Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Lyme Disease Upper Back Pain

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Lyme Disease Nursing Care Plan 5

Inspiring Story about Structural Pain, Lyme Disease and Upper Cervical Chiropractic in Stow, OH.

Nursing Diagnosis: Self-care Deficit related to musculoskeletal impairment secondary to Lyme disease as evidenced by poor personal hygiene.

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will be able to perform personal hygiene measures within their level of ability.
  • The patient will be able to demonstrate independence in completing personal needs through the appropriate use of adaptive equipment.

Spinal Arthritis May Contribute To Other Issues In The Spine

Spinal arthritis may cause bone spurs overgrowths on the edges of the bones. In the spine, bone spurs particularly affect facet joints, making them grow larger. This condition is called facet joint hypertrophy. Although bone spurs on their own are not harmful, they may narrow the passages for the spinal cord and the nerves exiting the spine. This may lead to two painful conditions:

  • Spinal stenosis compression of the spinal cord inside the spinal canal

  • Radiculopathy pinching of the peripheral nerves as they exit the spine

Ankylosing spondylitis may also cause additional problems such as:

  • Stress fractures in places where new bone has formed

  • Collapsed vertebrae

  • A spinal deformity called kyphosis

Managing Chronic Pain For Lyme Disease Patients

Lyme disease is a debilitating condition that can, unfortunately, produce symptoms even after the illness has been treated. As we had mentioned in our blog overview, a rash in the form of a bulls-eye pattern is generally the first indication of an infected tick bite . Following the rash, flu-like symptoms typically develop such as fatigue, fever, chills, body aches, and headache.

If the illness is left untreated, chronic joint pain and neurological problems like meningitis, Bells palsy, numbness or weakness in the limbs, and impaired muscle movement may also occur. In these cases, a pain management program is often beneficial to mitigate symptoms.

At Tulsa Pain, managing chronic pain in Lyme disease patients often requires a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Pain medication, although effective, is not the only method for controlling pain and discomfort, which is why its imperative patients see a pain specialist for care. Patients should see their primary physician for antibiotics to control of their infection and a pain management specialist at Tulsa Pain to establish a positive patient experience and continuum of care.

Treatment for chronic pain in Lyme disease patients may include a combination of the following:

  • Electrical stimulation

Also Check: What Do Ticks That Carry Lyme Disease Look Like

Recommended Reading: Lyme Disease And Parkinson’s

Lyme Disease Nursing Care Plan 1

Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity related to impaired sensation secondary to Lyme disease

Desired Outcomes:

  • The patient will be able to verbalize awareness of the risk of loss of sensation with Lyme disease.
  • The patient will collaborate with the nurse in planning care to maintain uncompromised skin and tissue integrity.
  • The patient will be able to prevent the development of the condition from complications.

Severe And Lingering Symptoms Occur In Some After Treatment For Lyme Disease

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Johns Hopkins Medicine
In a study of 61 people treated for the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, researchers conclude that fatigue, pain, insomnia and depression do indeed persist over long periods of time for some people, despite largely normal physical exams and clinical laboratory testing.

p> In a study of 61 people treated for the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, Johns Hopkins researchers conclude that fatigue, pain, insomnia and depression do indeed persist over long periods of time for some people, despite largely normal physical exams and clinical laboratory testing.

âPost-treatment Lyme disease syndrome is a real disorder that causes severe symptoms in the absence of clinically detectable infection,â says John N. Aucott, M.D., associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and director of the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Clinical Research Center.

Efforts to better understand patients with these symptoms have largely failed, says Aucott, because patients grouped under the umbrella term âchronic Lyme diseaseâ could belong to one of various subgroups.

âPeople have been comparing apples to oranges by grouping all of those with chronic Lyme disease together,â he says. âOur study was designed to compare apples to apples.â

Other Johns Hopkins researchers who participated in this study include Alison W. Rebman, Ting Yang, Erica A. Mihm, Mark J. Soloski and Cheryl Novak.

Story Source:

Also Check: Does Lyme Disease Come Back

What We Can Do

There is no quick or easy fix for Lyme disease pain. It is complicated, it requires time, and it requires patience. However, we want you to know that the pain can be managed.

When you come into our clinic and you talk to us about your symptoms, we will listen to you, and we will believe that the pain you are experiencing is real.

We are eager to offer our support from the moment you step foot into our clinic until we can craft a satisfactory pain management system that works for you.

We understand that the pain you feel is uniquely yours. For that reason, the treatment we offer you will be individualized, specifically designed to meet your needs.

Our goal is to offer you a long-term and a short-term pain management option. We are committed to you getting better, and we will never give up on you.

Lyme disease is an insidious sickness. It robs you of your health, forces you to endure pain, and isolates you from others. Let us work with you to help you get back to the way your life was before Lyme disease.

How Is It Treated

An initial episode of Lyme arthritis should be treated with a 4-week course of oral antibiotics. Patients with persistent joint inflammation and pain after the first course of antibiotics may require a second course . In some cases, joint swelling and pain can persist or recur after two courses of antibiotics. The cause of persistent arthritis is unknown but is thought to be driven by immunologic factors. Additional antibiotics have not been shown to improve these symptoms, and patient referral to a rheumatologist should be considered.

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Regression And Other Symptoms In Children

Children are the largest population of Lyme patients.

The CDC study of reported Lyme cases from 19922006 found that the incidence of new cases was highest among 5- to 14-year-olds . About one quarter of reported Lyme cases in the United States involve children under 14 years old .

Children can have all the signs and symptoms of Lyme that adults have, but they may have trouble telling you exactly what they feel or where it hurts.

You may notice a decline in school performance, or your childs mood swings may become problematic.

Your childs social and speech skills or motor coordination may regress. Or your child may lose their appetite.

Children are more likely than adults to have arthritis as an initial symptom 01267-2/fulltext#sec0040″ rel=”nofollow”> 25).

In a 2012 Nova Scotian study of children with Lyme, 65 percent developed Lyme arthritis . The knee was the most commonly affected joint.


What Are The Symptoms

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The main feature of Lyme arthritis is obvious swelling of one or a few joints. While the knees are affected most often, other large joints such as the shoulder, ankle, elbow, jaw, wrist, and hip can also be involved. The joint may feel warm to the touch or cause pain during movement. Joint swelling can come and go or move between joints, and it may be difficult to detect in the shoulder, hip, or jaw. Lyme arthritis typically develops within one to a few months after infection.

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Early Detection Is Key

Lyme disease is easiest to treat at the early or acute stage, within the first 30 days of exposure. This is why its so important to take precautions to prevent tick bites, both during and outside of tick season. Protect yourself when near potential tick habitats, always perform tick checks after outdoor activity , and dont delay seeking medical attention if you notice any symptoms that might be related to tick-borne illness. Its important to get tested as soon as possible for the best chances of recovery.

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How Can You Prevent Lyme Disease

The best way you can avoid Lyme disease in central PA, and indeed, anywhere there is a risk to human health, is to avoid walking in brushy, wooded areas with long grass. Other precautions you should take include:

  • Tick-proof your yard. Clear leaves and brush on a regular basis and ensure you mow your lawn regularly.
  • Cover up. When youre in grassy or wooded areas, wear long pants tucked into your socks, shoes, a long-sleeved shirt, a hat and gloves. Wear light-colored clothing to make it easier to see ticks.
  • Stay on trails. Try not to veer off from trails and avoid taking any routes through long grass or bushes. In addition, always keep your dog on a leash, as dogs are prone to tick bites, too.
  • Wear insect repellent. An insect repellent with at least 20 percent or higher concentration of DEET will help protect your skin from tick bites. If youre a parent of young children, you should always apply repellent to your kids rather than letting them do it themselves and take care to avoid their eyes, mouth and hands. Chemical repellents can be toxic, so always use them with care and be sure to read the label.

Its also good practice to apply permethrin-containing products to your clothing for extra protection.

When its caught and treated as early as possible, Lyme disease can be fully treated, saving you from potential complications like arthritis and joint pain. You and your family can be tick aware while still enjoying the great outdoors and protecting your health.

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Vision Auditory And Other Sensory Symptoms

In addition to aches and pains, many tick-borne diseases can cause vision and auditory issues such as those listed below:

  • Light sensitivity has been linked to Bartonellosis .
  • Retinal inflammation, which can cause blurred or distorted vision, has also been linked to Bartonellosis.
  • Red eyes, clinically referred to as conjunctival injection, can be a sign of Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis , both of which can be hard to detect because of the variation in symptoms across patients.
  • Sound sensitivity can be associated with Bartonellosis.
  • Ringing in the ears can be a symptom of Babesiosis.
  • Burning sensation on the skin and numb skin patches can both be signs of Bartonellosis.

Determining The Source Of Your Symptoms

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Again, its important to note that symptoms of tick-borne diseases in humans can vary greatly from person to person and can change over time if diseases are not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.

The presence of any one of the symptoms above does not alone guarantee that you have a tick-borne disease, but if you do experience them alongside any other potential symptoms, its important to talk to a trusted doctor and get tested immediately.

IGeneX is proud to offer highly accurate, highly sensitive diagnostic testing for all major tick-borne diseases in the U.S., including Lyme disease, Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Bartonellosis, Babesiosis, and Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis. Learn more about IGeneX testing today.

Also Check: How To Test For Chronic Lyme Disease

What Are The Second Stage Signs And Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

The symptoms of second stage, early disseminated, Lyme disease can be difficult to attribute. Symptoms include severe fatigue, fever, pain, intermittent weakness and achiness of the muscles and joints, numbness in arms and legs, vision changes, and cognitive dysfunction such as short-term memory difficulties and problems multitasking. These symptoms are not specific for Lyme disease and can make the diagnosis of second stage Lyme disease very challenging.

More recognizable Lyme disease nervous system manifestations include facial paralysis , or meningitis with severe headache and stiff neck. Notable cardiac manifestations include passing out or feeling faint from an abnormally slow heart rate, irregular heart palpitations, or unexplained difficulty tolerating exercise. Meningitis and carditis are both potentially serious Lyme disease conditions and warrant immediate medical attention.

Uncommon Symptoms That May Indicate A Tick

Many tick-borne diseases are notoriously challenging to diagnose, partly because of the wide range of symptoms they can present. Even a single type of infection, such as Lyme disease, can look vastly different from one patient to another. Symptoms can also change over time if diseases are left untreated or undertreated.

When it comes to symptoms of tick-borne diseases in humans, most people think of fevers, chills, rashes, joint pain, and headaches. While these symptoms can and do show up in many cases of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, they are not always present. Whats more, there are many lesser-known symptoms associated with a range of tick-borne diseases that may go unnoticed by doctors.

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How You Get Lyme Disease

If a tick bites an animal carrying the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, the tick can become infected. The tick can then transfer the bacteria to a human by biting them.

Ticks can be found in any areas with deep or overgrown plants where they have access to animals to feed on.

Theyâre common in woodland and moorland areas, but can also be found in gardens or parks.

Ticks donât jump or fly. They climb on to your clothes or skin if you brush against something theyâre on. They then bite into the skin and start to feed on your blood.

Generally, youâre more likely to become infected if the tick is attached to your skin for more than 24 hours. Ticks are very small and their bites are not painful, so you may not realise you have one attached to your skin.

Donât Miss: What Happens If Lyme Disease Goes Untreated For Years

Back Pain In Child Caused By Lyme Disease: A Case Report

Common Causes of Back Pain

Science Direct has just published a case report of a child in Massachusetts that was diagnosed and treated in the ER with isolated Lyme radiculoneuritis . The childs symptoms included fever and allodynia of the upper back. Though isolated radiculoneuritis is considered to be a rare presentation of early disseminated Lyme disease, authors state that this syndrome is likely underrecognized.

Laboratory results for the patient showed elevated inflammatory markers as well as a positive test for Borrelia. Additionally, nerve root enhancement was observed in C5-C6 and C6-C7 of the spine through MRI exam with contrast. The child was treated with oral doxycycline and symptoms resolved.

Access to the full text article can be found here

Read additional LDA articles on Lyme symptoms in children here

LDA May Lyme Awareness Blogs Begin May 1

Pat Smith: Milestones in 47-year History of Lyme Disease & Her Story

Presented by PA Lyme Resources Impact SeriesMay 2022

The HHS Tick-Borne Disease Working Group, Washington, DC, created by legislation including patient/advocate representation, presents recommendations to Congress on Lyme & TBD every two years. Read More

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Also Check: Can Lyme Disease Cause Hair Loss In Dogs

Pain Treatment Of Active Disease

Pain may be severe enough to require specific analgesic therapy at any stage of LD. The first line of pain treatment is anti-inflammatory agents, because inflammation is always present with LD. The agents can be delivered topically or systemically. Topical anesthetics such as lidocaine also are helpful for managing joint pain . In addition to anti-inflammatory agents, standard, step-wise multimodal pain treatment is recommendedstarting with agents such as acetaminophen, muscle relaxants , various neuropathic drugs, and complementary therapies. Opioid analgesics may be required for severe pain if non-opioid measures are ineffective. Hypnotic agents may be necessary for insomnia, and anxiolytics often are required as well.

Early Symptoms And Signs Of Lyme Disease

You can expect a small, red bump on the site of your bite, or where you removed the tick from, and this will resolve within a day or two. This is to be expected after being bitten by any insect, and it in itself is not an indicator that you have Lyme disease.

However, if you have been infected, you can expect the following within a month or so:

  • Flu-like symptoms. Early-stage Lyme disease can present as chills, fever, fatigue body aches, stiff neck, headache and other flu-like symptoms.
  • Rash development. Between three and 30 days after an infected tick bites you, you may see a rash that looks like a bulls eye. This will expand over days, and it can grow to as many as 11 to 12 inches across. It is usually not painful or itchy.

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Lyme Disease: Why Does Joint Pain Persist

Researchers have found clues that might lead to a treatment for Lyme arthritis. The secret may lie in the walls of the bacterium that causes the condition.

Lyme disease occurs when a person becomes infected with a tick-borne bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi.

Initial symptoms typically include general fatigue, fever, skin rashes, and headaches.

Although doctors can often treat Lyme disease with antibiotics, if they do not catch it early, the bacteria can cause long-term issues with the individuals joints.

In fact, following infection with B. burgdorferi, about 60% of people develop a condition called Lyme arthritis, the hallmarks of which are inflamed and painful joints.

Lyme arthritis can persist for months or even years in some cases.

Researchers are still unsure why joint symptoms can continue long after antibiotics have destroyed the bacteria.

30,000 cases of Lyme disease among the United States population.

However, the true number of cases is likely to be much higher. In fact, the CDC estimate that there might be up to 300,000 cases each year.

According to the CDC, reports of Lyme disease have tripled since the late 1990s, and overall, tick-borne diseases are becoming more prevalent. This increase is due, at least in part, to rising global temperatures.

Due to the steady growth in the number of cases, scientists are keen to uncover more effective ways of treating the long-term symptoms.

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