Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Avoid Lyme Disease

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A New Vaccine Candidate

How to prevent Lyme Disease

However, in July 2017, the Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to a new Lyme disease vaccine candidate called VLA15. Fast-track designation means that the review of the vaccine will be expedited, with an eye toward earlier availability to the general public. This vaccine was fast-tracked to fight the rapidly growing problem of Lyme disease, which can result in considerable disability and long-term suffering in some.

VLA15 is a multivalent vaccine, which means that it confers protection against more than one strain of Borrelia, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. More specifically, VLA15 targets outer surface protein A , which is the most dominant protein in Borrelia transferred by ticks. Because it targets six different types of OspArepresenting six different strains of Borreliathis vaccine has the potential to protect against Lyme disease spread in the United States, Europe, and worldwide.

In light of the vaccines fast-track designation, Valneva, the company that manufactures VLA15, has stepped up phase II clinical trials. According to a July 2017 press release, phase I clinical trials involve 180 participants from three sites, two in the United States and one in Belgium.

Lyme Disease Signs And Symptoms

Most symptoms of Lyme disease in humans usually appear between three and 30 days after a bite from an infected blacklegged tick.

You should contact your local public health unit or speak to a health care professional right away if you have been somewhere that ticks might live and experience any of the following symptoms:

  • rash
  • a bulls-eye rash (a red patch on the skin that is usually round or oval and more than 5 cm that spreads outwards and is getting bigger
  • a bruise-like rash
  • another type of unusual rash
  • muscle aches and joint pains
  • fatigue
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • spasms, numbness or tingling
  • facial paralysis

If not treated, Lyme disease can make you feel tired and weak and, if it gets really bad, it can even harm your heart, nerves, liver and joints. Symptoms from untreated Lyme disease can last years and include recurring arthritis and neurological problems, numbness, paralysis and, in very rare cases, death.

Early Detection Is Key

Stephen Morse, PhD, an epidemiologist at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, said that the findings were reassuring.

The general wisdom about it was even if you didnt find the tick immediately it would take about 48 hours, to contract Lyme disease, said Morse. This seems to be true here, too.

Morse said the data can help to inform people on how to enjoy the outdoors safely.

He pointed out that in areas with high numbers of ticks, people may need to take precautions even if they just go into their own backyards.

If youve got a nice backyard, use that mosquito repellent or bug repellent, he said.

In addition, there are obviously the usual precautions of dont leave a lot of exposed skin, and be careful if youre climbing the underbrush.

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Protect Yourself From Tick Bites

Know where to expect ticks. Blacklegged ticks live in moist and humid environments, particularly in and near wooded or grassy areas. You may get a tick on you during outdoor activities around your home or when walking through leaves and bushes. To avoid ticks, walk in the center of trails and avoid walking through tall bushes or other vegetation.

Repel ticks on skin and clothing. Use Environmental Protection Agency -registered insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, oil of lemon eucalyptus, para-menthane-diol, or 2-undecanone. EPAs helpful search tool can help you find the product that best suits your needs. Always follow product instructions. Parents should apply this product to their children, avoiding hands, eyes, and mouth. Use products that contain permethrin on clothing. Treat clothing and gear, such as boots, pants, socks and tents with products containing 0.5% permethrin. It remains protective through several washings. Pre-treated clothing is available and may be protective longer.

How To Safely Remove A Tick

How Best to Prevent Tick Bites and Avoid Lyme Disease ...
  • Using fine-tipped tweezers, grasp the tick as close to the skins surface as possible.
  • Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick. Your goal is to remove the entire tick, ideally in one piece, including the mouth parts embedded under the skin.
  • Thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water.
  • Not all ticks carry Lyme disease, and some ticks carry other diseases. To avoid infecting yourself, never crush a tick with your fingers. For more information on the safe removal, disposal and identification of ticks visit

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    Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

    A circular or oval shape rash around a tick bite can be an early symptom of Lyme disease in some people.

    The rash can appear up to 3 months after being bitten by an infected tick, but usually appears within 1 to 4 weeks. It can last for several weeks.

    The rash can have a darker or lighter area in the centre and might gradually spread. It’s not usually hot or itchy.

    The rash may be flat, or slightly raised, and look pink, red, or purple when it appears on white skin. It can be harder to see the rash on brown and black skin and it may look like a bruise.

    Some people also get flu-like symptoms a few days or weeks after they were bitten by an infected tick, such as:

    • a high temperature, or feeling hot and shivery
    • headache
    • tiredness and loss of energy

    Some people with Lyme disease develop more severe symptoms months or years later.

    This is more likely if treatment is delayed.

    These more severe symptoms may include:

    • pain and swelling in joints
    • nerve problems such as pain or numbness
    • heart problems
    • trouble with memory or concentration

    How Can I Prevent Lyme Disease

    • Avoid tick-infested areas, particularly in May, June, and July.
    • Wear shoes, long pants tucked into socks or pant legs, and long sleeves when outside in areas where there are deer ticks.
    • Use insect repellent with 20%-30% DEET around your ankles, other areas of bare skin, and clothes.
    • Check for ticks, especially around the armpits, groin, scalp, belt line, neck and head after being in areas where there may be ticks.
    • Remove deer ticks on your skin as soon as you see them.

    Recommended Reading: Antibiotics For Lyme Disease In Humans

    Jump Into The Shower As Soon As Possible And Do A Final Inspection For Any Ticks

    You cant beat the sensation of a long, refreshing shower after a satisfying day out hiking. Its an excellent idea to shower as quickly as you can, especially if youve spent the day outdoors. The quicker youre able to wash, the sooner you can be sure that the risk of tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease has been eliminated.

    Dont forget to do a final inspection of those hot spots we mentioned earlier! Pay particular attention to your hairline, in and around the ears, under your armpits, the back of your knees, inside your belly button and also between your legs.

    With these 10 tired and tested ways to prevent ticks from latching on when you are hiking, you should be able to avoid Lyme disease successfully.

    How To Remove A Tick

    How to prevent lyme disease

    Removing a tick is the same for humans and animals. Its important you do not crush or damage the tick because it could cause Lyme bacteria to pass from the tick into your bloodstream.

  • Use fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible.
  • Do not use a lit match or cigarette, nail polish or nail polish remover, petroleum jelly , liquid soap or kerosene to remove the tick.
  • Pull the tick straight out, gently but firmly.
  • Do not jerk or twist the tweezers while pulling the tick out.
  • Do not squeeze the tick you might crush it.
  • How to remove a tick.

  • Once you have removed a tick, wash your skin with soap and water and then disinfect your skin and your hands with rubbing alcohol or an iodine swab.
  • Before disposing of the tick, call or check the website of your local public health unit to get advice on how to identify the tick. You can also submit a photo of the tick to for identification.
  • Recommended Reading: Lyme Disease And Massage Therapy

    What Are The Treatments For Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics. The earlier you are treated, the better it gives you the best chance of fully recovering quickly.

    After treatment, some patients may still have pain, fatigue, or difficulty thinking that lasts more than 6 months. This is called post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome . Researchers don’t know why some people have PTLDS. There is no proven treatment for PTLDS long-term antibiotics have not been shown to help. However, there are ways to help with the symptoms of PTLDS. If you have been treated for Lyme disease and still feel unwell, contact your health care provider about how to manage your symptoms. Most people do get better with time. But it can take several months before you feel all better.

    The Chance Of Getting Lyme Disease

    Not all ticks in England carry the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

    But it’s still important to be aware of ticks and to safely remove them as soon as possible, just in case.

    Ticks that may cause Lyme disease are found all over the UK, but high-risk places include grassy and wooded areas in southern and northern England and the Scottish Highlands.

    Ticks are tiny spider-like creatures that live in woods, areas with long grass, and sometimes in urban parks and gardens. They’re found all over the UK.

    Ticks do not jump or fly. They attach to the skin of animals or humans that brush past them.

    Once a tick bites into the skin, it feeds on blood for a few days before dropping off.

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    Use Tick Repellent That Contains Permethrin On Your Cloth

    DEET doesnt kill the ticks, but permethrin does. Permethrin is made from chrysanthemums , safe, and provides long-lasting protection.

    Permethrin tick repellant should be used or spray on your clothes only not on your skin.

    Use permethrin or equivalent on your clothes, especially around the waistband and bottoms of pants, boots, tents but not on skin.

    After treating your clothing with Permethrin repellant, you are supposed to wait for two hours before you wear it.

    And, dont spray on clothing with direct contact to the skin like undergarments.

    How Can You Prevent Lyme Disease

    19 best images about Prevent Lyme Disease on Pinterest ...

    The best way to protect against Lyme disease is to prevent tick bites. Check the detailed risk areas map to find out where infected ticks are most likely to be found. Remember, as tick populations spread, the risk of acquiring Lyme disease will occur outside these areas in the future. Ticks can be dispersed out of these areas by migratory birds so there is a low risk of being bitten by a tick outside of the known risk areas.

    It is recommended that Canadians travelling to highly Lyme endemic areas of the US and Europe, apply permethrin treatments to their clothing or use clothing pre-treated with permethrin. These products can be obtained in some travel clinics or from outdoors retailers when in the US.

    Ticks can be infected with more than one type of bacteria that can cause human illness. Guarding against tick bites will protect you from more than just Lyme disease.

    Here are some ways to protect yourself if you venture into wooded or forested areas within risk areas for Lyme disease:

    Also Check: How Do You Tell If You Have Lyme Disease

    Choosing An Insect Repellent

    To make the most informed risk reduction and health protection decision, look for EPA-registered products that give protection-time information on the label. Make sure the product label tells you:

    • Insects it protects against
    • Length of time it provides protection
    • Names and percentages of active ingredients in the product

    Protection times on product labels are based upon information submitted to EPA by manufacturers using approved testing methodology. Look for an EPA registration # on the insect label.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the use of products registered by EPA. This number means the company provided EPA with technical information on the effectiveness of the product against mosquitoes and/or ticks.

    For protection over an extended period, use a product with a protection time that fits your level and duration of activity. The length of time you are protected can vary depending on:

    • Physical activity/perspiration
    • Application according to label directions

    Re-apply repellent according to label instructions

    The label is your guide to using these products safely and effectively.

    Considering all of this information will lead to informed decision the on the product thats right for you.

    Summary: Ways To Prevent Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease has now been reported in all 50 states. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to protect yourself from ticks, Lyme disease, and other tick-borne diseases. As mentioned above, wearing long pants and boots, staying in the middle of trails, and avoiding tall grass, shrubs, and forest areas are key to prevention.

    Practicing these tips will help you avoid this potentially debilitating disease and maintain you health and vitalitywhich is what I hope for each one of you.

    I hope this article has given you practical ways to prevent Lyme disease! X, Lori

    What tips can you add to this list? Have you found a natural tick repellant that works for you?

    Please share your comments and questions in the comment section below.

    For more on Lyme disease, youll want to check out:

    Recommended Reading: Lyme Disease Support Group Nj

    Lyme Disease Is Spread By The Bite Of An Infected Black

    Be Tick Aware

    Practicing good tick bite prevention habits is the best way to prevent Lyme disease and other tick-

    borne illnesses. Good habits range from what clothing you wear, where you walk, and how often you check for ticks. Simply, its important to Be Tick AWARE.

    AVOID areas where ticks live. Ticks thrive in wood piles, leaf litter, long grass, beach grass, bushy areas, stone walls, and perimeters where the lawn meets the woods.

    WEAR light-colored clothing to spot ticks more easily long-sleeved shirt tucked in at the waist, long pants tucked into high socks, closed-toe shoes, and a hat with your hair tucked in, if possible. Do not walk in the grass barefoot or in open sandals, even if its cut short.

    APPLY EPS-approved tick repellent and insecticide to skin, clothing, and shoes as directed.

    REMOVE clothing upon entering the home toss into the dryer at high temperature for 10-15 minutes to kill live ticks. Putting them in the washer, however, will not.

    EXAMINE yourself and your pets for ticks daily. Feel for bumps paying close attention to the back of knees, groin, armpits, in and behind the ears, belly button, and scalp. Check everywhere ticks love to hide! Shower or bathe as soon as possible to wash away unattached ticks. If you find a tick, remove it quick! The longer it is attached, the more likely it will transmit a disease.

    Protect Your Pets

    Ask your veterinarian about tick repellent products for your pets.

    Watch Video About Threat of Lyme Disease

    Worried About Ticks In Your Backyard

    How to Prevent Lyme Disease

    There may be ticks living in your lawn, but you dont want to find out the hard way. Lyme disease prevention always begins at home. Another great way to avoid Lyme disease is to have Mosquito Joe set up a spray-treatment barrier in your yard. This treatment works on fleas and mosquitoes, too!

    Ready to say goodbye to ticks? Connect with us online or call to schedule a barrier treatment.

    Is your yard an overgrown haven for tick-carrying animals? Get in touch with the trusted landscaping professionals at The Grounds Guys, a fellow Neighborly® company.

    Also Check: Can Any Tick Carry Lyme Disease

    How Do Ticks Get On You

    When it comes to letting you know that youre being bitten, ticks are a little stealthier. They can get in underneath your clothing and start to feed, and you may not even know that youre being bitten.

    What they do is they questing. Ticks actually will sit on vegetation and put their front legs out and wait for something to come by, and they latch on.

    Ticks dont drop from trees. They dont jump either, so if you find a tick in your hair, it must have gotten there two ways.

    Firstly is it crawled up there, or you placed it there. You had it on your hand, and you scratched your head, and when you placed it there.

    The second way they get up there is when youre rolling around in the grass.

    What Causes Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is caused by bacteria. In the United States, this is usually a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. It spreads to humans through the bite of an infected tick. The ticks that spread it are blacklegged ticks . They are usually found in the:

    • Northeast
    • Upper Midwest
    • Pacific coast, especially northern California

    These ticks can attach to any part your body. But they are often found in hard-to-see areas such as your groin, armpits, and scalp. Usually the tick must be attached to you for 36 to 48 hours or more to spread the bacterium to you.

    Also Check: Dr Jay Davidson Lyme Disease

    Fully Educate Yourself Of The Risks In The Region Where Youre Going To Be Hiking

    Make sure you do your research. If youre headed to unfamiliar territory or planning on trying out a new route or region, check all the reported hiking conditions, read any trip and incident reports online and make sure that you are forewarned and therefore forearmed against the dangers from tick infestations.

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