Thursday, July 25, 2024

Can Bed Bugs Cause Lyme Disease

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Bed Bug Vs Tick Bites

Bed Bugs & Disease – Health Checks

Bat bugs, apart from sharing a similar name to bed bugs, look the most like bed bugs compared with any other insect.The only discernible difference in their appearance is the longer hairs on a bat bugs head. Otherwise, theyre brown, oval in shape, the size of an apple seed, and cant fly despite possessing wing pads. .

Lyme Disease Nymph Tick

In some research studies, 5-7% of nymphs transmitted the Lyme bacteria in less than 24 hours. One paper reported on a case of Lyme disease transmitted after six hours of tick attachment. The risk may be low the first day, but its not zero. Furthermore, some studies show that only 30% of patients with Lyme disease recall a tick bite.

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regularly Do you think the spiderbite continues to affect me? View answer

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If I Don’t See Bed Bugs Does That Mean I Don’t Have A Bed Bug Problem

Just because you can’t see bed bugs, does not mean that they are not still there. Bed bugs are rarely seen in the day, out in the open or on the surface of beds or chairs. They have been described as champions of hide-and-seek. So, it is not uncommon to miss the bed bugs altogether. Bed bugs love to hide in the cracks and crevices associated with mattresses, cushions, bed frames and other structures, which is why it is very important to look for telltale symptoms of bed bugs and signs of an infestation, such as shed skins and specks of blood or feces on linens, furniture, mattresses and other areas where the bugs might be hiding.

Symptoms Of Insect Bites And Stings

Ticks vs Bed Bugs: Your Guide

An insect bite or sting often causes a small lump to develop, which is usually very itchy.

A small hole, or the sting itself, may also be visible. The lump may have an inflamed area around it that may be filled with fluid. This is called a weal.

Insect bites and stings usually clear up within several hours and can be safely treated at home.

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Can One Die Of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease typically marked by a fever, headache, chills, and bulls-eye rash, and later by arthritis, cardiac, and neurological disorders, caused by bacteria that are spread by ticks. Lyme disease is common in North America, Europe, and Asia and is caused by the bacterium borrelia burgdorfi, and infected ticks spread the disease by biting people and/or animals. There are two kinds of ticks that carry Lyme disease in the U.S. They are the deer tick, found in the Northeast and Midwest, and the western black-legged tick, predominantly found along the Pacific coast in northern California and Oregon.

Tick Bites Vs Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs are unlikely carriers of diseases, but their bite can cause skin irritation and a burning feeling.

Some can have little to no reaction, while others pass pathogen diseases, causing rash, fever, headaches, and muscle aches.

If you find a tick near you, remove it quickly with a pointed tweezer and put it in a container of rubbing alcohol. Some ticks can carry diseases.

Bed bugs and ticks are not found immediately, but they can sometimes eat together if parasites have stopped feeding and come off without it being detected.

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What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like

The typical bite from a bed bug looks like any other insect bite. One telltale sign is having more than one bite near each other. They like to be near each other when they feed which can leave clusters of tiny red bumps on areas of your body. Unlike flea bites which are normally concentrated on the ankles, a bed bugs bites can be anywhere on your body that was exposed while you were sleeping.

Complications That May Arise From Scratching Bed Bug Bites

Use Bug Spray to Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes and Ticks

Bed bug bites can cause various complications if a person is extremely allergic to them. To some, treatment is unnecessary. The amounts of suffering you can experience from these bites depend on your bodys reaction.

Bed bug bites do not spread when scratched, but scratching can lead to skin infections. Bacteria thrive in our environment, waiting for their turn to enter our system. Repeated scratching of bed bug bites can lead to skin breakage. This tiny opening will allow bacteria or viruses to go into your bloodstream.

If left untreated, pus may develop at the site of infection. If the scratching continues, the discharge from the affected area can spread the infection to other parts of your skin. Thus your simple bed bug bites can be life-threatening if the infection is left untreated. Some of these infections caused by bacteria are ecthyma, cellulitis, and lymphangitis.

Some people can have an extreme allergy to bed bug bites. Therefore, they may show extreme symptoms from the bites on their skin. It can trigger a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. The victim will start to feel like they have a lump in their throat and may have difficulty swallowing.

To avoid further complications from bed bug bites, it is best not to take these bites for granted. They may look small and less dangerous, but they can still develop into more complicated skin problems.

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Figure 2 Bedbug Breakfast Lunch Dinner Sign

Bites may become superinfected, particularly with scratching. Some have noted that patients who have endured bedbug infestations may experience severe emotional or psychological symptoms from their experience.9,10 In massive infestations, patients have been reported to develop anemia from an overwhelming bite burden, particularly among infants or disabled patients in neglectful circumstances, or adults with substance abuse problems.11-13

Bedbugs never have been demonstrated to transmit human pathogens between individuals or households.14,15 However, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus have been found to colonize bedbugs from impoverished communities,16 suggesting their capacity as vectors is still incompletely understood.


Treatment for bite lesions typically is symptomatic, with the use of topical antiseptic creams to prevent infection, and topical corticosteroids and oral antihistamines to reduce itching and inflammation.17,18 However, more worrisome is addressing control and elimination of bedbugs from the environment. Because of the propensity of bedbugs to hide in cracks and crevices and the nonspecific nature of bite reactions, infestations may become quite severe before the inhabitants become aware of their presence. Detection of infestations can require expertise, and technologies under development include pheromone-sensing systems, and bug-sniffing canines have been used to assist elimination efforts.19

Bed Bugs Feed On Blood Like Mosquitoes And Ticks Can Bed Bugs Also Transmit Diseases Like Malaria West Nile Or Lyme Disease

Becoming a victim of a bed bug infestation is certainly devastating, but the public can rest easy knowing that these pests are not known to transmit any diseases. While it is true that some pathogens have been detected in and on bed bugs including hepatitis B, and exotic organisms such as Trypanosoma cruzi or Wolbachia species, unlike mosquitoes and ticks, bed bugs have not been associated with disease transmission.

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Stage : Small Oval Rashes Or A Reddish Lump

When a tick that causes Lyme disease bites you, it infects you with bacteria. Without treatment, the bacteria can spread to other areas of your body. Stage 2 begins when the bacteria spread to other parts of your body.

During this stage, you may see small, oval rashes on your skin. Some people develop a bluish-red lump.

Where you see these signs: Because the infection has spread, small rashes can appear anywhere on your skin, except for your palms and soles. Most rashes appear on the arms, legs, and face.

Some people develop a lump, which your doctor may refer to as borrelial lymphocytoma. In children, this lump tends to appear on an earlobe. Adults often see a raised growth form around a nipple.

Borrelial lymphocytoma on a childs ear

This can appear in stage 2 of Lyme disease.

What you may see on your skin: The rashes that appear during stage 2 differ from the rash that can appear in stage 1. In stage 2, the rashes stay the same size rather than grow larger.

When the rashes, lump, and symptoms begin: About 30 to 45 days after the tick bites you, you may notice rashes or a lump. These can also take longer to appear, sometimes six months or more.

Some people develop symptoms, which make them feel ill, including:

  • Fever

  • Shortness of breath and dizzy spells

  • Bells palsy, which causes one half of the face to droop

  • Heart problems, such as chest pains or an irregular heartbeat

How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Can Bed Bugs Carry Lyme Disease

When it comes to controlling bed bugs, “do it yourself” should not be anyone’s motto. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate – 76 percent of pest professionals say they are the most difficult pest to control. As such, people who suspect a bed bug infestation should turn to a qualified pest professional with expertise in treating these pests. The pest professional will evaluate the extent of an infestation and recommend the best course of treatment. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention endorses that appropriate control of a bed bug infestation requires an experienced pest management professional and recommends that victims be advised against attempting to control measures themselves.

For more information on bed bugs, watch the video below or check out our All Things Bed Bugs hub.

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General Bed Bug Concerns

There are a few ways bed bugs can impact the health and well being of you, your family, and anyone else living in your home.

Bites Bed bug bites may be slight at first, but they inevitably start to become itchy, uncomfortable welts as bed bugs continue to feed, over time. These bite wounds are numerous because each individual bed bug bites several times.

Anemia If bed bugs are allowed to draw your blood over and over again, it can lead to a condition called anemia. This condition can have serious implications for your health if not dealt with. Early symptoms are fatigue, lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath.

Sleeplessness If bed bugs keep you up at night, this can lead to sleep deprivation. At first, this is only a minor inconvenience, but it can become a serious threat as it can impact your ability to operate a vehicle and can cause anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Disruption The most common way bed bugs harm people is by disrupting their lives. Bed bugs can cause trouble for your kids at school and they can cause friends or family to not want to visit you. This can put a stop to birthday parties, game nights, and other gatherings you have at your home.

What Diseases Do Ticks And Bedbugs Transmit

Although there is some evidence that bedbugs can be vectors for hepatitis Band Chagas disease, most bedbug bites do not transmit diseases. However, they can cause severe itching and may become infected with bacteria, leading to cellulitis. In North America, the following diseases can be caused by tick bites. A single bite may cause one or more of the following:

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What Specialists Treat Lyme Disease

A primary-care provider such as a family practitioner, internist, or child’s pediatrician may initially diagnose Lyme disease. In areas where Lyme disease is common, these physicians often treat the illness, as well. However, you may be referred to a specialist for treatment. Rheumatologists specialize in diseases that affect the joints and muscles, including infectious diseases such as Lyme disease. You may also see a neurologist if you experience nerve problems or an infectious disease specialist who can help treat Lyme disease in the later stages.

Why Didn’t I Wake Up Or Even Notice When The Bed Bugs Were Biting Me

Ticks can cause Lyme disease and tick paralysis – Lance Owens, DO

Bed bugs typically feed at night when we are sleeping. Even though these pests commonly feed for 5 minutes, the bite itself is painless and usually goes undetected at the time. In fact, bed bugs inject an anticoagulant as they feed, which makes feeding easier for the bed bug and also less detectable to you. Although you may not see the bed bugs, or feel their bites, they know when you are around. Bed bugs are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide. So, if you are alive, warm, and breathing – then you are broadcasting loudly and clearly to all nearby bed bugs that “dinner is served!”

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How To Protect Yourself From What Ticks Carry Lyme Disease

Lyme disease can cause many health problems that range from inflammation of the joints to neurological and heart problems. And because immunity thru a vaccine to Lyme disease has yet to be developed and administered to people, you need to take on a more active role in keeping yourself and your loved ones safe against tick bites.

But how exactly can you protect yourself from Lyme disease? Prevention is one way not to worry about what ticks carry Lyme disease. To get you started, weve listed down the following guidelines:

What Are The Symptoms And How Do You Treat Them

The first indication of an infestation is itching and scratching at the back of the head or around the ears. The nits are small, oval shaped eggs that are glued to the hair near the scalp. These are easier to see than the lice themselves. If you see nits or lice you can treat them with over the counter or prescription shampoos. Re-treatment in seven to ten days is recommended.

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Are Bed Bugs In Oklahoma City Dangerous

There are many insects that spread diseases. When an insect bites you, tiny microorganisms can move from the insect into your bloodstream. If your body can’t fight off these organisms, you can get sick. Mosquitoes spread scary diseases like malaria, West Nile, and Zika. Ticks spread Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Fleas can make you sick from murine typhus, bartonellosis, and bubonic plague. So, how do bed bugs rate? At the time of this writing, there are currently no confirmed cases of disease transmission between bed bugs and humans. There is, however, research evidence that bed bugs can carry and transmit the protozoa responsible for Chagas disease, and they have been found to have other disease candidates. While this is a concern, it is not yet a real-world concern.

What Are Lyme Disease Causes And Risk Factors

Lyme Disease Bed Bugs

B. burgdorferi bacteria cause Lyme disease. The bacteria have a complex life cycle, spending part of their life in the deer tick and part in some mammals such as mice and deer.

Humans are not a part of the bacterium’s life cycle but can become infected when bitten by the tick. Lyme disease is not contagious and cannot be passed from person to person.

While dogs and cats can get Lyme disease, there are no reported cases of these animals spreading the disease to their owners. However, dogs and cats can bring the infected ticks into the home, which is one reason why tick protection for pets is important. Talk to a veterinarian about the right type of tick control for any pets.

Risk factors for getting Lyme disease include the following:

  • Living in the northeastern or Midwestern U.S. states where the disease is most prevalent
  • Being outdoors in the woods or areas that have tall grass, shrubs, or brush
  • Fishing, camping, hunting, yard work, hiking, and other outdoor activities in tick-infested areas
  • Having bare, unprotected skin when outdoors in high-risk areas
  • Pets who are not protected against ticks may bring them indoors.
  • Not removing attached ticks promptly

The initial infection can occur with minimal or no signs or symptoms. But many people experience a flu-like primary illness or a characteristic rash several days to a few weeks following a tick bite. This rash may feel warm to the touch but is rarely itchy or painful.

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What Should I Do If I Have Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bites do not typically require treatment. It is best to clean the bite site with soap and water and avoid scratching so as to prevent secondary infection. Progressive swelling, warmth, tenderness and sometimes fever may be signs of secondary infection, which should be managed with antibiotics as appropriate. Much more common are complaints of itching. For how to treat bed bug bites that cause severe itching, topical steroid creams or oral antihistamines may offer relief from itching and thus decrease the risk of infecting the bite site.

When To Get Medical Advice

Contact your GP or call NHS 111 for advice if:

  • youre worried about a bite or sting
  • your symptoms do not start to improve within a few days or are getting worse
  • youve been stung or bitten in your mouth or throat, or near your eyes
  • a large area around the bite becomes red and swollen
  • you have symptoms of a wound infection, such as pus or increasing pain, swelling or redness
  • you have symptoms of a more widespread infection, such as a high temperature, swollen glands and other flu-like symptoms

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