Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hyperthermia Treatment For Lyme Disease

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Whole Body Hyperthermia for Lyme Disease Treatment – Was It Worth the Money?

With Hyperthermia, your doctor increases your core body temperature a little bit at a time. Research has shown that even a small increase in temperature, like from 1 to 4 degrees, helps wake up the immune system and send it into battle.

Hyperthermia is not something you can try on your own at home with a friend. A trained physician must medically supervise it.

Your doctor will monitor your vital signs during the process and can lower your temperature quickly if needed. He or she can increase the temperature if required also.

Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Recommendations For Diagnosis Of Lyme Disease14

  • No tests are recommended for patients with a typical pattern of symptoms that includes erythema migrans
  • Atypical patients should have a blood sample tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
  • If the first ELISA result is negative, no further tests are done. The patient is seronegative
  • If the ELISA result is positive or equivocal, the same sample is retested using Western immunoblot analysis. A patient is seropositive if both tests are positive

The immunoblot analysis must be interpreted by staff at a qualified laboratory that follows CDC guidelines. Immunoblot analysis is not recommended in isolation because of the risk of a false positive result.

Patients in the early stages of Lyme disease may still be seronegative and should be retested during the convalescent phase

Evidence based medicine has nothing to offer in the diagnosis and treatment of patients who think they may have chronic Lyme disease. A few doctors are willing to take them on, but these doctors are often harassed by their peers and the medical licensing authorities. These patients are hard work, says Ms Smith. History taking alone can take hours, and there isn’t a convenient cook book to follow for treatment. They need months or years of follow-up.

The Crucial Component Post

I am presenting you with this information in hopes that it can help you navigate your own healing journey. From my personal recovery and the clients that I have worked with, I am consistently seeing that the people who are focusing on extensive detoxification treatments when they get back are the ones seeing the most sustainable improvements. Not only does this include getting these toxins from the dead pathogens out, but you also need to look into possible issues with methylation pathways, mold mycotoxins, and heavy metal issues. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Detoxification can take months. Be persistent and be patient. Your body has been in chronic crisis, and it is important to take the time to do things in the appropriate stages.

After hyperthermia, upon returning home, many times patients continue to try to immediately kill the pathogens that remain. Lets seriously think about this. Your body just went through a major ordeal with two extreme whole-body hyperthermia treatments and is now dealing with a die-off reaction from all these pathogens being killed. If you are a doctor or a patient reading this, please consider thoroughly detoxing the body before continuing aggressive antimicrobial/parasitic treatment.


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Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

As a typical early symptom of this infectious disease the floating redness or rash can be seen, some days or several weeks after the bite. This reddening can be seen in about 90% in the area of the bite, an at least 5 cm circular reddening, wich is in the middle pale and is widening toward the outside. Adults show this floating reddening usually on the legs, children on their head or neck. Untypical symptoms like fever, muscle and headache can occur.

The earlier the disease is known and treated with antibiotics the more good the chances that the disease can be cured completely. The chances of complications are much less if the disease is treated early and properly.

The late effect, a chronic neuroborreliosis, can occur even if it has been treated immediately with antibiotics. If the visible symptoms vanished, it is possible, that after month or even years later unspecific and intensive symptoms can occur like chronic pains, tinnitus, dizziness, fever attacks, insomnia, joint inflammations, headache and neural paralyses.

Lyme disease very often is not found for a long time, because the floating redness does not occur always or is not detected. The borrelia can invade the body undetected, especially in the joints and tissue. Symptoms like fever, headaches and more usually are interpreted as a flu and therefore will not be treated. The infection spreads into the whole body with many different unspecific symptoms.

Doctors divide lyme disease into stages I to III.

Talk To Us About Hyperthermia Treatment

Dr. Herzog

The Lyme Specialist was supportive, optimistic, informative and pro-active. I called them on several occasions and they responded the same or next day. The Lyme Specialist gave me hope and eventually a path to wellness. Today I am symptom free, off all my meds, and I have my life back. I am back to work as a nurse. I am grateful.

S Zimmerman

I just wish I could thank Michelle in person for her kindness, her friendship, and her knowledge. Michelle is absolutely not pedaling snake oil I thank her from the bottom of my heart. I am well, and it feels like a miracle. I did not even remember what wellness felt like phew all I can say is that it is better than you think.

Kirstin Bokor

Since returning, The Lyme Specialist has continued to follow up with my treatments and recovery, with excellent advice. I unreservedly recommend consultation with TLS before traveling abroad for Lyme treatment.

Molly Mason

The two hyperthermia treatments have worked their miracle and I feel like I have my life back. Im so grateful for the support from Michelle and Dr Herzog and cant recommend their services highly enough.

Stuart Kinnear

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What Temperature Does The Body Need To Increase To When Treating Lyme

The core temperature of the body is increased carefully through the use of whole-body infrared-A-irradiation. The goal is to bring the body temperature to at least 106° F , which is the temperature at which it is believed many strains of Borreliosis are affected. If the patient is able to tolerate higher temperatures, doctors at the hospitals in the United States, Germany, and Mexico believe it is preferable to try and reach 107° F and slightly above.

What Is Hyperthermia Therapy For Lyme Disease

by Lyme Mexico | Dec 5, 2022 | Alternative Treatments |

You encounter bacteria and germs daily. Fortunately, washing your hands helps eliminate them before they find their way into your system and becomes an infection. A second way to encounter bacteria is through a bite or scratch. For example, Lyme disease is contracted by being bitten by the black-legged deer tick. Once the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi enters your bloodstream, it begins multiplying and spreading to different body parts. Thankfully there are many alternative treatment methods, such as hyperthermia therapy, to help treat Lyme disease.

The body is equipped to eliminate the bacteria from your system. Once it senses the bacteria, inflammation is triggered and tasked with locating and destroying it. This process works unless you have an auto-immune disorder like Lyme disease. In such cases, bacteria protect themselves using multiple methods.

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What Is Medically Induced Hyperthermia Therapy

Working with a Lyme disease specialist, you will create a plan for hyperthermia treatments. These treatments involve a carefully administered process in which the temperature of your body is increased to a degree that will kill the bacteria associated with Lyme disease.

Some doctors induce hyperthermia through exogenous substances, like toxins, or with oxidative agents like UV lights. Some doctors focus on whole body hyperthermia.

A newer, more effective treatment is called Hypothermia by Extracorporeal Photopheresis. In this process, your blood is heated and treated specifically. Your blood flows into a sterile chamber where it is heated by UV and Gamma Rays to a temperature that can destroy bacteria associated with Lyme.

During this process, Lyme specialists may also introduce IV antibiotics, and oxidative therapies to enhance the elimination of bacteria.

Your doctor will help you determine which types of hyperthermia will work best for you. The types are based on temperature degrees.

Contact Us For Consultation

Hyperthermia to Treat Lyme Disease and Why Other Treatments Fail

Request an initial Skype consultation with our medical team. Give us your phone number or Skype name if you would like us to speak to you live first before scheduling a consultation. Otherwise, we will contact you by email. Please note that we can call you during our office hours: M to F: 9 am 5 pm .

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Hyperthermias Key Role In Overcoming Lyme Disease

During extreme whole-body hyperthermia, the temperature rise is achieved slowly over the entire system, including the brain. The goal is to raise the temperature to 41.6° 41.8° C while also taking the antibiotics Ceftriaxon, -Lactam, and Metronidazol.3 This treatment takes place under sedation, and the patients are monitored as in Intensive Care.4 Research suggests that hyperthermia kills Lyme microbes, increases the effectiveness of antibiotics, and enables antibiotics to get inside the cells much more easily by decreasing the microbes resistance to antibiotics.1 Treatment results of 809 patients from the past 3 years showed a very good good clinical outcome in approximately three-quarters of the patients, measured by a reduction of Burroscano-Score of at least 50%.3 Also, lowering the pathogenic load places your body in a better position to respond to other recovery factors that may contribute to the symptoms you have when you return home.

If You Do Not See Immediate Results After Hyperthermia Treatment Please Be Patient With Your Body

During hyperthermia treatment, when pathogens die, they expel toxins. Toxins produce inflammation, and if not removed, can also contribute to symptoms and create cell membrane damage. The clinics that we work with offer a two to three-week detox protocol. However, for someone dealing with MSIDS, two to three weeks of detoxing may not cut it. Often, if patients dealing with MSIDS do not feel substantially better after two to three weeks, they start doubting the effectiveness of hyperthermia. I was right there with them when I got back from treatment. Initially coming home, I only saw little improvements. To only see minor improvements after this, was honestly my biggest fear.

Right before leaving for treatment, I remember sitting on my kitchen floor, having a conversation with my best friend about if hyperthermia did not work for me, I could not live like this any longer. I am a fighter, but I am also a realist, and the reality was that I wasnt myself anymore, and I didnt have any quality of life. For those that are reading this and do not know my story, at that point I was completed debilitated by this disease. I did not have function over my neck, I had vertigo and balance issues 24/7, I was dealing with derealization and depersonalization, head pressure, ear pain, light, heat, and noise sensitivity, I looked like a skeleton, I could not process information, and I could not recognize my friends, family, or myself.

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Whole Body Hyperthermia Treatment In Scottsdale Arizona

Heat Damages Proteins Required To Repair DNA Damage. Normal Cells Typically Recover Faster Than Cancer Cells When Exposed To Either Heat Or The Combination Of Heat Combined With Additional Natural Cancer Treatments.

Additionally, Normal Tissues Have More Blood Flow Than Cancerous Tissue So They Dissipate Heat Better. Cell Death From Exposure To Heat Is A Function Of Both The Intensity Of The Heat And The Length Of Time Of The Exposure. Cancer Cells Are Damaged At A Temperature Above 104 Degrees Fahrenheit. Researchers Believe The Right Level And Length Of Heat Damages 99% Of All Cancer Strains. This Makes Hyperthermia One Of The Most Effective Natural Cancer Treatments Available. Importantly, Hyperthermia Does Not Damage Normal Healthy Cells, And May Actually Enhance The Immune System.

The evidence of current medical research confronts us with our present and obviously our immediate future that important vitamin deficiencies and low levels of critical minerals are the reality in a majority of Americans who have lived on an unhealthy processed food diet.

Other findings suggest that more than 60% of cancer cases could be prevented with proper nutrition and supplementation.

The statistics are stark: seven out of every ten Americans will die due to preventable, chronic, inflammatory disease. What is even more important is that research shows that at least 50% could be avoided with timely intervention to assess and modify risk factors.

Treatment Of Lyme Disease With Laser Blood Irradiation

Hyperthermia Fever Therapy with Intravenous Vitamin C Salt Lake City

The laser blood irradiation is a minimal-invasive kind of therapy. With this technic a laser light will be let directly into the bloodstream with the help of a small vein catheter. It causes positive changes of the immune system. Nearly all patients show a general stabilizing and more energy. The laser blood irradiation in Lyme patients is a further development of the photodynamic laser therapy, which was used earlier as an antibacterial mainly in dental medicine to destroy bacteria.

Using laser blood irradiation will be, in opposite to the photodynamic laser therapy, no light sensible substances will be given into the blood stream. The laser light will be given directly into the blood stream and causing photochemical reactions an increased sensibility to light be produced in parasites, bacteria and viruses, that they can be destroyed or killed.

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Clinical Application Of Hyperthermia Treatment:

Candidates for whole-body hyperthermia are carefully evaluated not only in terms of the main diagnosis but also their general, nutritional, and overall condition and specifically their lung and heart functions.

Careful clinical diagnosis and stage of the disease with all possible elements to establish the status of the illness will provide necessary information to allow both patient and physician to evaluate changes in the disease in an objective and systematic manger. This is vital in the planning of adjunctive and future therapies that will bring about a successful outcome.

Radiological studies, such as CT scans, MRI, and other X-ray images, are helpful criteria to judge changes in the progression of a tumor. Laboratory findings are also important factors in this assessment, particularly tumor markers in blood.

In the case of viral infections, modern laboratory techniques can provide accurate information such as viral load quantification, antibody titer elevation, and immunological reactions to the disease which provide important feedback to support or modify the hyperthermia treatment program.

Laboratory tests may show some changes following hyperthermia, similar in nature to those observed after a high fever. However, as in fever, these changes will return to normal in a few days and scientific studies provide they inconsequential.

Hyperthermia Therapy For Lyme Disease

Borrelia burgdorferi Lyme bacteria are significantly impacted by high temperatures. Scientists have figured out that Lyme bacteria die when the body reaches 106.88 degrees Fahrenheit and stays there for at least two hours.The induced fever boosts your immune system and increases blood flow and oxygen supply to vital organs, cells, and tissues. The higher temperatures also kill microbes and biofilms, which help the bacteria become more resistant to antibiotics. When this happens, antibiotics have an easier time reaching cells and tissues they couldnt before, increasing your chances of a positive outcome.

While there havent been many major studies, smaller ones show three-fourths of patients undergoing hyperthermia resulted in significant reductions in symptoms.

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Treatment For Bacterial Infections

The first line of treatment for bacterial infections is oral antibiotics, usually doxycycline or another robust version, to give your body the best chances of elimination. Antibiotic therapies work best when used in the early stages of an infection before it has spread throughout the body.

Lyme diseases early stages are localized and disseminated. Symptoms in these stages are like other common ailments, like the flu. A common symptom to appear during these stages is fever. The body heats up internally, creating inflammation to seek out Lyme bacteria and destroy them.

Unfortunately, antibiotics do not work for everyone due to one or more of the following:

  • They were undiagnosed or misdiagnosed during the early stages
  • Bacteria create biofilms to shield themselves from antibiotics
  • Coinfections exist that are undiagnosed
  • Bacteria can hide in cells and tissues
  • Bacteria can go dormant or inactive to avoid detection

Advanced Treatment For Lyme And Co

3 Current Lyme Recovery Trends and My 2 Year Post Hyperthermia Update

Lyme disease and other chronic infectious diseases affect millions of people with numbers increasing every day. At Sanoviv, our team of medical professionals will work to get to the root cause of your health issues and heal you from the inside out. We take a whole-body approach to your wellness. We offer many complementary treatments, under one roof, so youre not having to chase doctors from one place to another. From nutritious, prepared meals, to advanced alternative treatments, you will be taken care of at Sanoviv, so the only thing youll have to worry about is feeling better.

This comprehensive in-patient treatment program has helped many Lyme patients to finally get back on the path to healing after struggling with this disease for many years.

  • Medical Consultations
  • Nutrition Assessment and Consultation
  • Chiropractor Assessment and Follow Up
  • Fitness Assessment and Follow Up
  • Psychology Consultation and Individual Sessions
  • Dental Evaluation & Explanation with Panarex X-ray
  • Detoxification Therapies
  • Lyme treatments and therapies selected by your medical doctor for your specific disease profile
  • Bioenergetic therapies
  • Medical SPA Therapies
  • Bio impedence analysis
  • Daily Meditations and Energy Medicine
  • Food Preparation & Juicing Classes

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Getting To Know The Different Treatment Options For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a severe infection that can cause several health problems. This bacterial contagion, caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, is spread by deer ticks. The effects of Lyme disease may vary from individual to individual, yet usually include headache, fever, fatigue, joint pain, and the signature bulls-eye rash.

If you think you might have Lyme disease, you must see a doctor as soon as possible and get started on treatment. There are a few different options for treating Lyme disease, and the best course of action will vary depending on the individual case. This article will explore some of the various treatments for Lyme disease and what you can expect from each one.

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