Parasites Must Be Treated Before Lyme
This is the part that really blew my mindif you do not treat the existing parasites first you will never get rid of the Lyme disease. Due to the parasites harboring the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorferi that causes Lyme disease. Not to mention all the other non-beneficial bacteria and viruses that are hiding in the parasites as well as heavy metals. So, a layered treatment approach is needed. Treating parasites, then Lyme bacteria, next yeast & molds, then viruses. You may have to treat some things simultaneously, but knowing this layered approach is ultimately needed. It is no wonder so many people struggle with Lyme disease for their entire lives. Not every Lyme patient will experience a parasite take over, just like every Lyme patient does not have the same co-infections.
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt Develops More Accurate Lyme Disease Test
Lyme disease and other co-infections have historically been difficult to diagnose. Thats why the breakthrough testing process developed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, founder of the Sophia Health Institute, to diagnose lyme is such a significant discovery.
Tests such as the Western Blot look for an immune response in patients via their blood samples. Something that often doesnt occur if someone has had Lyme for a significant amount of time as the organisms tend to hide in tissues vs. the blood stream.
Theyre in the fascia of the membranes the sleeves around the muscles, said Dr. Klinghardt . The internal environment of the blood vessels and so forth. In order to diagnose them, we would have to take tissue samples from that.
Instead of taking tissue samples, Dr. Klinghardt has come up with a much simpler solution to draw the organisms out.
involves one hour of very, very deep body tissue body work where the tissues are squeezed and pushed and pulled to the edge of pain of the patient and then we collect the very first urine afterwards, he said.
At the time of the video interview, Dr. Klinghardt and the Sophia Health Institute had conducted approximately 120 of these tests.
The test is providing conclusive answers to diagnose lyme for individuals who have been frustrated with false negatives amidst overwhelming symptoms.
Is This Treatment Really Helping
I will not go through the full litany of treatments that ending up lasting 3 years and more. From the first day, what made us feel so much better was the initial IV antibiotic treatments, B12 weekly shots, and then being put on daily doxycycline for a few months with cholestyramine for a binder. I can now describe the treatment as a full cyclical anti-microbe treatment. We were both on a Lyme, heavy metal, fungal, parasitic, anti-viral and bacterial treatment plan. We also had leaky gut syndrome a new term for us and went on the gluten free, dairy free, sugar free diet. Now all of the above is accepted and known as treatment within the Lyme community. But at that time, I tried to educate and convince my husband who was heathy that we needed to change our familys diet and pay all this money out of pocket for unique treatments. It just did not seem right to him. Felt like a big scam to him. A new way for doctors to make money with loads of supplements sold in the office and no insurance to cover these treatments. I understood his thoughts, but I knew it was working and I knew how I felt on the treatments. My husband who I respect and know loves us was having a difficult time understanding, but did support what I felt was right.
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A Mother Will Do Anything For Her Childs Health
In 1999, the internet was just starting to host chat rooms- a new thing- and I found Lyme Net. I needed to choose a Tag Name to register for the forum. During this time, Liz asked to have her bedroom painted- and chose the color called Lime Parfait-the week prior to her diagnosis. Very crazy that she would pick the color lime. I thought that would be a clever online persona Lyme Parfait or LP for short, like the layers of Lyme and co-infections. I later learned that was a very wrong thought. More on that later.
Lyme Net was a fantastic support for me at the time where I learned the basics and the controversies of treatment. Many friendships developed online and guided me toward treatment options. I took many suggestions to try wonderful supportive products that I still use today. A mother will do anything and try just about anything they believe in for their childs health. I was also an eager victim of a few of the lyme scams pushed by marketing stalkers taking advantage of this new disease of the decade. It was a big lesson about trust and seeking truth and light while stumbling in darkness. Over time I have become a sleuth about knowing what works. And today have connected to the good tools and solutions.
Your Faith Has Healed You
Liz and I went for the healing prayers and we were healed instantly. Your faith has healed you. the traveling priest told us as he put his hands of healing on our foreheads. He did not know why were there or our health situation as many were in line for his healing hands but it was miraculous.
Liz just went along with all this- she did not want to go, but went out of respect for me.
It was hard to know immediately- but we never needed the antibiotics, and never needed the port.
We were symptom free.
After another retest for Lyme and Co-infections, the LLMD said the Lyme was in remission from her perspective. but said this may be short and to not let things go when symptoms will return. Well they havent.
I was intrigued about all the divine appointments that were coming my way I was finally recognizing them and continue to follow that voice and direction when it comes my way.
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Parasites Are More Than An Intestinal Issue
Parasites are not just found in the colon and small intestines but can be all over the body in other organs, even the lungs. This makes them even more elusive to testing. For example, they can inhabit the bladder and down the line cause bladder cancer. It is the most common overlooked problem in the chronically ill population. Parasites harbor smaller organisms, such as bacteria and viruses making them the new co-infection of Lyme disease.
From Darkness To Light
My experience getting through Lyme has become a learning platform for my life. The trauma, pain, adversity and suffering experienced with the ones I love has made me resilient. It has exposed all my imperfect ways, and thoughts, and transformed my mind and spirit into a closer walk in the light. It opened me up to expect what I call, Daily Divine Appointments.
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Becoming A Health Advocate
At the same time period through my kids middle and high school years, I became the health advocate for my aging in-laws- my father in law with dementia and mother in law with beginning to late stage Alzheimers. I was also very involved as an advocate for our aunt who was single and lived close by and diagnosed with Cancer, and my younger sister with Autism and mental health issues, that developed pancreatic cancer. I was deeply entrenched in their care with other family members including daily home visits, doctor appointments for them and the years of special care involved. From them living independently, to hiring and managing part time help for them, to full-time, live-in help to eventually moving to nursing homes and their eventual death. The stages of care were emotional for our whole family. Many different opinions and emotions became raw between family members. But the outcome later was beautiful, as we learned to respect and value each others opinions and learned to work together to help those we each loved. It took much patience and wisdom to work through this.
My Battle And Recovery From Lyme Disease From The View Of My Mother
This article was written by my mother, Debbie Floyd my biggest health advocate and the woman I learned everything from. This was originally written for Sunlighten Saunas for Lyme Disease Awareness Month. She was the Director of Klinghardt Academy for 10+ years and currently the Director of Discovery Health Solutions a continuing education program for doctors, nurses and health practitioners. She has helped hundreds of people navigate their dis-ease and if youre dealing with Lyme, you know it takes a village.
Here is our story.
In my unique position as Founder of Discovery Health Solutions & Director of the Klinghardt Academy, I have had the privilege of working, learning and collaborating with some of the most brilliant researchers and physicians that look outside the box. Dr. Klinghardt is one of the most gifted physicians and well known for treating Lyme disease, with a brilliant mind and generous spirit. I am most grateful for the journey he invited me to share. Like nectar to bees, he has the ability to attract other brilliant healers, researchers and patients looking for answers. I had never met him when my daughter and I went through our Lyme Discovery, and he did not treat us then, but there were others teaching me things they learned from him, and we were led to healing from Lyme by those sharing pieces of his work.
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A Few Take Away Points:
to learn more about Sunlighten Saunas and how they can help you in your healing journey.
Parasites & Finding Your Fit
Before learning this, I am pleased to announce that my doctor, Dr. Jennifer Grushon has been approaching my treatment this way. In my first blog post I talk about Dr. Klinghardts invention of A.R.T. Dr. Grushon uses this to diagnose and treat me. Chronic Lyme patients are like an onion that needs to be peeled back one layer at a time. Though A.R.T my body guides the treatment based on what it is ready to work on and the level that needs to be treated. This doesnt mean you cant have a multifaceted treatment plan it just means that if you arent solving the biggest problem first you could be stuck there for a while. If you are in need a a doctor I could not recommend Dr. Grushon more, also visit the Sophia Health Institute where Dr. Klinghardt and his team work.
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Parasites And Host Commonalities
There are commonalities amongst the chronically ill and autoimmune disease population. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has been on the frontline of research in autoimmunity for over 40 years. He is widely known for his expertise and understanding of chronic illnesses and how they operate in the body. In his work he has found the chronically ill population has higher heavy metal toxicity, retrovirus activity, KPU , and PARASITES!
About Dana And Brent:
Dana Walsh and Brent Martin, founders of Lyme Less Live More, identified a giant gap while recovering from Lyme Disease — What to do in-between doctor visits?
Each with a personal Lyme story and both having been down a long road with chronic illness , they recall that time when they felt left in the abyss without understanding and support. Dana and Brent found that it takes daily care and attention to reverse an illness.
Now, with the help of their expert faculty Dana and Brent teach a multi-faceted approach to recovering health that includes self-care, healthy mindset, and conscious awareness.
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Muscle Testing And Natural Treatments
Come Junior year of High school, this is the college recruiting season and the swim times matter.
One meet Liz needed to attend to qualify for Olympic Trials was during her high school spring break in Indianapolis. We both needed the spring break, but she also needed to attend this USA National Meet. I promised her we would do a mother daughter trip- somewhere in the sun to get some vitamin D immediately after this meet for a few days break. Although her symptoms have been very stable for the last few months, her LLMD felt she should go on a Port as the next step. We had both been on Doxycycline and I felt the symptoms were very manageable. Her LLMD did not want us off anything and said going in the sun would be a mistake.
A port would have taken her swimming and college recruiting career away for good. No one can swim with a port! The LLMD gave me a hard mother wordasking me Is swimming more important than your daughters health? I told her I would think about it and connect after our break.
I was stressed with the thought of putting an IV port in my daughter. I could not imagine it.
So, I went on Lymenet.
When I told my LLMD we were going to go off the doxy for a few weeks- she highly discouraged it and said we would both have a big relapse and would be hard to get on track again without a port.
Pearls From Dr Dietrich Klinghardt
- Details
The Klinghardt Academy hosted “Autonomic Response Testing Level 3” in September 2017, and, as always, it was amazing. The event had several fantastic points that I summarize below. I’ve attended these events now since 2006, and I always look forward to them.
Disclaimer: Nothing in this text is intended to serve as medical advice. All medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal licensed medical authority.
Disclaimer: This information was taken as notes during the conference and may not represent the exact statements of the speakers. Errors and/or omissions may be present.
Note: As this information may be updated as any errors are found, I kindly request that you link to this single source of information rather than copying the content below. If any updates or corrections are made, this will help to ensure that anyone reading this is getting the most current and accurate information.
Note: The information contained herein is that which is more generic or topical in nature, and not information about Autonomic Response Testing itself as that would not be suitable for this format and requires in-person training. Nonetheless, Dr. Klinghardt always throws in a wealth of pearls, and I’ve attempted to capture many of them for you below.
Dr. Klinghardt was the only speaker that lectured and shared:
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Why Lyme Disease Is So Tough To Diagnose
Lyme disease is notoriously difficult to diagnose using conventional tests . And theres great variation in the presentation of the disease as well, depending on where you contracted it, and whether or not you have any other coexisting infections. There is a group of seven or eight microbes that are the most common. The worst ones are Babesia microti and the different forms of Bartonella.
Underneath that, theres often an infection with Mycoplasma. We still dont know if its really transferred with the same bite or if the people had it all along and become symptomatic when the immune system is suppressed by the spirochetes, Dr. Klinghardt says.
Other than the co-infections, there is what I call the opportunistic infections. The combined effect of the initial infection is an immune suppressive effect, and then the patient becomes vulnerable to all sorts of other things. The most common things people contract early on in the course if the illness are different forms of parasites, such as protozoa Babesia itself being one of them.
There is Giardia, amoebas, Trichomonas, malaria, and different forms of infections that arent labeled yet. There is a new one, called FL1953. Stephen Frye discovered that. Its a protozoan organism thats causing severe fatigue and illness in chronically ill people. Its almost always present in a patient with Lyme disease.
How To Diagnose Lyme Disease
Insomnia is one of the key symptoms in many cases of Lyme disease, along with neurological symptoms such as headaches and a wide variety of pain syndromes. But you cannot diagnose Lyme disease on symptoms alone, because theyre so varied.
Testing is required, but even that is not a sure-shot. Most commercial tests designed to detect chronic infections are based on measuring your immune reactionthe presence of antibodiesto the invading microbe. However, one of the primary cells that get infected with Lyme spirochetes are the white blood cells themselves, which is a bit of a game-changer because if your white blood cells are infected, they lose the ability to produce antibodies.
Hence, it is relatively common to get a negative test result. Dr. Klinghardt refers to this as the Lyme paradox, because in order to diagnose Lyme disease properly with one of the accepted commercial tests, you have to first treat the Lyme disease, in order for your white blood cells to be able to mount an appropriate immune response. Only then can a lab test be used to detect the presence of Lyme disease.
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