Importance Of Immune System And Cytokine In Babesia Etiology
Babesia microti infections in mice were investigated with regard to Helper T cell cytokine as well as antibody responses. It turns out that Th1 cytokines dominated the early inflammatory response and likely served to control acute parasitaemia. Th-2 responses could be a means by which parasitic reduction or elimination from the body could occur. Expressions of IL-4 and IL-10 might be critical to the immune system for the patients’ complete return to health. Patients whose immune systems remain compromised may continue indefinitely in the inflammatory/chronic inflammatory phase, putting them at an increased risk for cardiovascular problems and cancer.
Doctor and author Hulda Clark was considered a quack for her first cancer book, “The Cure for All Cancers,” where she examined and outlined the causes of malignancy. The doctor was extremely specific about causatives as well as measures to take to rid the body of them. One part of her process was to begin and maintain a parasite killing program while inhabiting a consistently clean environment to allow the immune system to function at a high level. A decade later, we see the importance of the immune system in treating all infections being completely invaluable to the recovery of cancer and chronic disease patients.
How Could Parasites Be Beneficial If They Are Responsible For So Many Health Problems
Despite all of these terrible diseases, some people with autoimmune conditions from developed nations infect themselves with parasites on purpose. Why? As part of the hygiene hypothesis, it may be that these pathogens have some beneficial effects on the immune system that has been lost in modern living.
One theory is that as these worms co-evolved with humans they developed a niche role in training the human immune system. Without their modulating influence the immune system can develop in unhelpful ways, generating autoimmune diseases or being unable to respond to pathogens effectively.
The effects on the immune system are complex. In many cases, the effects on the human body involve multiple pathogens. Humans and primates with certain parasitic worms are less likely to become infected with malaria and other pathogens. Exactly how the immune system is modulated is unknown, but measurable changes are seen in T-cells and cytokines.
Yet when one primate or person is infected with multiple species of worms these benefits are reduced. When people are infected with high numbers of worms, the benefits are also reduced. It may be that these large infections cancel out the immune modulating effects and lead to the kind of inflammation that is more typical in any other pathogenic infection and also more typical in autoimmune diseases.
What Alinia Research Says
A review of research published using PubMed shows Alinia can kill various types of intestinal parasites. There is a study showing it can decrease biofilms in staph germs. There is some science showing it can treat some acute virus infections.
But that is where the research stops. There is no research using Alinia for Lyme, Babesia, or Lyme biofilms. This means there is no human research or even any petri-dish or laboratory research.
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Lyme Disease In Dogs: Symptoms And Treatment
Reviewed and updated on April 14, 2020 by Rania Gollakner, DVM
Lyme disease in dogs is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in the world, but it only causes symptoms in 5-10% of affected dogs. So some dogs may have it, but never show symptoms.
Transmission of Lyme disease has been reported in dogs throughout the United States and Europe, but its most prevalent in the upper Midwestern states, the Atlantic seaboard and the Pacific coastal states.
However, the disease is spreading and becoming more common throughout the United States. Heres some info about the causes and prevention of Lyme disease, as well as the symptoms you should look for and treatment options.
Lyme Discovery: Borrelia Bacteria Hides Inside Parasitic Worms Causing Chronic Brain Diseases
LISTEN: Lyme disease expert talks diagnosis, treatment and chronic Lyme
The examination of autopsied brain tissues from patients who died of serious neurological conditions has revealed that many tick-borne infections, such as Lyme disease, go undiagnosed and untreated. Board-certified pathologist, Alan B. MacDonald, MD, says his research shows tick infections are not easily detected with routine tests, nor are they easily cured with short courses of antibiotics.
MacDonald presented his findings Thursday on Capitol Hill, in the Rayburn House Office Building, at a forum to explore the scientific, economic, and policy challenges posed by the epidemic of Lyme disease and associated tick-borne illnesses.
MacDonald found three Borrelia pathogens, including B. burgdorferi the causative agent of Lyme disease, thriving inside parasitic nematode worms, worm eggs or larvae in the brain tissue of nineteen deceased patients. These microscopic worms are endosymbionts, meaning the Borrelia bacteria dwell inside the worms. A tick bite delivers the nematode into the human body.
Lyme and outrage are inextricably paired
MacDonalds work breaks new ground while building on previous studies. In 1984, Lyme pioneer Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D. wrote of finding nematodes in tick guts. In 2014, University of New Haven researcher Eva Sapi, Ph.D., examined the guts of ticks gathered in southern Connecticut and found 22% of the nymphs and 30% of adult Ixodes ticks carried nematodes in their systems.
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Can Parasites Cause Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is not caused by a parasite. In fact, in North America, it is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. Other species of Borrelia are also known to cause Lyme disease in other part of the world. As such, this disease can also be called Lyme Borreliosis. Bacteria are very different from parasites, as they do are not the same type of cell. As such, bacteria are known as prokaryotes, a primitive single-cell type lacking any membrane-bound organelles, such as the nucleus, the structure containing the DNA, and the mitochondria, the organelle responsible for the production of energy. On the opposite side, parasites are known as eukaryotes, a type of cells including many organelles surrounded by membranes. As a reference, animals, plants and human are also composed of eukaryotic cells.
The bacteria responsible for Lyme disease are transmitted by the bite of the blacklegged tick. However, this tick is also responsible for the transmission of other microorganisms, such as the protozoan parasites Babesia responsible for a disease called babesiosis. It is noteworthy that, as taxonomy of parasites is evolving quickly because of the new DNA sequencing technologies, this parasite is now officially called Theileria. However, this novel classification is not yet used in the medical field where this parasite is still known as Babesia.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Milk Cleanse Parasite And Mold Detoxing
You may be wondering what some of these cleanses and detoxing entail, Nora gave amazing insights on what the milk cleanse does for you and how it works. The milk attracts the parasites, they then come out to feed on the milk the cleanse hits them with anti-parasitic herbs which excrete the parasites from the body. After the 8 days of milk cleansing, you go to 14 days of clean eating which involves no dairy, no sugar. This helps you in your treatment and helps cleanse your body. She has also done metal detoxing as she was impacted by metal being all around. In order to address this, she went to two different doctors that provided IV chelation treatments.
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Immunological Response To B Microti
The intraerythrocytic parasite B. microti possesses a detailed lifecycle that utilizes several hosts. In nature, both a rodent and tick host are required for survival of the parasite. In the rodent host, most commonly the white-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus, sporozoites are injected from the bite of an infected tick, commonly I. scapularis, and infect mouse erythrocytes where they either reproduce asexually or undergo gametogony to produce viable gametes . These gametes are then reintroduced into the definitive host, a tick from the genus Ixodes, during a subsequent blood meal. In the definitive host, gametes join to form an ookinete which migrates to the salivary glands and undergoes sporogony producing new sporozoites. In the natural lifecycle of B. microti, these sporozoites would once again be injected into a rodent during the process of a tick blood meal. However, if the infected tick instead seeks its blood meal from a human, the sporozoites are introduced into the human host. Humans can also artificially infect others through the process of blood donation and transfusion, as this parasite resides inside erythrocytes for much of its lifecycle. Though not the primary mechanism of infection, babesiosis is the most common blood transfusion-transmitted infection in the United States with 162 cases reported since 1980 .
Different Susceptibility Of Persisters To Antibiotics
Amoxicillin-induced RBs have been used as an alternative model to stationary phase culture of B. burgdorferi in screening drugs active against persisters in vitro. Both models showed different susceptibilities to the same tested drugs. Because the structure of stationary phase culture is more complex, as it is enriched with RBs, micro-colonies and biofilm- like aggregates, its tolerance to tested antibiotics was shown to be higher in comparison to amoxicillin-induced round bodies .
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Parasite Removal Next Steps
Coffee enemas 2-3 times per week. Enemas and Colonics aid in inhibiting the parasites from reabsorbing into the body or migrating back upwards in the GI tract.
BioPure Nexus Suppository 1 suppository per night for 3 months
Castor Oil packs These should be applied 2-3 times per week for a duration of 1 hour. They are simple to do at home.
- Gather castor oil, hot pad, fabric, & old towel to get started.
- First, saturate a large enough piece of cotton fabric to cover your liver area with castor oil.
- Next, have a piece of saran wrap ready to place between to cloth and the hot pad.
- Then, lay down for 1 hour while the castor oil pack gets to work.
CellCore Bioscience Products you can find on their website.
Thoughts On Lyme Disease Patient With Potential Parasites
Ive been dealing with these parasites for over a year numerous doctors & prescriptions but nothing was killing these creatures. Then I starting drinking 2 cups of green tea with apple cider vinegar, honey, diatomaceous earth food grade & turmeric, plus a bottle of 1/2 water 1/2 bottle of apple cider vinegar and it is killing this stuff like crazy !!!Lyme is a fungus & apple cider is an antifungal trust me this is the cure for this crude we endure !! Best of luck to All !!!
Witch Hazel and coconut oil with teatree oil has helped me the most, with positive results, FINALLY! After 2 yrs of suffering with this, what a nightmare?
I have these exact type things all in my scalp , when I pick a scab n and look at it100× Magnification. It is full of a variety of worm like creatures that move extremely slow. What is it. Help
Yep Morgellons thats what I have happening in a lot of people around me I think its an epidemic they have hair when you squeeze them you cant grab them the silk comes out so youre grabbing all this silk not the worm if anybody has any idea how to get rid of them and get them off of my body please email me at RebeccalaflammeyahoocomLets not fail to mention that these hairs that come out of these larvae move so the hair on my head now moves on its own its a glittery Silk protein substance when I say glittery its not a joke it Glitters
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Theres A New Possible Suspect Behind The Most Commonly Reported Insect
As The New York Times reports, researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, identified six patients who were infected by a newly identified bacteria they named Borrelia mayonii.
The patients had symptoms similar to those caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, which was previously the only culprit behind Lyme disease in the US.
The findings, which were reported in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, could help explain why so many people who suffer symptoms of Lyme test negative for it.
Lyme Disease At Acute Phase Of Infection
At day 11 p.i., live imaging was used to detect dissemination of N40 from the site of infection. Bioluminescence was observed in the joints and head regions of all N40 infected and co-infected mice . Live spirochetes were recovered from the injection site, ear and bladder of all N40-infected and co-infected mice confirming a disseminated infection by B. burgdorferi . To accurately quantify spirochetes burden in different tissues, N40 recA copy numbers were normalized to 105 mouse nidogen copies in the duplex qPCR assay . There was a high spirochete burden in joints and brain of N40 infected or co-infected mice. High B. burgdorferi burden is likely because the adaptive immune response was still not fully developed in these mice. N40 infected mice displayed inflammation in the tibiotarsus and their joints had significant infiltration of leukocytes compared to B. microti infected control mice . Co-infection led to more pronounced inflammation with 2/5 co-infected mice displaying maximum arthritic severity and 3/5 displaying moderate inflammatory arthritis. In the N40 infected group 4/5 mice showed moderate and 1/5 mice displayed minimal inflammation . None of the N40-infected or co-infected mice displayed any apparent carditis .
Table 1. Cultivation of B. burgdorferi from different organs of the infected mice in BSKII medium containing 6% rabbit serum.
Table 2. Histopathological scoring of joints of infected mice at two points of infection.
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Parasites & Finding Your Fit
Before learning this, I am pleased to announce that my doctor, Dr. Jennifer Grushon has been approaching my treatment this way. In my first blog post I talk about Dr. Klinghardts invention of A.R.T. Dr. Grushon uses this to diagnose and treat me. Chronic Lyme patients are like an onion that needs to be peeled back one layer at a time. Though A.R.T my body guides the treatment based on what it is ready to work on and the level that needs to be treated. This doesnt mean you cant have a multifaceted treatment plan it just means that if you arent solving the biggest problem first you could be stuck there for a while. If you are in need a a doctor I could not recommend Dr. Grushon more, also visit the Sophia Health Institute where Dr. Klinghardt and his team work.
Babesia And Mast Cell Activation The Missing Link
The other tests on the Babesia list are the Chromogranin A and Tryptase markers. While these tests may be new to you, patients who have encountered Mast Cell Activated Syndromes may have encountered these before. We will write a more extensive article on MCAS in the future, but this finding was a surprise to me when I first discovered it. To make mast cell extremely simple, some patients get an immune shift where they produce large amounts of histamine. While this can cause skin rashes and irritation it can also cause a wide variety of neurological symptoms as well as large amounts of pain. The main therapy for mast cell disorders is a plethora of histamine blockers. We find this therapy to only give patients mild/moderate relief and some patients see almost no relief from this. The most effective therapy we have ever seen for a patient with MCAS is the elimination a parasite. The most common parasite we find with this condition is Babesia.
Don’t Miss: Lyme Disease Breakthrough At Mayo Clinic
Lyme Bacteria Hides Inside Parasitic Worms Causing Chronic Brain Diseases
WASHINGTON, May 19, 2016 /PRNewswire/ The examination of autopsied brain tissues from patients who died of serious neurological conditions has revealed that many tick-borne infections, such as Lyme disease, go undiagnosed and untreated. Board-certified pathologist, Alan B. MacDonald, MD, says his research shows tick infections are not easily detected with routine tests, nor are they easily cured with short courses of antibiotics.
MacDonald will present his findings Thursday on Capitol Hill, in the Rayburn House Office Building, at a forum to explore the scientific, economic, and policy challenges posed by the epidemic of Lyme disease and associated tick-borne illnesses.
MacDonald found three Borrelia pathogens, including B. burgdorferi the causative agent of Lyme disease, thriving inside parasitic nematode worms, worm eggs or larvae in the brain tissue of nineteen deceased patients. These microscopic worms are endosymbionts, meaning the Borrelia bacteria dwell inside the worms. A tick bite delivers the nematode into the human body.
Both the worms and the Borrelia pathogens can cause devastating brain damage, said MacDonald. Current tests, like the ELISA and Western blot, do not adequately detect the presence of Borrelia bacteria. MacDonald says his discovery also shows while patients are wrongly declared free of Lyme and other tick-borne infections, in reality, too often they contract serious neurodegenerative diseases which can kill them.
Are Cloaked Parasites The Root Cause Of Mold Illness Lyme Disease And Other Chronic Diseases
Medical HypothesisPeer-reviewed by Lisa Petrison, PhD
I have been studying Lyme disease and reporting on my findings in various books as a full-time journalist for 16 years now, since I founded BioMed Publishing Group in 2003. Since that time, I have written 5 books on the topic and spent thousands of hours studying under many mentors. As well, I am a recovering Lyme disease patient myself.
I am writing this article because I believe I have new, critical information to contribute to the scientific community about one of the primary, underlying causes of not just Lyme disease, but many seemingly unrelated chronic illnesses.
It is well-known and well-accepted that mold toxicity plays an important role in the severity of Lyme disease. In fact, many clinicians now believe that mold is the number one factor in healing from Lyme disease. However, I believe there are additional factors which substantially add to the narrative.
Mold Reactivity
Many Lyme disease sufferers eventually discover that they react to mold, meaning that they experience significant symptom flare-ups when they are in the presence of mold, even very small amounts of mold.
A Life-Changing Experiment
Additionally, I noticed that mold avoidance seemed to cause my Lyme disease to become only the top layer of a much deeper, more complex problem.
A New Look At Mold Is There More To It Than We Thought?
Mold Reactivity: The Key to Surprising New Insights?
The Discovery That Changed Everything
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