing symptomatic relief, especially when blood flow cannot reach the bacteria so well guarded. With hyperbaric oxygen therapy the plasma becomes saturated with a high load of oxygen, not otherwise possible, resulting in an elevation of tissue oxygenation, bypassing the need for hemoglobin carried by red blood cells. Now, the bacteria hiding from its hosts immune warfare carried by blood, has nowhere to hide from the deluge of oxygen, which is lethal to this bacteria. Further, increased oxygen levels from HBOT can increase white blood cell activity and enhance the efficiency of bactericidal action of white blood cells.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Effects

On Neurological Conditions Associated with Lyme

Benefits include:

Diminishes inflammatory-related arthritic pain lessens muscle discomfort increases energy levels.

On Antibacterial Activity

Studies On Lyme Disease Hyperbaric Oxygen And Hbot Treatment

16. Lyme Disease, Basic Training and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

As of today, HBOT does not have FDA approval for the treatment of Lyme disease and doctors use it as an off-label course of treatment. While it may not yet have FDA approval, there are numerous studies that have shown the effectiveness of HBOT in the treatment of Lyme disease.

A paper published in 1998 by W.P. Fife, Ph.D. and R.A. Neubauer, MD discussed the use of HBOT and hyperbaric oxygen with Lyme disease. They discovered that fibroblasts often protect the Borrelia bacteria from antibiotics, making traditional treatment options ineffective. Because HBOT delivers high levels of oxygen under elevated pressure, the oxygen penetrates deep into the tissue and provide an oxygen-rich environment where the bacteria are unable to survive. The study looked at 91 patients and treated them with HBOT while they maintained antibiotic therapy. At the end of the study, 84.8 percent showed significant improvement in symptoms as well as positive diagnostic changes in SPECT scans .â

Hyperbaric Oxygen Helps After Years Of Failed Treatments

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Can Hbot Help You With Your Lyme Disease

As the information and studies show, hyperbaric oxygen and HBOT provide an effective alternative or adjunctive therapy for your Lyme disease. Dr. Spiegel is happy to meet with you in an initial consultation, go over your symptoms, as well as current and past treatments and how HBOT can help you. Contact our office today at 727.787.7077 to set up an initial consultation. You may also click HERE to fill out our request form.

Trumed Offers Edmonton Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

We’ve decided to amalgamate some of the evidence for Hyperbaric Oxygen in the treatment of Lyme Disease. This review page is for informational purposes only.

Our Naturopathic Doctors offer Edmonton Hyperbaric Oxygen & IV Therapy.

Alternative medicine has options to improve Chronic Lyme Disease.


Lyme disease, is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted to humans by the bite of infected ticks.

Borrelia species can infect any tissue or organ system. Therefore, multiple symptoms from different body systems are observed with patients with Lyme disease.

Borrelia species are colloquially called “shape-shifters”. Borrellia can exist as a spirochete , cyst form, cell-wall deficient form and filamentous form.

Acute symptoms can occur anywhere from 3-30 days following a tick bite.

Up to 70% of people infected with Lyme disease get the erythema migrans rash, however most people with chronic Lyme Disease don’t ever recall being bitten by a tick!

Ticks and can spread numerous other infections, which cause similar symptoms: Babesia, Bartonella, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia & Mycoplasma. It’s quite common for our Naturopathic doctors to screen for various Lyme Co-infections when screening for Lyme disease.

Various herbal protocols are available: Cowden, Zhang, Buhner, Byron White. Of course, standard anti-biotic protocols are also available and it’s common to see the two interspersed.

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Treating Lyme Disease In Humans

Lyme disease is a type of bacteria that infects people, making them very sick. Treating Lyme disease in humans is tricky because the symptoms come and go since toxins are left behind. To complicate matters, in 2013, scientists from the Mayo Clinic discovered another type of bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Antibiotics changed to kill multiple types of bacteria.

Johns Hopkins did a study that found even with antibiotic treatments, not all symptoms subside. While some antibiotics work at killing off bacteria, there are toxins and metals left behind in the body. Treatment is difficult because conditions can develop that are not treated with antibiotics.

For this reason, doctors have started treating patients with more than just antibiotics. It is becoming more common to recommend that patients use hyperbaric chamber therapy with medications to attack the bacteria and symptoms from multiple angles. This is especially important if the person has a type of bacteria that becomes resistance to traditional antibiotic therapy.

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Recent Study Shows Hbot Effectively Treats Those Afflicted With Lyme Disease:

Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treat Lyme Disease?

For most people who catch Lyme disease early, a course of antibiotics frequently knocks out the infection. Many people, however, do not completely recover, even after multiple courses of medication. On its website, the Lyme Research Alliance lists 87 symptoms associated with the disease. The headaches, arthritic pain, fatigue, confusion and neurological symptoms can feel unbearable. Thankfully, many Lyme disease symptoms respond well to treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy even when other treatments have failed.

Here at the National Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center, in addition to these benefits, we see how glands and organs resume functioning normally during the course of treatment.

If you or a loved one suffers from chronic Lyme disease symptoms, we can help you to decide whether HBOT is right for you during an assessment. Simply to schedule a time or call our center at 787-7077.

Megans Treatment Testimonial

Megan shares the emotional story of how she got bitten by a tick during basic training that developed into Lyme disease, and how Dr. Spiegel gave Megan her life back!

Read Also: Lyme Disease Doctor New York

Texas A& M Case Reports

Patient 1: 40 year old female with chronic Fatigue, limited Walking, constant joint pain, and cognitive difficulties.

Had symptoms for 5 years despite 5 rounds of antibiotic treatment for Lyme.

Patient initially had a severe herxheimer reaction.

Improved walking distance and cognitive function at 2-months after finishing Hyperbaric Treatment.

Many activities of daily living resumed at normal levels 5 months after finishing HBOT

Patients 2: 39 year old female, partial vision loss, left sided sensation alteration, chronic fatigue, joint stiffness, muscle pain and left leg weakness.

Had symptoms for 6 years prior to treatment.

More energy, decreased pain in left foot, and leg weakness resolved after sixth Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment.Improved with only periodic down days 5 months after stopping treatment.

Patient 3: 16 year old female, with fatigue, muscle and joint pain, mood swings, insomnia, memory loss and headaches. Patient was removed from high school.

Had symptoms for 3 years prior.

Long term antibiotic treatments only gave temporary relief.

After 45 treatments, concentration time increased from 30 min to 3 hours and continued to improve to point where she did well in college.

All patients were positive for Lyme disease with Serological Testing.

Taiwan Case Report

This case report on Hyperbaric Oxygen and Lyme was published in 2014 by Huang et al. In April 2003, the then 31-year-old healthy man began suffering from intermittent low- and high-grade fever.

Lyme Disease Bacteria Survive 28

Unfortunately, new research is showing that the Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes can continue to survive, even after a 28-day course of antibiotic treatment. A recent study by researchers at Tulane University supports the claims of many Lyme disease patients. These patients continue to experience symptoms after antibiotic treatment. And even when blood tests say they no longer have Lyme disease.

Researchers discovered that the B. burgdorferi spirochetes have the ability to adapt to the host, can escape immune recognition, and even tolerate the antibiotics, allowing them to invade the brain and the heart. The lead researcher, Monica Embers, PhD, assistant professor of microbiology and immunology stated, âIn this study, we were able to observe the existence of microscopic disease and low numbers of bacteria which would be difficult to âseeâ in humans but could possibly be the cause of the variable and nonspecific symptoms that are characteristic of post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. Although current antibiotic regimens may cure most patients who are treated early, if the infection is allowed to progress, the 28-day treatment may be insufficient, based on these findings.â

Some of those findings also show that all subjects treated with antibiotics had some level of infection up to 12 months post-treatment. Even after testing negative for Lyme disease antibody tests, subjects were still infected in the heart and bladder.

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