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How To Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease

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Its Tick Season How To Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease

Protecting Yourself from Ticks and Lyme Disease

Its finally summer the perfect time to go outdoors and soak up the sun. But with warm, summer weather also comes the perfect time for ticks. Though ticks may seem small and insignificant, just one bite can cause big problems.

As the outdoor temperatures continue to rise, take the opportunity to learn more about ticks, the diseases they carry, and the major health implications these diseases cause.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the most common tick-borne disease, Lyme disease, affects approximately 35,000 people each year. Just in North Carolina alone, nearly 350 people contracted Lyme disease in 2019, according to the NC Department of Health and Human Services.

There are multiple species of ticks in the United States. Many of which are common in the Southeastern United States. In addition to Lyme disease, there are several other tick-borne illnesses, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Therefore, it is important to be aware of exposure to tick and tick bites, said Iredell Health Systems Vice Present of Medical Affairs, Joseph Mazzola, DO, MBA, CPE.

Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease This Summer

Posted on by Madison Medical Associatesin News

If you live near a wooded area, spend time in a wooded area, or have pets that can roam nearby, you should be on the lookout for signs of tick bites and Lyme disease. It is common for people infected to never know they were bit. It is particularly important to protect yourself from Lyme disease this summer.

Avoid Tick Infested Areas

Although generally only about 1-5% of all deer ticks are infected with Lyme disease bacteria, in some areas more than half of them harbor the germs. More people with Lyme disease become infected during May through July, when immature ticks are most prevalent. In warm climates, deer ticks thrive and bite during the winter months as well.

Deer ticks are most often found in wooded and bushy areas with tall grass and leaf litter, as well as nearby shady grasslands, and are especially common where the two areas merge. They can also inhabit lawns and gardens, especially at the edges of woodlands and near older stone walls.

Because adult ticks feed on deer, areas where deer are frequently seen are likely to harbor large numbers of deer ticks. When you do enter tick areas, walk in the middle of trails to avoid contact with overgrown grass, bushes, and leaf litter. A local park service or health department can tell you which areas are tick infested.

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Its Tick Season Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease

Its finally summer the perfect time to go outdoors and soak up the sun. But with warm, summer weather also comes the perfect time for ticks. Though ticks may seem small and insignificant, just one bite can cause big problems.

As the outdoor temperatures continue to rise, take the opportunity to learn more about ticks, the diseases they carry, and the major health implications these diseases cause.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the most common tick-borne disease, Lyme disease, affects approximately 35,000 people each year. Just in North Carolina alone, nearly 350 people contracted Lyme disease in 2019, according to the NC Department of Health and Human Services.

There are multiple species of ticks in the United States. Many of which are common in the Southeastern United States. In addition to Lyme disease, there are several other tick-borne illnesses, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Therefore, it is important to be aware of exposure to tick and tick bites, said Iredell Health Systems Vice Present of Medical Affairs, Joseph Mazzola, DO, MBA, CPE.

What is Lyme disease?Lyme disease is the most frequently reported vector-borne disease in the United States. In addition to ticks, vectors can be any mosquito or flea that spreads disease.

Lyme disease is transmitted to humans from ticks infected with the Lyme disease bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi. Fortunately, not all ticks carry this bacteria.

  • Joint pain.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.

Throughout The Spring Summer And Fall Months Its Very Important To Be Extra Observant About Any Symptoms That You May Have That Could Indicate An Infection From A Tick Or Other Insect

How to Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease


Keep track of fevers, joint or muscle pain that you dont normally have, flu-like symptoms , rashes of any type but especially if they are a bulls-eye. If youre keeping a medical notebook, such as the one I shared with you in my post The Most Important Notebook Youll Ever Keep, write down anything suspicious. This could help you determine if your risk of having a tick-borne infection is reasonable.

When to Seek Out Medical Care

ILADS physicians are now recommending treatment for every tick bite because of the vast amount of infections one tick can carry .

This can be very difficult, especially if you spend a great deal of time in areas where your risk of exposure is greater. There are more natural ways to treat but antibiotics have been proven to completely cure an early infection IF given the proper dosage. Please be very persistent about getting the right dose of antibiotics and if your doctor wont treat you correctly then immediately find one who will or find a holistic doctor.

One last thing, though its controversial, some doctors and researchers believe that Lyme Disease is a sexually transmitted disease, can be passed on from mother to baby during pregnancy as well as through breastfeeding and has become a problem in our blood supply.

Knowledge is power and will give you the tools youll need to continue to enjoy the great outdoors while still protecting yourself and your family.

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If You Are Battling Lyme Disease

If youve been infected by the lyme virus, have you heard that cannabis has been used by many to reduce the painful and debilitating symptoms of lyme disease? It is something that you may find worth exploring.

Studies have shown that cannabis can kill infections. It can be used to treat and reduce the debilitating symptoms of lyme disease. In fact, a book has even been written about it.

The author of the book, Shelley White, discusses her own experience battling with lyme disease as well as how she was able to successfully use cannabis to reduce the symptoms.

Cannabis is effective in addressing peripheral neuropathy, a crippling condition which is common in individuals who suffer from lyme disease.

Cannabis is a safe alternative to address symptoms of lyme disease otherwise patients are left with opiates that can be addictive and even ineffective to deal with their pain.

It should be noted though that lyme disease can affect people differently some may be easier to treat than others. Regardless of how serious or which stage the disease is in, cannabis has already been proven to treat pain, eliminate seizures, and make it easier to sleep valuable properties that make it a blessing for those who are diagnosed with these dreaded diseases.


Responding Correctly If You Are Bitten

Although prevention remains the best way of protecting yourself from ticks, by following Floraine’s tips further down in this article, you will know how to react if you are bitten anyway. If you discover a tick when hiking or after returning, remove it quickly and correctly! The bacteria is only passed on 24 to 48 hours after being bitten. However, beware, this risk increases if the tick is stressed. Avoid traumatising it with disinfectant sprays or any aggressive products. Avoid pressing it otherwise it may regurgitate!Two methods can be used to correctly remove a tickUse tick tweezers sold in the pharmacy or specialist store. This very recognisable tool is shaped like the foot of a doe. After catching the tick as close to the skin as possible, turn the tick tweezers to unscrew the tick.- If you do not have tick tweezers, you can use eyebrow tweezers. Take the tick by the head, as close to the skin as possible, to avoid pinching it and making it regurgitate. This time, do not turn. Remove the tick straight.- Always disinfect after having removed the entire tick.

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The Basics About Protecting Yourself From Ticks

Ticks can be found in different kinds of terrain, at different times of the year, in different kinds of weather. They come in different sizes. Many are quite small, as easily overlooked as a speck of dirt. They tend to be near the groundin decomposed leaves, grasses, bushes, fallen logs and on the lower part of tree trunks. When you brush by them, they may transfer to your shoe, your pant leg or your arm. Sometimes ticks hitch a ride on your dogs fur. And then come on over to you when they get the chance.

A tick may walk up your clothing until it can access skin. When it strikes, it embeds its mouth parts in you and starts sucking your blood. The longer a tick is attached to the body, the more likely it will transmit disease. When engorged with your blood, the tick swells up to the size of a raisin.

Different kinds of ticks can carry different diseases. Your best defense against all tick-borne illness is avoiding exposure to ticks. Your second best defense is to quickly find and remove any ticks that latch on to you.

Most people who contract Lyme get it from nymphal ticks, the immature ones. Because nymphs are as small as poppy seeds and their bite is painless, many people dont notice or remove them.

You should also apply insect repellent to exposed skin. Repellents that include DEET, picaridin, or lemon eucalyptus oil are most effective.

TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland, LymeDisease.orgs VP for Education and Outreach. Contact her at .

A Few Words About Insect Repellents

How to protect yourself from ticks

Many insect repellents contain the synthetic form of pyrethrumpermethrin. Permethrin has the potential to interfere with thyroid hormones.

The growing popularity of permethrin-treated clothing should come with a warning label attached to garments. The Environmental Working Group found that permethrin is neurotoxic, and the Environmental Protection Agency classifies it as a likely human carcinogen.

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Focus On Prevention And Early Detection

Taking steps to avoid a tick bite such as wearing long pants and sleeves while walking in heavily wooded areas or in patches of long grass can greatly reduce your chances of contracting Lyme disease. Early detection and treatment is also key, and can prevent the disease from spreading to the rest of your body. If you live in areas heavily populated with deer or rodents, or spend lots of time outdoors, check your skin daily for signs of ticks.

If believe you have Lyme disease or experience any of its symptoms, dont hesitate to reach out to a physician for guidance. For more severe symptoms, you might also consider reaching out to a local urgent care clinic or going to the nearest emergency room.

Know Where To Go For Lyme Disease Treatment

Treatment for Lyme disease depends heavily on how early the condition is diagnosed. If caught early , a 23 week course of antibiotics can often cure the disease completely.

However, treatment for later stages of the infection can require longer treatment periods of oral and intravenous medications. Even with these prescriptions, symptoms and side effects of the illness can last for months or even years without full resolution.

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How Do I Remove A Tick

You should know how to remove a tick just in case one lands on you or a friend. To be safe, remove the tick as soon as possible.

If you find a tick:

  • Use tweezers to grasp the tick firmly at its head or mouth, next to your skin.
  • Pull firmly and steadily on the tick until it lets go of the skin. If part of the tick stays in your skin, don’t worry. It will eventually come out. But call your doctor if you notice any irritation in the area or symptoms of Lyme disease.
  • Swab the bite site with alcohol.

Note: Don’t use petroleum jelly or a lit match to kill a tick. They won’t get the tick off your skin quickly enough, and may just cause it to burrow deeper into your skin.

Basic Ways To Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease

How to Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease

A mom of two with a background in journalism, I took health into my own hands and started researching to find answers to my own health struggles. My research turned into a blog that turned into an amazing community .When I’m not reading medical journals, creating new recipes, you can find me somewhere outside in the sun or undertaking some DIY remodeling project that inevitably takes twice as long as it was supposed to.

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. The infection is transmitted by tick bites. It takes between 3 and 32 days to feel the first symptoms of the disease from the moment the tick bites you.

The early phase of Lyme disease can sometimes be without any symptoms and people affected by this disease turn to doctors only when the late manifestations occur.

The widespread hotspots and the growing trend make this disease one of the most significant epidemiological problem in the US and in the world.

The disease occurs in all age groups. The largest number of cases is reported between May and July although ticks can be active throughout the year is there are favorable climatic factors.

Lyme disease is characterized with many different symptoms. For example, circular rash is one of the most common ones.

Redness on the skin, fever, dizziness, headache, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, muscle pain are some other symptoms associated with Lyme disease.

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The Essential Measures: How To Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease

Avoiding Lyme disease means avoiding ticks. These tiny creatures are a nuisance that can appear when you least expect them. Dodging them all together can be a challenging job. Remaining proactive and aware will be the best assets. Check out our tips to help you avoid ticks so that you can protect yourself from Lyme.

Signs And Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

Ticks are tiny spider-like creatures, which feed on the blood of animals and sometimes people.

If you are involved in outdoor activities which take you into the countryside, parks, or gardens with wildlife such as squirrels and hedgehogs, you may be at risk of tick bites.

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection which is transmitted by tick bites.

The earliest and most common symptom of Lyme disease is a pink or red circular rash that develops around the area of the bite, three to 30 days after someone is bitten.

The rash is often described as looking like a bullseye on a dartboard.

You may also experience flu-like symptoms, such as:

  • tiredness
  • headaches
  • muscle or joint pain

Contact your GP if a rash or other symptoms develop within a few weeks of a tick bite, as early treatment can prevent progression to chronic disease.

If Lyme disease is left untreated, further health issues may develop months or even years later, including:

  • problems affecting the nervous system
  • heart problems
  • inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord

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Protect Yourself Your Children And Your Pets By Wearing Protective Clothing Treated With Tick Pesticides And Treating Your Skin With Insect Repellent

  • Wear protective Clothing.
  • Long sleeves, long pants tucked into socks, & shoes.
  • Avoid going barefoot or wearing open-toe sandals/shoes.
  • Use insect repellent such as DEET on the body or Permethrin on clothes.
  • Review safety information assess the risks/benefits of these products.
  • Many doctors consider them unsafe for use on children. Use discretion and consult your doctor before using. Do not use on children under 3.

Lightweight long pants and long shirts are great for hiking as they prevent ticks from getting on your skin. Permethrin is a commonly-used tick pesticide thats applied to clothing, not to your skin. Permethrin is a unique chemical because it does not need to be reapplied frequently. It stays bound to the material of your clothing and needs only to be reapplied every few months.

In addition to treating your clothing with permethrin, you can also use an insect repellant on your skin to repel ticks. Deet is a commonly-used tick repellent that can be applied to the skin safely in adults and children. It must be applied every two to three hours in warm weather. Apply by spraying on to the exposed surface of the skin and allowing it to dry in place.

When youre done enjoying the out of doors, its a good protective habit to shower immediately. This may wash off ticks that have gotten onto you. Wash and dry your clothes immediately.

Face Tick Season Prepared

Lyme disease: How to protect yourself this summer

The chorus of spring peepers serenades the message that winters icy grip is melting. She opens her gate to life thats burrowed and hibernated. As we cross the threshold into my favorite season, bunnies hop into action, and robins perch on cherry blossom branches.

I adore spring and everything it offers and represents: new beginnings, longer days, perfumed lilacs, and grape hyacinths.

There is a handful of trepidation that accompanies the joy of the season. This annual trepidation grips me just about the time I set my clocks back.

Lyme disease ravaged my body for almost a decade, so its fitting I should be proactive about tick prevention. Pinky promise that you will take tick season seriously.

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How To Protect Yourself From Lyme And Tick

Two years ago my wife was training six hours a day with a professional ballet company, working a part-time job, and planning our wedding. Six months later she was struck down by a debilitating illness that left her bed-ridden, in crippling pain, and suffering from severe neuropsychiatric symptoms. We are still fighting to get her health back.

The Centers for Disease Control reports that Lyme Disease a serious bacterial infection transmitted by ticks infects 300,000 people each year, representing nearly a 25-fold increase since national surveillance began in 1982.

Some of Lymes most notable victims include former U.S. President George W. Bush, Olympic athlete Angeli VanLaanen, and 30 Rock actor Alec Baldwin.

This month alone over 25,000 people will be newly infected with Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. Less than 50% will recall a tick bite or develop a characteristic rash. 40% will end up with long-term health problems. And 25% will be children.

Untreated Lyme disease can enter the central nervous system and every other organ system in the body, causing a diverse collection of symptoms including memory loss and cognitive impairment, sleep disturbance, psychiatric problems such as anxiety and depression, fatigue, heart problems, headaches, nerve pain and tingling, arthritis, and flu-like symptoms.

The bad news? Awareness, prevention, diagnosis, and proper treatment are largely ignored by the general population including the vast majority of family doctors.

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