Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Essential Oils For Lyme Disease

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Why Doxycycline Doesnt Work

Essential Oils for Lyme Disease Persisters May Help

Some believe that doxycycline helps kill the bacteria for those with Lyme disease who took the drug within a few weeks of contracting Lyme.

Lab tests show that doxycycline does nothing but cause the Lyme bacteria to morph shape and basically go into hiding in your body, only to surge at a later time when your immune system is low .

This hybernation stage lasts more than the 28 day cycle that people are on doxycycline. Thus those who take 4 weeks of doxycycline do not kill all of the Lyme bacteria.

The complications from doxycycline are almost as bad as Lyme itself. I had a friend who took it and had blisters 2 inches long and 1 inch high on her hands and feet! That girl was switched to Amoxicillin, even though Amoxicillin has been shown to do absolutely nothing against Lyme Disease. Putting people on antibiotics as a standard procedure even though it has been shown in multiple studies to just put the bacteria into hiding or do absolutely nothing against it makes no sense!

Johns Hopkins Lab Study Suggests Plant Compounds May Be Better Than Current Antibiotics At Killing Lyme Bacteria That Causes Lingering Symptoms In Some Cases

Image caption: In a Johns Hopkins lab study, essential oils from garlic cloves, myrhh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries, and cumin seeds showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing persister forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.

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Oils from garlic and several other common herbs and medicinal plants show strong activity against the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, according to a study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

These oils may be especially useful in alleviating Lyme symptoms that persist despite standard antibiotic treatment, the study also suggests.

The study, published Oct. 16 in the journal Antibiotics, included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oilsoils that are pressed from plants or their fruits and contain the plant’s main fragrance, or “essence.” The Bloomberg School researchers found that 10 of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrhh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries, and cumin seeds, showed strong killing activity against dormant and slow-growing “persister” forms of the Lyme disease bacterium.

“We found that these essential oils were even better at killing the ‘persister’ forms of Lyme bacteria than standard Lyme antibiotics,” says study senior author Ying Zhang, professor in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at the Bloomberg School.

Essential Oils Can Help

Essential oils are volatile liquids extracted from plants. They contain highly concentrated plant compounds.

The microbiologists at Johns Hopkins decided to look into essential oils. Theyd read reports of their antimicrobial activities. Theyd also seen anecdotal reports of persistent Lyme symptoms improving with essential oils.

Also Check: What Are The Early Signs Of Lyme Disease

Fatigue And Joint Pain

There are an estimated 300,000 new US cases of Lyme disease each year. Standard treatment with doxycycline or an alternative antibiotic for a few weeks usually clears the infection and resolves symptoms.

About 10 to 20 percent of patients, however, report persistent symptoms, including fatigue and joint pain. This persistent Lyme infection or post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome in some cases can last for months or years.

Scientists dont know the cause of this lingering syndromebut it is known that cultures of Lyme disease bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, can enter a so-called stationary phase, in which many of the cells divide slowly or not at all. The slow-dividing or dormant persister cells, which can form naturally under stress conditions, are more resistant to antibiotics.

Essential Oils For Lyme Disease:

10 Essential Oils for Lyme Disease &  Recipes to Use

Persisters cause Lyme disease. Persisters are the bacterial cells that stick to your body for a long time. They manage to evade your immune system. In some cases, persisters may also be resistant to antibiotics. In such cases, essential oils can help.

It has been recently found out that essential oils, derived from common spices or culinary herbs, have better antimicrobial activity against Borrelia burgdorferi, than some antibiotics. Essential oils not only help cure the Lyme disease but also heal the infection caused by the symptoms of the disease. Moreover, the essential oils do not have any side effects. These oils cure the disease entirely at its roots. Some of the effective oils are:

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How Lyme Infection Works

The primary organism that causes Lyme, Borrelia burgdorferi, is evolving rapidly into many different species and strains trying to evade attack by antibiotics.

On top of that, several organisms can work synergistically to create the disease. Most of these organisms are difficult to detect with blood tests.

These latent forms often dont show up on tests, even though they still create havoc in the body.

Symptoms can come and go as well, moving about the body.

Lyme disease can take several different courses of disease once it enters the body of a human or animal.

Essential Oils To Support Lyme Disease

A dear friend has been struggling for years with Lyme disease, an inflammatory illness thought to be triggered by bites from infected ticks. It has been hard to watch her suffer through such severe headaches, fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, pain and depression. Continue reading to learn of Essential Oils to support Lyme disease symptom relief.

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Can Garlic Kill Lyme Bacteria

The research included lab-dish tests of 35 essential oils, pressed from plants or their fruits. Ten of these, including oils from garlic cloves, myrrh trees, thyme leaves, cinnamon bark, allspice berries and cumin seeds, showed the strongest killing activity against the Lyme persister cells.

What kills Lyme disease naturally?

Some people claim that immune system-boosting supplements can naturally treat Lyme disease.These include:

  • Healthy Fats and omega 3s like avocado, salmon, flax and flax oil.

Better Treatments Are Needed

Essential Oils for Lyme Disease

It is estimated that over 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease on an annual basis. Studies have shown that 10-20% of patients who receive an early diagnosis will fail to improve after the standard two to four week course of antibiotics. This means that at least 60,000 patients per year will be left with symptoms of Lyme disease.

Unfortunately, the treatment failure ratio is even higher for patients who receive a late diagnosis. Chronic symptoms reported by patients can range from muscle and joint pain to neurological impairment and fatigue that can leave many unable to work or enjoy a normal life.

One of the potential reasons that standard treatment fails may be due to resistant bacteria known as persister cells. A common method for combating persistent infection in other bacteria is to use a broad-spectrum antibiotic or a combination of antibiotics. With a growing trend to reduce antibiotic use, many researchers are looking at alternativeslike essential oils.

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Essential Oil And Drug Susceptibility Testing

The live and dead cells after seven-day treatment with essential oils or antibiotics were evaluated using the SYBR Green I/PI assay combined with fluorescence microscopy, as described . Briefly, the ratio of live and dead cells was reflected by the ratio of green/red fluorescence, which was calculated through the regression equation and regression curve with least-square fitting analysis.

To determine the Minimum inhibitory concentration of cinnamaldehyde on growth of B. burgdorferi, the standard microdilution method was used and the growth inhibition was assessed by microscopy. 10% cinnamaldehyde DMSO stock was added to B. burgdorferi cultures to get an initial suspension with 0.5% of cinnamaldehyde, and then a series of suspension was prepared by two-fold dilutions, with cinnamaldehyde concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 0.004% . All of the experiments were carried out in triplicate. The B. burgdorferi cultures after treatment in 96-well microplate were incubated at 33 °C for seven days. Cell proliferation was assessed by the SYBR Green I/PI assay combined with BZ-X710 All-in-One fluorescence microscope.

What Is Lyme Disease And How Does It Spread

There are many forms of Lyme Disease. Since my audience is mainly in the US, Ill focus on whats known here. The bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi is transferred mainly by tiny black legged ticks. Though it is true that mosquitoes can carry the spirochete bacteria, it doesnt seem to be able to be attached long enough to a human body for the change in the bacteria and transfer to take place. Since Lyme is extremely adaptable and changes form to survive in its environment, it has to change back when entering a new environment. Thats why too simply put, but its how it helped me make sense of it when I first started studying the biology behind it.

Some studies say a tick has to be attached for 36 hours before the transfer to take place. Thats good news, but also difficult when the ticks are almost microscopic in size to begin with.

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How Can We Help

We sell many organic, artisanal essential oils, many pre-diluted so you don’t have to purchase a separate carrier oil. We can special order many absolutes, or oils not in stock. Many of our blends server double duty for specific health complaints and as insect repellents. Check out our blog on mosquito repellent oils for more information, or read up on our products directly.

Vir-Away by Snow Lotus contains Thyme and Lemon Eucalyptus, and can also help boost your immune defense while you’re away camping. Add it to an over the counter citronella for max protection from pests.

About the Author

Kat Powers holds a MSOM from NUNM in Portland OR, and enjoys supporting and educating people about natural health topics for themselves and their pets.

Essential Oils And Drugs

Essential Oils

We purchased a panel of essential oils and cinnamaldehyde . The essential oils from Plant Guru company are tested by third party laboratory using GC/MS, and the GC/MS report can be found on their website . Dimethyl sulfoxide -soluble essential oils were prepared at 10% in DMSO as stock solution, which was then added with seven-day old stationary phase cultures at ration of 1:50 to achieve 0.2% of essential oils in the mixture. The 0.2% essential oils were further diluted to the stationary phase culture to get the desired concentration for evaluating anti-borrelia activity. DMSO-insoluble essential oils were directly added to B. burgdorferi cultures, then vortexed to form aqueous suspension, followed by immediate transfer of essential oil aqueous suspension in serial dilutions to desired concentrations and then added to B. burgdorferi cultures. Doxycycline , cefuroxime , , and daptomycin were prepared at a concentration of 5 mg/mL in suitable solvents , then filter-sterilized by 0.2 μm filter and stored at â20 °C as stock solutions.

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Additional Tips For Managing Arthritis

Its true essential oils are a powerful way to battle the symptoms of arthritis. However, theyre just one piece of the puzzle. To really live a pain-free, productive life with arthritis, you should take other measures as well.

  • Exercise regularly This helps strengthen your joints and muscles however, be sure to avoid activities or exercises that put too much strain on the affected areas.
  • Eat an anti-inflammatory diet Foods like leafy greens, nuts, and fatty fish are all great for reducing inflammation in the body.
  • Get plenty of rest This helps your joints remain healthy and allows them to repair themselves.
  • Increase joint flexibility Stretching exercises are particularly helpful here, as they help keep your muscles loose and limber.
  • Be mindful of over-the-counter medication While these can help reduce pain, they can also cause tissue damage with long-term use. And they can become addictive. So, use these sparingly for emergencies only.

If you havent done so already, getting in touch with your doctor and developing a holistic treatment plan is a great first step. This will allow you to get personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances.

Final Thoughts On The Best Essential Oil For Arthritis

That concludes our guide to the best essential oil for arthritis. As you can see, there are quite a few powerful choices that boast remarkable anti-inflammatory & pain-relief properties. We encourage you to grab a few of these from our essential oil website.

At Revive, youll gain access to the best selection of essential oil blends, essential oil sets, and other amazing essential oil products. And as the #1 essential oil wholesale distributor, you can count on us for the best prices online thats because were not an MLM. Our mission is simply to provide people like you with the holistic products they need to live healthier, happier lives.

Shop now and see firsthand why weve earned over 1,000 five-star reviews and counting!

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What Is The Best Essential Oil For Arthritis Pain

Few conditions are as debilitating and frustrating as arthritis. Whether youre dealing with symptoms in your knees or wrists, ankles, hips or any other joint it can greatly affect the way you live your life.

While you may have tried other solutions to no avail, were here to provide you with a holistic approach to arthritis management: essential oils.

Aromatherapy is a safe, natural approach to treating ailments of all sorts and it can help you with your joint pain and immobility, too. It just comes down to selecting the best essential oils for arthritis and knowing how to use them properly.

Today, well guide you through everything you need to know about using essential oil for arthritis pain starting with the elephant in the roomis this even worth the time and effort?

Lyme Therapy Protocol And Essential Oils

Can Garlic and Essential Oils Cure Lyme Disease?

A number of Bioresonance therapists, some of which are doctors and vets in the UK are having remarkable success treating Lyme Disease patients.

As a leading supplier of these medical devices we wanted to put some information together on the holistic treatment of Lyme and other protocols that can be added to make the treatment more effective. As the treatment is often stored on the BICOM® chip, mineral water or oil we will also discuss using essential oils in the oil often given to the patient to take away.

Introduction to Lyme

This condition and its co-infections are becoming more and more of a problem in the UK. It is associated with Tick bites where the Tick is infected with the bacteria Borrelia. As a tick can become full and drop off with 10-15 minutes, you may not even know you have been bitten. A visible bullseye rash can form around the bite but this only happens around 30% of the time. Doctors in the UK ask if you have been around moorland that contain deer but some specialists are even saying this bacteria can be spread by other means. The University of Wisconsin conducted some research on infected cows with Lyme disease they found that the spirochetes came out in the milk of the infected cow. How many of us drink milk? What about breast milk?

There can be many symptoms with Lyme, possibly over 150 which can make it difficult for doctors, its not called the Great Mimicker for nothing. Take this free questionnaire which gives you a probability score:


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Essential Oils For Combating Borrelia Burgdorferi

If you have already been infected with Borrelia burgdorferi from a tick bite , here are some oils to consider trying:

  • You already know from the study referenced previously that oregano, cinnamon bark, and clove bud essential oils are also excellent options for fighting the Lyme disease bacteria.
  • Tea tree oil is another powerful antimicrobial oil well worth considering based on studies like this one. The study explains, Antibacterial action of the film was found to be primarily due to the action of essential oils which resulted in leakage of vital fluids from the microorganisms. In this case, those microorganisms were E. coli and S. aureus.
  • Finally, think about using thyme oil, also renowned for its effects against bacteria.

New: Ohn Lyme Disease Essential Oil Blend

Using information gathered from scientific studies and my 20+ years of working with patients suffering from Lyme disease, I have designed this custom essential oil blend to target and help eliminate the B. burgdorferi bacterium by penetrating the biofilms that the bacterium produces to protect itself from antibiotics.

This custom blend may be especially effective for those suffering from chronic Lyme disease , as long-term antibiotic use can be ineffective and harmful to your gut microbiome and immune system.

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What Essential Oil Is Good For Arthritis Properties To Look For

To understand how essential oils work for arthritis management, you need an understanding of what arthritis is, exactly. At its core, arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects your joints. This means that the best essential oils for arthritis will have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling and pain as a result.

But it doesnt end there you need something that works beyond inflammation control. The best essential oil for arthritis will also provide therapeutic relief from arthritic pain and immobility, making it easier to get out of bed in the morning and go about your day without worrying about when the next wave of pain is coming.

Thus, the best essential oil for arthritis is capable of offering both pain relief through anti-inflammatory properties and can help you move more efficiently. Lets take a deeper look at these essential properties.

Eleven Essential Oils That Help Fight Lyme Disease

Essential Oils for Lyme Disease

October 10, 2015 by Max JosephLast updated on: October 10, 2015

Lyme disease is a shockingly common condition that infects more than 200,000 people in the U.S. each year. Out of all the people who suffer from Lyme disease symptoms, only 20% are correctly diagnosed, according to research. More and more people are mistakenly identified with other health conditions and do not receive the proper treatment.

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by ticks. It is an inflammatory illness that has symptoms like headaches, rashes, chills, and fever. When left untreated, the condition may worsen to develop cardiac symptoms, neurological conditions, and arthritis. Lyme disease can be a life-changing illness.

At present, there is still no medical treatment available for the full treatment of Lyme disease. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat Lyme disease during its early stages. Treatment for chronic Lyme disease is yet to be discovered. In many parts of the world, essential oils are being used to cure this illness naturally.

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