Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Best Lyme Disease Doctors

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A Pioneer In Lyme Disease

How Do Doctors Treat Lyme Disease?

Our program is led by Allen Steere, MD, one of the world’s foremost experts on Lyme disease. Dr. Steere discovered the illness in 1976 and laid the foundation for understanding the many manifestations of the disease, including Lyme arthritis .

Today, Dr. Steere is researching why some patients with Lyme arthritis have persistent joint inflammation after using antibiotic therapy to eliminate the Lyme disease bacterium. This research is leading to improved diagnostic and treatment capabilities for such patients.

Is The Western Blot Test A Valid Form Of Testing

The western blot test involves separating blood proteins to find those that suggest an infection is present. The answer to the above question is difficult to answer. Too many false negatives exist. Therefore, the western blot test should not be considered the only indicator of whether someone has Lyme disease. Even with adding theC6 peptide ELISA with the two-tiered western blot, the sensitivity for identifying Lyme improves only slightly.

About The Lifespan Lyme Disease Center

The Lifespan Lyme Disease Center is a unique, multidisciplinary center entirely dedicated to the treatment of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Our team of infectious disease specialists is highly experienced in treating patients with acute Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and other tick-borne diseases.

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Who Is At Risk For Complications Of Lyme Disease

People who do not know they have been infected. So its important to check for deer ticks after outdoor activitiesespecially in the northeast or midwest parts of the country.

Ticks sometimes bite in such inconspicuous places as the hairline or back. Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics at any stage of illness to eradicate the bacterial infection. However, some people might still be at risk for lingering neurological complications if the bacteria has traveled to the tissue of the central nervous system.

How To Approach Your Non

Doctors Reveal the Common Lyme Disease Symptoms You ...

For various reasons, you may choose to consult with a doctor who doesnt specialize in Lyme disease or other tick-borne diseases.

If so, be sure to be as proactive as possible in providing information that could help in diagnosing your disease, and always feel free to share resources that you find in your own research to prompt discussions about any aspect of your diagnosis or treatment, including more advanced testing options.

If your doctor does not believe Lyme disease exists, reach out to another doctor for a second opinion.

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What Treatment Options Are Available For Lyme Disease

In many cases, you can recover from Lyme disease if treatment occurs in a timely manner. If diagnosed with early Lyme disease, Dr. Forouzesh can prescribe oral antibiotics to fight the infection, which usually leads to a complete recovery.

If Lyme disease is already affecting your nervous system or joints, Dr. Forouzesh will determine if intravenous antibiotics are needed to treat the infection.

If possible exposure to Lyme disease is suspected, Dr. Forouzesh can evaluate you and provide information and advice on what treatment will be needed, as well as how to avoid future exposure to Lyme disease and tick bites.

Find out more about Lyme disease testing and prevention by calling the Hoboken office directly or booking an appointment online.

Contact Us For An Appointment If You Need Support

The other more modern name for Lyme disease is M-SIDS. This stands for Multiple System Infectious Diseases Syndrome. We only have to look at the Covid pandemic to see what damage an infection can do to our body systems. We have all been listening and reading over the past year and have become more educated on the concept of infection causing potential long term health challenges. So here we have a root cause which is important to explore and treat.

Our medical approach allows us to use antibiotics, or antiviral / antifungal medications to target key infections. Our Doctor will discuss with you in detail the best approach for you. Our holistic functional medical approach also allows us to deal with optimising gut health within the body including attention to SIBO the presence of active infections of Helicobacter pylori and gut permeability. Mitochondrial function is critical as this is where we produce our energy or ATP.

We use both natural and allopathic methods to calm the inflammatory process in the body. We optimise the gut allowing modulation of the immune system with the use of diet and supplements that are well researched and evidence-based. Examples of natural support and medications include transfer factors and low dose naltrexone. We know how to support detoxification in the body to allow bio toxins to be properly excreted.

Examples of complex disease with possible underlying immune dysregulation associated

We can also address the following situations:

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Treatment Starts With Accurate Diagnosis

The only way to get the proper treatment for your tick-borne disease is to get the right diagnosis in the first place and one of the best ways to do that is, if possible, to see a physician whos experienced with tick-borne diseases. Accurate diagnosis also requires high quality testing at a reputable lab. Learn more about why doctors and patients trust the tests offered by IGeneX.

The Earlier In The Course Of Tick Borne Disease That The Treatment Is Started The Better For The Patient And The Worse For The Microbes

TOP Doctors Interview – Advances In Lyme Disease Diagnosis & Treatment Featuring Dr. Paul Beals, MD

Early detection, however, can be difficult. Lyme IS the most prevalent tick borne disease in the states and it is increasing in incidence year to year. Yet the Center for Disease Control estimates only 10% of the cases of Lyme disease are reported annually. This is because only 50% to 68% of patients have a clear bulls-eye rash. Only 26% ever see the tick that gives them Lyme disease. Most people do not know that a flu in the late spring, summer or early fall can be a sign of Lyme disease. Most doctors do not know that Lyme exists anywhere but the northeast part of the United States. So early treatment is a challenge. I try during tick season in Northern California to have short appointments to check out a tick bite or erythema migrans rash, in order to effect early treatment.

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How Do I Get Started

The sooner you get started, the sooner you can feel relief from Lyme symptoms. Call a Lyme disease doctor and begin the consultation process today. You deserve treatment from a top specialist, one who can get you back to living your best life soon.

If you have questions that arent on this list, write them down, so you dont forget to ask them during your consultation. Dont wait another day to seek treatment that works.

Man’s Ravaging Lyme Disease Eludes Doctors For A Year

Music professor says CDC test failed to pick up his disabling Lyme disease.

Allen Bargfrede said he was jumping into the shower when he spotted a tiny tick on his ankle that would change his life.

I washed it off and didnt think about it anymore, said the 39-year-old associate professor of music business at Berklee College of Music in Boston, who was in Spain at the time for a conference. I remember thinking to myself, I hope I dont get sick from that.

Two days later, Bargfrede said he developed the classic bulls eye rash of Lyme disease, a bacterial infection transmitted through tick bites. The rash eventually gave way to a fever, cough and strange headaches, he said.

I had severe anxiety, said Bargfrede, who was getting ready to head home to the U.S. when the symptoms began to worsen. I was crazy scared to get on an airplane.

Bargfrede said it took nearly a year to confirm that he had Lyme disease after a string of negative tests, dangerous treatments and disbelief from most of his American doctors.

The best treatment for Lyme disease is the prompt use of antibiotics, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But the CDC acknowledges that its recommended test can miss Lyme disease in its early stages, and it only catches an American species of the bacterium not the one Bargfrede contracted in Spain.

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At Bock Integrative We Dont Just Treat Symptoms

Evidence-based Diagnosis and Personalized Treatment Plans

With over three decades of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of complex medical disorders, Dr. Bock has a wealth of knowledge from which to draw when determining cause and effect of chronic illnesses. He recognizes that the combination of factors that can contribute to any chronic medical condition differs for each person and uses integrative/functional medicine to diagnose and treat these often-frustrating illnesses in children, teens and adults. Rather than only trying to manage your symptoms, he takes a comprehensive whole person approach to evaluate everything you are exposed to, and their effects. Dr. Bock then incorporates validated lab results and decades of diagnostic experience to develop an evidence-based diagnosis on which to base a highly personalized treatment regimen.

Helping Youget Back To Your Old Self


What I offer at the clinic is experience and willingness to help individuals and families who are going through the curative process of restoring their health from this infection. Lyme disease is not only a physical challenge it can effect relationships, the way they have perceived themselves and the choices they have made.

Exclusively focused on treating Lyme and co-infections for over ten years

Provide an individualized, wholistic approach

Keynote speaker at various Lyme Disease support groups

Teach health care providers how to diagnose and treat Lyme and co-infections

Accupunture, Homotoxicology, Oligotherapy, Metabolic Typing

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Potential Barriers To Accepting A Lyme Disease Vaccine

Welcome to another Inside Lyme Podcast with your host Dr. Daniel Cameron. In this episode, Dr. Cameron discusses the potential barriers to the public’s acceptance and utilization of a Lyme disease vaccine. By Dr. Daniel Cameron The study, Understanding consumer and clinician perceptions of a potential Lyme disease vaccine, was published by Devchand and colleagues in the journal Health Education Research.¹ It has been two decades since the LYMErix vaccine

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For women who have Lyme disease, the struggle can be especially difficult, given the complicated nature of the disease.

âThe problem with Lyme disease is that there are so many different strains,â said Dr. Andrea Gaito, a New Jersey-based rheumatologist who specializes in treating Lyme disease. âOne person can have it and have headaches, someone else can have joint pain, someone else can have palpitations. And none of these are specific to Lyme. Thereâs no Lyme test thatâs 100% accurate. Unless you have a tick in a baggie, literally, and a bulls-eye rash, thereâs sometimes a delay in diagnosis.â

A Long Journey of Pain and MisdiagnosisTait estimates that she had Lyme for about 15 years before she was diagnosed. She thinks she was bitten by a tick as a teen in Californias Bay Area, where she grew up. In high school, she was a dancer. Suddenly she was getting injured more than usual joints coming out of their sockets and ligaments tearing after doing normal routines. During class, she was exhausted and having trouble concentrating. Her grades started to slip.

Looking back, its now clear I was neurologically starting to not be myself, she said. But when youre a teenager, a lot of it is just attributed to, Youre a teenager!

Tait, who was thin with a bubbly personality, recalled one doctor telling her she was too pretty to be sick.

Eventually she was diagnosed with depression and prescribed an antidepressant.

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What Should I Expect During Treatment

10 top Lyme doctors share wisdom in new book

All Lyme disease treatment procedures are supervised and administered by your Lyme literate doctor. They typically take place on an outpatient basis in the clinical setting. Most procedures last no more than a few hours.

You should expect to be treated with respect, professionalism, and care by all medical staff during any procedure. The environment in the clinic is sanitary yet also comfortable so that you can feel relaxed during any treatment.

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Are Llmds Infectious Disease Specialists

No. While it is possible for a LLMD to be an infectious disease specialist, LLMDs can come from any field or background. Many LLMDs are general practitioners or family doctors, while others may specialize in a specific type of medicine, such as naturopathic medicine.

For more information on finding a LLMD, read IGeneXs blog How to Find Doctors Who Can Help with Your Tick-Borne Disease.

How 11 Top Nyc Doctors Missed My Lyme Disease

This is one of a series of guest blogs by people who have enrolled in MyLymeData.

A July 2014 wedding on Long Beach Island, New Jersey was the start of my nightmare.

It was a beautiful weekend filled with love for two of our dearest friends who were, after 14 years together, finally legally able to marry. There was lobster and champagne and a crazy Gordon Gekko-style house on the beach. I sang a few songs, made a toast, and cried happy tears.

I woke up two days later, back home in NYC, with a crushing head and neck ache. It was weird, but I figured I would sleep it off and be better in the morning. It took a few days, but I recovered.

That Saturday, I got out of the shower and saw a faint red circular rash on my shoulder with a bug bite in the middle. My knees buckled. I called for my husband, Andy, HUNNEEEE! I have LYME!

He really didnt think so.

I banged on my neighbors door, still in my towel, Rachel! Look! Lyme!

She told me no way.

But I knew, and I walked to the ER.

The fresh-faced doc took a quick glance at my shoulder and said it looked like Lyme, and to thank God I wasnt one of those crazy Lyme people that never gets better because they caught it too late.

I filled the CDC recommended 21 days of 200 mg of Doxycycline and fully believed Id be okay.

I followed up with an infectious disease specialist from NYU a few days later, to be safe. He reassured me that I would have no complications since I caught the bite within a week.

I was relieved.

So was I.

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What Our Patients Say

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Is There Such A Thing As Chronic Lyme Disease

How to have the best relationship with your doctor

Chronic Lyme disease is considered controversial. Patients who are finally diagnosed with CLD are often discouraged, to say the least, with the medical community. It often takes years to be diagnosed, and that is if they run across a Lyme-literate doctor. With Google at peoples fingertips, more patients are being diagnosed and treated than ever before. But the controversy keeps escalating. Many traditional doctors do not believe in CLD. And, if they do, they frown upon long-term antibiotic therapy. This is where Dr. Dane agrees with the more widespread medical community.

Knowing that spirochete populations can cause nerve damage in the body, the question that must be asked is, Can Lyme disease lead to brain disorders? The simple answer is a resounding yes. Some research suggests links between Lyme disease and Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, autism, dementia, and a range of other psychiatric conditions.

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Is There An Effective Treatment For Lyme Disease

Dr. Dane was introduced to a new treatment for Lyme disease in 2017. It was not an antibiotic, nor was it an herbal remedy. It was a mineral compound produced in liquid form that could be turned into a gaseous state and nebulized. The product essentially acts as a fumigator and blasts the body with a blend of minerals that kills the spirochetes and improves immune function. Skeptical at first, Dr. Dane tracked eight patients over the course of a year that she had treated for the neurological effects of Lyme disease. Much to her amazement, seven of those patients were clear of Lyme just over a year later. Symptom relief varied from completely gone to 50% better. However, some effects of CLD cannot be reversed.

The mineral product is called Lyme-N, and, like many aspects of Lyme disease, its effectiveness is controversial. But this is the only treatment Dr. Dane has seen eradicate the spirochetes associated with CLD.

Dr. Dane has witnessed many patients put their trust in her after becoming frustrated with more traditional Lyme disease treatments at other medical facilities. The Carolina Brain Centers way of treating patients is built upon the tenets of functional neurology, which use a combination of medical technology and brain therapy to produce healing where possible and the easing of symptoms in other cases.

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