Thursday, September 12, 2024

Can Nerve Damage From Lyme Disease Be Reversed

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How Long Does Lyme Disease Last

Advanced Nerve and Health Center helps patients reverse nerve damage from neuropathy

Lyme disease symptoms can begin anywhere from three to 30 days after transmission of the infection from a tick. If treated early on with antibiotics, most people feel better within a few weeks, says Dr. Zemel.

According to the CDC, its not uncommon for people to experience lingering symptoms like fatigue and joint or muscle pain for a few weeks or months after treatment. Additional antibiotics wont help these symptoms, however, and most people improve on their own over time.

In a small percentage of cases, people continue to experience symptoms for more than six months after their recommended course of antibiotics is completed. This is sometimes referred to as chronic Lyme diseasebut that name is misleading, says Dr. Kuritzkes, because there is no evidence that the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is still present in the body. Instead, the CDC refers to this condition as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome .

As with many other kinds of infectious diseases, some people are left with some debilitating symptoms that dont go away, says Dr. Kuritzkes. I like to compare it to polio: Some people who had polio are left paralyzed, but that doesnt mean they have chronic polio they have permanent damage from the infection, even after its gone away.

Its possible that Lyme infection leads to some damage that we dont fully understand yet, Dr. Kuritzkes adds. But we do know that long-term or repeated courses of antibiotics have no benefit in these cases.

Can Lyme Disease Affect Cranial Nerves

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. Similarly, it is asked, how does Lyme disease affect nerves?

Lyme disease affects the nervous system. When considering these disorders, it is essential to recognize some key facts. First, the infection is highly responsive to antibiotics. Second, if the facial nerve has been severely damaged, there may be some residual weakness after treatment.

Beside above, can Lyme cause brain inflammation? LYME SCI: When brain inflammation persists after Lyme disease treatment. In a new study, researchers from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have found evidence of chemical changes and widespread inflammation in the brains of patients with chronic symptoms following treatment for Lyme disease.

Considering this, can Lyme disease affect your thinking?

70% of those afflicted with Lyme disease report changes in their thinking such as memory loss and reduced mental sharpness. Lyme is often a serious, chronic illness that the medical community at large has misunderstood at best, and at worse unacknowledged.

What organs does Lyme disease affect?

Lyme disease can damage any organ of your body. That includes your nervous system and brain, heart and joints.

Why Choose Hope Brain & Body Recovery Center For Treatment

When seeking treatment for neurological conditions, you shouldnt settle for anything but the most premium treatment. Dr. Joseph Schneider has over 30 years of clinical experience and has attended to over 11,000 patients with a wide array of neurological conditions.

Dr. Schneider has firsthand experience with neurological treatment, having suffered a stroke in 2017. Thanks to his incredibly talented associates and personal knowledge of treatment methods, has made a miraculous recovery. He has devoted his life to the neurological health of his patients and uses his firsthand experience of the recovery process to improve the treatment methods used at Hope Brain & Body Recovery Center.

Choosing Hope Brain & Body Recovery Center gives you access to some of the most modern technical treatment equipment available. We utilize a wide range of modern diagnostic equipment that helps our specialists build some of the most comprehensive neurological profiles for our patients. This means we are able to offer more accurate diagnoses, discover underlying conditions, as well as use the information to create therapy plans that are uniquely designed for each patient.

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How Peripheral Nerves Regenerate

When a peripheral nerve is injured, a rapid process begins where specific cells in the bloodstream flow into the damaged area and start to clean up and digest the injured nerve tissue. The benefit of this process is that it prevents unhealthy scar tissue from developing. This process is medically referred to as Wallerian degeneration.

At the other damaged end of the nerve fibre, also known as the partner end, Wallerian degeneration occurs which helps the nerve to protect the channel within the trunk fibre. This helps the mentioned sprouts of the other end of the nerve to find their way to the partner end without being obstructed by scar tissue.

The regrowth rate of the damaged nerve occurs at one to two millimetres per day at most. In real-life time, this can mean that it can take, for example, between six to nine months for a torn nerve to regenerate from a branch in the neck to the end of the arm.

The most important causes of peripheral nerve damage by medical conditions include diabetes and a vitamin B12 deficiency, which is mainly caused by the excessive intake of alcohol.

Patients who are diagnosed with these conditions need to take extra care in controlling their glucose levels with the correct measures and medications and those affected by a vitamin B12 deficiency should be advised to stop using alcohol and need to have this element replaced through adequate supplementation, respectively.

Can Lyme Disease Affect Gallbladder

How Bad Can Peripheral Neuropathy Get?

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Hereof, can Lyme cause dysautonomia?

Lyme patients with POTS are also at risk for having other types of dysautonomia . If Lyme disease is the root cause of the POTS and GI dysmotility, treating the infection may result in improvement in these symptoms.

Furthermore, can chiropractic help gallbladder? Regular, systematic chiropractic care can help your whole body, including the gallbladder and all digestive organs, function properly. Help your body resume its normal activities with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a regular spine check.

Beside this, can Lyme disease cause gastrointestinal issues?

Children and adolescents often exhibit Lyme disease symptoms in the GI tract. These include abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and blood in the stool. Gastrointestinal Lyme disease may mimic colitis or Crohn’s disease.

Can you heal Lyme without antibiotics?

It’s certainly possible for people to get Lyme disease and to clear the infection on their own, without treatment, says Dr. Kuritzkes. But it’s better to be treated, because some of the complicationslike arthritis and myocarditis and damage to the central nervous systemcan be very serious.

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Risk Factors For Post

Youre at a greater risk for post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome if youre infected by the bite of a diseased tick. If the infection progresses to the chronic stage, your symptoms might continue for weeks, months, or even years after the initial tick bite.

You may also be at a higher risk for these long-term symptoms if youre not treated with the recommended antibiotics. However, even people who receive antibiotic therapy are at risk. Because the cause of post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome is unknown, theres no way to determine whether it will progress to the chronic stage.

Typically, the symptoms of post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome resemble those that occur in earlier stages. People with persistent symptoms often experience lingering episodes of:

  • fatigue

When To See A Doctor

A person should see their doctor if they get a tick bite as deer ticks and black-legged ticks can carry Lyme disease. If a person is unsure about the type of tick that bit them, they can bring it with them in a sealed container.

The symptoms of Lyme disease can take some time to develop. Sometimes, a person may not notice the tick, and it will fall off their body before they have any symptoms.

It is also possible that a doctor will instruct a person to wait a month before undergoing a test for Lyme disease.

During this time, a person should look for early signs of Lyme disease. These include:

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Can Neuropathy Be Reversed

The good news regarding peripheral neuropathy is that peripheral nerve cells grow throughout a persons lifetime so there is always room for renewal of damage or dead cells.

Through clinical trials as well as ongoing treatment, many patients have reportedly felt good as new after early detection of neuropathy and time intervention were carried out. How reversible a particular neuropathic condition will also depend on if the neuropathy is acquiredwhether it is hereditary or idiopathic.

Symptoms Of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease – Explained Simple Borrelioses

If you catch the tick before it burrows into your skin, its possible to prevent Lyme disease from taking hold. If the tick has broken through your skin, a red bulls-eye pattern will form around the bite. By the time you notice this pattern, you will likely need to undergo a round of antibiotics to combat the primary infection and attempt to prevent a series of secondary infections. Early detection and intervention are critically important in preventing a series of long-term Lyme Disease symptoms. Below is a list of conditions associated with Lyme disease as well as the stages at which they occur:

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Does Lyme Disease Go Away On Its Own

Its certainly possible for people to get Lyme disease and to clear the infection on their own, without treatment, says Dr. Kuritzkes. But its better to be treated, because some of the complicationslike arthritis and myocarditis and damage to the central nervous systemcan be very serious.

The type of bacteria that causes Lyme disease is in the same general family as the type that causes syphilis, Dr. Kuritzkes explains. That doesnt mean anything similar in terms of transmission, but syphilis has several different phases, with primary and secondary and tertiary symptoms, he says. The infection can hide out in the body for a long time and can cause problems down the road if its not treated.

RELATED: 11 Ways to Protect Yourself From Ticks

How To Repair Nerve Damage

If you notice any of the above symptoms of nerve damage in yourself, you should immediately get in the office to see your physician.

Delaying or avoiding treatment can cause you to experience some severe complications. Your physician will be able to diagnose you with nerve damage through a physical exam and review of your symptoms.

Once he/she has determined that you do have nerve damage, you will undergo electromyography, which is a nerve conduction test that will determine the extent of the nerve damage. Following are some tips on how to treat and repair nerve damage.

Also Check: Can Your Body Fight Off Lyme Disease

Types Of Nerve Damage

Peripheral nerves can become damaged through two important mechanisms of injury and they include:

  • Physical trauma – direct and high-velocity injuries such as those sustained through gunshots, knife stabbings, crush injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and sports injuries can result in the nerves becoming physically severed.
  • Medical conditions – illnesses such as diabetes, chronic kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, shingles, HIV, hepatitis C, an underactive thyroid, those that result in poor blood flow in the arms and legs, and bone marrow disorders, as well as exposure to heavy metals such as lead and any other disorders that result in a vitamin B1, B6, or B12 deficiency can lead to reduced nutrient and oxygen supply to the nerves causing them to become damaged and dysfunctional.

Repair Nerve Cell And Mitochondria Outer Membrane Damage*

8 Symptoms of Nerve Damage that May be Serious

In neuropathy often the outer membrane of the nerve cell is damaged. This membrane is composed of phospholipid fats called phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine.

Sometimes the energy factories found in nerve cells called mitochondria also get injured. When the mitochondria are injured, nerves cannot generate enough energy to repair. In mitochondrial injury the outer membrane of the mitochondria is damaged. This membrane too is composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine.

There are three products I suggest that include mitochondria membrane fats. These products are all manufactured by Researched Nutritionals. These products are NT Factor Energy, ATP Fuel, and ATP 360. Each of these products contains types of fats shown to repair and support the mitochondria membranes. They also include various micronutrients that support mitochondria function.

NT Factor Energy and ATP Fuel include a proprietary blend of phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylcholine made by another company called NT Factor. In studies with people reporting fatigue, NT Factor in both of these products is shown to improve energy at two months by an average of 40%. ATP Fuel contains CoQ10, but NT Factor Energy does not. CoQ10 should not be used in Babesia treatments that include atovaqone because it interferes with their ability to kill this germ.

Suggested Dosing

NT Factor Energy is the only product to take if a person is on atovaqone found in Mepron and Malarone to treat babesia.

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What Are The Dietary Regulations For Neuropathy

While neuropathy cannot directly be affected by your diet, neuropathys underlying conditions will benefit from a healthy diet. If you have diabetes, then you must consume a diet that is specifically tailored for the same. You can consult with a dietician to formulate the right type of diet for you.

Frequently asked questions about neuropathy

Is walking good for neuropathy?Walking can help manage the pain caused by neuropathy by increasing your muscle strength and reducing your blood sugar levels.

How long does it take for neuropathy to go away?The symptoms of neuropathy can take several months to disappear. However, many people do not recover fully from the nerve damage and can only manage the symptoms.

Can you stop the progression of neuropathy?Unfortunately, neuropathy cannot be reversed or stopped unless you get an early diagnosis. Even then, it is essential to address the underlying cause of the condition to halt it completely.

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What If I Don’t Feel Better After Treatment

If you’re treated for Lyme disease and don’t feel better after youve finished your treatment, talk to your doctor. He or she may recommend a longer course of antibiotics or may be able to prescribe another medication to help with symptoms like joint or muscle pain.

You might also want to seek a second opinion, especially if your Lyme disease diagnosis was not initially confirmed via a two-step blood test. If your body has not responded to antibiotics, its possible that something else besides the bacteria that causes Lyme disease is making you sick. In 2017, for example, the CDC reported on a woman who was given antibiotics and herbal remedies to treat her chronic Lyme disease, when she actually hadand eventually died fromamyotrophic lateral sclerosis .

Even if you do recover completely from a Lyme disease diagnosis, your immune system may continue making antibodies to fight Lyme disease bacteria for months or even years after the infection is gone. Those antibodies wont protect you from getting a second Lyme disease infection, however, so be sure to take steps to protect yourself from ticks in the future.

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Whats The Difference Between Neurologic Lyme Disease And Ms

Olga Syritsyna, MD

Hearing the words you have Lyme disease or you have MS can be quite unsettling. And to complicate matters, when Lyme disease affects the central nervous system, the symptoms can be very similar to MS. So it can be hard to tell the difference to the untrained eye. Many doctors are generalists and not specially trained to diagnose either disease. Dr. Olga Syritsyna is a neurologist with subspecialty training in neurologic Lyme disease and MS.

What is neurologic Lyme disease?First, lets start with defining Lyme disease. Its a seasonal tick-borne infection caused by the borrelia burgdorferi bacteria that can affect multiple organs and systems in the body. Its named after Lyme, CT, where it was first identified in 1975. In about 15 percent of cases, Lyme disease affects the central nervous system. When it does, it is known as neurologic Lyme disease. Sometimes, people who think they may have Lyme disease find out they have MS . Lyme disease as an infection can act to trigger MS attacks. This is why being seen by a neurologist specially trained to know the differences is key.

Why choose Stony Brook for diagnosis and treatment of neurologic Lyme disease?For neurologic Lyme disease, Stony Brook has extensive experience in detecting antibodies to the borrelia burgdorferi bacteria that is carried by ticks and can affect the central nervous system. We do frequent lumbar punctures and perform a variety of tests on cerebrospinal fluid.

Can Lyme Disease Be Cured

Understanding the Persistent Symptoms in Lyme Disease | Johns Hopkins Medicine
  • Can Lyme Disease be Cured? Topic Guide
  • Early Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime axetil. When treated early, Lyme disease can be cured and most patients will recover completely.

    Even when treated in later stages, most patients will respond well to antibiotics, though there may be some chronic damage to the nervous system or joints.

    Lyme disease is an illness transmitted to humans via tick bites, from infected ticks of the genus Ixodes . The tick bite spreads the germ that causes Lyme disease to humans .

    The type of tick that carries Lyme disease feeds on deer and mice, and can only infect a human if it remains attached to a person for at least a day and a half.

    Also Check: What Are The Early Signs Of Lyme Disease

    Stop Rx Meds That Cause Neuropathy

    There are a number of medications that can cause neuropathy. You should review your list of medications with your physician or health care provider. There are three classes of anti-microbials used in Lyme treatments that can lead to neuropathy.

    • azoles including fluconazole , metronidazole, tinidazole, and itraconazole
    • Plaquenil
    • disulfiram

    Pots Constipation And Lyme Disease

    POTS stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome which means the heart rate will increase when someone changes position, from laying or sitting to standing. POTS is very common in late-stage Lyme disease since the autonomic nervous system does not maintain tone in blood vessels causing a drop in blood pressure. When the blood pressure drops, the heart rate has to increase to stabilize blood pressure. Mast cell activation syndrome is another common cause of POTS and MCAS is frequently seen as a consequence of Lyme disease.

    Another common symptom associated with autonomic nervous system dysfunction is constipation. Termed gastroparesis, constipation can happen when the nerve that signals intestinal muscular contraction become damaged by the bacteria and the resulting immune response.

    Don’t Miss: Can Lyme Disease Cause Leg Weakness

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