Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ultrasound Therapy For Lyme Disease

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What Are The Signs That Exosomes Are Working And When Can A Person Can Expect To See The Benefits

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy and Lyme’s Disease

The bi-phasic response can be accompanied with a certain set of symptoms. These may indicate that the exosomes are assisting in the repair and regulation process. In the initial phase patients generally report a reduction of their inflammatory symptoms.

The following weeks can be accompanied with light flu-like symptoms and fluctuating energy. After 6-8 weeks the second phase of the response takes place in which the information the exosomes transferred to the cells is used by the cells to regulate and reprogram the cell function and aid in repair processes.

This process can again result in episodes with low energy or light flew like symptoms and a flare up of your individual symptoms. Typically, early benefits of therapy are observed in 3-4 months. However, it is not uncommon, to see the benefits after 9 to 12 months.

Hard Science On Lyme: Trials And Tribulations Of Getting Borrelia Biofilms Acccepted For Publication

In this guest blog, pathologist Alan MacDonald describes the struggle to publish the discovery of Borrelia biofilms and what the existence of these biofilms means for chronicity and treatment.

In the original release of UNDER OUR SKIN my parting remarks are about the exciting future of biofilms of Borrelia the Next Big Thing. At the time of filming, we already had the proof in hand, but we had to get our paper published. We had to get it past an editor in chief of a journal with good academic standing in the world of medical publishing. We knew that we would not succeed with the Journal of Infectious Diseases or Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease or with the newsletter to the membership of the IDSA.

The most important milestone happened in November 2012 with the long-awaited publication of the PLOS ONE article on In Vitro Biofilms of Borrelia Burgdorferi.

Why would PhD reviewers be at all interested in MD-type concerns? Here the existing politics provide an answer.

None of the three reviewers was an IDSA-aligned person. All of the reviewers, as far as we could determine, were European microbiologists with special life experience in biofilm biology of other non-Borrelia microbes.

The sticky wicket about biofilms is that biofilms of the infectious type are ALWAYS a marker of CHRONIC INFECTION.

Chronic Lyme borreliosis was then and in 2013 still is a much disputed entity.

So, did we ask a good question?

Now to look ahead to the paradigm shifts yet to come.

What Are Exosomes And How Do They Work

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles, or small bubbles, released from cells that act as shuttles for genetic information, proteins and messenger RNA to other cells. This usually happens in response to injuries. Generally speaking, Exosomes carry healthy and lost information and insert this to target cells. Exosomes released by young stem cells have shown to be very powerful in regulating regenerative processes in the body and assisting in rejuvenation.

Exosomes from stem cells contain valuable cell information consisting of proteins and genetic information the cell needs to function correctly. These stem cell derived Exosomes have also shown to assist in transferring NK cells into T-Regulator cells By that they assist in calming an overreactive immune system and modulating it to respond in a coordinated fashion. They can also be used as a delivery system for medication.

Don’t Miss: What Antibiotics Are Used To Treat Lyme Disease

Treatment Of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease in its earlier stages is usually treated with oral antibiotics that clear the infection and prevent future complications. Intravenous treatment may be required for patients with underlying medical conditions or for those with the more advanced stages of Lyme disease. Other medications may be used to treat specific symptoms of Lyme disease. Most symptoms of the disease will subside after thorough antibiotic treatment, assuming the disease has been detected early enough.

Symptoms Attributed To Chronic Lyme Disease

Is Ultrasound Misleading in the Management of Juvenile ...

Dr. Ric Arseneau Disclosure: Dr. Arseneau is the Director of Program Planning and a clinician at the Complex Chronic Diseases Program . Mitigating Potential Bias: Recommendations are consistent with current practice patterns.

What I did before

Chronic Lyme Disease is not a widely accepted medical term. A search for CLD on UpToDate leads to a section entitled POST-LYME DISEASE SYNDROME AND CHRONIC LYME DISEASE. UpToDate states that the currently available evidence does not support the hypothesis that persistent infection with B. burgdorferi is the cause of chronic subjective symptoms attributed to Lyme disease and recommends against the use of antibiotics in this patient population. They go on to say that the majority of patients diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease have no evidence of having had Lyme disease.

Patient advocacy groups would beg to differ. As a result of patient advocacy and a private members bill in parliament, a conference to develop a federal framework on Lyme disease was held in Ottawa in May of 2016. The Medical Post covered the conference in a recent issue.

What changed my practice

What I do now

So what should that approach be? Patients with symptoms attributed to CLD fall into 3 categories:

  • Post-Treatment Lyme Syndrome: Past infection with Lyme but no evidence of persistent infection.
  • Alternatively Diagnosed CLD: False positive testing by non-reference lab and no evidence of ever having been infected.
  • References & Resources:

    Also Check: How Does A Person Get Lyme Disease

    Real People Real Testimonials

    Thanks to Twin Boro I can still engage in activities and sports that I would not be able to had I not received high quality PT.


    I have been a customer at Twin Boro in the Hadley Center Mall, South Plainfield off and on for over a year, in the care of Brianna Patane. I am writing to commend the staff there on their friendly and helpful customer service and professional and personal approach to physical therapy.In particular I want to let you know what an asset to Twin Boro Brianna is. She is an outstanding physical therapist who provides a great exercise program to use both onsite and at home, and also utilizes deep massage to increase blood flow to the injured area, which also helps make the injured area feel better. Her friendly and professional approach to PT made my experience there more enjoyable then I ever thought PT could be, and the results and improvement to my injury were noticeable at once and were long-lasting. Not only are her PT skills top notch, but her enjoyment of working with people made it a joy to have her as my physical therapist. She is the best!Having a 41-year career myself, I know employees like Brianna do not come along every day, and my suggestion is that Twin Boro do whatever is necessary to keep this valuable employee on your staff. She is a tremendous physical therapist.

    Lisa W.

    Denise M.

    Ella G.

    Who May Benefit From Exosome Therapy

    Within the Infusio Concept, exosomes may help regulate processes within the body. Patients with Lyme disease, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease and other chronic degenerative diseases may benefit from including exosomes in their treatment regimen.

    Exosomes may also be beneficial as part of an anti-aging therapy. Patient with degenerative joint disease have also benefitted from the use of exosomes. For more information, or to see if exosome therapy could help you, please contact us at 605-6579

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    How Is The Therapy Performed

    Exosomes are administered as an IV treatment or IV push. As a part of joint rejuvenation therapy, exosomes are administered directly into the affected joint area. The normal concentration is 1 billion exosomes per 1ml. One treatment may consist of up to 15 billion exosomes.

    The dosing is individual to every patient and there is no set or established protocol. In some cases, exosomes may be combined with focused ultrasound, frequency therapy or regional hyperthermia which may help attract them to a certain area in the body.

    Borrelia Burgdorferi Sensu Latothe Pathogens

    Treatments for Lyme Disease at BioReset Medical

    Detailed information on the biology of B. burgdorferi s.l. and its infectious cycle is given in a review by Mannelli et al. . Briefly, Borrelia are spirochaetal bacteria consisting of a protoplasmic cylinder surrounded by 7 to 12 endoflagellae inserted in both ends of the elongated but slender organisms and overlapping in the middle. The entire structure is enclosed by a flexible outer membrane that does not contain lipopolysaccharide but is instead equipped with outer surface lipoproteins . Moreover, these borreliae harbour a linear chromosomean almost unique feature in the bacterial domain and several linear and circular plasmids in which relevant Osps are encoded.

    Among the currently described genospecies of B. burgdorferi s.l. , the prevailing pathogens of Lyme borreliosis in Europe are the genospecies B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. bavariensis and B. burgdorferi . B. spielmanii, B. bissetii, B. valaisiana and B. lusitaniae have been identified as pathogens in single cases only .

    Distribution of genospecies of B. burgdorferi s.l. among 120 CSF isolates from European patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis .

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    Lyme Borreliosis Or Lyme Disease

    Lyme borreliosis refers to a disease caused by particular infectious organisms of the B. burgdorferi s.l. complex. The earlier name of Lyme disease described a disease without a known cause and as sometimes used currently does not necessarily mean that an infectious organism is present. Namely, the term Lyme disease is now frequently but misleadingly applied to a broad spectrum of symptoms in cases of long-term illness where the infectious agent is unknown and not demonstrable, often referred to as chronic Lyme disease. It would therefore be desirable to emphasise Lyme borreliosis as the specific term.

    What To Do When You Get Bit By A Tick

    If you get bit by a tick and you have the tick in your possession, get it tested at your local testing facility. The facility will likely test it for Borrelia burgdorferi. We also recommend you get tested as well, even if you are not experiencing symptoms or you did not get a bullseye rash. Nearly half of the people who contract Lyme disease dont even show signs of a bullseye rash.

    If you think you may have Lyme disease and you have been dealing with symptoms for months or even years, you are likely disillusioned with your health journey and you need some well-deserved answers. You dont have to accept your symptoms as a life sentence as even the most complex cases can be helped. We have a strong track record of helping our clients get to the root cause of their symptoms so they can get on a lasting road to recovery. If you have questions or you just want to talk to someone about your health journey, we are here for you. Go here to book a 30-minute complimentary call with one of our trained health advisers. Be well!

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    Are Exosomes Safer Than Stem Cells

    Both stem cells and exosomes have their place in a treatment protocol. This much depend on what the treating physician is trying to accomplish. When performed correctly, treatment with exosomes and/or stem cell therapy is safe. Therapy with exosomes may carry a lower risk of complications as exosomes do not require an invasive surgical procedure for harvesting.

    Also, the use of embryonic stem cells may be connected to the risk of developing tumors. Stem cell derived exosomes can be safely harvested and do not proliferate but rather transfer valuable biological signals to the recipients tissues and facilitate the normalization of various pathological processes.

    Herbs Homeopathy And Supplements

    Ultrasound Is a Useful Tool to Assess Disease Activity and ...

    In a Functional Medicine approach to Lyme disease, both pharmaceutical and botanical antimicrobials can play a role in treatment. Herbs suppress opportunistic pathogens, but without destroying non-harmful flora, which provides a significant advantage over pharmaceutical antibiotics which target both pathogenic and beneficial bacteria. Homeopathic remedies can be used as a viable and effective method of treatment of Lyme disease and other infectious illnesses .

    Other plant-based botanical supplements can be used to support the immune system and other physiological and biochemical systems to boost your bodys innate ability to heal.

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    Can Patients With Chronic Infections And Autoimmune Diseases Benefit From Exosomes

    Chronic infections have a lot in common with autoimmune diseases, including dysregulated immune response incapable of protecting our body from intruding pathogens while attacking its own tissues and organs thus causing significant structural damage. One of the key mechanisms controlling the direction of immune responses is a balance between specific immune cells involved in protection vs autoimmune responses, the Th17/Treg ratio. Exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells have shown to normalize the Th17/Treg ratio and bring the deviant immune response back to normal.

    Tests & Imaging For Arthritis After Lyme Disease:

    Our arthritis and joint pain experts use blood tests and a physical exam to accurately diagnose arthritis after Lyme disease.

    Our expertise from treating a large number of people with arthritis helps us distinguish between Lyme-related arthritis and other forms of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis. This level of expertise helps you get the treatments you need as quickly as possible.

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    Full Recommendations For The Prevention Diagnosis And Treatment Of Lyme Disease

    I. Which measures should be used to prevent tick bites and tick-borne infections?

    Personal Protective Measures
  • Individuals at risk of exposure should implement personal protective measures to reduce the risk of tick exposure and infection with tick-borne pathogens .
  • Summary of the Evidence
    Rationale for Recommendation

    Although there is little systematic evidence supporting some of these measures for the prevention of Lyme disease, they may offer potential benefits with little effort, risk, or cost.

    Knowledge Gaps

    Properly designed studies performed with human subjects under realistic conditions are required to test the efficacy of personal protection measures. Similarly, research is needed to inform how to motivate the adoption and continued use of best practice personal protection measures.

    Repellents to Prevent Tick Bites
  • For the prevention of tick bites, we recommend N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide , picaridin, ethyl-3- aminopropionate , oil of lemon eucalyptus , p-methane-3,8-diol , 2-undecanone, or permethrin .
  • Summary of the Evidence

    In laboratory and field experiments involving human subjects, the use of DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus , p-methane-3,8-diol , 2-undecanone, and permethrin reduced the number of ticks detected crawling on or attached to subjects compared with controls . Other commercially available products, including botanical agents and essential oils cannot be recommended due to insufficient evidence.

    Other Integrative And Restorative Therapies

    Ultrasound for Trauma in Pregnancy

    Modalities to help improve strength, mobility, and flexibility can help to relieve pain temporarily. Over time, improved function may help reduce the underlying cause of the pain. I am a big fan of hands-on treatment by a trained professional.

    The following is a partial list of therapies you might consider.:

    • Acupuncture
    • Medications
    • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
    • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
    • Ultrasound therapy
    • Vagus nerve stimulation

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    What To Think About

    • It may be hard to tell if you have Lyme disease. False-positive and false-negative Lyme disease test results are common. Many people do not make antibodies to Lyme disease bacteria for up to 8 weeks after being infected.
    • Doctors often do not rely on test results alone when recommending treatment for a person who may have Lyme disease. Treatment is often based on a person’s symptoms, the time of year, having a tick bite, and other risk factors for Lyme disease.

    Treating Joint Pain From Lyme Disease

    Most people feel better with the help of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. However, as many as one in 10 people continue having symptoms.

    When you come to Aurora, you are not out of options. Our orthopedic experts can offer additional treatments to help you get lasting relief.

    Additional treatments for arthritis after Lyme disease include:

    • Physical therapy: We strengthen the muscles that support joints and relieve joint pain with the help of special exercises. Our physical therapists also teach you more comfortable ways of performing everyday activities, like getting out of a car. Learn more about orthopedic physical therapy.
    • Steroid injections: Steroids are medications that reduce pain and swelling. We use special imaging technology to guide the needle to just the right spot and then inject the medication into the joint. Find out more about injections for joint pain.
    • Arthroscopy: If other treatments fail to relieve the symptoms, we examine the joint tissue during a short, minimally invasive procedure . Using a thin, flexible surgical instrument , we evaluate the tissue and make repairs right on the spot.

    Recommended Reading: What Medication Treats Lyme Disease

    Is There Any Theoretical Risk Of The Body Rejecting Exosomes With Them Being A Foreign Substance

    This is extremely unlikely as there are no immune markers on the surface of the exosomes. They are not cells or tissue. It may be possible to experience die-off reaction after receiving exosomes as these activate the natural killer cells to become T-Regulator cells. For this reason, we always give a small test dose before applying a larger dose.

    History Of Hyperthermia Treatment

    Why Ultrasound?

    Hyperthermia, from the Greek words hyper, meaning high and thermos meaning temperature, can simply be defined as the elevation of the body temperature.

    The empirical observation that the healing process is often preceded by febrile episodes, the induction of thermic elevation has been attempted as a cure for thousands of years. In recent centuries, there were reports of cures of cancer and cases of syphilis, which improved spontaneously after severe fever episodes that were caused by other infections.

    Hippocrates routinely buried patients in the desert sand to elevate their core body temperature in an attempt to cure disease. In the middle of the 1800s a Germany physician, Dr. William Bush noted spontaneous remission of sarcomatous tumors in patients who sustained prolonged fever episodes.

    Dr. W. C. Colley at the turn of the century injected cancer patients with different toxins to create artificial fever with good results, and Dr. Julius Wagner-Jauregg, an Austrian physician, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1927 for his successful work using malaria serum fever induction in patients plagued with severe complications of syphilis.

    Hyperthermia represents a natural approach in combating disease since it involves inducing an exaggerated version of the bodys own fever state.

    Fever acts as a defense mechanism against a number of processes, mostly related to either infections or the presence of abnormal proteins in the bloodstream called pyrogens.

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