Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do You Lose Weight With Lyme Disease

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If You Experience Acid Reflux Symptoms Frequently You May Have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Fat-Bias Nearly Cost Him His Life

GERD is a condition that causes acid to back up into your esophagus. Acid reflux can cause heartburn, burping and belching as well as nausea and abdominal pain when eating or drinking.

It’s estimated that 30 million Americans suffer from GERDand if left untreated it can lead to Barrett’s Esophagus which is an even more serious condition than GERD itself!

Help Clients Recover From Lyme Disease With Diet And Nutrition

Optimal nutrition is essential for Lyme disease recovery. Read on to learn how you, as a dietitian or CNS, can help your clients with Lyme disease ease their symptoms and lead a healthier life with a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet.

Lyme disease, contracted from the bite of a black-legged tick carrying Borrelia bacteria, is one of the fastest-growing infectious diseases in the United States. At least 300,000 people are newly diagnosed each year in the U.S., and a shocking 1.5 million have chronic Lyme disease.

As a clinical nutritionist working with clients who have Lyme disease, Ive seen firsthand how a Functional Medicine approach based on simple dietary changes can boost energy, support cognitive function, and alleviate chronic inflammation, reducing the impact of Lyme disease on my clients lives. While nutrition cannot cure Lyme disease, it can ease symptoms and improve your clients overall health, complementing their Lyme treatment protocols and accelerating the healing process.

For people with Lyme disease, making simple dietary changes can help boost energy, improve cognitive function, and reduce chronic inflammation. Find out how clinical nutritionist Lindsay Christensen uses diet and nutrition to support clients with Lyme. #nutrition #functionalmedicine


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For Gerd The Main Symptom Is Regurgitation Of The Stomach Contents Back Into The Esophagus Which Can Cause A Burning Sensation

GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease , is a common digestive disease. The main symptom of GERD is regurgitation of the stomach contents back into the esophagus which can cause a burning sensation.

If you have symptoms such as heartburn and/or burping after eating or drinking too much soda pop or other carbonated drinks such as beer or wine, then you might have GERD as well.

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Importance Of Prompt Recognition And Treatment Of Lyme Carditis

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The standard protocol for high-degree heart block calls for implanting a permanent pacemaker. However, the heart block in Lyme carditis will most likely resolve with antibiotic therapy. Thus, identifying Lyme carditis as the underlying cause of the heart block can prevent the unnecessary implantation of permanent pacemakers.

The battery of a pacemaker lasts 7-10 years. Thus, a missed diagnosis could subject an otherwise young, healthy patient to 5-7 battery replacements over a lifetimewith each procedure bringing potential adverse events. These risks associated with the initial pacemaker implantation can be mitigated by intravenous and oral antibiotic treatment for heart block caused by Lyme carditis.

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Lyme Disease Left Unchecked

Since ticks are so tiny, many people dont even notice when theyve been bitten. Because symptoms often mimic other health conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, dementia, fibromyalgia, and even brain tumor, Lyme disease is often referred to as The Great Imitator and can go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed for years.

This leaves many people struggling to manage their unrelenting chronic Lyme with no answers in sight when treatments for these other diseases dont end up working.

Symptoms of Lyme are global, spanning multiple body systems, especially the nervous, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular systems. Days to months after the tick bite, later signs and symptoms of Lyme can include severe headaches, fatigue, neck stiffness, erythema migrans rashes, arthritis with severe joint pain, facial palsy, abnormal heart beat, shortness of breath, dizziness, inflammation of the central nervous system, nerve pain, brain fog, and memory loss .

Whats more, unchecked Lyme is thought to trigger autoimmune conditions broadly, which would contribute to even more debilitating and wide-ranging symptoms.

Why Bartonella Is The New Lyme Disease

2021 looks like it could be a record year for lyme disease.

I was recently interviewed on Lyme Talk Radio about Bartonella. In case you missed it, here is a transcript of our discussion on why Bartonella is the new Lyme Disease.

Q: Our research is now indicating that Lyme disease is deadly. Even when people may suspect they have Lyme symptoms, they will not get anything further than the typical CDC test. What is happening?

Dr. Dempsey: There is a fear factor and people dont want to know. They have seen family members and friends suffer and for them to get the diagnosis, they think it is a death sentence. The second reason is from the medical world. The thought is if they test the patient for Lyme disease and it is CDC negative thats the end of the workup. The problem is that even if patients are lucky enough that their doctor is thinking about Lyme and they are willing to get tested, if the Lyme is negative, the hunt stops there. The medical world is not thinking about the other vector born infections that are coming from ticks or other insects. They need to think about the other diseases.

Q: Can you talk about co-infections?

Q: Can you tell me about Lyme disease and the tick born infections that are now associated with it?

Q: What is the journey of the lyme-disease patient like?

Q: Everybody is talking about Lyme disease. People dont know what the other diseases that come from Lyme are. Why does bartonella now need to take center stage?

Q: What is the new test?

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How Are Lyme Disease And Fibromyalgia Connected

Many people assume getting a diagnosis for fibromyalgia and being put on a treatment plan is the beginning of the end to their painful symptoms, so it can be frustrating when traditional medications, such as Cymbalta, Savella, or Lyrica dont provide relief. However, the symptoms of Lyme disease and fibromyalgia are very similar. It is also possible for people to be diagnosed with both Lyme disease and fibromyalgia at the same time.

Lyme disease is currently the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. While it was previously estimated by the CDC that less than 300,000 people get Lyme disease each year, this number has more recently risen to 476,000 people being diagnosed and treated for the condition.

A doctor who understands both Lyme disease and fibromyalgia can make a more accurate diagnosis and identify which factors are likely contributing to your symptoms. Even if you have seen other medical professionals in the past, making an appointment with someone who specializes in Lyme disease allows you to backtrack and see if any more obvious signs have been overlooked.

While both conditions can be chronic, a customized, comprehensive treatment plan can help address symptoms of both Lyme disease and fibromyalgia. An integrative approach is often the best for patients with chronic conditions as it considers all aspects of ones health and uses various evidence-based treatments to achieve better overall wellness.

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The First Eight Weeks

How Transitioning to the Wahls Paleo Diet Healed My Lyme Disease ...

During treatment, people with SIBO often get symptom relief, and start to restore normal gut function by eating a FODMAP diet over an 8 week period of time. FODMAP stands for

These simple sugars are fermented by the small intestine bacteria producing the gas associated with this illness. Stopping these foods, can help starve these bacteria and decrease symptoms. For more information see the FODMAP food plan overview from the Institute for Functional Medicine or work with a nutritionist. You can also find various books on the internet.

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Effects On Taste And Smell

Lyme disease may affect the cranial nerves in the back of your brain. These help with sensations such as smell and taste. The effects of Lyme disease on these nerves may cause:

  • heightened sensitivity to smell

2019 ILADS report notes that weight gain is a possible symptom of untreated chronic Lyme disease. Untreated could mean a delayed diagnosis.

The aches, pains, and swollen joints commonly associated with Lyme disease may make it hard for you to remain active. Less exercise and physical activity may result in weight gain for some people.

Weight gain may also result from changes in appetite, shifts in mood, and depression.

The antibiotics you use to treat Lyme disease may also play a role. Antibiotics affect gut health by changing the collection of microbes in your gut. This may alter how your GI system breaks down food and absorbs calories, leading to weight gain.

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How To Manage Inflammation In Lyme Disease

Infection with Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterial cause of Lyme disease, and co-infections causes the immune system to launch a profound inflammatory response. While antibiotic treatments, such as doxycycline and cefuroxime, can destroy B. burgdorferi, these drugs do little to mitigate the inflammatory response launched in response to these microbes. Left untreated, Lyme-induced inflammation damages cells, tissues, and organs, inducing widespread bodily dysfunction.

While the CDC offers recommendations for Lyme disease treatment from the antimicrobial perspective, it makes no recommendations as to how affected individuals should manage the inflammatory side effects of the illness. Functional medicine, on the other hand, offers a unique set of tools for managing Lyme-associated inflammation, including nutrition changes, lifestyle changes, and natural anti-inflammatory compounds. These holistic interventions can significantly improve Lyme disease inflammation, creating a strong foundation for healing.

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