Thursday, July 25, 2024

Natural Antibiotics For Lyme Disease

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Lyme Disease Treatment: 2 Herbal Compounds May Beat Antibiotics

Natural Treatment for Lymes Disease and Other Bacteria

Lyme disease transmitted via tick bite affects thousands of people in the United States and around the world. Currently, doctors use antibiotics to treat it, but could plant-based remedies be more effective?

Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi .

The disease spreads to humans through the bite of a tick that carries the bacterium, and it affects an estimated each year in the U.S. alone.

Currently, healthcare professionals choose between three antibiotics in the treatment of Lyme disease. These are doxycycline, cefuroxime, and amoxicillin.

Sometimes, however, antibiotics are not effective in eradicating all traces of B. burgdorferi from the system, which means that the disease can persist.

When this happens, bacterial cells that have developed antibiotic resistance can continue to proliferate. These are known as persister cells .

Because of this, researchers have been looking into alternative modes of fighting the bacterium, and their first line of inquiry has focused on natural remedies.

In 2018, an in vitro study suggested that 10 plant-derived essential oils could help fight off B. burgdorferi.

Now, researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD, and from the California Center for Functional Medicine and Focus Health in Berkeley, have conducted a new study that has led them to believe that two specific plants may lead to more effective therapies against Lyme disease.

Herbal Treatments For Organ Support:

Maintaining healthy organs is always important, however, when undergoing Lyme disease treatment, it becomes even more so. The long-term effects of lengthy antibiotic treatments can be damaging to the bodys organs, especially to the kidneys and liver.

To maintain a healthy body, it is extremely important to find a healthy balance of medication and natural therapies and supplements when recovering from Lyme disease.

Kidney function is extremely important and is responsible for aiding in the elimination of neurotoxins that are released from pathogen die-off during healing .

Liver health is equally important as it functions to eliminate impurities from the blood. Ensuring a healthy liver will help ensure that it can handle a potential overload of toxins that may be experienced during bacterial die-off.

The use of lyme disease supplements and herbs can often play a crucial role in supporting both kidney and liver function and boosting your overall immune system strength.

Some natural options to support your organs in the fight against Lyme include:

Treatment For Erythema Migrans

People treated with appropriate antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover rapidly and completely. Early diagnosis and proper antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease can help prevent late Lyme disease.

Treatment regimens listed in the following table are for the erythema migrans rash, the most common manifestation of early Lyme disease. These regimens may need to be adjusted depending on a persons age, medical history, underlying health conditions, pregnancy status, or allergies. Consult an infectious disease specialist regarding individual patient treatment decisions.

Treatment regimens for localized Lyme disease.

Age Category
30 mg/kg per day orally, divided into 2 doses 500 mg per dose

*When different durations of antibiotics are shown to be effective for the treatment of Lyme disease, the shorter duration is preferred to minimize unnecessary antibiotics that might result in adverse effects, including infectious diarrhea and antimicrobial resistance.

NOTE:For people intolerant of amoxicillin, doxycycline, and cefuroxime, the macrolide azithromycin may be used, although it is less effective. People treated with azithromycin should be closely monitored to ensure that symptoms resolve.

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What Are The Treatments For Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics. The earlier you are treated, the better it gives you the best chance of fully recovering quickly.

After treatment, some patients may still have pain, fatigue, or difficulty thinking that lasts more than 6 months. This is called post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome . Researchers donât know why some people have PTLDS. There is no proven treatment for PTLDS long-term antibiotics have not been shown to help. However, there are ways to help with the symptoms of PTLDS. If you have been treated for Lyme disease and still feel unwell, contact your health care provider about how to manage your symptoms. Most people do get better with time. But it can take several months before you feel all better.

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My Recommended Readings For Treating Lyme Disease

5 essential oils for antibiotic resistant Lyme disease

If you want to read more information regarding natural ways to treat Lyme Disease, then I highly recommend Dr. Buhners book Healing Lyme! I have read it, and I refer to it often. He is an expert in the field and explains everything well in the book. I am also including a link for you to obtain another book if you prefer to read on your Kindle . I have not read this book, but it has been highly recommended in my research. The third book that I am recommending is also very good. It has information regarding combined tradition and herbal therapies.

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Powerful Home Remedies For Lyme Disease

The home remedies for Lyme disease include the use of herbs like wormwood, oregano, and clove for eliminating the underlying infection. Garlic, valerian, passionflower, and Ganoderma mushrooms are also good for treatment.

Increasing the intake of water, eliminating gluten from your diet, and increasing consumption of lean organic proteins like nuts, avocados, flaxseed, and fish oil can help, as well as a high-fiber regimen. Astragalus, elderberry, and olive leaf can also be used to eliminate the effects of Lyme disease.

Immune And Digestive Support:

Bacteria associated with Lyme disease are well known for crippling the bodys natural immune system. Given that 70 80% of your immune tissue is located within your digestive system, this means that your digestive system is likely to be impacted as well. In addition to this, aggressive antibiotic therapy is typically prescribed which only further damages these sensitive systems. Digestive symptoms associated with Lyme disease often include long term nausea, irritable bowel and loss of appetite.

It is critical that following a positive Lyme disease diagnosis, proper support is put in place to naturally boost both of these systems. There are a variety of natural supplements and herbs available to provide immune and digestive support, they include:

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How To Prevent Lyme

Although its difficult, the best way to prevent Lyme disease is to avoid ticks and blood-sucking insects. An environmentally friendly farm with good manure handling can help keep biting insects away. Guinea hens love to eat ticks, and chickens can also do a fair job. If you live in the woods, these birds may be the only way to keep the tick population down.

No Lyme vaccines have been approved for horses and many veterinarians, including myself, see many problems in horses after using the dog vaccine. It does not seem to work, and horses who have been vaccinated often seem to become chronically sick with Lyme, especially if they were infected before receiving the vaccine.

In the end, a healthy immune system is the most important way you can protect your horse from Lyme disease.

What Is Lyme Disease

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Lyme disease is triggered by an infection brought on by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. You may start out feeling like you’ve woken up with a bad case of the flu. But, if time goes on, and the condition is left untreated, you could wind up experiencing a lot of long-term effects.

The Borrelia burgdorferi bacterial species that infects a person with Lyme is of the spirochete class. Spirochetes are flexible spirally microbes that actually dig holes in your tissue. The Lyme disease symptoms that arise are due to an inflammatory process.

Most cases of Lyme can be cured, but some people continue having symptoms even after antibiotic treatment. This is known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome or chronic Lyme disease.

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What Are The Clinical Manifestations Of Ld

Clinical manifestations are divided into early, localized disease, and later disease.

Early, localized disease: Erythema migrans a rash at the site of a recent tick bite is the most common presentation in children and adults . EM typically develops seven to 14 days after a tick bite. EM is usually > 5 cm and mainly flat. There may be central clearing or some bluish discoloration but a classic bulls eye is uncommon. EM is usually asymptomatic but is not painful to the touch, like a cellulitis. EM can be confused with a localized hypersensitivity reaction from a tick or insect bite, which is usually swollen, smaller in size and pruritic). There can be either a single erythema migrans rash or multiple rashes without extracutaneous manifestations. However, fever, malaise, headache, mild neck stiffness, myalgia and arthralgia often accompany EM.

Without treatment, EM resolves spontaneously over a four-week period, on average.

Later disease: Approximately 20% of children with LD first present to a health care provider with extracutaneous signs or symptoms that are compatible with LD. These cases may also have a recent past history of EM lesions and non-specific low-grade fever, myalgia, and fatigue upon questioning further.

Figure 4) Erythema migrans rash showing the classic bulls eye form. Reproduced from reference 1 © All rights reserved. With permission from the Minister of Health, 2014

Macrolide Plus Azole Plus Liposomal Essential Oils

  • clarithromycin 500 mg 1 pill 2 times a day
  • tinidazole 500 mg 1 pill 2 or 3 times a day.
  • liposomal cinnamon, clove & oregano oil 1 capsule 2 times a day

Key Points

  • Tinidazole treats cysts and can remove biofilms that block the immune system and antibiotics.
  • Liposomal cinnamon, clove & oregano oil can treat persister and growing forms of Lyme. Of the various herbal options to treat persiters – this is my go to persister herbal anti-microbial based on benefits I see in my practice.

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How Long Does Lyme Disease Last

Lyme disease symptoms can begin anywhere from three to 30 days after transmission of the infection from a tick. If treated early on with antibiotics, most people feel better within a few weeks, said Dr. Zemel.

According to the CDC, its not uncommon for people to experience lingering symptoms like fatigue and joint or muscle pain for a few weeks or months after treatment. Additional antibiotics wont help these symptoms, however, and most people improve on their own over time.

In a small percentage of cases, people continue to experience symptoms for more than six months after their recommended course of antibiotics is completed. This is sometimes referred to as chronic Lyme disease, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases but that name is misleading, said Dr. Kuritzkes, because there is no evidence that the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is still present in the body. Instead, the CDC refers to this condition as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome .

As with many other kinds of infectious diseases, some people are left with some debilitating symptoms that dont go away, said Dr. Kuritzkes. I like to compare it to polio: Some people who had polio are left paralyzed, but that doesnt mean they have chronic polio they have permanent damage from the infection, even after its gone away.

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Azlocillin Comes Out On Top

A Lyme Disease Antibiotic Guide (With images)

The drug, which is not on the market, was tested in mouse models of Lyme disease at seven-day, 14-day and 21-day intervals and found to eliminate the infection. For the first time, azlocillinwas also shown to be effective in killing drug-tolerant forms of B. burgdorferi in lab dishes, indicating that it may work as a therapy for lingering symptoms of Lyme disease.

Pothineni and Rajadas have patented the compound for the treatment of Lyme disease and are working with a company to develop an oral form of the drug. Researchers plan to conduct a clinical trial.

Rajadas is also a professor of bioengineering and therapeutic sciences at the University of California-San Francisco.

Other Stanford co-authors are Hari-Hara S. K. Potula, PhD, senior research scientist postdoctoral scholars Aditya Ambati, PhD, and Venkata Mallajosyula, PhD senior research scientist Mohammed Inayathullah, PhD and intern Mohamed Sohail Ahmed.

A researcher at Loyola College in India also contributed to the work.

The study was funded by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation and Laurel STEM Fund.

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Antimicrobial Treatments For Lyme Disease

The conventional medical approach to Lyme disease treatment in adults is a ten to 21-day course of the antibiotic doxycycline.1 However, a growing body of research shows that this treatment is insufficient, if not completely ineffective, for cases of chronic Lyme disease. Functional medicine offers a far more comprehensive approach to the antimicrobial treatment of Lyme disease. Read on to learn about the types of antimicrobial treatment options available, and how they can be combined for optimal effect.

Herbal Pain Relief For Joints And Muscles:

One of the most debilitating symptoms of Lyme disease is the amount of physical pain that it can cause. Considering that the symptoms of Lyme can last anywhere from weeks to years, it has become very important to find natural pain management options.

For nerve pain, curcumin found in turmeric, St. Johns wort and Skullcap are highly recommended by natural therapists.

The all-natural herbal options detailed below, date back far beyond modern medicine and each has a range of medicinal properties.

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Detoxification As A Natural Treatment For Lyme Disease:

Enhancing and supporting your natural detoxification pathways is an essential component of treating Lyme disease naturally. Several researchers have now reported that Borrelia Burgdorferi, like several other bacteria, produce neurotoxins that cause an inflammatory response in the surrounding tissue. Endotoxin-like activity has also been associated with Lyme disease Borrelia. Your body needs all of its detoxification pathways working efficiently in order to remove all of the toxins that have accumulated in the body, especially after antibiotic therapy has been used.

There are many effective ways to help your body detoxify, and they include:

  • A parasite cleanse
  • Dry-brushing and Lymphatic Drainage Massage and
  • Infra-red saunas..just to name a few.

It is important to work with your health care professional to determine the proper detoxification protocol for your individual needs.

In some cases, genetic testing may be recommended to determine if you have any genetic weaknesses that may impact on your bodys ability to detoxify properly .

Macrolide Plus Quinine Derivative Plus Azole Plus Methylene Blue

How to Use Antibiotics for Lyme Disease Treatment
  • azithromycin 500 mg 1 pill 1 time a day
  • hydroxychloroquine 200 mg 1 pill 2 times a day
  • metronidazole 500 mg 1 pill 2 or 3 times a day
  • methylene blue 50 mg 2 times a day

Key Points:

  • Since azithromycin is not as effective as other macrolides like clarithromycin, hydroxychloroquine is used to increase the effectiveness.
  • Tinidazole could be substituted for the metronidazole because it may remove biofilms more effectively.
  • Methylene Blue can treat persister Lyme.

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Chelation Therapy For Lyme Disease

Some people believe Lyme disease symptoms are linked to heavy metal toxicity from materials like lead or mercury. Chelation therapy is a method of removing heavy metals from the bloodstream.

Its done using a type of medication called a chelator or chelating agent. This medication binds to metals in the bloodstream, collecting them into a compound that can be processed by your kidneys and released in urine.

Chelation therapy is an effective treatment for a buildup of heavy metals. But theres no evidence that heavy metals contribute to Lyme disease, and chelation therapy wont treat the underlying infection.

Will Prescription Antibiotics Work Faster Or Better Than Natural Antibiotics For Lyme

Unfortunately, from nearly a decade of experience my answer is no. Antibiotics are extremely effective if taken within the first 3 months of contracting Lyme. Doing antibiotic regiments for patients with chronic Lyme does not work faster than natural methods. In fact, from my experience heavy prescription antibiotic methods cause a plethora of messy and harsh side effects. In the 20% of patients who require medical antibiotics to recover we spend much of our time trying to counteract the negative and unpleasant side effects the prescription is causing.

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Avoid Arginine Take Lysine Moxa

I was plagued with shingles for years until I found out that I really had Lyme Disease with herpes 6 as one of the coinfections. Finally doing well with a few small outbreaks here and there if I eat foods with too much arginine and dont take enough lysine to compensate. Two grams of lysine 3x per day is as effective as Rx to supress the virus. Also, I notice a difference in my tendons, they make a clicking sound as if they are too tight, just before an outbreak. If I up the dose Lysine at the first click, no rash develops. Moxa is very effective in halting the outbreak of rash and stopping the itch/pain instantly heat the area with a moxa stick to a zing sensation 3 times for instant relief. Search: Canadian Lyme Assoc Symptoms and arginine foods. All my fave foods were loaded with arginine. Good luck!

How and where did you get this specific of testing done? I cant find a Dr.willing to test my mother for anything this investigative/ detailed. Thanks

Bee Venom

Hi everyone, I just want to share with you an information about the bee venom and Lyme disease. The Bee venom contains a peptide called Melittin and this peptide has shown to have a very potent antimicrobial activity against Borrelia. spp as well as Candida spp and mycobacteria spp. I dont know if there is a remedy using the bee venom but it seems promising as an alternative for the sufferer with Lyme disease.

I hope this post helps someone else as it helps me.

God bless

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