Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lyme Disease Doctors In Texas

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The Lyme Disease Why For Dr Feuer

Dr. Randall Feuer, Congenital Lyme, his personal Lyme battle, disulfiram/dapsone & THC/CBD

How Lyme Disease Has Affected Our Family

When the people you love need help, you do whatever it takes to help them. Dr. Feuer knows Lyme Disease personally. His wife, son, and he himself suffer from Lyme Disease. As a physician, Dr. Feuer was determined to get to the root cause of his family’s illness. He is driven to share his knowledge and findings on the disease with Lyme sufferers in Texas. Pictured below:

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What Are Your Options For Lyme Disease Treatment

A person that has been diagnosed with Lyme disease and receives treatment in the early stages has a good chance of a full, speedy recovery. However, when left untreated, Lyme disease can spread beyond the infection site to cause more serious health conditions including arthritis, meningitis, and Bells palsy. Knowing your options for Lyme disease treatment can help you make an informed decision so you or a loved one can experience the best possible health outcome. Our infectious disease physicians will work with you one-on-one to choose the best treatment.

Gma Approach To Lyme Disease

Acute Lyme disease is easy to treat. By acute we mean that someone is infected with the Lyme bacterium and he or she presents to a healthcare professional within three months of the infection. In all likelihood, that patient could be cured of Lyme disease with three to four weeks of oral antibiotics.

On the other hand, when a patient has chronic Lyme disease and in some cases that we see, several years, and the patients symptoms have gone unrecognized as Lyme disease, it is difficult to treat and eradication or total suppression of the infection would require a very comprehensive approach. Antibiotics are not the cure even high dose, long-term intravenous antibiotics cannot eradicate or totally suppress chronic Lyme disease. Because chronic Lyme disease is a complicated infection which affects many body systems, it is truly a disease complex. Therefore, its treatment must employ a comprehensive approach. At Grace Medical, we use advanced integrative approach to treating this complex disease. What we have found to be the most effective approach is the following protocol consisting of:

1. Whole body detoxification. Detoxifying the body is very important. The body of the infected person already has a high load of free radicals due to the presence of the bacterium. Additionally, the patient may have heavy metal toxicity. Here, we use EDTA chelation therapy to detoxify the body and reduce free radical load, especially where heavy metals are present in the body.

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Call Ahead And Ask Questions

Even if you find a doctor who specializes in treating tick-borne diseases, you will want to ask some questions before making an appointment and committing your time and money. A few basic questions to consider asking upfront include the following:

  • What is your experience in treating patients with tick-borne diseases?
  • How do you diagnose diseases? Do you use any specific labs or lab tests to confirm diagnosis?
  • Do you test for coinfections?
  • Do you use traditional antibiotics and/or herbals?
  • Do you have any patient success stories you can share?
  • Do you strictly adhere to CDC test interpretation criteria or are you open to alternative criteria?

If youd like to find a LLMD and want to know more about how to vet them, read the Tick Talk blog, What Makes a Doctor Lyme Literate?

Chronic Lyme Disease Symptoms

Texas Prof Turns LD Fight into FB Campaign

In the first 30 days after the infecting tick bite, the telling symptom of Lyme disease is the Erythema migrans rash, which begins at the site of the bite and expands up to 12 inches, creating somewhat of a “bullseye” appearance. It is seldom painful or itchy, but may feel warm to the touch. It can appear on any area of the body however, not all people who have been infected with the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria experience this rash, which then often results in a delay in treatment.

Other early symptoms often present flulike and may include:

  • Numbness, tingling or shooting pain in hands and feet
  • Brain fog and even severe cognitive impairment

Some studies suggest chronic Lyme disease symptoms in women more often seem to continue post-treatment. Chronic Lyme disease is a more common diagnosis among women than men. Whether there is a higher incidence of chronic Lyme among women, or whether they are being misdiagnosed with chronic Lyme disease, is the question. The fact is, misdiagnosis is common since women present similar symptoms when they actually suffer from an autoimmune disease. It may be instead that women with chronic symptoms of Lyme Disease are suffering from a severe immune response brought on by the illness. Understanding the disease’s sometimes catastrophic and chronic impact in women’s bodies is an ongoing subject for study.

Read Also: What Percentage Of Deer Ticks Carry Lyme Disease

Do Your Research And Get Referrals

You can learn a lot just by researching doctors and reading patient reviews online. You can also connect with other patients through local and online support groups for various tick-borne diseases. Asking other patients to recommend or share their own experiences with different doctors can be particularly helpful when youre trying to locate and learn about physicians who specialize in various tick-borne illnesses.

The following sites can connect you to online support-group forums or help you identify different tick-borne support groups in the United States:

What Should I Expect During Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Ketamine infusion therapy is a relaxing experience. While you rest in a comfortable chair, Dr. Mukalel inserts your IV and starts your customized infusion. You can bring blankets, pillows, and headphones to increase your comfort during your infusion.

Dr. Mukalele or a clinical team member stays with you throughout your infusion. You might feel sleepy or tingly, and some patients experience floating or out-of-body sensations during treatment.

When your infusion is complete, a friend or family member should drive you home. Any lingering tiredness should subside after a good nights sleep.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

The earliest symptoms of Lyme disease may begin to appear in a few days to several weeks after infection. This is known as early localized Lyme disease or Stage 1. These symptoms are similar to the flu and include fever, chills, headache, and joint and muscle pain.

Symptoms that show up after the first 30 days can indicate early disseminated Lyme disease classified as Stage 2. These symptoms include paralysis or muscle weakness in the face, nerve pain or numbness, and heart problems such as chest pain and palpitations.

Symptoms that show up months or years after infection can indicate late disseminated Lyme disease classified as Stage 3. Arthritis is the most common symptom of Stage 3. Other symptoms may include speech and cognitive problems, muscle weakness, and abnormal muscle movement.

What To Look For

Concerns about Lyme disease growing in Texas

If you become ill within a few weeks of a known tick bite, see your health care provider right away. And even when you arent sure if youve been bitten by a tick but have the symptoms of Lyme disease and have been in the great outdoors you should check in with your doctor.

Immature deer ticks cause most infections Theyre very tiny, and many people are bitten without being aware of it.

Some of the first symptoms of Lyme disease include:

  • Bullseye-Shaped Rash Appearing Within a Few Days or Up to a Month After the Bite
  • Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes

A brief note about the rash: Although its strongly identified with Lyme disease, between 20 percent and 30 percent of people with Lyme disease dont get the rash at all. So if you have other symptoms but dont have the rash, you should still get checked out.

If Lyme disease is caught and treated early, the infection usually goes away quickly without long-term problems. Thats why its important to see your health care provider promptly if you have Lyme disease symptoms, even if you havent seen a tick bite you.

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Options For Chronic Lyme Disease Treatment

Antibiotics are not a cure-all solution for Lyme disease rather, a whole body approach to healing is necessary in both acute and chronic Lyme disease cases. Since chronic Lyme disease triggers a severe inflammatory response in your body, controlling inflammation is one of the first steps before your body can heal. Restoring your immune system so that it can best fight the disease at its root level is the central goal for your integrative medicine healthcare provider. Getting enough sleep, managing stress, balancing hormones and reducing exposure to mold, parasites and toxic chemicals are all important considerations.

Dietary changes are key, including the consumption of anti-inflammatory and gut-healing foods . Immune boosting foods like fresh fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants and nutrients. Fermented probiotic-rich foods like kefir, amasai, raw goat’s milk yogurt, unpasteurized sauerkraut or beet kvass have been shown to reduce the progression of infectious disease.

Addressing the chronic pain which is common to sufferers of chronic Lyme diseasewhile the disease is being combattedcan also involve alternatives to toxic, addictive pain medications. Some chronic pain treatments range from the use of frankincense essential oil, which contains the anti-inflammatory boswellia, to turmeric supplements and balms.

When Should I Talk To A Doctor About Lyme Disease

You should make an appointment with Dr. Mukalel at InfusionMD if you have any signs of Lyme disease. The sooner you get a diagnosis and start treatment, the better.

Dr. Mukalel provides a physical exam and lab tests, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blot testing, to confirm that your symptoms are due to Lyme disease.

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The Integrative Medicine Physician Approach To Lyme Disease

Integrative medicine doctors combine the best of conventional and alternative medicine treatments to address the person as a whole – tackling the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of a disease and a patient’s lifestyle overall. By doing this, the doctor facilitates the body’s innate healing response to help you regain control of your health.

Individualized treatment is necessary for patients suffering from Lyme disease as no one treatment option broadly helps all patients. Genetics, medical history and environmental surroundings all affect how Lyme disease manifests in the body. Creating a treatment plan based on these factors, the results of a physical examination and by determining the underlying causes of symptoms, rears the best results.

Heart Or Cardiac Problems

No rash, no fever, so much pain: The case of Illy Jaffer

A few people infected with Lyme disease would develop some type of heart complication from it. This could range from irregular heart beat or, slow heartbeat , to orthostatic hypotension. There can also be dizziness and shortness of breath. These symptoms can be temporary or they can be chronic especially in patients that have chronic Lyme disease.

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How To Approach Your Non

For various reasons, you may choose to consult with a doctor who doesnt specialize in Lyme disease or other tick-borne diseases.

If so, be sure to be as proactive as possible in providing information that could help in diagnosing your disease, and always feel free to share resources that you find in your own research to prompt discussions about any aspect of your diagnosis or treatment, including more advanced testing options.

If your doctor does not believe Lyme disease exists, reach out to another doctor for a second opinion.

Who Is Dr Richard Horowitz

Dr. Richard Horowitz has been treating Lyme and other tick-borne infections for 28 years. When he moved from Bayside, New York, to the Hudson Valley, he never suspected heâd land right in the heart of tick territory. After working in internal medicine, Dr. Horowitz opened a practice in Hyde Park, New York, where he is the medical director of the Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center. His book, Why Canât I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease, was published in 2013.Dr. Feuer met Dr. Horowitz and they instantly bonded. He has graciously given us permission to use his Lyme Symptom quiz to help in the evaluation of patients who suspect they have a bit-borne illness. âHorowitz is one of the most prominent âLyme literateâ physiciansâ¦patients wait for months to see him, and several told me that he had essentially cured them of a disease that nobody else seemed able to treat.â âThe New Yorker

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Lyme Disease And Infections Faq

How common is Lyme disease?

According to estimates by the insurance industry, more than 475,000 cases of Lyme disease are diagnosed and treated every year in the U.S.

What states are most at risk of Lyme disease?

The areas of northeastern Virginia to Maine, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Northern California have the highest risk of Lyme disease.

Who is most at risk for Lyme disease?

People who live in or near wooded areas in the states listed above, are active outdoors, and are 5 9 years old or 55 69 years old are most at risk for Lyme disease.

If Ive been bitten by a tick, do I have Lyme disease?

According to the CDC , you should promptly remove a tick with tweezers as soon as you see it and disinfect the bite. It takes at least 24 hours of being attached for a tick to transmit Lyme disease. Black-legged ticks, most predominant in the northeastern and north-central U.S., are the only ticks that transmit this disease. Monitor yourself for any of the listed symptoms of Lyme disease for a few weeks after and schedule a checkup if any occur.

How Is Lyme Disease Transmitted

Disulfiram update with Dr. Dan Kinderlehrer in treating Chronic Lyme Complex -“Patients are HEROES!”

Lyme disease is most commonly transmitted through the bite of infected ticks, though the bacterium can also be spread by other insects such as mosquitoes, spiders, fleas and mites and migratory birds. Other animals such as the white footed mice, deer, raccoons, opossum, chipmunks, foxes, shrew moles and squirrels and even horses can transmit the bacterium.

Because of the many different vectors of this bacterium, Lyme disease is present in most states of the United States.

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A Chronic Infection Like Lyme Disease Takes A Perfect Storm:

  • An infected tick transmits bacteria.
  • You cant break down harmful microbes because youre overloaded with toxins.
  • Your immune system hyper-reacts, attaching antibodies to otherwise healthy tissue that looks similar to the Lyme bacteria.
  • If you would like to find out more contact us today to schedule a 15 minute health advisor call with one of our health advisors, or schedule an appointment with our doctor at our conveniently located Austin office.

    Protect Your Family From Lyme Disease

    Since this is the time of year ticks become more active again, May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. Its vital to be educated and prepared before heading outdoors, because Lyme disease can be devastating. And if you dont think Lyme is in Texasthink again. It is here and it is an epidemic.

    I know all too well, because I was bitten by ticks in San Antonio as a child and went undiagnosed for over 30 years. Fast forward many years, the pathogens in me went dormant and I became asymptomatic, then unknowingly gave Lyme and co-infections to my son during birth.

    He suffered the greatest and longest with pages of unrelated physical and mental symptoms. I took him to over 30 doctors in Texas including infectious disease specialists, and they all missed it. Just like they missed it in me all those years.

    Lyme and its co-infections are multi-symptom diseases caused by highly-evolved pathogens which are difficult to test, diagnose, and treat. Check out these statistics, tips, and tools to protect you and your family during tick season.

    Don’t Miss: What Helps Lyme Disease Symptoms

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    What Is Lyme Disease And What Are It’s Symptoms

    A Talk with a Doctor Treating Long

    Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. It is the most common tick-borne illness in North America, regularly affecting those living or visiting heavily wooded areas of the country.

    Patients who develop Lyme disease most often report a rash in the shape of a bullseye, although, for some, this rash never forms.

    Other frequently reported symptoms include:

    • Depression, anxiety, or mood swings
    • Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea
    • Alzheimers disease, Dementia

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