Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Heartworm Lyme Ehrlichia Anaplasma Test

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My Dog Is On Heartworm And Tick Preventatives Do I Still Need To Test

The 4DX Snap Test Explained, by Dr. Leigh Chisholm at Seasons Vet Clinic

Yes, it is recommended to test your dog annually even if they are on preventive medications. This will help ensure that the preventives have been effective and your dog is still protected from these diseases.Additionally, while we have access to the best and safest tick preventatives, ticks do need to bite the dog as this is how they receive the drug. Therefore, there is a possibility of disease transmission from an infected tick as tick-borne diseases are transmitted via the saliva of the tick.

The 4Dx test for dogs is a revolutionary tool that can detect and measure four markersheartworm antigen, Lyme disease antibody, Ehrlichia and Anaplasma antibodiesin just 10 minutes. It’s fast, efficient, accurate and cost-effective compared to other testing methods. With the 4Dx test, your veterinarian can diagnose and screen for serious infectious diseases before they become critical problems. Additionally, its important to perform this annual test even if your pet is on `preventative medications as ticks do need to bite them in order for the drug to be effective. Ultimately, the 4dx Snap test offers peace of mind knowing you are protecting your pup from potentially dangerous tick-borne illnesses. Please contact your veterinarian to schedule your dog’s 4dx Snap test.

Heartworm And Tick Disease Testing And Wellness Bloodwork

Heartworm and Tick Disease Screening

Heartworm and tick disease screening is done yearly by taking a small blood sample from your dog. This screening test looks for Heartworm disease, Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis.

Heartworm disease is transmitted through infected mosquitos. Whether your dog is an avid outdoorsman or homebody who rarely goes outside, heartworm testing is necessary for all dogs. Mosquitos are small and can find a way to get into your home. An infected mosquito transmits heartworm larvae to your dog. The larvae then travel to the heart where they mature to adult worms and live in the blood vessels surrounding the heart. Once mature, female heartworms release microfilariae into the bloodstream. A mosquito then bites the infected dog and ingests the microfilariae, who then mature into larvae. If the infected mosquito bites another dog, the cycle starts again. This is how heartworm is spread. Dogs may not immediately show clinical signs. Signs of heartworm disease are related to the heart disease they develop from infection. Some heartworm prevention products can actually be dangerous for your dog if they have undiagnosed Heartworm disease. Treatment is complicated and can be expensive which is why prevention is key. There are resistant strains of heartworm coming up from the Southern United States, so testing is very important, even for pets who have been on prevention products regularly.

Heartworm, Tick, and Flea Prevention

Heartworm Disease/lyme Disease/ehrlichiosis Snap Testing In Dogs

  • Using a single test, your veterinarian can check for any combination of the following diseases: heartworm disease, Lyme disease, and ehrlichiosis.
  • All of these diseases are transmitted by parasites. Heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis are carried by ticks.
  • Testing takes only a few minutes and requires only a small sample of your dogs blood. Sometimes, follow-up testing is recommended. This may involve sending a blood sample to a laboratory for further analysis.

Also Check: Iv Vitamin C For Lyme Disease

Can I Get Anaplasmosis From My Dog

Anaplasmosis is considered a zoonotic pathogen. This means it has the potential to infect humans. However, direct transmission from animals to people, or animal to animal is highly unlikely and has not been documented.

If a dog is diagnosed with anaplasmosis, strict tick control measures should be taken as this indicates there are infected ticks in the environment that could transmit the disease to humans.

Contributors: Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

My Dog Had A Positive Ehrlichia Test: Now What


This spring, dog owners may have noticed that we are using a different heartworm test this year. The test is called a 4DX and it detects antibodies to heartworm plus the tick borne diseases Lyme, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasma.

It can be scary and confusing to get positive results, so Id like to take a few posts to go over what positive results on these tests mean and what we recommend doing about them. This post will focus on Ehrlichia.

First: Dont panic! A positive Ehrlichia test does not necessarily mean your dog has an active infection right now requiring treatment. It means that at some point your dog has been exposed to the Ehrlichia organism and produced antibodies. The test does not tell us if the exposure was recent or in the past or whether your dog needs treatment.

How do we tell the difference? We use a combination of assessing whether your dog is currently showing symptoms and additional blood testing. A small percentage of dogs exposed to Ehrlichia will become clinically sick the rest may successfully fight the bacteria off and show no or very mild symptoms. Symptoms of Ehrlichia include lethargy, high fever, loss of appetite, lameness/stiffness, and enlarged lymph nodes. Some dogs may appear to recover from their symptoms but enter a chronic state of disease in which the organism damages blood cells with several potential serious complications.

Soooo after all of that, what do we actually DO if a dog tests positive?

Karen Christopherson DVM CVA

Read Also: How To Know You Have Lyme Disease

What Conditions Can The 4dx Test Detect In Dogs

The 4dx test is a comprehensive diagnostic test for dogs that can detect the presence of heartworm , Lyme disease , ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis . It also screens for three tick-borne pathogens that cause serious disease in dogs. This test is becoming increasingly popular among pet parents, as it provides an efficient way to screen their canine companions for multiple diseases at once.

While only your veterinarian can diagnose and treat illness, the 4dx test detects the presence of antibody titers associated with these four diseases in your dogs body. When infected, pets usually produce a certain amount of antibodies when exposed to antigens found in these illnesses. An elevated titer level indicates exposure or infection with one or more of these conditions.

Heartworm is one of the most common deadly diseases affecting dogs which causes severe lung disease, heart failure and death if left untreated. The 4dx test can detect possible exposure to heartworm antigens as early as 5-6 months after infection has occurredproviding you with more time to seek treatment if necessary.

Overall,the 4DX Test remains a valuable asset when fighting off various canine communicable illnesses thus making it useful on an annual basis schedule even without obvious signs of current ailments being shown by our furry pals due their tendency of masking actual physical discomforts inside themselves.

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How Does The 4dx Test Identify Heartworm In Dogs

The 4dx test is a revolutionary testing procedure to identify heartworm in dogs, and its becoming increasingly popular among veterinarians. This type of testing can detect even the earliest stages of infestation, ensuring that pet owners get the necessary treatment they need as soon as possible.

The 4dx test looks for 3 different antigens which are found within microfilariae and adult heartworms, as well as an antibody produced when the organism is present in an animals system. First, the blood sample is examined for these antigens and antibodies, because the presence of any of them will indicate that your pet has been exposed to a particular type of parasite. If all three tests come back negative then you can rest easy knowing your pup likely does not have heartworm disease however if one or more tests come back positive then further investigation may be needed such as additional lab work or x-ray images.

However, if the antigen tests do not return any positive results but there are still signs and symptoms present that could point toward heartworm disease like persistent coughing or difficulty breathing a full relatedness test must be completed in order to confirm diagnosis. This type of testing requires specialized equipment which can detect microscopic particles called microfilariae which live in animal blood systems when theyre exposed to infected mosquitoes carrying these parasites.

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Choose How And Where You Run Screening Tests

Available in-clinic or from IDEXX Reference Laboratories

Lab 4Dx Plus Test

Available from IDEXX Reference Laboratories:
As a stand-alone test

7244Lab 4Dx Plus Test

Immunoassay for heartworm antigen, Ehrlichia canis, Ehrlichia ewingii, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Anaplasma platys, and Lyme C6 antibodies

As part of a more complete parasite screen

31804Fecal Dx Antigen Panel with Lab 4Dx Plus TestCanine

Lab 4Dx Plus Test, hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm antigens by immunoassay

7230Heartworm Antigen by Immunoassay Positive ConfirmatoryComplimentary after a positive canine or feline heartworm result is obtained in-house using a SNAP Heartworm RT Test, SNAP 4Dx Plus Test, or SNAP Feline Triple Test, or at IDEXX Reference Laboratories using the Lab 4Dx Plus Test.

SNAP 4Dx Plus Test

Available in-clinic

Reference-laboratory quality in the palm of your hand, for superior diagnostic accuracy at the point of care. Learn more about the SNAP 4Dx Plus Test

Highly Specific Detection Of E Canis

Anaplasmosis vs Ehrlichiosis (Anaplasma phagocytophilum vs Ehrlichia chaffeensis & ewingii)

Accuplex tests for the presence of Ehrlichia canis by detecting antibodies to a purified recombinant protein selected for its ability to detect acute exposure. The Accuplex assay is able to detect acute exposure to E. canis earlier than other commercially available tests. The selected antigen is also highly specific which minimizes the chance for cross-reactivity.

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How Can I Prevent My Pet From Being Exposed To These Diseases

The very best prevention is monthly heartworm prevention and monthly flea and tick prevention. The preventatives are available in many different forms from topical liquid to oral chews, to collars. In our area yearly administration of preventatives is recommended, our weather is no longer consistently cold enough to eliminate ticks. Yearly administration also helps to develop a pattern of administration, making missed doses less likely.

During your pets next wellness visit you may hear the recommendation for annual 4DX testing. It could diagnose a disease early, allow for early treatment, and even a negative test can give you information about the effectiveness of your monthly preventatives. Our clinic has recently implemented a Wellness Profile that includes a 4DX. The profile also includes all of the follow-up tests that are typically performed for the tick-borne diseases, a urine protein quantification test and QC6 are usually add on tests that require an extra charge, they are now included for no extra charge. Consider testing your pet yearly to increase their longevity and your peace of mind!


Is There A Specific Time To Perform The 4dx Test For Dogs

Yes, the 4Dx test should be performed at least once a year to keep your pup safe from heartworm and tick-borne diseases. The best time of year to perform the 4Dx test for dogs is in the spring or early summer as it will test for heartworm exposure from the previous summer.

Its also important to perform the 4Dx test when your pet is exhibiting any signs of illness or if they have been exposed to ticks or mosquitos. Your veterinarian should recommend a 4Dx test for your dog approximately 4 weeks after tick exposure.

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How Is Anaplasmosis Diagnosed

Several types of tests to diagnose exposure or an infection are available. Exposure to Anaplasma can be detected in your veterinary clinic using a special test kit. Other tests, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay , indirect fluorescent antibody , and polymerase chain reaction , are available to help your veterinarian determine if active infection is present. These tests are sent to an outside lab. In addition, the organism can sometimes be seen through a microscope during peak phases of infection.

“Your veterinarian will determine which diagnostic protocol is best for your dog.”

Your veterinarian will discuss the various test options and determine which diagnostic protocol is best for your dogs condition.

Overview And Disease Transmission


In the Greater Madison Area, Lyme Disease is one of the most commonly diagnosed infections in dogs. Every week, we, unfortunately, diagnose several dogs with Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is the result of infection by a spirochete , Borrelia burgdorferi, that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. Ticks bite in order to feed on blood. Although Lyme disease was named for the Connecticut town of Lyme in 1975, the disease itself has been around for at least 100 years.

Wisconsin is heavily endemic for Lyme and other tickborne diseases. In our area, Lyme is transmitted by the deer tick, Ixodes. An adult deer tick lays approximately 2000 eggs in the spring. These eggs hatch into tiny larvae, so small that they feed primarily on small prey such as the white-footed mouse. If the mouse is infected with Borrelia, the Lyme spirochete, the tick larva becomes infected. After feeding on the mouse, the larva drops off and lies dormant until the next spring when it molts into a nymph. The nymph is a bit bigger and therefore can reach bigger prey, such as deer, dogs, or humans. Nymphs are the most common transmitters of Borrelia. When the nymph has had its fill of blood, it drops off the animal, becoming dormant for a few months, and then molts into an adult in the fall. The adult tick will also seek prey to take a blood meal.

It is important to note that Lyme disease is not transmitted from mammal to mammal – rather, it must be passed through the bite of a tick.

Recommended Reading: Lyme Disease Progression In Humans

Ehrlichia Lyme Anaplasma Heartworm Combo Test Kit

The Ehrlichia Lyme Anaplasma Heartworm Combo Test Kit is a test for detecting the presence of anti-canine Ehrlichia, Ehrlichia, Burr’s disease in canine serum or plasma samples. Test kits for antibodies to tick-borne diseases of Borrelia, Phagocytophila, Aprotoplasma and Porcine Dirofilaria immitis.


The Ehrlichia Lyme Anaplasma Heartworm Combo Test Kit is a test for detecting the presence of anti-canine Ehrlichia, Ehrlichia, Burr’s disease in canine serum or plasma samples. Test kits for antibodies to tick-borne diseases of Borrelia, Phagocytophila, Aprotoplasma and Porcine Dirofilaria immitis.

Product Name

Canine Ehrlichia Lyme Anaplasma Heartworm Combo Test Kit


Dog’s serum, plasma and whole blood specimen

Assay Time

1 week after Get payment


2-30°C, DO NOT FREEZE. Do not store the test kit in direct sunlight.

Shelf Life

1. One-step whole blood, serum and plasma testing.

2. Simple operation, non-professional on-site inspection.

3. The detection process is fast, and the result will be displayed in about 15 minutes.

4. The test time is less than or equal to 10 seconds, and it can detect 270 samples per hour at the fastest.

5. The detection equipment is compact, easy to carry, mobile terminal operation, cloud platform quality control.

6. The detection sensitivity is high, comparable to that of enzyme-labeled kits.




Strage and stablity

Rabies Antibody Test

Test Procedure

Then drop 3 drops (approximately.

Start the timer.

Dirofilaria Immitis Ag Infection:

Positive: Results are consistent with the presence of at least 1 female heartworm filarid. All positive results should be confirmed through additional testing as recommended by the American Heartworm Society . The second confirmatory test could be the presence of microfiliariae or confirming a positive HW Ag using a test from a different manufacturer. The AHS treatment protocol guidelines should be followed. Heartworm Ag testing should be performed 9 months after the last melarsamine injection. A year-round heartworm prevention program is recommended.

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What Is A 4dx Test For Dogs

A 4dx test for dogs is a blood test that can be used to check for a wide variety of current or past infections in dogs. This type of testing is often utilized when a pet parent is concerned that their pet may have an underlying medical issue or as part of routine preventative care.

The 4dx test, also known as the IDEXX 4dx Plus Test, relies on an ELISA method to measure exposure to various vector-transmitted diseases including heartworm disease, Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis. Your veterinarian will take a small sample of your dogs blood and send it off for testing at an approved laboratory where all the parameters are measured and results are usually received within three days after the lab analyzes them.

In addition to just checking your dog’s exposure levels, this type of testing also provides insight into whether your pet needs additional treatment such as antibiotics or other medications in order to address any existing infections that may have been caused by vector-borne diseases like fleas or ticks. By detecting these issues early on with the help of a 4dxtest you can increase your pets chance of having positive outcomes over time while minimizing any potential long term side effects from untreated illnesses like heartworm disease.

Learn More: What to do my dog killed my other dog?

What If My Dog Tested Positive But Isnt Sick

Implementation of a Multiplex Molecular Test for Anaplasma, Babesia and Ehrlichia

Dogs from areas where anaplasmosis or Lyme disease are common have often been exposed to A. phagocytophilum and have a positive antibody test result. It appears that many dogs may have antibodies to A. phagocytophilum without having any evidence of clinical disease. It has been shown that clinically healthy dogs may have persistent infection with A. phagocytophilum and are chronically infected carriers of the organism. We do not know if these dogs will eventually become ill or not.

Current research suggests that canine anaplasmosis is an acute disease that occurs in dogs a week or two after infection through a tick bite. Because chronic infection has not been directly related to clinical disease and because a therapeutic regimen effective in clearing the organism from an infected animal has not been established, treating clinically healthy, positive testing animals is of questionable benefit and not generally recommended at this time.

“A positive test result in a clinically healthy dog should not be disregarded.”

There is also some concern that chronically infected carrier dogs could be adversely affected by medications that compromise the immune system , or by an illness that might reduce a dogs immune status.

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