Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Happens If A Dog Has Lyme Disease

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How Is The Lyme Multiplex Assay Different From The Assay My Veterinarian Can Perform

Lyme disease in the dog. Dr. Dan explains Lyme disease

Your veterinarian can perform a quick assay in-house that checks for antibodies against only one B. burgdorferi surface protein. The in-house assay cannot detect early infection, cannot determine vaccination status, and does not quantify the amount of antibodies your animal is producing. Quantifying antibodies is an important measure for successful treatment and to confirm cure from Lyme disease.

Diagnosis Of Lyme Disease

For the most successful diagnosis, a combination of history, physical examination and signs, together with a diagnostic blood test, is needed. The main reason is the fact that many dogs can test positive on a blood test without showing and developing any symptoms. In this case, they dont necessarily need treatment. Other tests can also be conducted, so diseases with similar symptoms can be ruled out.

Is My Dog At Risk Of Canine Lyme Disease

The short answer is a resounding yes. If you walk your dog in one of Torontos many wonderful series of wooded trail systems, you and your dog are susceptible. Canine Lyme Disease is the most common disease spread by ticks in the Toronto area, initiated by the bite of infected, Ixode scapularis, also known as Deer or Blacklegged ticks. While not all variations of ticks carry Lyme disease, populations of Blacklegged, Deer and American Dog ticks continue to expand in the GTA and other parts of Ontario.

Canine Lyme Disease Risk Assessment:
  • Have you seen or heard of ticks on people or pets in your area?
  • Is your dog likely to go into areas where ticks are found?
  • Do you live in an area with ticks and/or where there are cases of Lyme disease in animals or humans?
  • Are you likely to travel with your dog to areas where Lyme disease is present?
  • Have you forgotten to give monthly tick medication on time?
  • If you answered YES to any of these questions, protection against disease-carrying ticks a small, chewy and tasty treat for your dog is recommended.

    Also Check: Lyme Disease Class Action Lawsuit

    Recovery And Management Of Lyme Disease In Dogs

    You can expect to see improvement in mild cases of Lyme disease in dogs 3 to 5 days into antibiotic therapy. Severe cases may take longer and can be fatal if kidney damage is too advanced.

    Antibiotics do not always eliminate Lyme disease. Dogs infected with Lyme disease will be prone to recurrence of the infection in the future, but antibiotics can be used again to treat the condition.

    Owners can help manage their dogs condition by complying with their veterinarians advice and following the instructions on the medication. Learning to recognize the signs of Lyme disease will also help owners get their dogs started on medication as soon as possible to prevent serious side effects in the future.

    The Lyme Vaccine Contains Dangerous Ingredients

    Lyme Disease in Dogs

    Kidney disease isnt the only risk that comes with the Lyme vaccine.

    Vaccines carry harmful chemicals and heavy metals like:

    • formaldehyde
    • mercury
    • thimerosal

    You see, vaccines carry live or inactivated viruses. But the amount is so small that the immune system wont recognize. These chemicals are added to create an exaggerated immune response to the virus.

    And there are two problems with this

    1. This type of chaos in the immune system can carry some serious issues. It can cause hypersensitivity disorders. Hypersensitivity is chronic inflammation, which can result in allergies, cancer and organ failure.

    2. Aluminum and thimerosal can travel to the brain and cause inflammation there. If youve ever had a reactive or fearful dog, you might not have considered his vaccines as a cause.

    Still dont believe me?

    There was a human Lyme vaccine called LYMErix back in the 90s. 3 years after it went on the market, Smith Kline Beecham withdrew LYMErix amidst a class action suit. The class action suit came from a sea of allegations of adverse effects including:

    • suicide
    • kidney disease
    • and more

    Most of the patients developed an incurable form of autoimmune arthritis. And that was worse than the arthritis caused by Lyme.

    So if the Lyme vaccine isnt safe for humans, why would you give it to your dog?

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    What Is Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. A spirochete is a type of bacterium.

    “Lyme disease is transmitted to dogs through the bite of a tick.”

    Lyme disease is transmitted to dogs through the bite of a tick. Once in the blood stream, the Lyme disease organism is carried to many parts of the body and is likely to localize in joints or kidneys. The most common type of tick to carry Lyme disease is the deer tick . Deer ticks are distributed through the Midwest and eastern United States, as well as throughout Canada with the highest proportion in Ontario.

    Can Lyme Disease Be Transmitted From Pet To Pet

    Lyme disease is seen in dogs, cats, and humans but thankfully, no, Lyme disease is not contagious, as it can only be transmitted via a tick bite. However, if one of your dogs or cats develops it, youll want to get all of your pets checked for the illness, as they may all be at risk of exposure to the ticks that infected your sick fur baby. You may even want to get yourself checked as well, as people are usually in the same places as their pets.

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    What Happens To A Dog With Lyme Disease

    Many animals can have Lyme disease and show no signs. In dogs, the most common signs include fever, loss of appetite, painful or swollen joints, lameness that comes and goes, swollen lymph nodes, and lethargy. If Lyme disease is left untreated it can lead to damage in the kidneys, nervous system, and heart.

    What Is A Tick

    Dog Lyme Disease
    • A tick is a parasite that is 3 to 5 mm in size. They are so small that it can be hard to spot them immediately.
    • They are the most common trouble for pets, especially the ones that roam outside more often.
    • They feed on animals blood. Often time they go unnoticed because of their small size and painless bites.
    • There are also different types of ticks. A deer tick is a common kind in the United States.

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    How To Remove A Tick From Your Dog

    If you do happen to find a tick on your dog, removing it quickly is the best way to prevent your dog from contracting Lyme disease through a bite. If youre lucky, you can remove the tick before it has a chance to latch on. Even if the tick has already attached itself to your dog, removing it quickly and removing the entire tick can help reduce exposure to disease.

    Heres the proper procedure for removing a tick from your dog:

    • Use a pair of tweezers to remove the tick from your dogs skin. If the tick hasnt attached itself to your dog yet, then plucking the tick off should be relatively simple.
    • Once youve removed the tick, drop it in a jar of rubbing alcohol to kill it. Note that ticks are very resilient and difficult to kill by just smashing them. You also dont want to come into direct contact with the tick if you can help it.
    • If the tick has already buried itself in the skin of your dog, twist the tick carefully to force it to detach itself. You can also hold a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol to the entire tick and this should kill it. The goal is to avoid leaving the head of the tick buried in the dogs skin. This can cause infection and increase the chances of a Lyme contraction.

    When youre done inspecting your dog for ticks and removing them, dont forget to do a tick inspection on yourself too. The effects of Lyme disease are even more serious in humans than they are in dogs.

    Symptoms Of Lyme Disease In Dogs

    The symptoms of Lyme disease can vary from dog to dog, and can also vary in severity from mild to chronic and debilitating. Here are a few of the symptoms of Lyme disease you might see if your dog tests positive:

    Many dogs may not ever get tested for Lyme disease until they are showing symptoms. By this point, the infection may cause lasting organ damage or recurrent joint problems.

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    Lyme Disease Prevention In Dogs

    One way to help prevent your dog from contracting Lyme disease is to keep your pet on a tick prevention medication year-round and speak to your vet about vaccinating your dog against Lyme.

    Whenever your dog has been walking through areas where ticks may be hiding, it is a good idea to check your pet’s skin when you get home. It’s important to remove ticks as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

    That said, removing ticks isn’t as straightforward as you may think. Contact your vet for instruction on how to properly remove ticks from your dog. .

    Remember – Lyme disease is much more severe in humans than it is in dogs! If you walk in areas with long grass or shrubs be sure to check your skin regularly for ticks. Contact your doctor for advice on removing ticks if you find one latched onto your skin. Lyme disease in humans can cause a host of painful chronic symptoms.

    Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

    Lyme Disease In Pets Symptoms And Treatment

    How to Check for and Remove Ticks! Use these easy steps.

    Pets infected with Lyme disease may not show any signs for 2-5 months. After that time, typical symptoms include:

    • Fever
    • Joint swelling

    Recurrent lameness also is possible, and the involved extremity may be tender. Inflammation of the joint can last from days to weeks, and may migrate from one extremity to another.

    Horses with Lyme disease can develop lameness, joint pain, neurologic disease, eye problems and dermatitis.

    Symptomatically, Lyme disease can be difficult to distinguish from anaplasmosis because the signs of the diseases are very similar, and they occur in essentially the same areas of the country. Lyme disease is diagnosed through a blood test that shows whether an animal has been exposed to the bacterium.

    Antibiotics usually provide effective treatment for Lyme disease. However, its important to follow your veterinarians advice regarding follow-up care after your pet has been diagnosed with and treated for the disease.

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    How Can My Vet Diagnose Lyme Disease

    Schedule an appointment with your vet if you suspect your pet may have Lyme disease.

    During this appointment, your vet will ask you a number of different questions in order to gain a more detailed understanding of your pet’s medical history and then conduct a battery of tests including urinalysis, fecal analysis, x-rays and blood tests. We may also draw fluid from your pet’s affected joints in order to analyze them for any signs of the disease.

    Lyme Disease In Dogs: What Concerned Pet Parents Need To Know

    Lyme disease in dogs: Four very scary words for a pet parent. When a pup is bitten by an infected tick and contracts Lyme disease, they can get very sick, becoming feverish, tired and experiencing pain from arthritis, which can be a result of this disease attacking collagen-rich body tissue. The very good news is that with the right tools and knowledge, Lyme disease in dogs is treatable and completely preventable.

    From the symptoms of Lyme disease in dogs to watch out for to possible treatments, heres what pet parents need to know.

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    What Is The Cost Of Treating Lyme Disease In Dogs

    The cost of treating Lyme disease depends on the severity of the disease. If caught early, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics along with a follow-up appointment and regular blood work to monitor the condition. If the infection is severe at the time of diagnosis, on the other hand, your dog may require hospital care with supportive treatments , which will be more expensive. Expect to pay for the initial office visit, diagnostic tests, medications, hospitalization, and any follow-up visits.

    What Is Lyme Disease How Do Dogs Catch It

    Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is transmitted via ticks, most commonly a type of tick known as the deer tick. But it is not the tick itself that is responsible. A tick will become infected with offending bacteria from the Borrelia bugdoferi group when it feeds on infected mice or other rodents and then transmits the bacteria to an animal such as a dog when it bites the host in order to take blood for nourishment. Out comes the blood from the dog and into the ticks body and, in the process, in go the bacteria from tick to your pet.

    Infection takes place anywhere from 18 to 36 hours after the tick attaches itself to the dog. But that doesnt mean the dog becomes ill right away. In fact, if your pet is going to show any signs of illness and remember, most pets dont its going to take some two to five months.

    Recommended Reading: How To Treat Lyme Disease

    Can My Animal Get Infected Despite Being Vaccinated

    Yes. Some animals have been infected despite vaccination. The most common reasons are low or short-lasting vaccine antibodies in the individual animal. It is advisable to monitor the vaccine response annually to ensure the animal develops sufficient antibodies in response to vaccination. Vaccine antibodies can be quantified with the Lyme Multiplex assay as early as two weeks following vaccination or anytime afterwards.

    Is There A Vaccine That Will Protect My Dog From Lyme Disease

    A safe and generally effective vaccine is available for protecting dogs against Lyme disease. This vaccine is initially given twice, at two- to four-week intervals.

    “Annual revaccination is necessary to maintain immunity.”

    Annual revaccination is necessary to maintain immunity. Vaccination against Lyme disease will be determined by your pet’s lifestyle and individual risk assessment. Be sure to discuss any questions you may have regarding the type and frequency of vaccination with your veterinarian.

    Contributors: Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

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    What To Do If Your Dog Has Been Exposed To Lymes Disease

    Dear Dr. Hershey,

    My vet just told me that my dog, Harper, just tested positive for Lymes Disease. He seems to be normal otherwise, what does this mean for him, and is it contagious to me?

    Thank you,

    Dear Mary Beth,

    This is a timely question because the ticks are out in Minnesota. Ticks live for many years, and can survive the winter in a dormant stage.

    Ticks become active when the ground temperature is about 45 degrees Fahrenheit, so sometimes ticks will be out even if there is snow on the ground. Because ticks become active even when it is relatively cold outside, many pet owners are caught by surprise in the early spring when they find a tick on their dog.

    Ticks find their hosts by detecting breath and body odors, or by sensing heat, moisture, vibrations, even shadows. Ticks cant jump or fly, but they are well adapted to finding and latching onto hosts.

    Ticks will rest on the tips of grasses or shrubs in a position known as questing. In this position, they hold onto the plant with some of its legs, while having their first pair of legs outstretched, just waiting for a host to brush by. Although Minnesota is home to several types of tick, it is the black-legged tick , commonly known as the deer tick, which can transmit Lyme Disease .

    Unlike people, we think that only 5 to 10 percent of all dogs exposed to Lyme bacteria ever get sick with the disease.

    Veterinarians will routinely screen for exposure to Lyme bacteria.

    How Do You Treat Lyme Disease In Dogs

    Symptoms of Lyme Disease in Dogs

    Treating Lyme disease in dogs is typically as simple as visiting your vet to get a prescription for antibiotics. 4 weeks of antibiotics will typically get rid of Lyme disease in dogs, which is why its important to get a diagnosis as early as possible.

    Depending on the case, Lyme disease may require additional treatment. Lyme disease can cause long-term complications including joint and limb problems, heart problems, kidney problems, and nervous system problems. If your dog has any of these complications as a result of Lyme disease, you should talk to your vet about long-term treatment options.

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    Prevent Lyme Disease In Your Dog

    PetMD is one of the largest and most used veterinary sites in the world. It discusses how to prevent Lyme disease by using toxic sprays and chemicals, as well as vaccines.

    Most conventional vets also advocate this approach.

    But if Lyme progresses into more than flu-like symptoms only when cofactors are present then isnt stressing the immune system backwards thinking? And dangerous for our dogs?

    You know that Lyme disease only progresses to a harmful stage if dogs arent healthy, right? So how do vaccines and chemicals make dogs healthier?

    Lets look at the list of cofactors again but this time lets consider the roll of vaccines

    • Chronic inflammation vaccines are well known to cause chronic inflammation and auto-immune disease
    • Immune suppression we know vaccines to suppress the immune system after administration
    • Coinfections of other viruses well, thats what they designed vaccines o do deliver a small amount of virus into the body
    • Heavy metals and toxins vaccines contain aluminum, thimerosal, formaldehyde and other dangerous toxins

    Not to mention the side effects of conventional solutions such as

    • sprays

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