Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dr Thomas Moorcroft Lyme Disease

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How And Where Can You Get Lyme Disease

Novel approaches to addressing Lyme and co-infections with Dr. Tom Moorcroft and Dr. Ritamarie
  • 11:15: You can get Lyme disease without knowing you had a tick bite, without a rash, and without early symptoms. Its estimated that 95% of the ticks that transmit Lyme are nymph deer ticks with are about the size of a poppy seed.
  • 12:30: About 75% of people get Lyme in their yard or their neighbors yard, you dont have to go out in the woods to get bit. The ticks are found at the edges of the woods. From about 10 feet in to 10 feet out from the edge of the woods is the primary location.
  • 13:27: There are things you can do to manage your yard. Put your swing set or other outdoor toys more than 10-15 feet away from the edge of the woods. Permethrin is the product he mentioned spraying on your shoes and socks. When youre spending time outside out of the shade of the woods make sure you use mineral sunscreen!
  • 15:27: Were hearing about sprays and chemicals here in the tick management. What are the more green options?Natural bug sprays are not very effective against ticks. You need to balance the risks. We dont want to be spraying toxic chemicals around, but Lyme disease is a serious health issue and the risks here may outweigh the risks of judicious tick spray use depending on where you live.
  • 17:12: Stay away from DEET if youre concerned about ticks. If youre spraying something on your body stick with natural options. Wearing tight clothing can limit a ticks access to the moist, dark areas they like best.

Getting To The Root Of Mystery Chronic Illness

  • 0:17: More and more people seem to be having mystery illnesses that doctors cant figure out. Today were getting to the root of some of those things with Dr. Tom Moorcroft. Heres the interview about PANS/PANDAS I mentioned that I did with Dr. Roseann.
  • 2:54: Dr. Tom shares his background with us and how he came to specialize in tick-borne infections. He has an amazing story that kicks off his interest in medicine.
  • 6:02: I first met Dr. Tom at a storytelling conference. He tells great stories and has done a lot of training on sharing his passions from his heart.

Episode 3: Caring For A Child With Lyme Disease

Cindy Kennedy, FNP, talks with Dorothy Leland about her struggles to find the support she needed as the parent of a child with Lyme disease. Leland, an author, blogger, and vice president at, sheds light on how she became an advocate for her child. Leland fell into the world of Lyme disease when her

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Dr Tom Moorcroft: Treating The Whole Person To Help The Body Heal

Treating the Whole Person to Help the Body HealLyme Connection Editor Janet Jemmott interviewed Thomas Moorcroft, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine who treats many people with tick-borne disease.

How is your approach different from that of the medical doctors who treat Lyme?

I try to take the whole person into account. When people come in theyre not just a collection of symptoms, like heart palpitations and brain fog, theyre human beings experiencing those things. I try to keep an open mind and see whats wrong and how I can help.I look at basic things, like what is the persons diet like? How often are people moving their bowels? Are they exercising? Are they capable of exercise? Whats going on psychosocially and in their family life? Thats what I focus on. And then we do a lot of work to improve sleep. I look at heavy metal exposure and possible exposure to mold.I remember on the very first day of medical school, an instructor said that if you listen to a patient for five minutes, then 95% of the time theyll tell you not only whats wrong with them, but also how to fix them. So I try hard to listen to the story. I – and my staff – want to know who that person really is. There are clues in their story. We try to treat the whole person, looking at them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That is front and center in my approach to medicine.

In terms of osteopathic medicine, do you do spinal or cranial manipulation?

Right, Im completely with you.

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Episode : Meet Tick Expert Tick Man Dan

Cindy Kennedy, FNP, speaks with Dan Wolff , who is a tick expert, the founder of TickEase, Inc., and the creator of an effective dual purpose tweezer-like tick removal device. Wolff is an outdoorsman, pet lover and a devoted father from Waltham, Massachusetts, with a degree in business from Skidmore College. When

Optimizing Your Mindset Around Chronic Illnesses

  • 35:41: I put chronic in quotation marks because I know Dr. Tom doesnt believe in chronic diseases. Hes a huge believer in mindset when overcoming chronic illness.
  • 37:33: Dr. Tom shares a bit more of the story of how he healed from Lyme. The turning point was when he started listening to his body and making diet and lifestyle changes.

We think I dont feel well, I need to lay in bed. You need to get past that and find out what your body is really telling you. -Dr. Tom Moorcroft

  • 40:35: This reminds me of a friend of mine from high school who recently had an Epstein-Barr flare after having the currently circulating virus.
  • 43:14: Many people look healthy, but their reserve is so low, they have no margin in their health. Dr. Tom shares an analogy with bamboo and health.

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Also Check: Lyme Ab Western Blot Reflex

About Origins Of Health

Origins Of Health is an Osteopathic medical center that specializes in Osteopathic Manipulation, including Cranial Osteopathy, Integrative Medicine and holistic wellness. We integrate our personal passion and extensive medical training while working with you to develop a personalized approach to health that stimulates the self-healing forces within. Our goal is to assist you in realizing optimum health while being free to enjoy life and all it has to offer.

This philosophy serves as the foundation of our medical practice. While its easy to point out whats wrong, its often much more difficult to notice what is right. The body has the inherent wisdom of life that guides it. If we listen to and work with the bodys natural healing powers the results are often amazing. This is what sets Origins Of Health apart from others we focus on health and teaching you how to ignite the self-healing powers within so you can experience the true joy of living a healthy life.

/ What You Need To Know About Preventing Lyme Disease With Dr Tom Moorcroft

Dr. Tom Moorcroft: Bacteria, Viruses, and Mystery “Chronic” Illnesses HPC: E149

I dont want to scare you, but in many places, its not a matter of if you get Lyme disease, but when. This disease is as complex as it is common. To create a clearer picture of Lyme and its treatments, Ive brought in someone with an intimate knowledge of this disease.

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Dr. Tom Moorcroft considers himself a medical detective as well as a doctor of osteopathic medicine. He thrives when presented with a patient experiencing mysterious symptoms. His goal is to find out whats really keeping someone sick and help them get better. In this capacity, Dr. Moorcroft treats patients with chronic bacterial and viral infections as well as mycotoxin illness.

As a Connecticut-based practitioner, Dr. Moorcroft sees a lot of Lyme disease. In fact, he has it himself. We discuss best practices to take from the moment you find a tick on you. Its important to remove it carefully. Otherwise, you increase the risk infection.

Catching Lyme disease early is crucial. Dr. Moorcroft describes the tests you should ask for and treatments to get right away. Fortunately, early detection usually results in better recovery.

With the many symptoms of Lyme, Dr. Moorcroft describes the importance of optimizing everything from diet to sleep habits. Even the gut-brain connection plays a role. Dr. Moorcroft finds that simply getting positive support plays a part in long-term recovery.

In this episode



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How Do You Know If You Have Lyme Disease

  • 8:11: We jump in with an overview of Lyme disease and how it goes chronic. Most people know Lyme as associated with the bullseye rash, but only about 1/2 of Lyme cases have a rash and about 1/3 of them are bullseye so it often gets missed.
  • 9:40: Flu symptoms in the summer often preceded a Lyme diagnosis, but it is diagnosed every month of the year. It can take weeks to months for symptoms to show or you could be misdiagnosed at first.

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  • 10:24: Lyme is persistent. It can evade your immune system and antibiotics. Theres only one combination of 3 antibiotics that will 100% eliminate the spirochete in a petri dish. Theres one herb that will do the same thing.
  • 11:05: Lyme needs to be hit early before it gets chronic for best results.

Do You Have Lyme Disease Parts 1 & 2 With Dr Tom Moorcroft

Description: Between the latest online fads and the crazy media headlines, its easier than ever to get confused about your health. If you want to make better decisions about your health today so you can feel better and live longer, youve come to the right place.

On this episode were diving into one of the most misunderstood diagnoses in the medical field Lyme disease. Do you think you might have Lyme disease? If youve been experiencing symptoms that you havent been able to explain or are wondering if Lyme disease might be the diagnosis youve been waiting for, then you need to listen to my conversation with Dr. Tom Moorcroft. Dr. Moorcroft is a world renowned expert on Lyme disease who practices osteopathic medicine and focuses his work on finding the true causes behind the symptoms of those who may be suffering from Lyme disease.

In the second part of this episode I will follow up on the conversation I had with Dr. Moorcroft, including research and reference checks, a look at the likelihood of contracting Lyme disease in a non-endemic area, and a list of possible other diseases that your symptoms may indicate you are possibly dealing with instead. Ive created a flowchart to help you think through the process of further pursuing or rejecting a Lyme disease diagnosis, and I am confident that you will have a greater understanding of the probability of being diagnosed with Lyme disease after listening to this conversation.

Key Takeaways:

To learn more:

Also Check: Does Lyme Disease Cause Weight Loss

Mystery Illnesses Solved With Dr Tom Moorcroft

Some health conditions go undiagnosed and unresolved despite numerous doctor visits and treatments leaving you feeling hopeless and helpless.

They usually include some degree of pain and fatigue.

Lyme disease is very often the answer. It is highly underdiagnosed.

My guest today, Dr. Tom Moorcroft, specializes in finding the missing piece to your chronic health puzzle and will give you a map to follow on the journey to health and healing in this episode.

Key Notes:

  • Understand how to properly diagnose chronic mystery illnesses

  • Learn about diagnosing Lyme disease its more common than you think

  • Discover how your mindset can affect your healing or continued illness

  • Get free resources that you can use to help with your healing


If you have an infection, your immune system is not working in tiptop shape and youre prone to other infections. Dr. Kyrin

If you believe that you cant feel better then it wont happen for you. Dr. Kyrin

Her brilliant health is blossoming into who you are. Dr. Tom Moorcroft

Links Mentioned:

FREE resources you can find on the website

1. Common Reasons Treatment Fails And How to Avoid Them

2. Top 5 Brain Detox Tips

3. Relax and Reboot

Episode : Cannabis As A Treatment Option

Am I Cured of Lyme Disease?

This episode features an interview with Dr. Uma Dhanabalan, as she discusses the use of cannabis as a treatment option for Lyme patients and those with chronic illness. She also shares her thoughts about the stigma and laws around the medical use of cannabis and some of the biggest misconceptions about this field. Dr. Dhanabalan

Also Check: Lyme Disease Ever Go Away

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  • 18:44: Dr. Tom describes some of the ways people eventually realize they have Lyme and come to work with him. Joint pain, brain fog, sudden onset anxiety and depression, heart palpitations, dizziness, irritability, and chronic fatigue are all common chronic symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a common misdiagnosis.
  • 21:27: In kids, youll often see acute behavioral regression with Lyme disease. Severe acute onset, ADHD, anxiety, OCD, rage, extreme food restrictions, and bedwetting are all things that can come out in kids.
  • 22:35: Lyme is called the next great imitator. It looks like so many other diseases including multiple sclerosis, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

There has been evidence forever that an antibiotic wont completely eradicate Lyme disease in 20% of people. -Dr. Tom Moorcroft

Also Check: What Is The Best Antibiotic To Treat Lyme Disease

The Truth About Lyme Disease Conference

1st February 2021

Hosted by Dr. Tom Moorcroft

Sponsored by: IGeneX


The path to finding answers and a road to recovery for Lyme Disease and chronic illness can be quite the struggle. With more than 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease in the US every year its important that we address this crisis and help those who are suffering.

Dr. Tom Moorcroft is bringing together doctors of osteopathic medicine, medical doctors, naturopathic physicians, professors, and therapists from around the world for a special free online conference to explore:

The Truth About Lyme Disease Conference

  • The latest scientific breakthroughs for treating Lyme Disease and Co-infections and how to effectively implement them to optimize healing
  • Why treating Lyme Disease and Co-infections is so complicated and how to dramatically improve outcomes using both conventional and other approaches
  • How to manage the often long, circuitous path to healing from Lyme disease
  • You can register at no cost for this online conference today for a limited time.

Resources We Mention For Chronic Mystery Illnesses

Meditation for Optimal Health with Dr. Tom Moorcroft

Through nearly two decades of medical practice, Dr. Tom has seen the importance of ones mindset the habitual patterns that create your results. His mission is to share proven strategies for aligning your conscious and subconscious mind so you can design your health, business, and personal goals and achieve them with amazing speed. You can immediately apply these principles to your life and improve your clients results.

Dr. Toms goal is to empower everyone he meets to reach their highest potential and get in touch with their inner source of healing so they can experience optimal health.

Don’t Miss: Can Lyme Disease Cause High Blood Pressure

Episode 3: Make The Most Of Your Gut

Cindy Kennedy, FNP, is joined by Dr. Mona Morstein, a naturopathic physician who specializes in gastrointestinal health. They discuss gastrointestinal health and Lyme disease. Morstein has been a practicing naturopathic physician for 29 years. Earning a summa cum laude BS in Foods and Nutrition from Arizona State University, she graduated from National College of Naturopathic

Episode 3: Teen Makes Impact With Ticktracker App

Cindy Kennedy, FNP, chats with Olivia Goodreau, a spirited 13-year-old who does not let her Lyme disease keep her down. She not only is the co-inventor of the TickTracker App, but also the founder of the LivLyme Foundation. She will also be gathering the top Lyme doctors, scientists and speakers, who work to improve the

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Episode 3: Underlying Infections And Psychiatric Presentation

Cindy Kennedy, FNP, is joined by Dr. Rosalie Greenberg, who discusses how underlying infections can manifest themselves with a psychiatric presentation, particularly among children with Lyme disease. Greenberg, D.F.A.A.C.A.P., is a Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in private practice in New Jersey. She specializes in the diagnosis and psychopharmacological treatment of Pediatric Mood Disorders,

Healing From Mystery Chronic Illnesses

91 / What You Need to Know About Preventing Lyme Disease ...
  • 26:10: There are more mystery infections that come from ticks as well. Some can be carried on lice as well. Sometimes there will be a wave of OCD or ADHD in classes where lice have gone through.
  • 27:57: Lyme is the straw that breaks the camels back for many people. Our bodies are able to protect us from a lot, but an infection like Lyme can allow all your bad health habits to catch up with you.

Whether you have any of these diseases or not, its important to up the ante on your health and be in a better place to withstand disease. -Dr. Tom Moorcroft

  • 29:29: Epstein-Barr, other viruses, heavy metals, and mold are some other issues Dr. Tom deals with in his practice.
  • 30:17: Think of your body as a self-healing mechanism. Find out where youre stuck and then allow the body to do its work.
  • 31:30: We dont need to go around afraid of every virus, toxin, or bacteria out there. We need to focus on building up our health so our bodies will respond properly to whatever we encounter.
  • 32:05: Much of what weve been talking about is our immune system hyperreacting and eating a clean diet is a great way to counteract that.
  • 33:16: Patients with chronic diseases often end up totally reliant on doctors and prescriptions. If you get a cut on your arm, you assume its going to heal, but for some reason, we have this view that so many things cant be healed. Assume youre going to get better and find someone to help you if you need help.

Recommended Reading: Is Joint Pain A Symptom Of Lyme Disease

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