Thursday, July 25, 2024

Natural Home Remedies For Lyme Disease

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Treatment Of Lyme Disease In Dogs

7 POWERFUL Natural Treatments for Chronic Lyme Disease | Cure Lyme Disease Naturally

Since Lyme disease is primarily caused by bacteria, it istreated by the administration of antibiotics. The primary antibiotic of choicefor treating all tick related diseases are Doxycycline followed by theantibiotic Amoxicillin and then Azithromycin. The treatment duration generallylast for about few weeks. Longer antibiotic course may be necessary dependingon the condition of your dog. In case your dog is suffering from swollen joints,your veterinarian may prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs as well. Dependingon the condition of your pup, he or she may need hospitalization and supportivecare.

The unfortunate part about this disease is that theantibiotic treatment is not always completely successful in removing theinfection. The symptoms of Lyme disease may return later or may even manifestthemselves as kidney problems in your dog. The proper administration ofantibiotic treatment reduces the chances of this happening. However, you mustbe careful in future and keep a close eye on your dog if he or she has had aprevious episode of Lyme disease.

Once the antibiotics have been administered, you should seea sudden improvement in the joint inflammation 3 to 4 days after starting thetreatment. If you do not observe any improvement after a span of 3 to 5 days ofstarting treatment, consult your veterinarian again. Your dog might need areevaluation

Stages Of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is typically classified as either early or late-stage. Early-stage Lyme disease occurs hours or weeks after an initial tick bite and is when symptoms can start to appear. At this point, the bacterial infection will begin to spread throughout the body. Some people may experience what is called post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome months or even years after an initial tick bite. PTLDS can happen when Lyme disease isnt treated in its earliest stage, and can even occur after someone has received earlier treatment for Lyme disease. With late-stage Lyme disease, the infection spreads throughout the body and can affect the nervous system, joints, or heart.

Alternative Treatments For Lyme Disease Include:

  • Taking antibacterial supplements and foods, such as garlic, bentonite clay, and activated charcoal
  • Healing the gut and adding in prebiotic and probiotic supplements
  • Improving and strengthening the immune system through proper diet and lifestyle
  • Avoiding body-harming foods, such as sugar and processed foods
  • Increasing intake of complex nutrients found in whole fruits, veggies, and other whole foods
  • Taking in superfoods such as bone broth for its gut-healing and immune-boosting properties

The key point with Lyme Disease is that no one person has the exact same symptoms as another disease sufferer. Some walk around with the disease and no symptoms, whereas others will struggle with the symptoms for years and years.

Your best bet is to immediately eat a super clean diet, increase your quality sleep, decrease your stress, up your intake of superfoods and gut-healing foods, and focus entirely on making your body strong enough to fight off the bacteria.

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How To Remove A Tick

Removing a tick is the same for humans and animals. Its important you do not crush or damage the tick because it could cause Lyme bacteria to pass from the tick into your bloodstream.

  • Use fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible.
  • Do not use a lit match or cigarette, nail polish or nail polish remover, petroleum jelly , liquid soap or kerosene to remove the tick.
  • Pull the tick straight out, gently but firmly.
  • Do not jerk or twist the tweezers while pulling the tick out.
  • Do not squeeze the tick you might crush it.
  • How to remove a tick.

  • Once you have removed a tick, wash your skin with soap and water and then disinfect your skin and your hands with rubbing alcohol or an iodine swab.
  • Before disposing of the tick, call or check the website of your local public health unit to get advice on how to identify the tick. You can also submit a photo of the tick to for identification.
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    Home remedies for Lyme Disease

    “These two herbs are commonly dosed together because they work synergistically with clinically proven action against Borrelia species,” Greenspan says. “The goals with any treatment with Lyme disease spirochetes, whether chronic or acute, is to have a combination of herbs to be effective with the shape-shifting behavior of this microbe.”

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    Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

    People with Lyme disease may react to it differently. Symptoms can vary in severity.

    Although Lyme disease is commonly divided into three stages early localized, early disseminated, and late disseminated symptoms can overlap. Some people will also present in a later stage of disease without having symptoms of earlier disease.

    These are some of the more common symptoms of Lyme disease:

    • a flat, circular rash that looks like a red oval or bulls-eye anywhere on your body

    These symptoms may occur soon after the infection, or months or years later.

    You may also notice some psychological symptoms in your child. According to a , some parents reported the following psychological issues in their child with Lyme disease:

    • anger or aggression
    • depression
    • nightmares

    If your child seems to be acting differently and cant explain why or what theyre feeling, its important to talk with their doctor, as these changes could be a sign of many conditions, including Lyme disease.

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    What To Expect At Your Provider’s Office

    Lyme disease can be hard to diagnose because many of its symptoms look like those of other illnesses, and there is no definitive lab test for Lyme disease. About 20% of people with Lyme disease do not get a rash. Tell your doctor if you think you may have been bitten by a tick. Your doctor may order these tests:

    • ELISA test, which detects antibodies to the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. This test may result in false positives.
    • Western blot test, which detects antibodies to proteins of the bacteria
    • Polymerase chain reaction , which detects bacteria in joint fluid and is used for people who may have Lyme arthritis.

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    Potential Treatment For Lyme Disease Kills Bacteria That May Cause Lingering Symptoms Study Finds

    Screening thousands of drugs, Stanford scientists determined that in mice, azlocillin, an antibiotic approved by the Food and Drug Administration, eliminated the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.

    Deer ticks are vectors of Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.Scott Bauer/USDA Agricultural Research Service

    For decades, the routine treatment for Lyme disease has been standard antibiotics, which usually kill off the infection. But for up to 20% of people with the tick-borne illness, the antibiotics dont work, and lingering symptoms of muscle pain, fatigue and cognitive impairment can continue for years sometimes indefinitely.

    A new Stanford Medicine study in lab dishes and mice provides evidence that the drug azlocillin completely kills off the disease-causing bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi at the onset of the illness. The study suggests it could also be effective for treating patients infected with drug-tolerant bacteria that may cause lingering symptoms.

    This compound is just amazing, said Jayakumar Rajadas, PhD, assistant professor of medicine and director of the Biomaterials and Advanced Drug Delivery Laboratory at the Stanford School of Medicine. It clears the infection without a lot of side effects. We are hoping to repurpose it as an oral treatment for Lyme disease. Rajadas is the senior author of the study, which was published online March 2 in Scientific Reports. The lead author is research associate Venkata Raveendra Pothineni, PhD.

    What Home Remedy Kills Ticks 7 Natural Remedies

    Lyme Disease Natural Remedies and Treatment Dr.Berg
  • What Home Remedy Kills Ticks? 7 Natural Remedies Center
  • Ticks are irritating parasites that can plague both you and your pets, even transmitting dangerous diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

    While the best way to prevent tick-borne illnesses is to avoid ticks altogether or fumigate your house, here are a few natural and effective home remedies to kill ticks.

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    What Is Chronic Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. In the majority of cases, it is successfully treated with oral antibiotics. In some patients, symptoms, such as fatigue, pain and joint and muscle aches, persist even after treatment, a condition termed Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome .

    The term chronic Lyme disease has been used to describe people with different illnesses. While the term is sometimes used to describe illness in patients with Lyme disease, it has also been used to describe symptoms in people who have no clinical or diagnostic evidence of a current or past infection with B. burgdorferi . Because of the confusion in how the term CLD is employed, and the lack of a clearly defined clinical definition, many experts in this field do not support its use.

    Protection Tactics Can Include:

    • Avoiding heavily wooded areas where ticks are known to live in high rates
    • Wearing long sleeves, long pants, shoes and socks, and a hat to keep your skin and hair covered
    • Wearing light colors so you can easily spot a dark tick crawling on your clothes
    • Liberally applying natural bug repellent with essential oils that insects hate
    • Reapplying the bug repellent often
    • Start strengthening your immune system right now, so youll always be ready for whatever bacteria or virus comes your way!

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    Signs Of Lyme Disease

    Those who are infected with Lyme disease usually experience flu-like symptoms in Grapevine, TX. Lyme disease is diagnosed when someone experiences some common symptoms of Lyme disease, including:

  • Rash: Patients will experience a bullseye pattern rash from 3 30 days after their initial tick bite. This rash will slowly expand and isnt usually painful or itchy but feels warm.

  • Fever

  • Stiff neck

  • Swollen lymph nodes

  • At Kotsanis Institute, Dr. Kotsanis uses the western blot test to look for Lyme disease antibodies in a patients blood. However, it can take several weeks to detect these antibodies after the initial bite.

    Other Natural Treatments For Lyme Disease

    24 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Lyme Disease

    The treatments discussed above are only some of the natural treatments that claim to treat Lyme disease. According to a 2015 study looking at the alternative treatments found during an Internet search, other natural treatments people use for Lyme disease include:

    • saunas and steam rooms
    • enemas
    • bee venom

    The investigators noted that theres no research backing up these treatments, any many dont have a logical rationale behind them.

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    How Do I Treat Lyme Disease Naturally

    Some people may choose home remedies and natural treatments to help treat Lyme disease. Certain lifestyle changes may help symptoms from worsening or recurring. Many natural supplements are not approved by the FDA. Here are some popular home and natural remedies for Lyme disease:

    • Taking a natural supplement Many supplements are thought to have immune-boosting qualities. Top supplements for Lyme disease include vitamin B-1, vitamin C, and chlorella. The FDA doesnt regulate supplements as drugs to treat Lyme disease, so speak with a doctor about them before starting treatment.
    • Using essential oils Some essential oils are known for their antibacterial properties. Oregano and cinnamon bark essential oils are highly antibacterial they would have to be mixed with a carrier oil and applied topically. However, more evidence is needed on the use of essential oils for Lyme disease in humans.
    • Eating an anti-inflammatory diet Lyme disease symptoms are often rooted from inflammation in the body. Avoiding foods that can cause more inflammation, such as sugar, coffee, or processed foods, may help. Fresh fruits and vegetables are believed to have anti-inflammatory benefits.
    • Seeking acupuncture treatmentAcupuncture can potentially relieve symptoms associated with Lyme disease such as pain, sleeplessness, and stress.
    • Reducing stressYou can reduce stress by exercising, sleeping more, meditating, or spending time with friends and family.

    How Is Lyme Disease Diagnosed

    The presence of any of the following may help lead to a Lyme disease diagnosis: a bull’s-eye rash, muscle aches, facial palsy, heart palpitations, joint pain, or other flu-related symptoms.

    The diagnosis of Lyme disease can be very difficult. Its estimated that 30% of people who have the disease dont show signs of the characteristic rash, known as erythema migrans. This sometimes leads to missed or late diagnoses.

    Your general care practitioner may diagnose and treat Lyme disease, or refer you to a rheumatologist, neurologist, pediatrician, or infectious disease specialist. Some doctors may order blood tests to diagnose Lyme disease. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test detects antibodies to B. burgdorferi. The western blot test is sometimes run after a positive ELISA testing to confirm a diagnosis.

    A doctor may ask the following questions to help confirm a diagnosis:

    • Have you recently been bitten by a tick or been in wooded/grassy areas?
    • How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?
    • What have you tried to treat your symptoms with so far?
    • Are you currently taking any medications?

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    How To Best Manage Lyme Disease And Joint Pain

    by Lyme Mexico | Jun 23, 2021 | News |

    You will likely develop Lyme disease if bitten by a deer tick infected with the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria. The disease symptoms can interfere with how you function at work, home, and everywhere else. Lyme disease affects your physical and psychological health.

    It is crucial to know how to manage Lyme disease symptoms best.

    Lyme disease develops in three stages. With each stage, you can experience different symptoms, all of which need to be managed correctly.

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    What Is Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease natural remedies Pinella brain fog

    Lyme disease is triggered by an infection brought on by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. You may start out feeling like you’ve woken up with a bad case of the flu. But, if time goes on, and the condition is left untreated, you could wind up experiencing a lot of long-term effects.

    The Borrelia burgdorferi bacterial species that infects a person with Lyme is of the spirochete class. Spirochetes are flexible spirally microbes that actually dig holes in your tissue. The Lyme disease symptoms that arise are due to an inflammatory process.

    Most cases of Lyme can be cured, but some people continue having symptoms even after antibiotic treatment. This is known as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome or chronic Lyme disease.

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    Essential Oils From Garlic And Other Herbs Kill Lyme Disease Bacterium

    Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. These oils may be especially useful in alleviating Lyme symptoms that persist despite standard antibiotic treatment, the study also suggests.

    The study, published October 16 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oils–oils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plant’s main fragrance, or “essence.” The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrrh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing “persister” forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.

    “We found that these essential oils were even better at killing the ‘persister’ forms of Lyme bacteria than standard Lyme antibiotics,” says study senior author Ying Zhang, MD, PhD, professor in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Bloomberg School.

    Oils from thyme leaves, cumin seeds and amyris wood also performed well, as did cinnamaldehyde, the fragrant main ingredient of cinnamon bark oil.

    “At this stage these essential oils look very promising as candidate treatments for persistent Lyme infection, but ultimately we need properly designed clinical trials,” he says.

    Apple Cider Vinegar Lugol’s Iodine

    1 User Review

    lyme disease

    I have been using 1 ACV, 1 tsp. organic honey and one drop of Lugol’s iodine in water that has fluoride and chlorine filtered from it. Filter pitcher is on amazon. I take it with breakfast and lunch and dinner I take the ACV and honey without the iodine. Seems to be the best thing I have ever tried. I may increase the iodine to two drops because it is really giving me a tiny bit of energy in just a week.

    I learned about my LD just four months ago and realize I have had it my entire life. I had already been taking Iodoral and ACV with honey at 25mg per day. Recently, I upped it to 100mg a day, dividing the doses between Iodoral and Lugol’s, because of my gum disease. My gums have quieted down and I am feeling good. I am shocked that iodine isn’t first on the list for treating lyme.

    Not everyone with lyme or born with it would be dead already! I have had it 20 plus years there are over 30 strains and each case varies. Please do not instill fear in others with such a general statement. I live on Cape Cod and most of us have some form or the antibioties! They are so many factors that must be considered diet enviorment and emotional toxins lifestlye etc

    Lots of useless information. Does any one know what to do other than he said she said comments? If anyone knows of an effective TREATMENT / CURE please share it with us. Have a happy day and a merry Christmas, Robert LovemyAmber

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    Essential Oils From Garlic And Other Herbs Kill Persister Lyme Disease Bacteria

    Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a new study.

    Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. These oils may be especially useful in alleviating Lyme symptoms that persist despite standard antibiotic treatment, the study also suggests.

    The study, published October 16 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oils oils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plants main fragrance, or essence. The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrrh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing persister forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.

    We found that these essential oils were even better at killing the persister forms of Lyme bacteria than standard Lyme antibiotics, says study senior author Ying Zhang, MD, PhD, professor in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Bloomberg School.

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