Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lyme Center Of New England

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Cant Find A Lyme Doctor In Massachusetts Who Understands The Disease

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After contracting Lyme disease in 1990, Dr. Douglas Wine struggled with Lyme disease symptoms, including joint pain and chronic headaches. He quickly identified the root of his symptoms and began searching for a viable program that addresses it. Traditional treatments by Lyme doctors in Massachusetts and consultations provided few answers, and Dr. Wine decided he needed to take matters into his own hands. Read more about Dr. Wines journey with Lyme disease.

Dr. Wine spent eight years developing his proprietary Lyme laser protocol. Since 2008, he has worked with many people who suffered from the same debilitating illness. The program penetrates the biofilm surrounding the spirochete bacterium causing Lyme disease, and makes it vulnerable. Combined with holistic healthcare, the program works toward wellness and and the goal of relief, providing an excellent alternative from a traditional Lyme doctor in Massachusetts.

Different From Chronic Lyme Disease Treatment

Lyme Laser always begins our services with a comprehensive questionnaire. Every one of our patients must come into the office and take the evaluation. For now, were offering the initial assessment and consultation for free. Many of our patients find the initial assessment offers validation and much needed proof that their condition is real.

In the assessment, we evaluate all nine cofactors Dr. Wine uncovered in his years of research. They include:

  • Systemic bacterial infections. Bacterial infections may lead to chronic antibiotic regimens, poor gut health, and secondary infections, funguses, and conditions.
  • Neurological problems. The disease can affect the protective coverings around nerves, causing short circuits and misfires. Common Lyme disease symptoms associated with neurological problems include memory loss, brain fog, dizziness, and chronic headaches.
  • Adrenal burnout. The HPA axis regulate stress in the body among other things. When you experience chronic stress or illness, the overworked system may contribute to chronic and severe fatigue.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Chronic Lyme disease treatment may address existing hormone imbalances that may manifest as mood changes, loss of libido, and weight gain or loss.
  • Thyroid issues. The thyroid secretes certain hormones that influence cell metabolism. When the thyroid is under or overactive, it can lead to weight complications, mood swings, and other symptoms.
  • Lifespan Lyme Disease Center Enrolling Ri Adults To Learn More About Ongoing Symptoms

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. If you have a suspected or recently confirmed case of Lyme disease, researchers in Rhode Island are hoping you consider joining a new, international clinical research study.

    The Lifespan Lyme Disease Center at The Miriam Hospital is currently enrolling adults in hopes of helping them learn more about the condition, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says affected more than 500 Rhode Islanders in 2019.

    Dr. Jennie Johnson, an infectious disease specialist who serves as director of the center, says it is enrolling patients in a Lyme disease trial in hopes of finding better diagnostics and testing for the condition.

    The Lifespan Lyme Disease Center is a multidisciplinary center entirely dedicated to the treatment of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.

    We actually have a lot of experience with post-infectious syndromes, namely in Rhode Island, Lyme disease and the Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome that we see in people, Johnson said.

    Johnson says people with PTLDS have had their infection treated and cured, but still have ongoing symptoms, including pain, fatigue, exercise intolerance, or difficulty thinking that lasts for more than six months after they finish treatment.

    Right now, the vast majority of our tests for Lyme disease only tell us that people have had Lyme disease or been exposed to the bacteria and made antibodies, Johnson said.

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    How Can You Prevent Tick Bites

    When possible, avoid tick habitat, such as wooded and brushy areas with high grass and leaf litter.

    If you are going into tick habitat, follow these steps:

    • Treat your clothing and camping gear with a product containing 0.5% permethrin, carefully following the instructions on the product label. Pre-treated clothing and gear are also available from some stores.
    • Wear light-colored clothing to make it easier to spot ticks crawling on your clothes.
    • Wear long pants and socks and tuck your pant legs into your socks.
    • Use an EPA-registered insect repellant such as DEET.
    • Check yourself, your children, your pets and all clothing as soon as you come back inside. Shower as soon as possible.
    • If you do find a tick, remove it as soon as possible using fine-tipped tweezers. The CDC has full instructions.

    If you develop symptoms after a tick bite, contact your health care provider.

    Ticks: What Are The Risks In Northern New England

    Lyme Center of New England

    Ticks! Just thinking about them can make your skin crawl. With growing populations of ticks in northern New England, there is a good chance you or someone you know has been bitten by one. Tick bites are a concern because certain species of ticks can transmit diseases.

    The tick we worry about most in our region is the black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick, which can carry Lyme disease. Recorded cases of Lyme disease are increasing across northern New England. Besides Lyme disease, various types of ticks found in the region can transmit anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Borrelia miyamotoi, ehrlichiosis, and Powassan virus. While symptoms of tick-borne diseases vary, they typically include flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, chills and body pains.

    Ticks are most active in late spring and early summer when young ticks, known as nymphs, are looking for an animal to feed on, and then again in October and November when adult ticks are looking for a winter home. Some species, including the deer tick, can remain active whenever the temperature is above 40 degrees, even in the winter.

    Also Check: Chronic Lyme Disease Clinical Trials

    Recommendations And Reviews From 1 Person

    • Referral from July 7, 2015Mandy L. asked:Has anyone seen an LLMD in this area? If so, which one & how much does it cost out of pocket if not covered by insurance? TIABrenden P. replied:Out of pocket? An arm and a leg. I know a girl who’s spent well over $200,000 out of pocket on LLMDs and treatment. I had insurance cover most of my Lyme care and I still spent between $20K and 30K out of pocket on medication. I haven’t been able to find an LLMD around here that my insurance will cover since Dr. Sam Donta retired. There’s the Lyme Center of New England in Cumberland. I’ve been looking into them a little bit recently since my insurance changed and I actually might have a chance of getting some help now. Unfortunately I haven’t been that lucky. I’m glad you know what an LLMD is. I meet far too many people who have Lyme and they just deal with whatever infectious disease specialist their PCP refers to them thinking that they’ll know what’s up when they more often than not don’t. I’d try this place out, and as soon as you can. I had Lyme for somewhere in the range of 15 to 20 years without knowing about it and it’s done a job on everything from my joints to my heart, so don’t end up like this if you can help it.

    Current Tests Are Designed To Detect Antibodies Not Necessarily Active Illness The Study Spearheaded By The Lifespan Lyme And Tick

    PROVIDENCE A Rhode Island hospital is enrolling residents who have active, acute Lyme disease into a new, international clinical research study to learn more about the condition.

    The Lifespan Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Center at The Miriam Hospital is spearheading the study, which is sponsored by Pfizer Inc. The centers director, Dr. Jennie Johnson, who is also an infectious disease specialist, said she is specifically interested in finding better diagnostics and testing for Lyme disease.

    Johnson explained that most Lyme disease tests are designed to detect antibodies. But these antibodies can take weeks to develop after an infection and can also stay in the blood for months or years after the infection is gone, even after treatment.

    But the tests cant differentiate if we were formerly infected or if we have an active illness, said Johnson on Tuesday night. So these tests can also remain positive for years after the patient had active Lyme disease.

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has previously said that it has supported the development of new tests because of the inaccuracies, and Pfizer has a study at Bostons Massachusetts General Hospital in addition to the one at The Miriam. There are three other sites in the US recruiting patients, as well as sites in Canada and Europe, said Johnson.

    Johnson said Rhode Island is an ideal location for the study since Lyme disease is really localized to the northeastern portion of the US.

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    Lyme Laser Center Of Greater Bangor Llc

    Doctor Name: Doctor Bio:

    *All Lyme Laser Centers affiliate locations are licensed Lyme Laser Protocol providers in accordance with all state and federal laws/regulations. Each location is solely owned and operated by their respective parties.*


    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

    Lyme Lasers Inc. expressly disclaim all warranties and responsibilities of any kind, whether express or implied, for the accuracy or reliability of the content of any information contained in this Web Site, and for the suitability, results, effectiveness or fitness for any particular purpose of the services, procedures, advice or products referred to herein, such content and suitability, etc., being the sole responsibility of parties other than Lyme Lasers Inc. and the reliance upon or use of same by you is at your own independent discretion and risk.

    The products and services used in any of the programs are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    About The Lifespan Lyme Disease Center

    Lyme Laser Centers of New England – Hear what our worst case of Lyme in 2015 has to say.

    The Lifespan Lyme Disease Center is a unique, multidisciplinary center entirely dedicated to the treatment of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. Our team of infectious disease specialists is highly experienced in treating patients with acute Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and other tick-borne diseases.

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    Read All About The Latest Gym Openings Healthy Events And Fitness Trends In Our Twice Weekly Wellness Newsletter

    Tick image via Shutterstock.

    In 2011, 96 percent of Lyme disease cases were found in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Notice a trend? Lyme disease is most prevalent in New England and along the East Coast. In 2011, almost 2,500 people in Massachusetts were diagnosed with the disease.

    Lyme disease is contracted from the bite of an infected tick, says Dr. Mark Klempner, a specialist in infectious diseases from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Ticks are most active during the months between May and September, and areas like New England are often heavily infected. However, Lyme disease can also be acquired during other months of the year, too, depending on the activity of infected ticks.

    A lot of people dont know how significant and debilitating Lyme disease can be, says Susan Neuber, director of the Lyme Center of New England. The message should be that Lyme disease is not always easily detectable or easily treatable. People often have vague symptoms that we associate with other disorders, but they eventually figure out that they have Lyme disease instead.

    If Youve Looked For Lyme Disease Treatment Contact Us

    Chronic Lyme disease treatment begins with recognition of the disease. Lyme disease is commonly misdiagnosed, and some physicians will not listen to patients who want to undergo further testing for Lyme disease-like symptoms. Unfortunately, failure to treat Lyme disease may result in harmful and irreversible symptoms, particularly those that arise from the nine cofactors.

    Everyone who works at Lyme Laser has suffered from Lyme disease. Theyve all undergone the 12-week protocol and successfully rebuilt their lives afterward. We provide first-hand testimonies of the protocols effectiveness, and we can also refer you to other patients who have experienced similar results. We never use antibiotics. Our goal is to empower you and your body to overcome Lyme disease.

    Our Lyme Laser Protocol can include twice weekly laser therapy, oxygen therapy, ionic detox sessions, and nutrition and supplement counselling. When you choose to come to our center for support, we provide everything you need to get started, including a 200 page binder filled with helpful information and actionable tips you can use to maintain your health. Learn more about our offerings.

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    Keeping Track Of The Problem

    The northern New England states are interested in monitoring ticks. The University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture offer free tick identification, while the Vermont Department of Health will identify potential lone star ticks. Vermont also has a crowd-sourced tick tracker that you can contribute to.

    Where Is Lyme Disease Prevalent

    Lyme Center of New England

    LD is spreading slowly along and inland from the upper east coast, as well as in the upper midwest. The mode of spread is not entirely clear and is probably due to a number of factors such as bird migration, mobility of deer and other large mammals, and infected ticks dropping off of pets as people travel around the country. It is also prevalent in northern California and Oregon coast, but there is little evidence of spread.

    In order to assess LD risk you should know whether infected deer ticks are active in your area or in places you may visit. The population density and percentage of infected ticks that may transmit LD vary markedly from one region of the country to another. There is even great variation from county to county within a state and from area to area within a county. For example, less than 5% of adult ticks south of Maryland are infected with B. burgdorferi, while up to 50% are infected in hyperendemic areas of the northeast. The tick infection rate in Pacific coastal states is between 2% and 4%.

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    Facts About Lyme Disease

    In the US, the CDC acknowledges 300,000 new cases of Lyme Disease annually and Lyme Disease is endemic in New England. Patients can present with flu-like symptoms and a characteristic “bulls-eye” rash and if recognized, begin early antibiotic treatment. However, some people bitten by an infected deer tick may never have a recognizable rash and may not have symptoms until months or even years later. Early symptoms can include impairments to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. Some patients suffer ongoing symptoms despite early antibiotic treatment, and continue suffering from chronic symptoms of encephalopathy, joint pain, and fatigue, among others.

    We Treat Lyme Disease

    Lyme Laser Centers, Inc. was founded with the goal of providing an affordable means of treating the distressing symptoms of Lyme disease. We have successfully cared for hundreds of acute and chronic Lyme clients. Lyme is a progressive disease that can have permanent, irreversible effects on the body. Damage to the neurological system is especially difficult to reverse. The Lyme Laser Protocol is designed to immediately begin the regeneration of these systems. Our research has shown that a significant number of our clients have undiagnosed co-factors that severely suppress normal body function and regeneration. It is just as important to be able to identify what these issues are and address them, as it is to address the Lyme itself.

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    What Is Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a type of bacterium called a spirochete that is carried by deer ticks. An infected tick can transmit the spirochete to the humans and animals it bites. Untreated, the bacterium travels through the bloodstream, establishes itself in various body tissues, and can cause a number of symptoms, some of which are severe. Often, an erythema migrans rash appears within 7-14 days at the site of a tick bite .

    LD manifests itself as a multisystem inflammatory disease that affects the skin in its early, localized stage, and spreads to the joints, nervous system and, to a lesser extent, other organ systems in its later, disseminated stages. If diagnosed and treated early with antibiotics, LD is almost always readily cured. Generally, LD in its later stages can also be treated effectively, but because the rate of disease progression and individual response to treatment varies from one patient to the next, some patients may have symptoms that linger for months or even years following treatment. In rare instances, LD causes permanent damage.

    Although LD is now the most common arthropod-borne illness in the U.S. , its diagnosis and treatment can be challenging for clinicians due to its diverse manifestations and the limitations of currently available serological tests.

    Borrelia burgdorferi

    Tick Season In New England: What To Know About Lyme Disease

    Chronic Lyme Disease sufferer concerned about Herxheimer reaction.

    BIDMC Contributor

    Early spring is the start of tick season in New England. Regardless of whether you spend your weekends in the garden, coaching little league or walking your dog in the park, its important to learn about ticks so that you can protect yourself from the diseases they carry including Lyme disease.

    In the eastern U.S., Lyme disease is spread by blacklegged ticks not all ticks spread Lyme. These ticks like to feed on birds, mice, deer and humans, says Graham Snyder, MD, a physician in the Division of Infectious Disease at BIDMC. You can find ticks wherever you find these animals and their habitats, such as shrubs and tall grasses. Ticks wait until an animal or person brushes up against the vegetation, giving them a chance to latch on.

    Knowing when a tick has latched on can be difficult, especially in the spring and early summer when blacklegged ticks are tiny, smaller than the size of a poppy seed. Adult ticks larger in size and darker in color are active in the late summer, fall and even in mild winters.

    A tick can pass on Lyme after it has been attached for at least 24 hours. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year.

    Its good to know that Lyme disease cannot be passed from person-to-person or from your pet to you, Snyder says. But if youve been outside and you think you may have contracted Lyme disease, call your doctor.

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