Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Kind Of Doctor Should I See For Lyme Disease

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What Kind Of Doctor Tests For Lyme Disease

7 Weird Lyme Disease Symptoms that You Need to Know Dr.Berg

In fact, any kind of doctor can test you for Lyme disease. However, that doesnt mean its a good idea to have your dermatologist or podiatrist order the diagnostic tests. Many people simply see their family physician or primary care doctor to get diagnosed and treated for Lyme.

There are also doctors who specialize in Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, called Lyme-literate doctors, who you may want to consult instead more on that a little later in this article.

Finally, there are other types of specialists you may or may not need to consult with depending on the duration and severity of your symptoms.

For example, many patients wonder if they need to see an infectious disease specialist.

Treating A Pinched Nerve

Mild cases of a pinched nerve may go away on their own after your body adjusts to naturally remove pressure off of the affected nerve. However, in moderate to severe cases of pinched nerves, you may experience an increase in the severity of symptoms over the course of days of weeks, leading you to seek treatment from a doctor. Orthopedic doctors and surgeons treat pinched nerves in a variety of ways depending on the location and severity of the pinched nerve. Orthopedic doctors and surgeons frequently utilize a combination of a physical exam and diagnostic imaging tools to identify the affected nerves and develop a treatment plan accordingly.

Because a pinched nerve in one area can cause pain and discomfort in multiple areas of the body, it is important to receive treatment from a highly experienced and knowledgeable orthopedic doctor to receive the comprehensive care you deserve. Your particular situation may call for more conservative treatment to reduce inflammation in the area or nerve-related testing before it leads to anything chronic. From herniated discs to rheumatoid arthritis, AICA orthopedic surgeons develop an individualized treatment plan that works for you and your body so you can experience pain relief and healing.

What Is The Outlook For People With Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain is difficult to treat completely but is usually not life-threatening. Youll get the best results from combining rehabilitation with support for your emotional, social and mental wellbeing. You will be able to manage your pain to a level that improves your quality of life with the help of a pain specialist in using some or most of the methods mentioned above.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 12/07/2020.


Don’t Miss: How To Kill Lyme Disease Naturally

What Criteria Do Doctors Use To Choose Different Antibiotics

Partly, doctors rely on what medicines have been shown in published studies to be effective for Lyme disease. For neurologic Lyme disease, the best tested antibiotic is IV ceftriaxone . For early Lyme disease, the best tested antibiotics include oral doxycycline, cefuroxime and amoxacillin. Physicians however often use other antibiotics well. For example, because one mouse study and several in vitro studies indicate that the agent of Lyme disease can penetrate and lodge inside cells, some doctors prefer to use medications that have good intracellular penetration ). Other factors that go into the decision include whether the patient is allergic to a particular family of antibiotics or whether the patient can tolerate oral medications intolerance might suggest the use of intramuscular penicillin whereas if a person is allergic to penicillins or cephalosporins a doctor would want to avoid long-acting intramuscular penicillin-family medicines.

To our knowledge, having had a Lyme disease infection that has been treated does not have a negative impact on the ability to become pregnant.

How Is Neuropathic Pain Treated

Lyme Disease Risk in Oregon

The goals of treatment are to:

  • Treat the underlying disease .

Multimodal therapy is usually required to treat neuropathic pain.

Medicines commonly prescribed for neuropathic pain include anti-seizure drugs such as:

  • Gabapentin .

Doctors also prescribe antidepressants such as

  • Amitriptyline .
  • Venlafaxine .
  • Duloxetine .

Getting a prescription from your pain specialist for anti-seizure drugs or antidepressants does not mean you have seizures or are depressed. However, its true that chronic pain can be made worse by anxiety or depression.

Topical treatments like lidocaine or capsaicinpatches, creams or ointmentscan be used on the painful area. Opioid analgesics are less effective in treating neuropathic pain, and negative effects may prevent their long-term use.

The pain can also be treated with nerve blocks given by pain specialists, including injections of steroids, local anesthetics, or other medicines into the affected nerves.

Neuropathic pain that has not responded to the therapies mentioned above can be treated with spinal cord stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation and brain stimulation.

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The Different Types Of Doctors Who Can Test For Lyme Disease

Home » Tick Talk » The Different Types of Doctors Who Can Test for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a tick-borne infectious disease caused by a group of spiral-shaped bacteria we now refer to as Lyme borreliae. This includes, but is not limited to, Borrelia burgdorferi. It is treatable with antibiotics, but in order to have the best chance at full recovery, its crucial to get your disease diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. That means finding the right doctor.

But what kind of doctor tests for Lyme disease? You may be wondering if you need to see a specific kind of physician to get the right test and treatment. The answer can depend on your particular situation.

About How You Can Catch Lyme Disease

  • The bacteria which cause Lyme disease are commonly caught from the bite of an infected tick.
  • Lyme-infected ticks are found in grassy and wooded areas anywhere in the UK.
  • Checking for ticks, and prompt, correct removal reduces the risk of infection, and using tick-focused repellents reduces the risk of being bitten. Most ticks do not carry Lyme disease.
  • Lyme disease may theoretically be passed from a pregnant mother to the baby.
  • No evidence was found showing Lyme disease can be spread by blood transfusions or sexual contact.
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    Iv Antibiotic Regimen: Cephalosporin Plus Azole Plus Liposomal Cinnamon Clove And Oregano

    • ceftriaxone 2 gm IV 2 times a day for 4 days on and 3 days off
    • tinidazole 500 mg taken orally 1 pill 2-3 times a day for 4 days on and 3 days off in 7-day cycles
    • liposomal cinnamon, clove, and oregano capsules 1 pill 2 times a day

    Key Points:

    • Various antibiotics can be used as IV. I use this one most commonly because it is the easiest to administer and one of the lowest cost IV regimens. The ceftriaxone is given in a syringe and injected over 10 minutes. This is also a pulse dose regimen . Ceftriaxone could be given daily instead as 2 gm IV 1 time a day.
    • I have found various pulse dose regimens of tinidazole to work. These include 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off or in the regimen seen here.

    In General Tick Borne Disease Or Lyme Disease Should Be Treated With Antibiotics Usually These Antibiotics Should Be Pharmaceuticals Although Augmentation With Botanical Antibiotics Can Be Even More Effective Than Pharmaceutical Therapies Alone

    What is Lyme Disease? | Lyme Disease Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

    Unfortunately in late Lyme, antibiotics alone are often not sufficient. Some patients are genetically or epigenetically predisposed to chronic Lyme disease. Often the underlying conditions must be addressed along with the infection.

    Borrelia burgdorferi has been called the second great pretender, after syphilis. Like syphilis it is a spirochete , and the spirochete goes to the brain and spinal cord as fast as it can get there. In addition like syphilis it grows very slowly. Unlike syphilis it is relatively smart in the bacterial world, having the largest genome of any other bacteria. Borrelia burgdorferi is able to crawl inside of cells, thus avoiding immune detection, hide in the brain and spinal cord, where our immune system is careful not to cause too much inflammation. More recent data suggests it may, like many of its co infecting microbes be able to fool the immune system and manipulate the immune response so that the immune system thinks that there is not an infection. In 3 animal models dog, mouse and monkey, chronic persistent infectious borrelia infection has been proven after short course antibiotic. This provides evidence that the cure of chronic Lyme disease in many patients will take more than 1-3 months of antibiotics.

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    Treatment Starts With Accurate Diagnosis

    The only way to get the proper treatment for your tick-borne disease is to get the right diagnosis in the first place and one of the best ways to do that is, if possible, to see a physician whos experienced with tick-borne diseases. Accurate diagnosis also requires high quality testing at a reputable lab. Learn more about why doctors and patients trust the tests offered by IGeneX.

    What Should I Avoid Doing If I Have Sciatica

    Avoid putting added pressure onto your lumbar spine and sciatic nerve as much as possible. Activities such as sitting with bad posture, heavy lifting, difficult or strenuous exercise, and sitting or laying down for prolonged periods can aggravate your body.

    Be sure not to rest too much when you have sciatica, as your back can weaken and worsen your pain. With this in mind, dont ignore your pain signals or fight through them. Taking a few minutes to sit down and let your pain pass is perfectly okay.

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    Finding A Good Lyme Doctor

    I was one of the lucky ones.

    After over a year of my general doctor running tests and sending me to different specialists, I tentatively questioned if Lyme disease might be worth investigating.

    My doctor agreed: it was a good idea. But he also admitted that he knew the tests were terribly unreliable and Id need a good Lyme doctor to help me figure out if this was indeed causing all of my mysterious symptoms.

    He referred me to a colleague who helped guide me through the early stages of Lyme testing and getting my diagnosis.

    Ill forever be grateful for my doctors honesty. He knew he didnt understand Lyme well enough. He knew certain tests were sadly unreliable. And he was gracious enough to help me search for answers when most doctors would have scoffed.

    Strategies For Finding A Good Lyme Doctor

    5 Symptoms &  Treatment Of Lyme Disease

    The first thing I did after my Lyme diagnosis was spend as much time and mental energy as I could researching Lyme disease. I needed to understand a little more what treatment options were available and how they compared.

    I had a general idea that I wanted to find a good integrative LLMD to help guide me through the treatment process. I wanted a doctor who would take the best that modern medicine has to offer while also understanding what other alternative treatment modalities could bring to the table.

  • Determine what kind of treatment you want to pursue. Are you looking for a doctor who leans primarily on antibiotics and prescription medications? One who primarily uses alternative treatments? Or a doctor who uses both?
  • Collect names of potential doctors using reputable websites. There are several websites that will give you referrals for LLMDs. Some of my favorites are the following:
  • Lyme Disease Associate Doctor Referral
  • State-Specific Lyme Facebook Groups
  • Check the doctors out. Dont just go with the first Lyme doctor you find. Since most good LLMDs dont accept insurance, youll want to make sure youre not wasting your money or time on a dud.
  • Look for doctor reviews online or in online forums.
  • Join Lyme groups on Facebook and ask about the doctors youre considering.
  • Find local Lyme support groups to attend where youll be able to ask about the doctors people are seeing and learn what their track record is.
  • Good luck on your doctor search!

    Also Check: Full Recovery From Lyme Disease

    What Factors Determine How Patients Respond To Treatment

    To find out what made some patient substantially improve or become well, we turned to our academic partners at the University of California at Los Angeles who specialize in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Their team looked at 215 features related to diagnostic factors, treatment approach, duration of individual antibiotics, alternative treatments, symptoms, type of clinician, and functional impairment to identify the 30 top predictive features for treatment response . Most of the top 30 features identified in their study related to chronic Lyme disease treatment , symptom severity , and type of clinician treating Lyme disease. We analyzed three of these factors associated with treatment response:

    • Treatment approach
    • Treatment durations
    • Type of clinician overseeing the patients care

    How Can People Prevent Lyme Disease

    There is currently no vaccine available to prevent Lyme disease however, there are three approaches to preventing Lyme disease.

    Tick Avoidance

    • Try to stay out of woodlands and brush areas where the tick thrives, especially during the peak season of summer and early fall.
    • Wear garments that will create barriers to the tick attaching to the skin and biting.
    • Tuck pant legs into socks so ticks cannot easily crawl the short distance from the ground to just above the sock line. Wear light-colored clothing to better identify ticks.
    • The application of the insecticide DEET to clothing and skin has been found to decrease tick bites and the chance for Lyme disease infections.

    Tick Removal

    • Deer ticks need to remain attached to the skin for about 24-48 hours to transmit the Borrelia bacteria to the skin. Inspect all areas of the body after outdoor activity.
    • If you notice a bite, it is very important to watch for symptoms, which usually show up in about three weeks.
    • Ticks attach to areas that are warm and moist, such as
    • the groin,
    • the underside of a woman’s breasts, and
    • the neck and hairline.
  • If you see a tick, promptly remove it . This greatly reduces the likelihood of an infection.
  • Disinfect the bite site thoroughly with alcohol or other skin antiseptic solution.
  • Use of gasoline, petroleum, and other organic solvents to suffocate ticks, as well as burning the tick with a match, should be avoided.
  • Antibiotic Treatment

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    How Do I Know Whether I Have Received A Sufficiently Long Course Of Antibiotic Therapy

    Taken together, these study results suggest that repeated antibiotic therapy may be beneficial for a subgroup of patients. However all of these studies also reported troubling adverse effects associated with the IV antibiotic therapy. Given these potentially dangerous risks, it is clear that other safer and more durable treatments are needed for patients with persistent symptoms.

    Lyme Has Two Growth States

    What to Do After a Tick Bite – Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center

    Research published in 2015 shows that Lyme has two different growth states. There is a growing phase of the germs and there is a persister phase. Think of the persisters as germs that are in hibernation. These persisters – hibernating phase germs – ignore regular standard antibiotics we traditionally use to treat Lyme.

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    When Should I See A Doctor For Back Pain

    When your back first starts to hurt, try taking an over-the-counter pain reliever and applying ice in the first 48 hours. You may apply heat after 48 hours. You may need to take it easy for a while, but its best to stay as active as tolerated, and to avoid absolute bed rest, said Dr. Guo.

    If your back pain lasts more than two weeks and keeps you from participating in normal, daily activities, see your family doctor. If your pain is severe, you should see a doctor sooner. You should seek urgent medical care if you have:

    • Fever associated with back pain
    • Back pain after trauma
    • Loss of bladder or bowel control
    • Loss of strength in your arms and legs
    • Unexplained weight loss associated with back pain

    Also, always be more cautious if you have special risk factors for cancer, infection, or fractures that may affect the spine.

    Antimicrobial Herbs That Kill Growing Phase Spirochetes & Cysts

    Intracellular and Extracellular

    Based on my observations, these herbal combination options have as good of a chance as the prescription options. They appear to kill intracellular and extracellular Lyme too based on the clinical benefit I see in my medical practice.

    • Cats Claw and Otoba Bark Tinctures 30 drops of each 2 times a day. Start at 5 drops 2 times a day and add 1 drop per dose per day until you reach 30 drops 2 times a day. If you get a Herxheimer reaction, stop increasing the dose until it has passed.
    • Cats Claw and Japanese Knotweed 30 drops of Cats Claw 2 times a day and ½ tsp of Japanese Knotweed 3 times a day. Work up to these doses over 30 days. Start Cats Claw at 5 drops 2 times a day and add 1 drop per dose per day until you reach 30 drops 2 times a day. Start the Japanese Knotweed at ¼ tsp 3 times a day and in two weeks increase to ½ tsp 3 times a day.

    Recommended Reading: Deer Ticks Carry Lyme Disease

    Antimicrobials That Kill Growing Phase Cysts

    Intracellular and Extracellular

    Note: I work with the following agents as anti-cyst agents based on the mechanism by which these antibiotics work and some scientific experiments. For the Rifamycins, there are no laboratory experiments showing these agents work against cysts. Clinically, I see great benefit in using the Rifamycins as my anti-cyst agents – so I list them here.


    • Rifampin 300 mg 2 pills 1 time a day or 1 pill 2 times a day
    • Rifabutin 150 mg 2 pills 1 time a day


    • Tinidazole 500 mg 1 pill 2 or three times a day usually pulsed for four days on then three days off of each 7 days
    • Metronidazole 500 mg 1 pill 2 or three times a day usually pulsed for four days on then three days off of each 7 days.


    • Grapefruit seed extract 250 mg 1 pill 2 times a day. Note this is an herbal antibiotic that I find as effective as the prescription options in this list.

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