Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hyperthermia Treatment For Lyme Disease In Germany

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What Are The Symptoms Of Lyme Disease


As mentioned above, LD comes with various manifestations, depending on the stage. Keeping in mind that every patient is different and the range is wide, it is also important to note that itâs possible to suffer from none of those symptoms to all of them. There are also some symptoms that are rare, but potentially possible, such as hepatitis or conjunctivitis. Nevertheless, there are characteristic symptoms for every stage.

Stage I:

  • Progressive erythema on limbs, especially the lower legs
  • Chronic neuroborrelioses
  • Progressive encephalitis
  • Impairment of bladder function, cognition and walking None of these symptoms is proof of Lyme Disease.
  • If there is a suspicion on an infection with Borrelia Burgdorferi, a precise diagnostic is urgently needed.

    Treating Lyme Disease With Msc Secretome

    Since LD is a disease with many faces and various symptoms, no patient is like the other. Therefore, no treatment should be like the other. At ANOVA, a , we evaluate the medical history of every patient and develop the therapeutic strategy that is best suited for the patientâs specific symptoms and manifestations.

    ANOVA combines state-of-the-art technology with evidence-based effective therapies to treat every patient with a fitting treatment for the most effective outcome. This approach is one of a kind in Europe.Stem Cell Secretome has anti-inflammatory properties that can help manage LD symptoms and facilitate the healing process of your body. Here you can read more about . It should be noted that novel and/or , such as stem cell-based therapy, have not undergone the full clinical evaluation yet. Therefore, the attending physician is obliged to analyze the risks and benefits associated with stem cell therapy for each individual patient and case. If the benefits outweigh the potential risks, the doctor may suggest experimental therapies to the patient.

    Contact Us For Consultation

    Request an initial Skype consultation with our medical team. Give us your phone number or Skype name if you would like us to speak to you live first before scheduling a consultation. Otherwise, we will contact you by email. Please note that we can call you during our office hours: M to F: 9 am 5 pm .

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    What Is The Cause Of Lyme Disease

    Lyme Disease or Borreliosis is a disease which can affect many different organs and systems, which makes treatment planning very difficult. It is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by ticks. However, not all people bitten by an infected tick will get the disease. In most cases the infection is sub-clinical and without, or only with local symptoms. Yet in cases the infection gets disseminated, there is a large range of symptoms a patient may suffer from.

    What To Look For When Considering Hyperthermia Treatment Facilities

    Hyperthermia Treatment for Lyme Disease
    • Make sure extreme whole-body hyperthermia is offered. This means that their machine can raise the patients entire body temperature to at least 105.8° F , a temperature that kills many spirochetes. Clinics should attempt to reach 106.9° F , which is the point at which all spirochetes are killed after two hours.5 Most clinics only offer moderate hyperthermia, which reaches 104° F . This helps boost your immune system, but is not high enough to kill Borrelia.
    • Find out if the clinic is an in-patient facility. Immediately following a treatment, hyperthermia results in physical exhaustion. Patients should be monitored throughout the night as well as the following few days after treatment. In-patient facilities allow doctors and nurses to help patients feel comfortable when having a die-off reaction from the pathogens. When pathogens die, they expel toxins, which can cause inflammation and an increase in symptoms. In-patient facilities tend to offer a number of detoxification therapies that are available throughout a patients entire stay. Detoxing allows the body to expel these harmful toxins by decreasing inflammation, so that the patient can feel relief from his/her symptoms.

    While tick-borne infections are incredibly complex, extreme whole-body hyperthermia treatment helps many people by allowing the body to become stronger. Strengthening your body empowers you to reclaim your health!

    Don’t Miss: What Kind Of Ticks Give You Lyme Disease

    Immunotherapy Treatment Combined With Hyperthermia

    Dr. Kleef invented a unique cancer treatment concept: immunotherapy combined with hyperthermia and complementary medicine in an integrative approach which is personalized for each and every patient to support the patient´s immune system to fight the illness.

    We believe that this is a safe protocol, which is easily tolerable for patients. In our treatments, the side effects of immunotherapy occur in much lesser degrees of intensity. Perfecting his approach over the last years, he was able to improve the effectiveness of treatment to a considerable extent.

    How Long Does A Stem Cell Therapy Take

    The initial analyses and counselling can be done without you having to travel to Offenbach . This period can be 2 weeks up to months depending on the availability of patients slots. If you live further away, we will conduct the initial discussions by telephone or video conference. For the actual treatment, you will travel to Offenbach. Then, depending on the therapy, the tissue collection, quality control and treatment type it will take as follows:

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    Cara Looks To Germany In Bid To Find Lyme Disease Cure

    A young Athlone woman is to travel to a clinic in Germany later this month in a last-ditch effort to find a cure for Lyme disease.

    Cara Hurley from Auburn Heights, contracted the bacterial infection while on holiday in Greece in October 2019 and says she the last two years have been a living hell with her symptoms being so severe that she was unable to remain in her teaching job.

    The career guidance teacher set up a GoFundMe page last week in a desperate bid to raise 20,000 for three weeks of intensive treatment at the Fachklinik clinic with oncologist, Dr Alexander Herzog in Nidda/Bad Salzhausen, on the outskirts of Frankfurt.

    In the space of just two days, the popular Athlone woman had raised over 15,000 and is well on the way to meeting her fundraising target before she flies out to Germany for her treatment on January 22 next. The total now stands at over 17,000.

    Cara has developed late-stage chronic Lyme disease, which she says is not recognised by Irish healthcare providers and she feels her only hope of finding a cure is to try a treatment called hyperthermia, which kills the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, that causes Lyme disease.

    The treatment involves heating the body up to 42 degrees Celsius, and there is a 60% to 70% chance that I will be cured if I go to Germany, she says, adding that she has now exhausted almost all the treatment options available to her in Ireland.

    To donate, go to the GoFundMe website and type in Cara Hurley.

    Pionner Clinic In The Use Of Deep Oncological Hyperthermia

    Whole Body Hyperthermia for Lyme Disease Treatment – Was It Worth the Money?

    Pionner clinic in Spain of the use of Deep Oncological Hyperthermia, which allows the combination with any other oncological treatment, removing side effects while optimizing and multipying the benefits.

    Located in an excellent environment, the city of Marbella, having a pleasant and mild microclimate all around the year, even for making any sport. Enjoying a mountain and sea landscape, intertwined with the wide gardens and a high standard turistic port.

    We have a pick-up service for our guests, accommodation in different hotel categories, and to special accesible prices for our patients who come from further than Málaga or Marbella. We can set up an adaptive offer, depending on your quote.

    We count with the best Medical and Surgery experts. A medical team higly selected and simultaneously trainned in biological medicine, a perfect addittion to your services, granting the results with their great experience and a large number of satisfied patients, over many years.

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    Unproven Treatment: Canadian Foundation

    A website for the German clinic says it has successfully treated more than 800 patients with this alternative therapy.

    Judy Mitchell said she has read reviews online where people have gone there and theyve gotten their life back.

    Know ahead of time, going into it, that theres certainly a chance of failure.- Jim Wilson, Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation

    However, the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation says the treatment is unproven.

    Jim Wilson, the founder of the foundation, said there has not been sufficient scientific study of the treatment.

    Weve been around a long time, and so have a lot of these therapies. And theres a lot of people who have tried these and have not had much success, he told the Central Morning Show. Other people claim success.

    What Other Treatments Are Available

    As soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, a therapy with antibiotics is started. Which antibiotic is used depends on the stage and the symptoms of the patient. Often, the medication will stop the infection and the symptoms will disappear. But sometimes, especially with acute or chronical neuroborreliosis, residuals as paresis are possible and are a large impairment of the patientâs quality of life. In early stages of LD, the antibiotic therapy will cure the disease without residuals in most cases. But especially in advanced stages the risk of therapy-refractory courses increases.

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    Its Not Only For Lyme Disease

    Medically induced hyperthermia treatments have been used in treating cancer and is now being investigated for use with those who suffer from Rheumatic diseases.

    In treating cancer this procedure may also be called thermotherapy or thermal therapy. The process is the same.

    According to the National Cancer Institute, hyperthermia may weaken some cancer cells so that chemotherapy or radiation can kill them. It can also enhance the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs.

    Some studies have proven hyperthermia reduced the size of tumors when combined with other treatments. And not just in one type of cancer, but in many.

    The Benefits Could Be A Placebo Effect

    Dr. Herzog

    Keep in mind that the average drug in clinical trials has a placebo effect of 30 to 40 percent. This means in clinical trials 30 to 40 percent of people improve by taking an inert pill without an active ingredient – a so-called sugar pill. So, some of the benefits from hyperthermia could be a placebo effect.

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    How Hyperthermia Works In Lyme Disease Treatment

    The heat can kill germs directly. Antibiotics may work better too. If a person is on antibiotics while getting hyperthermia treatments, the heat helps dilate open blood vessels so they get more deeply into tissues where Lyme lives. The heat can also help a person detox. Some toxins come out in the sweat, while others go to the liver where they are removed.

    St Georg Klinik Germany

    In April of 2016 I took a leap of faith and took a flight to Munich Germany with my husband to undergo a serious treatment. For most of us with Lyme we will do anything to feel better and get our life back, hence why my journey to St. Georg Klinik in Bad Aibling, GERMANY.

    I spent 2 weeks at the clinic going thru extensive Lyme protocols. My husband was by my side the whole time and we stayed in the hospital the entire time. Their treatment for Lyme is whole body Hyperthermia followed up with medication and detox therapies. Your body is heated up to a self induced fever for over an eight hour period of time. You are closely monitored in an ICU unit by doctors and nurses. The theory is that the bacteria dies off after the body is heated up to over 106 degrees Fahrenheit. This treatment is not for everyone! I must emphasize this. And you must be in the state of health where you can tolerate this extreme heat. The doctors will review your health history before doing this treatment.

    My experience at St.Georg Klinik for Lyme treatment was a great experience. I would encourage any person suffering from Lyme and not getting well to reach out to the Klinik and discuss their program.

    For information about the Lyme clinic in Bad Aibling, Germany click here.

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    The Power Of A Natural Fever

    We believe that any health condition starts and ends with the immune system and its ability to ward off disease or to rebuild and regain health. With this in mind, we focus large amounts of time and energy in turning on the immune systemat every level.

    One of the basic ways our body fights disease naturally is to increase its core temperature through a fever. When the bodys intelligence senses cellular danger or imposition it goes to war through an inflammatory response which sends healing cells like cytokines to the affected area or throughout the entire body causing heat, redness, and inflammation to an area or fever, body aches, chills, etc. . This is a perfect way of knowing our body is doing its job and we are on the road to wellness.

    In part, this miraculous way of warding off pathogens and other threats is what our technology is designed to focus on and recreate as part of our treatment at Life Health Centers.

    Its interesting to note that most chronically ill patients report not having a fever in many yearsindicating 1. There are many layers to the immune system and 2. Their immune system is not functioning well.

    Whole-body Hyperthermia is designed to turn-on the cascade of events that happens when the bodys core temperature is increaseda natural healing response.

    Hyperthermia is ideal as a treatment option in itself as well as being a complement for antibiotics, allowing patients to boost the effectiveness of their medication with whole-body hyperthermia.

    What Temperature Does The Body Need To Increase To When Treating Lyme

    3 Current Lyme Recovery Trends and My 2 Year Post Hyperthermia Update

    The core temperature of the body is increased carefully through the use of whole-body infrared-A-irradiation. The goal is to bring the body temperature to at least 106° F , which is the temperature at which it is believed many strains of Borreliosis are affected. If the patient is able to tolerate higher temperatures, doctors at the hospitals in the United States, Germany, and Mexico believe it is preferable to try and reach 107° F and slightly above.

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    Michelle Mckeon Owner Lyme And Cancer Services

    Welcome back to the Heal Podcast. This is Mimi MacLean from Lyme360. And today, we have Michelle McKeon and shes the owner and operator of Lyme and Cancer Services. Shes also a certified clinical nutritionist who specializes in tick-borne diseases, hyperthermia treatment, detoxification, gut health, and inflammatory issues. Michelle was introduced to functional medicine after her personal struggle with a debilitating battle of Lyme disease. After years of trying the various treatments options available and not responding to the protocols, she decided to receive whole body hyperthermia treatment. Michelle hopes through her work and creation of Lyme and Cancer Services, shes able to guide people in their healing journey by educating them about hyperthermia as a successful treatment option. She is also currently working with LifeSpan with their nutritional protocol. Let me start that last sentence. Shes also currently working with LifeSpan Medical to create their nutritional Lyme protocol.

    To get my Detox for Lyme checklist, go to

    How Does The Anova Therapy Differdiagnostics We Look For The Cause Of Your Pain

    Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. M. K. Stehling, the founder of ANOVA IRM and the Vitus Prostate Center , is a radiologist and holds a PhD in physics. For this reason, the ANOVA Institute for Regenerative Medicine, in cooperation with the Prof. Stehling Institute for Diagnostic Imaging located in the same building, has the capability to use such as arthro-MRI and non-radioactive contrast MRIs.

    Compared to many conventional MRIs, these methods are often able to localize the pain-causing inflammation in your joints. This enables us to determine individually how patients should be treated and where the stem cells should be applied.

    Furthermore, in consultation with you, we supplement our patient-specific diagnostics with specific blood tests on hormones, inflammation parameters and other factors that are important in your case, or recommend further examinations such as a preventive MRI spinal scan.

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    Lyme Disease Is The Fastest Growing Vector

    how is lyme disease treated?

    If detected in its early stage, Lyme disease can often be treated with an appropriate course of antibiotic therapy. If undetected, untreated, or if not given a long enough dose of antibiotics, then the bacteria replicates and the disease can become chronic. During Chronic Lyme disease, biofilms form around the Lyme bacteria, and antibiotics cannot penetrate through the biofilm to reach the infection. However, hyperthermia breaks down biofilms, and reaches high enough temperatures to kill the Lyme bacteria.

    Where is Lyme Disease Found?

    Lyme disease has been found on every continent except Antarctica. It has been spread to all 50 states, with a particularly high incidence in the East, Midwest, and West Coast. Rates have increased substantially over time.

    How is Lyme Disease Diagnosed?

    Lyme disease is often clinical diagnosisbased on your medical history, symptoms, and exposure to ticks. As the current two-tier testing model for Lyme Disease recommended by the Centers for Disease Control misses over 1/2 of actual cases. More reliable tests can be found at Armin Labs, IGeneX, Fry Labs, Galaxy Diagnostics, and DNA Connexions.

    What are the symptoms of Lyme Disease?
    What are co-infections?

    Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

    Fundraiser by Shayna Dwor : I have Lyme Disease, it sucks.

    As a typical early symptom of this infectious disease the floating redness or rash can be seen, some days or several weeks after the bite. This reddening can be seen in about 90% in the area of the bite, an at least 5 cm circular reddening, wich is in the middle pale and is widening toward the outside. Adults show this floating reddening usually on the legs, children on their head or neck. Untypical symptoms like fever, muscle and headache can occur.

    The earlier the disease is known and treated with antibiotics the more good the chances that the disease can be cured completely. The chances of complications are much less if the disease is treated early and properly.

    The late effect, a chronic neuroborreliosis, can occur even if it has been treated immediately with antibiotics. If the visible symptoms vanished, it is possible, that after month or even years later unspecific and intensive symptoms can occur like chronic pains, tinnitus, dizziness, fever attacks, insomnia, joint inflammations, headache and neural paralyses.

    Lyme disease very often is not found for a long time, because the floating redness does not occur always or is not detected. The borrelia can invade the body undetected, especially in the joints and tissue. Symptoms like fever, headaches and more usually are interpreted as a flu and therefore will not be treated. The infection spreads into the whole body with many different unspecific symptoms.

    Doctors divide lyme disease into stages I to III.

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