Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Iv Vitamin C For Lyme Disease

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Iv Vitamin C And Cancer Treatment

Lyme success story – real patient natural treatment of Vitamin C

Several of North Americas leading cancer treatment facilities now employ IV vitamin C as a treatment, both as an adjunct to more traditional treatments and in some cases, by itself. When patients are given Vitamin C intravenously, the concentration achieved in the blood grows high enough to produce hydrogen peroxide within the bodys tissues.

The hydrogen peroxide confronts the pathogens present in infectious disease and destroys cancer cells by causing them oxidative stress. It does not damage healthy tissue. Intravenous vitamin C therapy decreases tumor growth rates and inhibits not only cancerous cells, but also hyaluronidase, an enzyme that accompanies cancer and that prompts its spread from one part of the body to another.

The benefits of Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy are impressive. Vitamin C reduces the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy such as fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, depression, dizziness and bleeding. It increases the life expectancy of cancer patients and also the quality of their lives in the areas of mental clarity, emotional stability and physical well being.

It is interesting to note that this therapy brings the amount of vitamin C in the patients body much closer to the level naturally present in almost all other mammals. There is formal academic criticism of the method by which the RDA of vitamin C is calculated, and charges that the normal human daily dosage of vitamin C should be much higher than is currently recommended.

Advantages Of The Vitamin C Infusion Therapy For Patients With Lyme:

Many people take vitamin C in powder or tablet form to boost their immune system. However, the human body can only absorb a specific amount of vitamin C via the digestive tract. Excess vitamin C is simply excreted. The treatment of Lyme disease often requires high doses of vitamin C, which are best administered intravenously. The Alternative Cancer Treatment Center in Kehl treats patients suffering from Lyme disease using this intravenous vitamin C infusion.

High Dose Vitamin C Produces An Oxidative Reaction

Vitamin C is primarily known as an antioxidant which means it helps protect against oxidative stress. However, in higher concentrations, vitamin C functions as a pro-oxidant. It is through the pro-oxidant, or oxidative, mechanism that vitamin C can kill viruses and bacteria. Vitamin C dosages above 20 gram are generally considered oxidative and are often referred to as âhigh-dose.â

Research has shown oral supplementation with vitamin C can only reach blood plasma concentrations of 220 micromol/L while 50 grams intravenous vitamin C concentrations peak at 13,4000 micromol/L

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Why Not Just Take Oral Supplements

Often, when people arent feeling their best, they take an oral multivitamin. Theres nothing wrong with this. However, if youre trying to fight illness, you may need a much higher dose than you can reasonably take orally. Also, when supplements pass through the digestive system, the body doesnt absorb the full amount. IV hydration treatment ensures that your cells get access to 100 percent of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants delivered via the drip. IV therapy can reduce inflammation, boost your immune response, and lower oxidative stress.

Why Use Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy

Best Vitamin C Infusion For Lyme Disease

It has long been recognized that Vitamin C offers a variety of health benefits to human beings. It is a natural antioxidant that neutralizes unstable molecules known as free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive because they have an unpaired electron, and are prone to stealing electrons from nearby stable molecules.

This process is called oxidation, and is damaging to the body. It is believed by many experts to be responsible for much of aging. If these unstable free radicals are not neutralized then they are likely to cause mutations that might could lead to unwanted conditions such as cancer or circulatory system disorders.

Vitamin C works to neutralize free radicals by giving up one of its electrons to repair the unstable molecule, thus preventing it from attacking the body. Vitamin C lowers blood pressure and helps prevent cataracts. It is widely considered to be an effective natural treatment for a number of human illnesses, including cancer.

Recommended Reading: How Do I Know I Have Lyme Disease

Lyme Nutrition & Supplements

Besides the consultation with Haskell you will also meet with our nutritionist for an hour who will provide specific details about important nutritional changes.

This advice is linked with Dr. Haskells suggestions and summary from your first consultation.

Supplements & Herbs

We have a large dispensary of products which focus on the immune system, replenishment of nutrient deficiencies, gut health, supporting all our purification therapies, the elimination of environmental toxins from the body, and complementing all the IV solutions and oxidative therapies.

NAD IV Therapy

Ebv Is Associated With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Infection with Epstein-Barr virus has long been associated with ME/CFS. It was initially thought EBV was the cause of an infection outbreak of the first cases of chronic fatigue syndrome in Lake Tahoe in the mid-1980s. Since then, many studies have been conducted to determine if elevated EBV antibody titers are associated with ME/CFS.

Some studies have correlated chronic fatigue syndrome only with active Epstein-Barr virus infections. In contrast, other studies have demonstrated an association with elevated EBV IgG titers and ME/CFS. EBV does not cause all cases of chronic fatigue syndrome. Still, a subset of people with ME/CFS test positive for EBV, and effective treatment of Epstein-Barr virus improves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Vitamin C Boosts The Immune System

The immune system is greatly affected by Lyme disease. When foreign substances or pathogens like the Borrelia bacteria enter the bloodstream, the bodys natural immune system goes into action. It creates inflammation and sends it to find the bacteria and flush them from your system. The problem is that Lyme bacteria are competent. They know how to go undetected by inflammation. They can build biofilms or shields around themselves.

They can also go dormant and hide in the tissues and cells of blood vessels. Your immune system is affected because it continually signals a need for inflammation but cant find the pathogen. Your body then stays in a state of inflammation. Vitamin C boosts many immune system functions, including the white blood cells that fight infections. It also stimulates the production of neurotransmitters and collagen. It also reduces oxidative stress.

Ozone Treatment For Lyme

Oxidation Medicine (Ozone & Hydrogen Peroxide) for Lyme Disease Treatment

Oxygen therapiesRegular oxygen has been found to be beneficial to Lyme Disease sufferers, especially if they live at higher elevations. Lyme Disease always creates oxygen deficiency in the body. Supplementing oxygen by breathing pure medical grade oxygen through a face mask can be tremendously beneficial in boosting immune system function and catalyzing healing within the body. Breathing pure oxygen while exercising increases the effect.Breathing pure oxygen is not cumbersome or inconvenient it can be done while checking email or watching the nightly news. Even breathing pure oxygen for as little as 30 minutes per day can cause dramatic acceleration of healing and reduction of symptoms.Obtaining a prescription for pure medical grade oxygen is not difficult when dealing with a reasonable physician. Just tell him/her that because of your chronic illness, you have found that you feel better when you occasionally breathe pure oxygen. There are no side effects and no risks to breathing pure oxygen so if a physician tells you that he cant prescribe it, fire him and go see someone else.Ozone and Oxygen for Treating Lyme Disease


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Iv High Dose Vitamin C

IV High Dose Vitamin C is often used in Cancer, Lyme Disease, EBV, chronic fatigue and other autoimmune disorder treatments. The maximum Vitamin C dose that can be taken and absorbed orally without adverse digestive side effects is between 4-6 grams a day. At doses higher than 25 grams, IV Vitamin C undergoes a profound change and becomes an oxidant, not an anti-oxidant. While our cells thrive and benefit from some oxidation, bacteria, viruses, fungi and cancer cells are damaged from oxidation. IV High Dose Vitamin C also creates peroxides which are vital for thyroid health. Thyroid conditions such as hypothyroidism and Hashimotoâs disease greatly benefit from IV High Dose Vitamin C.

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Far Too Unknown In The Iv Therapy World

As is clear from the examples above, there is great potential in using the intravenous route to administer substances that are natural parts of our body chemistry.

Yet of all the options for IV therapy, one stands out as not only very powerful, but even more natural than all the others. What could that be? Your own highly purified and energized blood!

This treatment is known as Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, or UBI. In the technique, an ounce or two of your blood is drawn, mixed with normal saline, passed through a specialized machine that blasts it with ultraviolet light, and then infused right back into a vein.

The impact of infusing your own highly energized, purified blood is an immediate stimulation of your immune system. While it may be helpful in a variety of diseases, this form of therapy has shown itself to be particularly effective in virus infections like Epstein-Barr and Hepatitis C.

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General Information On Lyme Disease

Lyme disease was first observed about 50 years ago in a town called Lyme, hence the name. In 1981, Willy Burgdorfer gave a description of the Borrelia burgdorferi species for the first time. Borrelia can spread through the entire body through the bloodstream and affect all organs. This can result in very different syndromes. These syndromes are very complex and can very easily be confused with other syndromes. In most cases, the disease affects more than one organ. Several organs can be affected simultaneously, with very different syndromes. Lyme disease can be spread to humans through ticks or insects such as mosquitoes, horse flies, and fleas. The disease can also affect other mammals. Currently, there are four known types of Borrelia that can cause Lyme disease .

Up to 30% of ticks are infected with Borrelia depending on the region.

Intravenous Vitamin C: High

Pin by Intellectual Medicine 120 on IV Vitamin Therapy

As recent studies of the National Cancer Institute demonstrate, large doses of intravenous vitamin C in patients with cancer have shown improved quality of life, as well as fewer side effects in clinical trials. Because the nutrients dont have to go through your digestive tract, the concentration of vitamin C that gets absorbed is much higher through IV administration when compared to oral. You get better results and reduced side effects while giving your body the ammunition needed to fight disease successfully.

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Diagnosis Of Lyme Disease In Patients With Persisting Or Relapsing Symptoms

There are patients who are not aware of any tick bite or any rash, who present with an illness consisting of a combination of symptoms, but without objective signs, that include persisting fatigue, arthralgias or myalgias, paresthesias, and neurocognitive dysfunction that could be due to Lyme disease . Such patients frequently undergo various numerous evaluations, including rheumatology, neurology, and infectious disease consultations, without any definitive diagnosis, and are often classified as having chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or depression. They are also often told they do not have Lyme disease. The facts, however, are that there are no currently available tests to determine whether the spirochetes are actually present or not present in an individual, and whether the bacteria are active or inactive. Hence, often cited recommendations about the duration of treatment, eg four weeks is curative or adequate treatment, have no factual basis to support that recommendation, disregarding the clinical picture, and leading to the conclusion that there is another, perhaps psychosomatic reason, for the continuing symptoms. As there is overlap in symptomatology between patients who are diagnosed as having chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and those who have persisting symptoms with Lyme disease , there is great difficulty clinically in knowing who amongst those with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia might have persisting Lyme disease.

Vitamin C For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a not-so-common yet severe illness spread by ticks. Many patients will suffer from ongoing symptoms, known as Chronic Lyme Disease, making life very difficult.

IV vitamin C Lyme disease treatment is often used to help strengthen the immune system. This process equips the body to fight other harmful microorganisms like viruses that attack the nervous system.

Some medical professionals add glutathione, magnesium, and B vitamins to their IV vitamin therapy for Lyme disease. Another option is combining high dose vitamin C IV treatment for Lyme disease with NAD, also known as the energy molecule.

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Managing The Patient With Erythema Migrans Rash

If a typical erythema migrans rash appears, the diagnosis is confirmed, and a course of treatment with doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime has been shown to be efficacious . The duration of treatment is usually 2-4 weeks, but it would seem logical and prudent to continue treatment if there are associated symptoms, albeit non-specific in nature, until those symptoms resolve, usually another few weeks, especially as there is no diagnostic tool to determine whether the infection is still present or has been eradicated. If there are subsequent or relapsing symptoms, treatment should be promptly reinstituted, usually with doxycycline, but may require other treatments to resolve the symptoms.

The Many Uses Of Iv Therapy For Lyme Disease

Curing Lyme and Other Chronic Infections â Thomas Levy, MD, JD

May is Lyme Disease Awareness month. Complex conditions like Lyme disease require equally complex treatment plans. Thats why the naturopathic doctors at the Nardella Clinic tailor every treatment regimen to individual people, not diseases.

A particularly effective and versatile treatment option is intravenous therapy. One single tool, dozens of possible uses. Intravenous therapy allows therapeutic doses of various natural substances to be delivered with 100% absorption. Our naturopathic doctors have extensive experience with IV therapies and their role in Lyme disease. What are the best options for Lyme Disease and what do they do? Take a look:

  • Myers Cocktail, named for John Myers, the Baltimore doctor who developed it, is a blend of high doses of vitamins and minerals. It gives your body a boost, increasing energy and providing immune support.
  • Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body. Besides protecting your cells against oxidation, glutathione helps to heal your neurological system and support your livers ability to detoxify.
  • Curcumin is one of the things that makes turmeric yellow, and is an incredible anti-inflammatory. It regulates cytokine storm, a large cascade reaction of the immune system, and decreases inflammation in joints, muscles, and nervous tissue.
  • MSM, a sulphur compound studied as a treatment for osteoarthritis, decreases systemic inflammation and supports joint health.
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    Lyme Disease: What Can Be Done

    Dec 29, 2016 | Articles |

    A previous article discusses what Lyme disease is and what problems it can cause, and that it is much more widespread than most people realize. But if you have it, what can be done about it?

    Treatment can be difficult

    Lyme disease, once it has passed out of the easily treatable first stage a few weeks after infection, can be difficult to treat. Usually it is necessary to use a number of therapies since with chronic Lyme infection one can have a number of things going on at once. These factors can interact and worsen the symptoms, and so they must be identified and addressed, separately but at the same time or in a logical order.

    To complicate matters, not all cases of Lyme are the same. Different organisms can be involved, as can different symptoms and different contributing factors.

    Although there is no one-size-fits-all treatment, CAM practitioners are experienced in identifying and dealing with Lyme and have a number of treatment options available.

    Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals

    A Lyme patient on antibiotics typically feels better after a time on the antibiotic, but then relapses when it is discontinued. Part of the problem is that the active spirochete bacteria, when stressed as by antibiotics, adopt a cyst form that most drugs cant reach, although there is medication available that can break up these cysts.

    The role of toxins

    Chelation can help remove metal toxins that can cause symptoms.

    Vitamin C IVs

    Immune system


    Oxidizing Agents In A Limited Amount Can Stimulate Cells To Produce More Antioxidants

    Ozone is shown to increase activity of Nrf2. Nrf2 provides genetic signalling for the production of a whole range of antioxidants including cellular glutathione. Increase antioxidants could help degenerative illnesses like multiple sclerosis or even macular degeneration of the eye. Perhaps, it could help reverse the oxidative damage caused by Lyme infection.

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    Vitamin C: A Lyme Patient’s Friend Or Foe

    Observations from a Lyme Disease Support Group on Vitamin Supplementation

    When patients get sick and stay sick, out of desperation they may turn to a variety of other treatments. With virtually no peer review medical studies to verify the effectiveness of home remedies against Lyme disease, patients are left with mostly anecdotal accounts and personal testimonies of what works and what doesn’t.

    I would like to submit a caution about the overuse of one such home supplement that I think may exacerbate neurological symptoms of Lyme disease. I am concerned about what I have observed in patients from two northern Minnesota Lyme disease support groups who used mega-doses of vitamin C to treat their Lyme disease.

    Let me first give you a brief account of three patients who were big believers in using vitamin C to “boost” their immune systems:

    Patient 1:

    Richard was a 38-year-old male, a special-ed teacher, who all of his life was fastidious in his diet and exercise regimen. He was what you might call a health-nut. Every day, he would exercise in the morning, then fix himself herbal teas and take an entire regimen of vitamin and herbal supplements. He adhered to a very strict macro-biotic diet. He favored eating whole grains and home-grown sprouts and juiced his own fruits and vegetables. He also took mega-doses of vitamin-C several times a day.

    His physician in Duluth was reluctant to follow the heavy antibiotic regimen that Richard’s

    Patient Two:

    Patient Three:

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