Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Lyme Disease Doctors In Nj

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Doctors Sound the Alarm on Lyme Disease and other Tick-Borne Illnesses
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Chronic Lyme Disease Statistics

  • 72% of Lyme patients see four or more physicians before receiving a diagnosis.
  • 36% of Lyme patients are unable to receive a diagnosis before at least six years of illness. 84% of Lyme patients are not diagnosed within the first four months of illness.
  • 75% of Lyme patients experience severe or very severe symptoms.
  • 63% describe two or more of their symptoms as severe or very severe.

*Statistics pulled from MyLymeDatas 2019 Chart Book by

The best Lyme disease doctors are not okay with the way that these statistics read and are therefore constantly looking for ways to innovate new treatments and technologies. They dont take no for an answer and actively listen and thoughtfully when their patients describe their symptoms. If you are looking for a Lyme disease doctor, we recommend asking your physicians the following questions:

  • Do you have experience treating tick-borne illnesses?
  • How do you diagnose Lyme disease? Which specific lab tests do you use to confirm diagnosis?
  • Do you test for co-infections?
  • Do you prescribe antibiotics or herbal remedies?
  • Do you have any Lyme-specific success stories you can share with me?
  • Do you strictly adhere to CDC testing criteria or are you open to alternate methodology?

History Of Success In New Jersey

Chronically ill patients in New Jersey have benefitted from the expertise of the highly experienced, caring team of medical professionals at Bock Integrative Medicine for more than 35 years. Our board-certified medical providers are committed to providing chronically ill patients with compassionate care and a comprehensive set of individualized diagnostic and treatment services. We explore the interaction between each of our New Jersey patients and their environment, including infection and other contributing factors. We treat each of our patients clinically, basing our personalized treatment plans on a combination of validated lab results, scientific evidence, and decades of diagnostic and treatment experience. Patients from New Jersey and other areas of the U.S., as well as throughout the world, are pleased with how we have helped them manage their chronic illnesses.

Top-Rated New Jersey Integrative Medicine Doctors

Also Check: Lyme Disease Ticks Look Like

Finding A Good Lyme Doctor

I was one of the lucky ones.

After over a year of my general doctor running tests and sending me to different specialists, I tentatively questioned if Lyme disease might be worth investigating.

My doctor agreed: it was a good idea. But he also admitted that he knew the tests were terribly unreliable and Id need a good Lyme doctor to help me figure out if this was indeed causing all of my mysterious symptoms.

He referred me to a colleague who helped guide me through the early stages of Lyme testing and getting my diagnosis.

Ill forever be grateful for my doctors honesty. He knew he didnt understand Lyme well enough. He knew certain tests were sadly unreliable. And he was gracious enough to help me search for answers when most doctors would have scoffed.

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New Jersey Lyme Disease Treatment and Autoimmune Doctor ...

For women who have Lyme disease, the struggle can be especially difficult, given the complicated nature of the disease.

“The problem with Lyme disease is that there are so many different strains,” said Dr. Andrea Gaito, a New Jersey-based rheumatologist who specializes in treating Lyme disease. “One person can have it and have headaches, someone else can have joint pain, someone else can have palpitations. And none of these are specific to Lyme. There’s no Lyme test that’s 100% accurate. Unless you have a tick in a baggie, literally, and a bulls-eye rash, there’s sometimes a delay in diagnosis.”

A Long Journey of Pain and MisdiagnosisTait estimates that she had Lyme for about 15 years before she was diagnosed. She thinks she was bitten by a tick as a teen in Californias Bay Area, where she grew up. In high school, she was a dancer. Suddenly she was getting injured more than usual joints coming out of their sockets and ligaments tearing after doing normal routines. During class, she was exhausted and having trouble concentrating. Her grades started to slip.

Looking back, its now clear I was neurologically starting to not be myself, she said. But when youre a teenager, a lot of it is just attributed to, Youre a teenager!

Tait, who was thin with a bubbly personality, recalled one doctor telling her she was too pretty to be sick.

Eventually she was diagnosed with depression and prescribed an antidepressant.

Recommended Reading: What Is The Test For Lyme Disease

How Is Lyme Disease Diagnosed

Dr. Forouzesh reviews your symptoms, medical history, travel history, along with detailed physical exams to determine your possible exposure to Lyme disease. If necessary, she can order a two-tiered blood test to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

If youre able to save the tick, it can be helpful in your diagnosis, so bring it with you to your appointment. If you cant properly remove a tick that burrows into your skin, schedule a visit with Dr. Forouzesh immediately for assistance.

Proven Or Alleged Unethical Activities Of Some Llmds

Some LLMDs, advocacy organisations for patients, and certain diagnostic laboratories have interconnections, presenting potential conflicts of interest for these LLMDs in their multiple roles as advisors, personal physicians, and recipients of grants from activist organisations. Many of these physicians are represented by the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society , located in Maryland, USA. Two of the most vocal patient-activist organisations are the Lyme Disease Association in New Jersey, and the California Lyme Disease Association , USA.

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How Can I Prevent Lyme Disease

  • Cover up when youre in wooded or grassy areas with long pants tucked into socks, a long-sleeved shirt, a hat, and gloves.
  • Avoid walking through low bushes and long grass.
  • Use insect repellent with a high-concentration of DEET.
  • Thoroughly check your clothing and body for ticks.
  • Shower after returning indoors.
  • Remove ticks immediately. Use tweezers to grab the head as close to the skin as possible and pull slowly and carefully.
  • Do not squeeze or crush ticks.
  • Dispose of ticks by flushing them down the toilet or putting them in alcohol.
  • Apply antiseptic to bite areas.

Ethics Of Propaganda And Persuasion

How Japanese Barberry May Be Fueling the Spread of Lyme Disease

In 2005, representatives of the LDA in New Jersey, USA, and CALDA in California, USA, wrote to the Director of the CDC, criticising the information about Lyme disease on the organisations website and its warning about improper diagnostic tests. In December, 2006, a New Jersey congressman complained that it was inappropriate for CDC to highlight IDSAs findingsto the exclusion of others. Lost in these political discussions was the absence of scientific merit in the arguments raised by activists. ILADS leaders claim their practice guidelines are evidence-based and peer-reviewed, but they were not subjected to an external peer-review process by the journal in which they were published as a supplement. Moreover, the support they cite for their guidelines, consisting mainly of anecdotes, studies of animal systems of questionable relevance to human disease, and uncontrolled studies of long-term antibiotic treatment, does not meet accepted criteria for evidence-based medicine.,,, The ILADS guidelines were funded by two activist organisations, the LDA in New Jersey and the Turn The Corner Foundation.

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Potential Barriers To Accepting A Lyme Disease Vaccine

Welcome to another Inside Lyme Podcast with your host Dr. Daniel Cameron. In this episode, Dr. Cameron discusses the potential barriers to the public’s acceptance and utilization of a Lyme disease vaccine. By Dr. Daniel Cameron The study, Understanding consumer and clinician perceptions of a potential Lyme disease vaccine, was published by Devchand and colleagues in the journal Health Education Research.¹ It has been two decades since the LYMErix vaccine

Medicine And Government Have Failed To Help Us Battle Lyme Disease

This unfolding epidemic of which Lyme disease is but a significant part — has been made worse by failures of government and medicine, says Mary Beth Pfeiffer.HAR

In the same week recently, a New York state woman died from a paralyzing virus and an Ontario, Canada, boy suffered meningitis, both from the bite of a tick. Thousands more nationally and hundreds in New Jersey were infected in a medical crisis in our midst.

We live in an era in which going outdoors is risky. But this unfolding epidemic of which Lyme disease is but a significant part — has been made worse by failures of government and medicine.

Dont fault doctors, who have been told only the rules of Lyme disease, not the significant exceptions. Blame the medical society that has crafted, promoted and fiercely defended the guidelines governing Lyme care, the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Blame the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has endorsed an unhealthy status quo that governs treatment worldwide.

We have been told: Watch out for ticks. They can infect.

We have not been told: Tests fail. Treatments may not work. Doctors know little about treating advanced Lyme cases, malaria-like babesiosis or Powassan virus, a tick-borne illness that killed a Sussex County man in June.

Myth #1: The test works.

Myth #2: Lyme is over-diagnosed.

Myth #3: But you get the rash.

Myth #4: 10 to 28 days of antibiotics kills the bug.

I dont know how to help.

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Whats So Hard About Finding A Lyme Doctor Anyhow

If youve landed on this post, you probably already know the answer. But for those who are at the beginning stages of investigating Lyme disease, let me fill you in.

You see, most doctors simply dont understand Lyme disease and some are certainly not humble enough to admit they dont really understand this disease. Many doctors dont even believe chronic Lyme exists.

To make matters worse,testing is unreliable and notoriously inaccurate, particularly the standard tests most doctors will run. If you happen to test positive for Lyme on one of those standard tests, the doctors will most likely throw a couple weeks of antibiotics at you and call it good.

Yeahthats not so good. And likely it wont help much at all.

When it comes right down to it, theres been precious little research done on this complex disease. Doctors at large have not been educated about what the good research out there actually says about Lyme. All they know is the outdated and ineffective guidelines passed down from the CDC.

The doctors that are really making an impact are those that have gone out of their way to dig into the research. Theyve spent time educating themselves and working intimately with their patients .

Treatment Starts With Accurate Diagnosis

New Jersey Lyme Disease Treatment and Autoimmune Doctor ...

The only way to get the proper treatment for your tick-borne disease is to get the right diagnosis in the first place and one of the best ways to do that is, if possible, to see a physician whos experienced with tick-borne diseases. Accurate diagnosis also requires high quality testing at a reputable lab. Learn more about why doctors and patients trust the tests offered by IGeneX.

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At Bock Integrative We Dont Just Treat Symptoms

Evidence-based Diagnosis and Personalized Treatment Plans

With over three decades of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of complex medical disorders, Dr. Bock has a wealth of knowledge from which to draw when determining cause and effect of chronic illnesses. He recognizes that the combination of factors that can contribute to any chronic medical condition differs for each person and uses integrative/functional medicine to diagnose and treat these often-frustrating illnesses in children, teens and adults. Rather than only trying to manage your symptoms, he takes a comprehensive whole person approach to evaluate everything you are exposed to, and their effects. Dr. Bock then incorporates validated lab results and decades of diagnostic experience to develop an evidence-based diagnosis on which to base a highly personalized treatment regimen.

Be Prepared For Your Doctor Visit

You can improve your chances of having an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment by providing your doctor with as much information as you can from the very start. The following checklist can be a good reminder of what to bring and discuss with your physician at your first visit:

  • Have the tick tested and/or identified:If you were able to remove or find the tick that bit you, seal it in a glass or plastic container and consider sending it to IGeneX for testing. Additionally, photograph the tick and/or have the species identified ahead of time if possible. Knowing what kind of tick bit you and, in particular, whether it has tested positive for a tick-borne disease can be extremely helpful for your doctors diagnostic process. If the tick is still being tested when you see your doctor, you still may be able to start treatment based on the severity of your symptoms.
  • Note possible exposure: Write down the places and dates that you believe you were exposed to ticksand the possible date and time of day when the engorged tick attached and fell off or was removed.
  • Track your symptoms: Keep a running log of all symptoms youve noticed since the tick bite, even if youre no longer experiencing them. Be sure to include the days/times when symptoms appeared . For additional help, you can use IGeneXs Symptom Checker.
  • Take pictures: Take pictures of any rashes or blisters that you may have noticed at the site of the tick bite or elsewhere on your body.

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How Is A Chronic Lyme Disease Doctor Different

Believe it or not, doctors who treat chronic Lyme disease effectively are actually few and far between. In fact, many medical professionals do not believe that chronic Lyme disease, also known as post-treatment-Lyme disease, exists at all. Others do little to address the entirety of the wide-ranging symptoms their patients face, which is why most patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease see at least four or more physicians before reaching a diagnosis.

Where Can I Find Chronic Lyme Disease Doctors Near Me

Andrea Gaito, M.D – Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Lyme Arthritis

As stated above, doctors who treat chronic Lyme disease effectively are not at all easy to find. In fact, over 50% of patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease travel between 50 and over 500 miles to receive their treatment.

At the Biologix Center For Optimum Health in Franklin, Tennessee, our Lyme disease doctors have treated patients from all over the world, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Kansas, Seattle, Tampa, Georgia, California, Missouri, Michigan, Utah, Virginia, Ohio, Australia, UK, France, Switzerland,

If you are able, we recommend that you visit our world-renowned, state-of-the-art chronic illness center, which is located just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. Our Nashville treatment facility is unlike any other because our doctors stop at nothing to help our chronic Lyme patients regain control over their lives and their bodies. We recognize that canned protocolsparticularly those that involve harmful pharmaceuticals designed make you feel worse before you feel betterare completely ineffective when it comes to solving Lyme disease casesor any chronic illness cases for that matter. Instead, we focus on providing a highly individualized and comprehensive approach that gets to the root causes of a persons Lyme disease symptoms.

To learn more about our treatment of Lyme disease at the Biologix Center, please visit our blog.

Don’t Miss: Northeast Medical Group East Lyme

Infectious Disease Specialist & Internist Located In Hoboken Nj

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, studies suggest that the number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease each year in the United States is around 300,000. If youre bitten and experience unexplained joint pain and fatigue, schedule an evaluation at Advanced Infectious Disease Medical in Hoboken, New Jersey. Avisheh Forouzesh, MD, specializes in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease. Her office is well-equipped to remove ticks, test for Lyme disease, and treat existing infections. Learn more about treatment options for Lyme disease by calling the Hoboken office or using the online booking feature.

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