Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Dr Treats Lyme Disease

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Bannwarth Syndrome In Early Disseminated Lyme Disease

How to treat resistant lyme disease and chronic disease with Dr. Richard Horowitz

Welcome to another Inside Lyme Podcast with your host Dr. Daniel Cameron. In this episode, Dr. Cameron will be discussing the case of a 66-year-old man with Bannwarth syndrome with urinary retention in early Lyme disease. By Dr. Daniel Cameron Omotosho and colleagues described this case in an article entitled A Unique Case of Bannwarth Syndrome in Early Disseminated Lyme Disease.¹ The man presented to the emergency room with generalized

What Is A Lyme

A LLMD is a physician whose experience with Lyme disease patients makes them familiar with the vast range of symptoms, co-infections, and complications associated with the disease at various stages. Because of this knowledge and expertise, many patients also find LLMDs more open-minded and understanding of their experiences, especially if theyre having a hard time getting an accurate diagnosis from another physician.

But how do you know if you need to see a LLMD? Below are some common reasons, any or all of which may apply to you.

A Powerful Lyme Disease Protocol

With over 23 years of treating Lyme Disease, Dr. David Minkoff is considered a world-renowned Lyme Disease expert and is routinely interviewed by the media and asked to speak at international Lyme Disease conferences to discuss the current state of Lyme Disease, his breakthrough treatment protocols, and patient success stories.

Dr. Minkoff has developed a uniquely effective, multi-protocol treatment program over the last two decades for resolving difficult chronic Lyme Disease infections, while also simultaneously strengthening and rebuilding the patients health and immunity.

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When You May Need To See A Specialist

Though a family physician or general practitioner should be able to order the diagnostic tests for Lyme disease, there are some situations in which you may need to see a specialist. For example, untreated or misdiagnosed Lyme can develop into chronic Lyme disease, which can then lead to complications such as arthritic or neurological symptoms. In these cases, patients may need to see the following types of specialists:

  • Rheumatologist Chronic joint problems from Lyme disease may need the care of a physician who specializes in rheumatology.
  • Neurologist Chronic Lyme can be associated with debilitating neurological symptoms that must be treated by a specialist.
  • Infectious disease specialist Again, even though this isnt always necessary, it can be helpful if your symptoms dont go away or become more complex.
  • Cardiologist In the event that you develop the rare but dangerous complication known as Lyme carditis, you may need to see a cardiologist and even be fitted with a temporary pacemaker.

However, its important to remember that seeing a specialist for symptoms related to Lyme disease without treating Lyme disease is costly and dangerous. In other words, a rheumatologist or neurologist will not be able to treat your Lyme if no diagnosis has been made. They can simply help treat symptoms that result from chronic or untreated Lyme.

To treat Lyme disease, you must get an accurate diagnosis and be prescribed antibiotics.

Who Treats Lyme Disease

Treatment for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread to people by deer ticks. Lyme disease can cause different symptoms, depending on how long youve had the infection. And symptoms of can come and go, making it seem like youre betterand making it harder to figure out when you were first infected.

All of this can make Lyme disease complex for healthcare providers to diagnose and treat. If you think you have Lyme disease, look for providers who have experience treating the condition, especially in areas where Lyme disease is more common. In the United States, this includes the northeastern coast and the upper Midwest.

Healthcare providers who treat Lyme disease include:

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What’s The Best Way To Prevent A Tick Bite

Ticks can’t fly or jump. But they live in shrubs and bushes and can grab onto you when you pass by. To avoid getting bitten:

  • Wear pants and socks in areas with lots of trees and when you touch fallen leaves.
  • Wear a tick repellent on your skin and clothing that has DEET, lemon oil, or eucalyptus.
  • For even more protection, use the chemical permethrin on clothing and camping gear.
  • Shower within 2 hours after coming inside. Look for ticks on your skin, and wash ticks out of your hair.
  • Put your clothing and any exposed gear into a hot dryer to kill whatever pests might be on them.

How do you know if you’ve been bitten?

Since ticks are so small, you’ve got to have pretty good eyes to see them.

If you have a small, red bump on your skin that looks like a mosquito bite, it could be a tick bite. If it goes away in a few days, itâs not a problem. Remember, a tick bite doesnât necessarily mean you have Lyme disease.

If you notice a rash in the shape of a bull’s-eye, you might have a tick bite. Talk to your doctor about treatment.

If you have an allergic reaction to ticks, you’ll notice a bite right away.

Whats The Best Way To Prevent A Tick Bite

Ticks canât fly or jump. But they live in shrubs and bushes and can grab onto you when you pass by. To avoid getting bitten:

  • Wear pants and socks in areas with lots of trees and when you touch fallen leaves.
  • Wear a tick repellent on your skin and clothing that has DEET, lemon oil, or eucalyptus.
  • For even more protection, use the chemical permethrin on clothing and camping gear.
  • Shower within 2 hours after coming inside. Look for ticks on your skin, and wash ticks out of your hair.
  • Put your clothing and any exposed gear into a hot dryer to kill whatever pests might be on them.

How do you know if youâve been bitten?

Since ticks are so small, youâve got to have pretty good eyes to see them.

If you have a small, red bump on your skin that looks like a mosquito bite, it could be a tick bite. If it goes away in a few days, itâs not a problem. Remember, a tick bite doesnât necessarily mean you have Lyme disease.

If you notice a rash in the shape of a bullâs-eye, you might have a tick bite. Talk to your doctor about treatment.

If you have an allergic reaction to ticks, youâll notice a bite right away.

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Ilads Campaign Highlights Importance Of Doctor

Bethesda, MD, December 9, 2021 The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society is running a powerful public awareness campaign to highlight the importance of doctor-patient relationships in the treatment of Lyme and other chronic diseases. The campaign debuted this week on a jumbotron in New York Citys Times Square.

The jumbotron video highlights the challenges doctors face from bureaucratic institutions when trying to treat patients. The video sends viewers to the ILADS.ORG website for more information. .

ILADS supports a doctors freedom to treat and a patients right to choose the best treatment options available, without bureaucratic interference. A doctors primary duty is to put the patient first. Outside interference restricts a physicians ability to provide optimum care.

We want to restore real healthcare for our patients and allow doctors to prescribe the best possible treatments without interference from insurance companies and other bureaucracies, said Dr. Steven J. Bock, president of the ILADS Board of Directors.

The jumbotron is anything but invisible. The giant video screen is 29 feet tall and 56 feet across and is strategically positioned at 1500 Broadway on the corner of 44th Street and 7th Avenue in New York City. The spot will run 5 times per hour for 36 days. It is estimated that 1.6 million people pass through Times Square each day. The spot will remain in place during the December holidays and New Years Eve celebration for bonus exposure.

What Type Of Doctor Should I See For My Morgellons Disease

Lyme Disease Treatment – Johns Hopkins (4 of 5)

If you suspect you may have Morgellons disease, first make an appointment with your primary care or family physician. The doctor may take a medical history, examine you, and ask you questions about your symptoms. They may also refer you to a specialist, such as a dermatologist or a psychiatrist, for further treatment.

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What Is An At

An at-home Lyme disease test will typically be a blood finger prick test.

If you have been exposed to the bacteria Borrelia that leads to the infection of Lyme disease, your body will have created two antibodies to fight it off. The test will look for the presence of both types of antibodies, known as immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G .

You will receive your test kit along with account information so that you can get your test results as soon as they are ready. Follow the manufacturers instructions exactly as they are described.

Each test has different instructions, so its very important that you read the kits detailed information before getting started.

Natural Lyme Disease Treatment Options

1. Eat to Improve Immune Function

The best way to overcome chronic Lyme disease is by naturally boosting your immune system, lowering inflammation and managing the root causes of your symptoms. Your body can overcome Lyme disease for good only once you control the inflammatory responses its triggering.

My basic dietary advice for anyone struggling with an inflammatory condition is to try removing grains, fruit and sugar from your diet while consuming anti-inflammatory foods mostly vegetables, nuts, seeds, coconut, bone broth, organic meat and raw cultured dairy. If you want to learn more about this approach to controlling leaky gut syndrome and inflammation, you can find out much more detail in this article about healing leaky gut syndrome.

Some of the best foods for naturally raising immunity include:

2. Supplements to Help Improve Cellular Function

The next step in Lyme disease treatment is improving cellular functioning and protection. Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, along with viruses and parasites, can attack healthy cells and weaken your defenses. In order to restore cellular health, consider adding these essential nutrients to your regime:

3. Get Enough Rest and Manage Emotional Stress

To prevent a Lyme infection from continuing to worsen and spread, you must address stress with natural stress relievers if you are truly going to heal:

4. Reduce Mold and Parasite Exposure

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The Earlier In The Course Of Tick Borne Disease That The Treatment Is Started The Better For The Patient And The Worse For The Microbes

Early detection, however, can be difficult. Lyme IS the most prevalent tick borne disease in the states and it is increasing in incidence year to year. Yet the Center for Disease Control estimates only 10% of the cases of Lyme disease are reported annually. This is because only 50% to 68% of patients have a clear bulls-eye rash. Only 26% ever see the tick that gives them Lyme disease. Most people do not know that a flu in the late spring, summer or early fall can be a sign of Lyme disease. Most doctors do not know that Lyme exists anywhere but the northeast part of the United States. So early treatment is a challenge. I try during tick season in Northern California to have short appointments to check out a tick bite or erythema migrans rash, in order to effect early treatment.

Who Is At Risk For Complications Of Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease In Toddlers

People who do not know they have been infected. So its important to check for deer ticks after outdoor activitiesespecially in the northeast or midwest parts of the country.

Ticks sometimes bite in such inconspicuous places as the hairline or back. Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics at any stage of illness to eradicate the bacterial infection. However, some people might still be at risk for lingering neurological complications if the bacteria has traveled to the tissue of the central nervous system.

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Breaking Down The Barriers To Care For Lyme Disease Patients Where Other Doctors Have Failed

Lyme disease is one of the fast growing and most difficult to treat diseases in the world.Lyme patients live a life of chronic pain, with various debilitating conditions that affect the mind and body. Theseconditions leave patients searching for answers to their various symptoms, but with the lack of proper treatment, theyexperience little success. Because Lyme disease symptoms resemble that of so many other diseases and because the conventional medical community continues to be misinformed about diagnosisand treatment, stricken patients fail to receive the medical care necessary to restore their health. However, over thepast 17 years Envita has been helping patients overcome the misdiagnoses and misinformation associated withconventional and alternative medical treatment of Lyme disease.

Envita Medical Centers doesnât make any guarantee of outcomes. Results are not typical and will vary fromperson to person and should not be expected.

To help better understand the difficulty of differentiating Lyme disease from other diseases we have included a chartfrom a recent published study in the Medical Microbiology publication which shows the similarity of symptoms betweenLyme disease and other commonly misdiagnosed diseases.

Image excerpt from Borreliaburgdorferi: Cell Biology and Clinical Manifestations in Latent Chronic Lyme

Laboratory Tests That Are Not Recommended

Some laboratories offer Lyme disease testing using assays whose accuracy and clinical usefulness have not been adequately established. Examples of unvalidated tests include:

  • Capture assays for antigens in urine
  • Culture, immunofluorescence staining, or cell sorting of cell wall-deficient or cystic forms of B. burgdorferi
  • Lymphocyte transformation tests

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When And How To Test

If considering testing for Lyme disease, it is advisable to discuss this first with the local microbiologist, an infectious disease specialist, or with the Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory of Public Health England . RIPL can be contacted by phone in weekday working hours on 01980 612348.

Discuss the diagnosis and management of Lyme disease in children and young people aged under 18 years with a specialist, unless they have a single erythema migrans lesion and no other symptoms.

  • For all other people with erythema migrans who have no evidence of focal symptoms , start treatment with oral antibiotics.
  • If Lyme disease is suspected in people without erythema migrans, offer an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test for Lyme disease.
  • If there is a high clinical suspicion of Lyme disease, consider starting treatment with antibiotics while waiting for the results.
  • If the ELISA test is:
  • Positive or equivocal – perform an immunoblot test for Lyme disease. Consider starting treatment with antibiotics while awaiting test results .
  • Refer people with focal symptoms to the appropriate specialist, or consider a discussion with a specialist, but do not delay.

In Lyme arthritis, synovial fluid PCR testing for B. burgdorferi DNA is often positive if there has been no antibiotic treatment.

Can A Tick Be Tested For Lyme Disease

How to Use Antibiotics for Lyme Disease Treatment

Researchers examined the prevalence of ticks in the Quebec region, along with the frequency of engorged ticks carrying Borrelia burgdorferi , the causative agent of Lyme disease. Their findings suggest that tick testing may not always be an effective tool in determining the risk of infection.

Ticks can be tested for the Lyme disease bacteria and other tick-borne pathogens. But the accuracy of test results may depend on whether the tick is engorged.

A study by Gasmi et al. found that results may not be accurate when testing ticks which are engorged. The authors examined 4,596 I. scapularis ticks removed from individuals living in Quebec.

They found that 24.9% of the non-engorged blacklegged tickswere infected with Borrelia burgdorferi , the causative agent of Lyme disease.

Engorged ticks were expected to have an even higher rate of infection with the Lyme disease bacteria. But the prevalence was much lower with only 8.9% of engorged ticks testing positive for the Lyme disease agent. These findings are consistent with those from another Canadian study.

Engorged ticks were expected to have an even higher rate of infection with the Lyme disease bacteria. But the prevalence was much lower.

It is still unclear why testing of engorged ticks is not accurately revealing the higher prevalence of Bb infection. The authors suggest that it could be due to the presence of inhibitors in the blood meal or problems with the collection and transportation of engorged ticks.

Read Also: What Percentage Of Deer Ticks Carry Lyme Disease

When Lyme Disease Becomes Chronic

In some people, treatment with antibiotics doesnt alleviate symptoms, and 5%-30% of people develop chronic symptoms, a condition known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome . A 2019 study in BMC Public Healthestimated that nearly 2 million people are living with chronic symptoms of Lyme disease.

In a 2017 study with 61 PTLDS patients and 26 healthy controls in Frontiers in Medicine, 50% of the chronic Lyme disease patients reported severe fatigue, 31% had severe sleep issues, 28% suffered from severe pain, 23% struggled with severe cognitive issues. By comparison, the healthy controls reported no severe symptoms.

People with chronic Lyme disease struggle with a host of neuropsychological symptoms, including memory problems, trouble with focus, impulsivity, poor problem-solving, slower mental processing speed, addictive behaviors, changes in personality, suicidal thoughts, and more, according to Filidei.

Traditionally, the medical community has dismissed the fact that infections can be associated with these types of symptoms, but that is changing. A 2016 editorial in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease written by a worldwide group of 33 scientists suggested the medical community has been neglecting to look at infectious diseases as a root cause of many memory problems, including Alzheimers disease and other dementias.

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Persistent Lyme Disease Symptoms Arent Helped By Long

Microbiologist Elli Theel, who directs the Infectious Diseases Serology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, calls the 2015 study incredibly promising. The sensitivity they showed just in early Lyme disease patients was very high, the highest Ive actually seen, she said.

In an upcoming publication, the researchers also showed that metabolomics can differentiate Lyme from a similar tick-borne disease called southern tick-associated rash illness . The disease causes similar symptoms as Lyme, including a bullseye rash, and occurs in overlapping geographic regions. Currently there is no laboratory test to diagnose STARI, and little is known about how the disease progresses and how to treat it, something Molins hopes will change with better testing.

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