Monday, September 9, 2024

Herbs To Cure Lyme Disease

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Powerful Home Remedies For Lyme Disease

natural lyme disease protocol – herbs for lyme disease treatment.

The home remedies for Lyme disease include the use of herbs like wormwood, oregano, and clove for eliminating the underlying infection. Garlic, valerian, passionflower, and Ganoderma mushrooms are also good for treatment.

Increasing the intake of water, eliminating gluten from your diet, and increasing consumption of lean organic proteins like nuts, avocados, flaxseed, and fish oil can help, as well as a high-fiber regimen. Astragalus, elderberry, and olive leaf can also be used to eliminate the effects of Lyme disease.

Unscientific Treatments May Leave Real Lyme Disease Untreated

In almost all Chronic Lyme cases, Lyme infection was not the source of the patients problem in the first place. But if the patient did have Lyme disease or another tick-borne illness, pseudoscientific treatments like herbs and supplements likely wouldnt cure the easily curable infection.

Lyme disease rarely remains untreated. However, an interesting 2011 report described a 71-year old woman who knew she had Lyme disease but refused antibiotic treatment. Instead, she chose acupuncture and homeopathy, which dont work for any condition.

The woman had typical symptoms of Lyme disease, including the characteristic rash, which progressed to Lyme arthritis. Four years after her initial infection, the woman finally accepted antibiotic treatment and was quickly cured of the arthritis which had been bothering her. The effective treatment was per the science-based guidelines: 30 days of doxycycline.

Essential Oils From Garlic And Other Herbs Kill Lyme Disease Bacterium

Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. These oils may be especially useful in alleviating Lyme symptoms that persist despite standard antibiotic treatment, the study also suggests.

The study, published October 16 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oils–oils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plant’s main fragrance, or “essence.” The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrrh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing “persister” forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.

“We found that these essential oils were even better at killing the ‘persister’ forms of Lyme bacteria than standard Lyme antibiotics,” says study senior author Ying Zhang, MD, PhD, professor in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Bloomberg School.

Oils from thyme leaves, cumin seeds and amyris wood also performed well, as did cinnamaldehyde, the fragrant main ingredient of cinnamon bark oil.

“At this stage these essential oils look very promising as candidate treatments for persistent Lyme infection, but ultimately we need properly designed clinical trials,” he says.

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Evaluation Of Natural Products For Their Activity Against B Burgdorferi Stationary Phase Cultures

B. burgdorferi B31 was cultured for 7 days in microaerophilic incubator as stationary phase cultures . To evaluate potential anti-persister activity of the natural products, their stocks and their control solvents were added to 100 L of the B. burgdorferi stationary phase culture in 96-well plates to obtain the desired concentrations. The botanical medicines and natural product extracts were tested with the concentration of 1, 0.5, and 0.25% antibiotics of daptomycin, doxycycline, and cefuroxime were used as controls at a final concentration of 5 g/ml. All the tests mentioned above were run in triplicate. The microtiter plates were sealed and incubated at 33°C without shaking for 7 days with 5% CO2.

Lyme Disease Natural Treatment

Home remedies for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi. It was discovered in Lyme, Connecticut in 1975 where a number of children that had Juvenile Arthritis were found to have this bacteria in their bodies. The bacteria comes from the bite of infected deer ticks. The symptoms of Lyme disease includea bullseye rash, fever, stiff neck, headache, joint pain, and fatigue. Later in the disease there can be problems with thinking and memory. If left untreated, the disease can be disabling. The usual treatment is antibiotics for a number of weeks. If your doctor gives the okay, lyme disease natural treatment can be used along with antibiotics to help the body heal faster. This article explores how to cure Lyme disease naturally.

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Lyme Disease Treatment: 2 Herbal Compounds May Beat Antibiotics

Lyme disease transmitted via tick bite affects thousands of people in the United States and around the world. Currently, doctors use antibiotics to treat it, but could plant-based remedies be more effective?

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi .

The disease spreads to humans through the bite of a tick that carries the bacterium, and it affects an estimated each year in the U.S. alone.

Currently, healthcare professionals choose between three antibiotics in the treatment of Lyme disease. These are doxycycline, cefuroxime, and amoxicillin.

Sometimes, however, antibiotics are not effective in eradicating all traces of B. burgdorferi from the system, which means that the disease can persist.

When this happens, bacterial cells that have developed antibiotic resistance can continue to proliferate. These are known as persister cells .

Because of this, researchers have been looking into alternative modes of fighting the bacterium, and their first line of inquiry has focused on natural remedies.

In 2018, an in vitro study suggested that 10 plant-derived essential oils could help fight off B. burgdorferi.

Now, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD, and from the California Center for Functional Medicine and Focus Health in Berkeley, have conducted a new study that has led them to believe that two specific plants may lead to more effective therapies against Lyme disease.

My Recommended Readings For Treating Lyme Disease

If you want to read more information regarding natural ways to treat Lyme Disease, then I highly recommend Dr. Buhner’s book “Healing Lyme”! I have read it, and I refer to it often. He is an expert in the field and explains everything well in the book. I am also including a link for you to obtain another book if you prefer to read on your Kindle . I have not read this book, but it has been highly recommended in my research. The third book that I am recommending is also very good. It has information regarding combined tradition and herbal therapies.

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Lymes Conventional Standard Of Care

The conventional treatment involves antibiotic therapy and specialized care for heart and neurological manifestations. Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics. However, many people do not improve with standard treatment and may struggle with symptoms and complications of Lyme for several years.

Subculture Studies To Confirm The Activity Of The Top Natural Product Hits

Ticked Off! Herbs For Lyme’s Disease – Shoshanna’s Kitchen – Episode 117 –

For the subculture study, 1 mL B. burgdorferi stationary phase culture was treated by natural products or control drugs in 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes for 7 days at 33°C without shaking. Next, cells were centrifuged, and cell pellets were washed with fresh BSK-H medium followed by resuspension in fresh BSK-H medium without antibiotics. Then 50 l of cell suspension was inoculated into 1 ml of fresh BSK-H medium for subculture at 33°C, 5% CO2. Cell growth was monitored using SYBR Green I/PI assay and fluorescence microscopy after 720 days.

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How Herbal Supplements Can Help

The best way to gain the level of phytochemical protection you need to help your immune system win the internal battle against invasive microbes is to take herbal supplements specifically, standardized botanical extracts.

Standardized botanical extracts take herbal supplements to the next level. Theyre made with wild plants or plants that have been cultivated to enhance their phytochemical content and are grown in an environment that doesnt introduce unwanted chemical toxins. The extraction process also yields the greatest concentration and the widest spectrum of phytochemicals in the plant. And the final product is standardized to a concentration of one or several key phytochemicals in the plant, so you know what youre getting.

Below are a few of my favorite herbs for mitigating the systemic chronic inflammation associated with chronic Lyme disease. Though all of the herbs have value in suppressing microbes and reducing inflammation, three of the herbs mentioned below Japanese knotweed, cats claw, and Chinese skullcap were found in a 2020 study from Johns Hopkins University to have greater activity against Borrelia burgdorferi than the antibiotics, doxycycline and azithromycin.

Cleansing With Burbur And Parsley

Burbur has been around for a long time and is an amazing herb in the efforts of detoxification. Originating in Peru, it is known to be an “internal cleanser” and greatly helps detoxify the liver, kidneys, blood, and lymphatic system. Bonus benefits include: anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, along with many other positive benefits! This herb is a MUST!

Parsley extract is also a good detoxifier. In my opinion, the Burbur is better, but the Parsley is good also. Some people take them both!

Also Check: Best Lyme Clinic In The World

Avoid Arginine Take Lysine Moxa

I was plagued with shingles for years until I found out that I really had Lyme Disease with herpes 6 as one of the coinfections. Finally doing well with a few small outbreaks here and there if I eat foods with too much arginine and don’t take enough lysine to compensate. Two grams of lysine 3x per day is as effective as Rx to supress the virus. Also, I notice a difference in my tendons, they make a clicking sound as if they are too tight, just before an outbreak. If I up the dose Lysine at the first click, no rash develops. Moxa is very effective in halting the outbreak of rash and stopping the itch/pain instantly heat the area with a moxa stick to a “zing” sensation 3 times for instant relief. Search: “Canadian Lyme Assoc Symptoms” and “arginine foods”. All my fave foods were loaded with arginine. Good luck!

How and where did you get this specific of testing done? I can’t find a Dr.willing to test my mother for anything this investigative/ detailed. Thanks

Bee Venom

Hi everyone, I just want to share with you an information about the bee venom and Lyme disease. The Bee venom contains a peptide called Melittin and this peptide has shown to have a very potent antimicrobial activity against Borrelia. spp as well as Candida spp and mycobacteria spp. I don’t know if there is a remedy using the bee venom but it seems promising as an alternative for the sufferer with Lyme disease.

I hope this post helps someone else as it helps me.

God bless


Anyone Can Be Tricked

5 Lyme Disease Herbal Remedies, Treatments And Cures

The influential physicist Richard Feynman famously said:

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.

Some people invariably become convinced that an ineffective treatment works for them. But, as Dr. Harriet Hall describes in her course on Science-Based Medicine, we humans may believe ineffective treatments work for many reasons:

  • The disease may have run its natural course.
  • Many diseases are cyclical.
  • The wrong treatment may get the credit.
  • Diagnosis and prognosis may be wrong.
  • Temporary mood improvement confused with cure
  • Psychological needs affect behavior and perceptions
  • We confuse correlation with causation
  • Dr. Barry Beyerstein, a professor of psychology, described the above reasons in his essay Why Bogus Therapies Seem to Work. He concluded:

    To people who are unwell, any promise of a cure is especially beguiling. As a result, false hope easily supplants common sense. In this vulnerable state, the need for hard-nosed appraisal is all the more necessary, but so often we see instead an eagerness to abandon any remaining vestiges of skepticism.

    Erstwhile savvy consumers, felled by disease, often insist upon less evidence to support the claims of alternative healers than they would previously have demanded from someone hawking a used car. Caveat emptor!

    In the following short clip, magicians Penn & Teller show how easily fake medicine can fool us:

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    Antimicrobial Treatments For Lyme Disease

    The conventional medical approach to Lyme disease treatment in adults is a ten to 21-day course of the antibiotic doxycycline.1 However, a growing body of research shows that this treatment is insufficient, if not completely ineffective, for cases of chronic Lyme disease. Functional medicine offers a far more comprehensive approach to the antimicrobial treatment of Lyme disease. Read on to learn about the types of antimicrobial treatment options available, and how they can be combined for optimal effect.

    Understanding The Different Types Of Lyme Disease: Acute Vs Chronic

    Because of Dr. Rawls experience with untreated Lyme disease flaring up after decades of dormancy, he views chronic Lyme disease and all chronic conditions differently than many other physicians and patients. He sees chronic disease as largely a result of immune dysfunction, which can be triggered by a number of different factors. There are thousands upon thousands of chronic illnesses, but when you look at the symptoms, they all bunch together, so the concept of a diagnosis is often a little artificial.

    To understand how this works, Dr. Rawls says you must also understand that there are two types of Lyme disease, acute and chronic. Acute Lyme disease occurs when the Lyme microbe first comes into your body: You get a tick bite, the microbe enters your system, and theres an acute tug-of-war between your immune system and the microbe because youve never seen it before, he explains. This internal tug-of-war happens within weeks of getting a tick bite and is accompanied by symptoms like fatigue, stiff neck, mild fever, and aches and pains. Eventually, either the microbe wins or the immune system wins, and your body reaches a place of resolution.

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    Best Supplements To Kill Lyme And Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Lyme Disease

    May 2, 2018 by Michael EdwardsLast updated on: March 14, 2019

    Lyme disease is grossly under-reported in the United States. Lyme cases have more than doubled since the 1990s. The number of counties that are now deemed high-risk for Lyme has increased by more than 320 percent. About 329,000 cases of Lyme disease occur every year according to the latest researcher from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Lyme disease is the fastest growing infectious diseases in the US and in Western Europe. Public funding for this disease is still far below that of less common illnesses, receiving less than 2% of public funding for West Nile and 0.2% of funding for HIV/AIDS even though Lyme effects for more people, but fortunately, awareness is rapidly evolving.

    Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

    Cat’s Claw & Otoba Bark are My Favorite Lyme Herbal Antibiotics

    The most common symptoms of Lyme disease include fever, headache, fatigue, chills, and a bullseye rash. The medical term for this rash is erythema migrans and it is the most characteristic symptom of Lyme disease it typically appears as a single rash 7-14 days after the tick bite, although multiple rashes or no rashes at all are possible.

    If left untreated, the infection can become more serious and spread to the joints, heart, and nervous system arthritis , carditis , and various neurological problems. Symptoms can vary widely and Lyme disease can mimic many different illnesses a keynote of Lyme is the involvement of multiple body systems.

    • Avoid exposure to ticks in endemic areas with appropriate insect repellant
    • Wear protective clothing and perform tick checks while visiting wooded areas
    • Promptly remove tick with tweezers, pull straight up with steady pressure, cleanse area

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    Growing Herbs For Treating Lyme

    Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonicaEasy to grow vine. Very common in this area – with white turning to gold flowers.L. japonica can be tricky to identify as there are many cultivars of honeysuckle and many ornamental versions and labeling is not very accurate. L. japonica is a vine-style honeysuckle with large white-turning-to-gold flowers with the nectar that you can sip. They are attractive plants but do spread, and it is listed as an invasive in this area. I am currently working on accurately identifying the honeysuckle species we have growing here and propagating to pots for spring 2019.

    TurmericTurmeric is a fabulous anti-inflammatory and is a great accompaniment to any Lyme treatment. Turmeric is a tropical plant though – wanting to grow and stay at around 80 degrees. I grow it in my greenhouse, but it does go very dormant in the winter and takes a long time to start leafing out again once it gets warm. The trick is keeping it dry and in a bright but shady position. Overwatering is what will kill it by rotting the rhizome. Ginger is grown the same way…I usually have turmeric plants in pots – although they are often only rhizomes – leafed out plants are usually available from June through September.

    Cistus and Ledum We are currently experimenting with growing Cistus Balm of Gilead and Ledum or Labrador Tea in this area… more info to come soon!

    Artemisia annua or

    Essential Oils From Garlic And Other Herbs Kill ‘persister’ Lyme Disease Bacteria

    Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a new study.

    Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. These oils may be especially useful in alleviating Lyme symptoms that persist despite standard antibiotic treatment, the study also suggests.

    The study, published October 16 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oils — oils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plant’s main fragrance, or “essence.” The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrrh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing “persister” forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.

    “We found that these essential oils were even better at killing the ‘persister’ forms of Lyme bacteria than standard Lyme antibiotics,” says study senior author Ying Zhang, MD, PhD, professor in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Bloomberg School.

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