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How To Get Rid Of Lyme Disease In Humans

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Phase Three Later Months To Years

June 23, 2019: Your Health Matters: New tool to treat lyme disease

Also called late disseminated infection

Many infectious disease specialists believe that chronic Lyme disease does not exist, and that Lyme disease from a tick bite can be cured with a short course of antibiotics. It is possible that those who have undergone antibiotic treatments are suffering from the side effects of antibiotics, but more and more experts are coming around to the idea that Lyme disease can survive and cause long-term autoimmune symptoms when antibiotics dont work. We all know that antibiotics do not always work and can cause more problems.

  • Arthritis symptoms swollen, painful joints
  • Neurological symptoms numbness, tingling, shooting pains
  • Cognitive symptoms brain fog, short-term memory deficits, confusion
  • Mood disturbance depression
  • Abnormal heart rhythms and heart failure

Facial paralysis sometimes occurs in this stage or stage two.

Which Areas Are More Likely To Have It

The tick that causes Lyme disease has been moving from the Northeast and upper Midwest into the Southern and Western U.S., Mexico, and Canada. Cases in California and Florida are on the rise. After a drop between 2017 and 2018, the numbers jumped a little bit in 2019.

But most Lyme cases in 2019 were in 15 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New

Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Washington, DC, is also a hotspot.

In 2019, Pennsylvania had the most Lyme infections, with 6,763. New York was next, with 2,847 cases.

In the Southern U.S., where itâs hotter, ticks stay under leaves so they don’t dry out. This means people donât get Lyme from Southern ticks very often because they don’t usually come out to bite.

Even though people only report about 30,000 cases of Lyme infection in the U.S. each year, there are actually around 476,000 a year. The same tick also can spread other diseases, including babesiosis, anaplasmosis, and Powassan virus. Those diseases are also on the rise in the U.S.

Whoâs likeliest to get Lyme disease?

Boys up to age 15 and men between the ages of 40 and 60 are the most likely to get Lyme disease. Thatâs because they tend to play outside and go camping, hunting, and hiking.

Why are there more ticks now than there used to be?

There are several reasons why Lyme is spreading. Some of these are:

How To Get Rid Of Ticks On Dogs Or Humans

Getting rid of ticks is an ongoing process. Dealing with ticks in your house and yard is more about knowing how to prevent ticks than knowing how to kill ticks. Tick spray for the yard should be applied to bushy and grassy area by your home, lawn edges, and other areas where ticks may hide. Permethrin is a good product to use. You want to create a barrier around the perimeter of your yard to repel ticks and kill any ticks that are in your yard. Incorporate preventative measures into any pest control that you provide. Just know that it is an ongoing process. Just because you kill all the ticks in your yard today doesnt mean that a raccoon or stray dog wont bring more in next week.

If you have a tick infestation in your home, the first thing you want to do is clean it completely. Vacuum the floors and furniture well. Keep in mind that ticks prefer dark areas like crevices and cracks, in door frames and windows, behind baseboards, and in pet beds or pens. You want to use a residual insecticide to kill ticks in your home. Contact sprays containing Pyrethrins can also be used and an insecticide dust should be used on pet bedding as a tick treatment for dogs .

Some tick infestations may require the help of professional pest control specialists.

There are a variety of home remedies for ticks:

  • Lemon

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What Is The History Of Lyme Disease

Interestingly, the disease only became apparent in 1975 when mothers of a group of children who lived near each other in Lyme, Conn., made researchers aware that their children had all been diagnosed with joint pain from rheumatoid arthritis. This unusual grouping of illnesses that appeared “rheumatoid” eventually led researchers to the identification of the bacterial cause of the children’s condition, which was then named “Lyme disease” in 1982.

The only vector for Lyme disease in the U.S. is the black-legged tick, or deer tick, known as Ixodes scapularis. These ticks are carriers of the Lyme disease spirochete in their stomachs Ixodes ticks may also transmit the Powassan virus. The ticks are vectors that can transmit the bacterium to humans with a tick bite. The number of cases of tick-borne illness in an area depends on the number of ticks present and how often the ticks are infected with the bacteria. In certain areas of New York, where Lyme disease is common, over half of the ticks are infected. Lyme disease has been reported most often in the northeastern United States, but it has been reported in all 50 states, as well as China, Europe, Japan, Australia, and parts of the former Soviet Union. In the United States, it is primarily contracted in the Northeast in the states from Maine to Maryland, in the Midwest in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and in the West in Oregon and Northern California. What those children actually had was Lyme arthritis.

A Targeted Lyme Disease Treatment

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But back to the optimism mentioned at the start of this article: During a recent study, a team under Kim Lewis at Northeastern University found that a compound called hygromycin A is completely harmless to animals and has little effect on most bacteria except so-called spirochete bacteria, named for their spiral shape. For those, it is deadly. And Borrelia burgdorferi, the pathogen that causes Lyme disease, belongs to just this group.

Hygromycin A is an antimicrobial agent found in soil. The substance was originally discovered in 1953. At the time, however, scientists dismissed it as ineffective, probably because it seemed too weak to fight normal pathogens. But Lewis considers it exceptionally effective against spirochetes.

Lewis’ team discovered the efficacy of hygromycin A while screening microorganisms in soil for antimicrobial compounds. “We set out to find such a compound that would selectively kill Borreliella burgdorferi , placing a bet, if you will, that Mother Nature had bothered to evolve a compound to selectively take out spirochetes that live in the soils,” Lewis says.

And indeed, Mother Nature has done exactly that.

The researchers have already licensed the compound to Flightpath, a biotech company specializing in Lyme disease, to conduct development studies and advance production of this treatment.

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How To Treat Wild Squirrels For Fleas

How To Treat Wild Squirrels For Fleas?

Do GREY squirrels have fleas? Are grey squirrels harmful? They may carry fleas and other parasites. They occasionally damage lawns by burying or searching for and digging up nuts. They will chew bark and clip twigs on ornamental trees or shrubbery planted in yards.

Can you get fleas from squirrels? Opossums and raccoons are known to carry fleas that can infest your cat. Squirrels can also bring fleas into your yard, and no fence is going to stop a squirrel! If that animal is your cat, the fleas jump on board and are carried back into your home.

What kills fleas instantly? Salt. Much like baking soda, salt is a great natural flea home remedy when accompanied by vacuuming. Salt acts as a dehydration agent, helping to get rid of adult fleas. To treat fleas with this natural remedy take some salt and sprinkle it all over your carpets in each room.

Natural Remedies For The Chronic Inflammation Of Lyme Disease

Everyone knows that inflammation isnt good, especially when it becomes chronic. But to do something about it, you need to understand whats driving the inflammation in the first place.

Though you cant actually see chronic inflammation, you can certainly feel it. It manifests as joint discomfort, stiffness, general achiness, fatigue, low stamina, brain fog, slow mental activity, depressed mood, and all the other symptoms associated with chronic Lyme disease. Simply put, you feel inflamed.

The root of inflammation is excessive turnover of cells. We all lose cells, and up to a certain point, its perfectly normal. Cells in the body are constantly wearing out, getting injured, or being invaded by microbes. In fact, we typically lose 50-70 billion cells every day. While much of cellular turnover is accounted for by cells that are shed from the body, such as skin and intestinal cells, tissues inside the body are losing cells, too.

When cells die, they break apart and create debris. If enough debris collects in tissues, it obstructs the flow of water, nutrients, and oxygen that cells need to stay healthy. At the same time, metabolic waste produced by cells is trapped around the cell, which, of course, isnt a good thing. If enough debris collects, cells start to choke in their own waste.

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Will Lyme Disease Go Away If Left Untreated

Left untreated, signs and symptoms of the primary illness usually will go away on their own within a few weeks, although the rash may recur. Days to months later, additional symptoms of Lyme disease may occur. The organs affected later in the course of the disease may lead to the following conditions and complications:

One Lyme Disease Diet

How To Cure Lyme Disease

Its time to tighten the diet. Dial it in. Get strict. This doesnt mean you wont enjoy food it means its time to learn to enjoy salads! Make a salad every day, using at least ten different vegetables and at least five different herbs and spices. Variety is key, and be sure to mix it up, but always include garlic, turmeric, pepper, healthy fats like avocado, flax, and coconut oil, and get organic, fresh vegetables whenever possible.

Fruit is great to consume with this diet, but every time fruit is eaten, SF722 or another powerful fungal fighter needs to be taken with it.

Juicing is a common problem for us health nuts. Sweet juice is a refined sugar, even fresh squeezed organic orange juice. Beets, carrots, and all fruits , feed fungal infections, bacteria, and promote viruses. Juicing is fine, when done right. Juice regularly, but instead of those sweet juices, try ginger and turmeric shots . On the other hand, youre not likely to have much room for juicing because you will be drinking a lot of cranberry, stevia lemonade.

Every day, make a gallon of cranberry lemonade sweetened with stevia, and a very large salad . Obviously your size should be taken into consideration, dont kill yourself trying to drink a gallon a day if you only weigh 80 pounds, but for most people a gallon of water a day will do them a world of good.

Absolutely no alcohol is allowed on this diet save what little bit is in some of the recommended tinctures.

Other Foods


Recommended Reading: How To Know If I Have Lyme Disease

Preventing Ticks And Lyme Disease In Dogs

Every dog owner, regardless of how at-risk your pet is, should take steps towards preventing ticks and fleas with medications and topical treatments. In addition to using your vets recommended products, owners should also:

  • Inspect dogs and self for ticks after walks through the woods or grassy areas.
  • Remove ticks as quickly as possible. Be sure to remove them properly and safely.
  • Get your vet to conduct a full tick evaluation if you find one.
  • Use all vet-recommended tick and flea prevention products.
  • Keep the grass on your property cut short and avoid overgrown patches of grass.
  • Make sure your dog has all the updated vaccinations and shots.

Pest control technicians also recommend cleaning both inside and outside your home if you find a tick on your dog. Make your home tick-free by:

  • Keeping all vegetation trimmed
  • Removing dead, rotted, scraggly, and overgrown plants and leaves
  • Storing firewood properly at least 15 feet away from your home
  • Inspect places for moisture buildup and use an absorbent mulch to clear the area
  • Cleaning all bedding, clothes, linens, and dog toys with hot soapy water

If you do find a tick, do not crush it- it will attract more ticks by releasing a pheromone. If you find one, flush it down the toilet or put it in an air-tight container to see if you can get it tested.

Pest Brigade works with exterminators across the country and can find you a tick expert in your area. To speak to an exterminator today, call the number at the top of your screen.

Other Natural Treatments For Lyme Disease

The treatments discussed above are only some of the natural treatments that claim to treat Lyme disease. According to a 2015 study looking at the alternative treatments found during an Internet search, other natural treatments people use for Lyme disease include:

  • saunas and steam rooms
  • enemas
  • bee venom

The investigators noted that theres no research backing up these treatments, any many dont have a logical rationale behind them.

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Treatment For Chronic Lyme Disease

Sometimes, people go through treatment for Lyme disease but their symptoms donât go away. If this lasts over 6 months, itâs known as chronic Lyme disease or âpost-treatment Lyme disease syndromeâ .

Doctors still arenât sure why some people get PTLDS. Some believe that getting Lyme disease may cause damage to your tissues or immune system. Others believe itâs because the bacteria that causes Lyme hasnât completely gone away.

There is little evidence that taking more antibiotics at this stage will help. They may actually be harmful. Instead, your doctor will focus on treating the symptoms youâre still having. This will be different for everyone. Some people could benefit from a medicine that relieves fatigue, while others may need a drug that can help with headaches or very sensitive skin.

Your doctor could also have you try a treatment that helps people with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia.

More research is needed to figure out how best to treat PTLDS. Itâs something that can be frustrating. Just remember: Many people who have this condition do start feeling like their old selves after a few months.

What Are The Side Effects Of Lyme Disease Treatments

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Antibiotics, like all medications, have the potential for side effects. Any antibiotic can cause skin rashes, and if an itchy red rash develops while on antibiotics, a patient should see their physician. Sometimes symptoms worsen for the first few days on an antibiotic. This is called a Herxheimer reaction and occurs when the antibiotics start to kill the bacteria. In the first 24 to 48 hours, dead bacterial products stimulate the immune system to release inflammatory cytokines and chemokines that can cause increased fever and achiness. This should be transient and last no more than a day or two after the initiation of antibiotics.

The most common side effect of the penicillin antibiotics is diarrhea, and occasionally even serious cases caused by the bacteria Clostridium difficile. This bacterial overgrowth condition occurs because antibiotics kill the good bacteria in our gut. It can be helpful to use probiotics to restore the good bacteria and microbiome balance.

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How Stevia And Other Herbs Kill Lyme Disease More Effectively Than Antibiotics

Lyme disease is a complicated condition caused by bacteria transmitted from a tick or insect bite. Its ability to rapidly shape-shift and hide within the nervous system of the body makes it difficult to destroy.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , around 30,000 new cases of Lyme disease are reported to the CDC each year. However, this number doesnt reflect every case of Lyme disease. In fact, recent estimates suggest that over 300,000 people may get Lyme disease each year in the United States .

Lyme disease is rarely cured when prescribed conventional antibiotics especially if the Lyme was diagnosed years after the bite occurred. But with growing evidence and anecdotal accounts of individuals overcoming Lyme through holistic methods of healing, there could be a much better way to overcome the disease more effectively and safely.

How Can Lyme Disease Be Prevented

In areas where ticks are found, people should know about the risk of Lyme disease and should take precautions to protect themselves. Be aware of the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease so it can be detected and treated promptly. PHAC states that removing ticks within 24 to 36 hours after the tick bite usually prevents infection.

  • Know the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease.
  • Contact a doctor immediately if you have an illness that resembles Lyme disease. If you were able to save the tick, bring it to your medical appointment as it may help the doctor.
  • PHAC has also prepared a Lyme disease tool kit which provides material to raise awareness and educate.

    Also Check: What Are The Lasting Effects Of Lyme Disease

    Banderol And Cats Claw

    “These two herbs are commonly dosed together because they work synergistically with clinically proven action against Borrelia species,” Greenspan says. “The goals with any treatment with Lyme disease spirochetes, whether chronic or acute, is to have a combination of herbs to be effective with the shape-shifting behavior of this microbe.”

    How To Cure Lyme Disease Naturally

    Rid Your Yard of Ticks – Prevent Lyme Disease with Permethrin

    The bacteria that cause Lyme can be found in the skin, heart, joints, and nervous system. On top of that, Lyme disease specialists are finding that what we call Lyme disease may be caused by several different infectious organisms and may even be caused by a combination of different infectious pathogens. Some speculate that Lyme disease is an infection from the bacteria along with an overabundance of fungi or a parasite.

    Everyone plays host to countless viruses, infectious bacteria, fungi, toxins, and cancer cells in their body. Many may be carrying Lyme, along with or many other scary diseases, and not know it.

    Those with stronger immune systems often pass on infections they didnt even know they have to others with weakened immunity. Currently, specialists are saying Lyme cannot be passed from person to person. Some are challenging this belief, especially in regards to sexual transmission. Regardless, those infected can carry the disease for years without knowing it.

    The good news is that a holistic approach to fixing the bodys immune system and ridding it of infectious agents can cure almost any disease. The approach to Lyme should be similar to the approach to curing HIV, fibromyalgia, chronic strep, lupus, Chlamydia, and many other diseases. The first step is to heal the gut, balance the gut flora, and rebuild the immune system.

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